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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2014 in all areas

  1. Ugh. SO then the park would have one wood coaster.
    10 points
  2. What?! Kentucky Kingdom didn't win the Public Relations award?! I'm shocked!!
    9 points
  3. Agree don't touch The Beast. I wouldn't mind an RMC coaster added but would one a completely new one. RAcer and Beast are both classics, and part of Beast's appeal is the roughness.
    8 points
  4. 2014 might have been one of, if not the best seasons that I have experienced at Kings Island. I remember opening day and that gigantic crowd for Banshee. Completely worth the wait. It seems as I wasn't the only one who thought so! As I looked among the crowd, everyone seemed to have a smile on their face. Even after opening day, the park got a lot of buzz! I remember my Grandparents who live far away asking me "Have you been on the Banshee? I heard about it on TV." Haunt was fantastic and FunTV in the queues was a nice touch.
    6 points
  5. Another one for the ages!
    4 points
  6. That HUSS. Not unlike the big blue B&M giga at Cedar Point before Gatekeeper.
    4 points
  7. If so, I have a dozen donuts that say it won't be an INTAMIN.
    4 points
  8. I have to admit, all the giga coasters have some sort of awe inspiring support structure to gawk at, F325 being no exception.
    3 points
  9. Son of Beast has doubtless informed Cedar Fair coaster investment decisions. Life cycle project costs are important. Steel coasters over time deliver far better on a cost basis. This is one of the factors driving the SIX redos. See also Gwazi. Hercules. Rattler. Texas Giant. Mean Streak. Rolling Thunder. Predator. Georgia Cyclone. Comet at Great Escape. I could go on...
    3 points
  10. Rain rain go away.....Fury 325 will strike another day....
    3 points
  11. One thing we can imagine is that even with past performance not necessarily indicating future performance as powers and strategies change, Cedar Fair is still tending to share concepts between parks. That can be good (Planet Snoopys, B&M inverts, Disk-o coasters, Dinosaurs Alive, Triotech dark rides) and bad (Boo Blasters, WindSeeker, etc). In that regard, the absence of any modern wooden coasters (assuming we don't include GCI, who they've worked with a few times in the past 5 years) would seem to indicate that that's not the route Cedar Fair is taking... yet. Same with revamps of wooden coasters the way Six Flags is doing. Their big thing after acquiring the Paramount Parks seemed to be getting those new parks "up" to Cedar Fair's standards, which necessitated a big tall fast shiny colorful steel coaster in each. They've since gone through and added a second at most parks in terms of large single attraction investments. So far, a round of modern wooden coasters distributed around them hasn't been part of that. With a new emphasis on family, that could conceivably change? I think every Cedar Fair park would benefit from a Prowler or Gold Striker, and a more modern wooden coaster might be even more desirable.
    3 points
  12. Noooo, no RMC on the woodies, we got plenty of steel smooth coasters for those that can't handle the woodies.
    3 points
  13. The park has plenty of steel already; it's time for some timber IMHO. These modern wooden coasters are amazing and a lot of guests are missing out on the unique experience they provide.
    3 points
  14. ^ Do you mean HUSS, or am I forgetting something?
    3 points
  15. And that INTAMIN at Dollywood... Jump2's... WindSeekers, for that matter... From Caiifornia to Missouri... Or the Timberliners on Voyage....
    3 points
  16. I could see us getting one too in a few years and B&M is the most likely candidate to build it. Though there might even be a new popular type in the mean time before we get another. If we do get a giga though I kind of hope there is something different to it to help set it apart from Diamondback aside from just height. Like maybe a wing-rider giga or something.
    3 points
  17. Get thee to Dorney Park. As for Wildcat, go to Coney Island of Ohio and squint a lot. Or, without squinting, there's The North Georgia State Fair in Marietta.
    3 points
  18. It must be the complaints and negativity of the judges... That's what some here would claim!
    3 points
  19. While we're talking Mack here and though I am in favor of any mice coasters, one model I think would suit Kings Island is a water coaster. I feel the dry park could use another water ride, and you'd get a coaster in the same bag. Something like Poseidon at Europa Park. When Vortex's life expires, Mack might be a viable candidate for a replacement looping coaster as well, particularly one that matches Vortex's height requirements.
    3 points
  20. Then there's the poster here dedicated to Nothing But Blue Skys, From Now On. Ceptin' Winters. Sorry for the....diversion.
    3 points
  21. Watch out for beatles. If they've really caught on, sometimes you just have to let it be. Those really make the Spice Girls squeamish. Or could it be the ricochet from their high notes? And come next March, I don't think they'll be born to run to Thunder Road. Now, to bake a cake. Not Cake, but a cake.
    3 points
  22. Whoever thought Kings Island had an average season this year is lacking in perspective.
    3 points
  23. Going back to the water coaster idea. An additional water ride would be cool. However I feel Vortex's spot would go to a bigger ride then a water coaster. Potentially a large coaster to fill the void of Vortex.
    2 points
  24. HUSS saying he didn't do that on porpoise? Terp (known for doing similar things at work, deliberately (you'd be surprised what you can learn that way!)
    2 points
  25. This is different from Amusement Today's Golden Ticket Awards. Some of the categories are interesting, involving things such as "Best Radio Ad," etc. Kings Island didn't take home anything, but many of the winners were overseas. http://www.iaapa.org/about-iaapa/iaapa-awards/2014-iaapa-brass-ring-awards-winners
    2 points
  26. I'm still bitter Wildcat was replaced with bleachers. I miss Wildcat and I miss Demon Drop.
    2 points
  27. I would love to have a Wild Mouse closer to home. As of now, I head to Carowinds for that experience. There is something exhilarating and slightly terrifying about being whipped around those turns. I laugh so hard on that ride while holding on tight. I would ride a spinning Wild Mouse ride at least once. I've only been on one spinning coaster, Sierra Sidewinder, and that was a one time only thing for me. The first few spins were fine; the fact that the spins didn't stop wasn't fine.
    2 points
  28. Couldn't agree more..... ....I'm feeling like I have about 2 dozen donuts telling me that B&M will return....
    2 points
  29. Kings Island was absolutely awesome this year, and I dont have any complaints.
    2 points
  30. As The Interpreter would say, "How quickly they forget"
    2 points
  31. A great dark ride in Oktoberfest would rock.
    2 points
  32. Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom had a nice mouse. Terp, just notin'
    1 point
  33. I'm glad you were able to experience this and share it with us. Although I live about 15 minutes from the zoo, I've never been to the Festival of Lights. It's definitely something I'll have to check out this year.
    1 point
  34. Facebook, Twitter Ineffectuve For Marketing, Waste of Money, Forrester Says: http://mobile.blogs.wsj.com/cmo/2014/11/17/brands-are-wasting-money-on-facebook-and-twitter-forrester-says/
    1 point
  35. Hanson boys have usually been able to get girls to scream--the sound and the fury--in sync. On the other hand, Justin Bieber has made a lot of people scream. Terp, who best go check on his platters.
    1 point
  36. Very good point. Now you just have to go in One Direction to make people scream.
    1 point
  37. The Coasters? Didn't they make girls scream in the 1950's? Terp, who likes to ask questions.
    1 point
  38. ^ 95 degrees; 3 more degrees and it would have made teenage girls scream in the late 90's. The coaster's colors look great in person. I don't think pictures do it justice.
    1 point
  39. Although many on this very site, especially as Banshee footings were being poured, discussed their desire for a certain coaster at the park, not until now do I see that coaster actually potentially in the park's future..... I have been thinking about this lately..... Look at the parks in the Cedar Fair chain that have and are currently installing giga-coasters..... I'm going to throw a possibility out there that maybe as a next coaster, Cedar Fair could very well be considering installing a giga-coaster at Kings Island. Ouimet must see potential in the installation of giga-coasters at the parks, especially based on what's going on at Carowinds, and really, I wouldn't be suprised at all to see, as a next move, the FUN shift towards a giga-coaster of some sort for KI's next coaster. I'm not jumping on a "giga-coaster" bandwagon, I'm just now stating some thoughts on what the next coaster at KI may just be. Just some thoughts. FUN in the future....... Oh Yeah.... "The future is riding on it."..........
    1 point
  40. Yeah, OK- it doesn't need to be smaller. Though to be honest, Mack does offer various sizes of Wild Mice as well- the larger models being called "Large Park" models with higher capacity. (Aka what Knott's got)
    1 point
  41. Same here. I took a vacation with friends the summer of 97, prior to my senior year of high school, and visited Nickelodeon Studios for the first and only time. We actually witnessed filming taking place that day, but for the life of me I cannot remember which shows those were. Below is a video of Adamthewoo shooting a video of the interior.
    1 point
  42. My bad. I just remember the comment about spinning stuff 'cause it relates to me! It's getting so that I can't even look at the rides that spin! Thank you for correcting me.
    1 point
  43. Actually, Terp said put in one of each. A spinning Wild Mouse. And one that does not.
    1 point
  44. Oktoberfest needs some love. I wonder if a German themed dark ride is doable. I would be equally happy with an old-fashioned walk-through attraction like Noah's Ark at Kennywood or Frankenstein's Castle at Indiana Beach.
    1 point
  45. A wild mouse, like Kings Dominion and Carowinds both have, would be a wonderful addition. A wild mouse can be a ride young families can ride together. A spinning wild mouse, though, would mean many adults could not or would not ride. (You can find many even here that cannot tolerate spinning rides. Something happens to many around 18-30, and spinning days are over). Why one or the other? Why not both? One in Planet Snoopy, the other in Coney Mall? One could be substantially larger than the other: capacity goes up and riders are offered diverse choices.
    1 point
  46. Nov. 28th-Jan. 11th, the Circle of Lights in downtown Indy. Nov. 28th- Jan. 4th, Christmas at the Zoo, also downtown. Dec. 21st - ??? Veals Ice Tree, Acton Indiana. It lasted until May 6th last year, though not much to see at that point, lol. Best viewing is usually mid January- late February IMO. I really don't go out much in the winter, cold is not my thing. Special events make me brave the cold, but for the most part, my winter thrills are spent beside the warm glow of my monitor, and TV. This is the time of year I wonder why I live in Indiana, then May comes, and I remember
    1 point
  47. Now that those are checked off the list, I would say a well done dark ride is needed. After that, I can't think of anything else that is needed.
    1 point
  48. Ferris Wheel. We need a Ferris Wheel. I mean, come on.
    1 point
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