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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2013 in all areas

  1. I would say more of a Dinoversion!
    7 points
  2. ^ Pretty sure Terpy knew what he was doing. Dude is the pun master.
    4 points
  3. Looks like new themeing for BLSC. I was hoping for new gravel, but this works too.
    4 points
  4. I went to the Reds game last Friday against the Nationals. We went on my aunt's company night, and they had seats under the smokestacks in center field. We sat two rows behind the fence and had a great view of all the homeruns leaving the yard. My family and I got there just as the Reds were about to bat in the bottom of the first. As I walked around, I noticed five new things around the park. 1.) There are two Frisch's Big Boy Concession Stands which looked as if they were pretty successful. 2.) There are three rows of new seats over the visitor's bullpen. 3.) There is a giant neon Budweiser sign in the field concourse. I believe this is a league-wide development, as multiple ballparks like Toronto's Rogers Centre were also sporting the same sign. 4.) There are substantial price rises in many things around the ball park. For example, the Kroger Meal Deal went up from $7 to $9. 5.) The Reds Car Race and Mr. Red's Race have been combined into one. Other than that, it was a chilly but great night for baseball. With the Reds winning 15-0 against a "top" team in the NL, it was great. Plus, Shin Soo Choo threw me the ball he had been tossing to Jay Bruce before the 8th inning. It was my first ball caught. I ended up giving it to my little cousin who was sitting behind me and didn't have a chance to catch it. The Reds will be a top contender for the World Series this year. Choo is a great addition, and if they aren't plagued by injuries, they'll be fine. I will go even as far as to say that Heisey deserves a chance to challenge Ludwick (when he comes back) for the starting role.
    3 points
  5. And here it is! https://www.cedarpoint.com/blog-article/online-fun/Its-Here
    3 points
  6. Most will need larger than a medium. Terp, who just HAD to.
    2 points
  7. Cardiac arrest. One has to wonder if the family discord after Will's untimely death contributed. Terribly sad. I feel for Pat and the entire Koch family.
    2 points
  8. The new X-BASE Port a Potties?
    2 points
  9. Depends on how large a "medium" is. One company's "small" is another company's "large". Does the medium on which you are going to print have a sizing guide you can share? For example, I wear a large from here: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=mu.shirts A medium from here: http://shop.fruit.com/info/sizeGuide Or a small when sizing guides lie. (eg. house brands at stores like Macy's)
    1 point
  10. Final Approval of Tourism Tax Incentives Expected Wednesday. CJ Says Hart Has Until Mid-May To decide Whether To Proceed, Hart Says Once Financing Arrangements In Place, Intent is to Proceed: http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20130408/NEWS01/304080093/Agency-consider-approval-Wednesday-state-incentives-Kentucky-Kingdom
    1 point
  11. i dont remember ever seeing the waterfall features in the original location.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. How did your "shirt abuse" go? Did you decide on materials and printing?Orders will need to happen very soon if they'll be available on Opening Day. (21 days!) It went well. We've decided upon the medium we are going to print, now I just need to finalize the design. Design should be up tonight or tomorrow as long as I don't have other jobs coming in.
    1 point
  14. Water swings structure going in at original location! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151384812387199&set=a.337714677198.150905.337613147198&type=1&theater Looks like they have totally removed the waterfall affect from that platform. Who knows when they did that. One think I liked when they added the water swings!
    1 point
  15. When in rains it pours in SC, IN! My prayers and thoughts are with everyone involved and the other situation as well!
    1 point
  16. I would like to see the ROI on these new scenes at the end of the year. Do they really pull in more people, and repeat visitors?
    1 point
  17. I would like a new wooden roller coaster yes, it does seem like wooden coasters are making a come back in the theme park industry. I believe that with Cedar Fair, we may just get a roller coaster, but the chances of a wooden coaster is 1-(insert how many kind of coasters there are here) now and I don't think any "Son of Beast 2.0" or "The Revenge of the Son of Beast" would come out from such company. Sorry stalin, your idea is beginning to stall, and it may become spam.
    1 point
  18. Thoughts & prayers.
    1 point
  19. Wow. It certainly has been a rough couple of years for that family. Thoughts and prayers. Its amazing the impact that the Koch family has had on Santa Claus, IN.
    1 point
  20. Uhh you forgot about Woodstock express.^^^
    1 point
  21. Is it completely insane to possibly have a.. sort of rebuild of Son of Beast, or really any wooden ride in the open space there? The only ones we have are beast and racer, and.. I dunno, I miss the SoB a lot. I don't know where I'm going with this, so can someone else finish my thought or me?
    1 point
  22. I can be to IB from the west side of Indy in about 1.5 hrs. HW is 3 hrs away from the west side. KI is exactly 2 hrs away.
    1 point
  23. Disney did build Dick Tracy, but it got rethemed to Buzz Light Year. Also next time your in Hollywood Studio look at Pizza planet it was going to be a Muppet restaurant.
    1 point
  24. They say good ideas never die at Disney... Plenty of times now, a project that never came to be popped up elsewhere. Tokyo DisneySea, for one thing. Countless rides and attractions across their parks began in concept years or decades ago and were revived later and elsewhere.
    1 point
  25. I wish more parks would release stuff like this. I'd love to know what Cedar Point's other ideas were during the "coaster wars."
    1 point
  26. My bet is on Dinos, as the park has mentioned on their site that Dinos are going to be expanding with a new scene.
    1 point
  27. I think we need some more Planet Snoopy rides as well and also possibly a "snoopyfied" wild mouse coaster We need those Snoopy "tea cups". I still miss the witch's cauldrons. More rides in Planet Snoopy? Are you crazy?! It's insanely packed in there already and has plenty of rides. There is always room, my friend
    1 point
  28. I think we need some more Planet Snoopy rides as well and also possibly a "snoopyfied" wild mouse coaster We need those Snoopy "tea cups". I still miss the witch's cauldrons. More rides in Planet Snoopy? Are you crazy?! It's insanely packed in there already and has plenty of rides.
    1 point
  29. That would be fairly odd, especially since the coaster started life as a canine.
    1 point
  30. It takes all that equipment to add item-storage bins for Firehawk?
    1 point
  31. I cant wait to see Gatekeeper in action on video! Please post who ever gets it first!
    1 point
  32. It wasn't. It was Scooby Doo! And it hadn't been reprofiled any, either.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. That que will be cold when the wind blows off the lake in October, but shall have a nice refreshing breeze in July and August.
    1 point
  35. Here are the pictures and quotes from the blog on Cedar Point's website. I'm glad there will be true sunshades over Gatekeeper's queue, unlike Firehawk's solitary triangles that offer very little, if any, shade. Also note, there will be a gift shop at the exit of the ride.
    1 point
  36. That has been told as well as myself, I wish that it would occur, possessed tikis, it all has been asked, yet still not answered. I sense a darker presence this year, one darker than ever before, a new haunt, or haunter that brings a darker horror to this Kings Island this year. I should really elaborate on the subject, so I can do so here. A new demented presence will come to this '13, a haunt so chilling, even the graves will shake. Screams will become the music to thy ears, while blood and tears become the drink of this dark masquerade. The Haunt will grow thicker, and more decayed than any Haunt of it's kind. Kings Island, scare and only. A diversion? A BB1 prophecy? Or a BB1 crazy talk? The spirits know... Kinzel's coming back?Terp, who just HAD to.
    1 point
  37. Just to add a little something, though not much, here's a picture of me and my big brother at Kings Island when we were little. I think I'm about 3 years old here (maybe 4, I'm on the left). We later discovered that my brother was deathly afraid of heights which explains the concerned look on his face. I, on the other hand, was ready to fly.
    1 point
  38. Photo #40 - Amazon Falls - 1988
    1 point
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