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6 points
So you're saying some people can't enjoy something they may have been wanting to do for a whole off season & may or not be able to ride or do it because they simply can not fork out the extra 35 dollars for each pass so they can also skip line? No, I'm sorry but it just doesn't roll with me. Then don't show up at the park, or perhaps attend on a day when fast pass isn't needed, or just wait out the longer lines and ride things a few less times on a visit. Its pretty easy, the more money you are willing to spend on something, the better opportunities you're going presented with for that money. If I spend more money, I can buy a bigger house, nice car, nicer meal and if I'm willing to fork over a ton of money, I could probably even rent out KI for a day all to myself. If you expect the same experience as everyone else, you're going to be dissapointed with life.2 points
2 points
Wow. BB1, you may have finished therapy! You actually called all the slides by their new Soak City names! I'm so proud.2 points
So today (6/29), I went to the park with 2 other people (making for an uneven riding group). Now, insead of going on about the same stuff you guys always hear about, I decided to do something different. Instead of telling you what I did at Kings Island, I'll just give out pointers about what I heard and saw today. Delirium was making a couple test runs as the storms cleared out. I find this to be a good sign (it was also making runs yesterday)--I would look for this to open relatively soon. Ride operators were very funny. Despite the hot and sticky weather, they seemed to be in pretty good moods. Ride associates are very good about emergencies and park guests (you'll hear more later). Workers of all sorts were reccommending getting water and staying hydrated. Some Planet Snoopy ride ops are somewhat obnoxious, something I find not appropriate for the younger kids. On Adventure Express, the 2nd lift soundtrack was turned off, but it was the first time I saw Bubba's mouth move? If I think of anything else about my day, I'll add. But here's probably the better part of my TR. The Storms- We three saw the storms creeping up on Action Zone. We all said "Hey. It's gonna rain!" So naturally, we headed to White Water Canyon. Thinking it would only be a mild rainfall, we thought "Well, we're gonna get wet anyways, so lets get soaked!" As we headed towards White Water Canyon, the sky began to darken. We rented a locker for 2 hours, then went to White Water Canyon. We were at the turntable, and they were starting to get people out of the rafts. A ride associate came by telling us that they were closed, so we could either wait it out or seek shelter elsewhere. She did reccommend that we seek shelter, as "it's supposed to get really bad." So we turned around, and I made the helpful decision of "Well, why don't we just stand under a tree and wait it out!" For 500 points, will anyone tell me why that is a bad idea? It was asked legitly, by the way. It's no secret that White Water Canyon is a bit off the beaten path, right? The humidity dropped immensly as we were walking back, and the winds started to pick up. There were small sticks and branches flying. As the wind began to pick up (it was reported that it was 80 mph at the worst), us three and about 20-30 other people who were in line ran as fast as we could to the first covered bridge that you encounter (goes above the train tracks). We all crammed in there (both the exit and the queue), and ducked. Following that, a huge tree limb snapped right before us, blocking our way to appropriate shelter. There was a ride op on the queue side of the bridge. When the wind and rain died down enough, she told everyone to get off the bridge, go around to where you could walk across (a walkway between the exit and queue--which wasn't far), and come back through the queue side so you could climb under the limb. The ride ops all came by to help at this point. The ride op above asked if we were OK, and the other 2 were on either side of the tree limb making sure it wouldn't fall ontop of us. We all had to crouch to get under, but we all got to shelter safely. Thank God nobody was hurt. Now here's a nice touch that I praise Kings Island highly for: Security, Maintenence, and all the Ride Operators were there to assure us that we would be safe, and to seek shelter immediately. They were all very confident, reassuring, and professional, and helped keep the patrons calmed. Thank you Kings Island! So, most of us either headed out to A. Rivertown Junction or B. The area behind the World's Greatest Funnel Cake stand. I chose the latter. As I was waiting, I saw the 2 Maintenence officials hop over the Race for your Life Charlie Brown fence with a chainsaw. The thing I liked about this was that they immediately began clearing the path, not waiting for better weather. I don't know if anyone else would understand, but it made me feel a whole lot better. Now, I don't know if any of that made any sense at all, but if it didn't, tell me and I'll edit it!1 point
1 point
Everyone has the right to occasional stupidity. Just as long as it remains purely occasional. On a more serious note, I like how the employees responded to the storm damage, getting you guys out and being right on top of getting rid of that big limb.1 point
I totally agree with your logic about there being a balance between the cost & effort of operating a program and the revenue it produces. (I have spent the better part of the past few decades making precisely those types of calls throughout my career.) My comment was simply one of the perspective of a guest. And, my perspective is that what I have observed from the program, it did not seem to be handled well. Maybe I have observed "off" days, or my experience is not the norm. But, that's not really the point...the point is that I walked away (as did the others I was with) with a negative opinion of how the program was operating. There's not really a "right" or "wrong" slant to that (nor am I really trying to argue that my opinion is any more valid than someone else's perspective)--it's purely the opinion and perspective of a group of paying guests on a particular day. I'm not trying to be unfairly critical of Cedar Fair (or, act as an apologist for them either...).1 point
I think the beauty of those programs where it has been implemented well is that it becomes almost invisible to everyone. Hopefully, if the revenue opportunities warrant it at the CF parks, those type systems will be invested there eventually as well. I will agree that it may not be fair of me to expect CF to have deployed that same sort of operating technology at this point in their program...after all, they're still only about a year out from a CEO who believed Blackberries were "toys" as opposed to a legitimate business tool :-)1 point
1 point
How are not able to ride because of the Fast Pass program? Bennett...Cramhole? Brilliant retort, I see your point perfectly! Is that even a question I'm able to answer, say you're waiting for DB at night, and all these people with Fast Lane rush in, and your'e right at the spot where the people stand with their measuring sticks, & they say, sorry we're closed. What I was getting at was people who travel from long distances and can only spend one day at the park get skipped by people just because they can give out more money, comprende? If you're in line before 10:00, you can ride, so that would be your fault for getting there late.1 point
What's with all the Debbie-Downers? It's Friday. A holiday is approaching. KI is open. SoB is closed. QUIT BEING SO F'ING SERIOUS! Thank-you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.1 point
Because no one replies to your random off topic requests about car parts? Probably because the site is geared more towards an amusement park...1 point
This back and forth between you two is making me self-conscious about my username. I gotta say that I was expecting it to be jam-packed, too. Glad that wasn't totally the case, BB1.1 point
I'm willing to bet the highly successful and more current brand would command a higher royalty / licensing fee. The question therefore is whether that higher fee would be justified? I personally didn't see a drop going from nick to Snoopy so can't imagine much gain going from Snoopy to Nintendo.1 point
Yes you DESERVE to go to the front of the line if you choose to give KI some of your money for a wristband that allows you to walk past other patrons who have chosen not to participate. Just like you DESERVE to walk through the gates because you chose to give KI some of your money for a pass or ticket that allows you to visit KI while others sit at home and watch you on the webcams. I'm really not understanding the problem.1 point
I thought Fushiondude was speaking in Cher-ese... "♫ Erf er cern tern berck term... erf er cern fernd serm way... Er'd terk berck therse werds thert hurt you, and you'd sterrrrrr...♫"1 point
1 point
Im at level 4 and still have all my perks. Saving for a rainy day,or maybe the fourth of July,i cant decide?1 point
Are these the same TripAdvisor reviews where people complain that they didn't look at the calendar and showed up on a buyout day or are upset because they spent most of a day in the park and are refused a full refund? I think some of them need to be taken with a grain of salt...1 point
Booboo's Baggage Claim. I still hate Paramount for taking him out. That and the Flying Eagles.1 point
The page linked in post #9 above indicates that participants can purchase discounted tickets to KI. And besides, we're dealing with 10- to 14-year-olds here. They're going to want to relax and have fun when not playing, and KI is the obvious choice. Also, don't forget that there are teams coming from as far away as Georgia for this tournament. The kids will want to see the local attractions, and that naturally includes KI. Sorry but a baseball tournament isnt going to generate thousands of extra guests. A few hundred is more like it.1 point
It's been a while since the last diversion. An enjoyable interlude. Diversion.1 point
Enchanted Voyage is legendary to some of us of a certain age. These young whippersnappers today don't know what they missed.1 point
I liked the elephant too! I would stand there as a kid and wait for it to blow water out of it's trunk and try to get splashed a little. It's cool that he sits out by Jungle Jim's now so I can still see him! And yes, there was a place where you could sit under vines. It was a tunnel that connected 2 of the walk ways and it was right over by the entrance to Hanna-Barbera Land. It would bring you out by the log flume over in River Town. I loved walking through there. It's a shame it's gone!1 point
Wow... I have so many vivid memories of the original HB land from back in the day... My most favorite is the "Puppet Tree" which I wish I could go back in time to see again. But I also recall fondly... The Beastie - before it was The Beastie. It was the Scooby Doo Coaster and had manual hand brakes and was painted yellow. The Balloon Girls that frequented the area in ruffly bright colored dresses holding huge bunches of balloons with the HB characters and KI logo on them. The UNCOVERED and miserably hot loading platform and queue for Enchanted Voyage. Winsome Witches Cauldrons - the original multi colors on the cauldrons that were later painted black with flames and were terribly hot to sit on in the summer! The House of Cards Sunshine Turnpike and the distinct gas/oil smell those cars had. The "Stone" Flintstone benches The Flintmobile replica The Rainbow arch entrance to "The Happy Land of Hanna Barbera." The large "tarp" that covered a few of the smaller round-about rides. and... oh I'll let a few others chime in...1 point
Yep, I've always thought that a Mario Land would be much more fun and appealing than Planet Snoopy. It just makes more sense for today.1 point
1 point
Maybe the guy was demonstrating the new proposed procedure to be carried out on all line jumpers. Mike B.1 point
The best system to avoid senseless lawsuits is to have the process that England has. If you bring a lawsuit and you loose, then YOU pay for the other party's legal costs. This is why companies settle out of court because it is cheaper than to mount expensive legal costs to defend yourself in a lawsuit. Dang, I just got a charlie horse riding that rough roller coaster, I am going to sue the pants off that park!1 point
Tis good I don't handle the KI FaceBook page. I'd be tempted to reply: "You can't handle the truth!"1 point
1 point
1 point
This Wednesday (6/27)? As a person who has been a member of this message board since 2003 why would you make such and audacious claim? (unless you actually have intel, or don't want to be a member of this board anymore... )1 point
1 point
1 point
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1 point
Which might produce vertigo. Or, put another way, the coaster colors and sign colors face/off.1 point
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