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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2024 in all areas

  1. I would love to see a giant swing. I think it would be a great ride to add for the park.
    4 points
  2. I do think there should be one more higher capacity ride in April - May. Either add Delirium or AE to help with capacity.
    2 points
  3. Anecdotally, I know a lot of people who have visited Pigeon Forge in recent years, and people that have frequented the area for many years have commented on the region's increased popularity. As word of mouth about the area continues to spread, DW will no doubt benefit. And good for them, it's nice to see well-run properties reap the rewards of wise investment and understanding that they're in the business of creating memories, rather than the current SF/CF approach, which seems purely transactional with no long term strategy. That said, DW is not going to siphon off guests from "nearby" SF/CF parks, because there really aren't any. What SF/CF should be worried about is their regional parks losing to their regional competition - other entertainment options.
    2 points
  4. The pass CF offers is a tremendous value. And the KI experience is generally second to none in the peer group--rides, associates, atmosphere etc. But the very things that elevate KI are the things that corporate seems to chip away at. Prestige Pass ambiguity which leads to mistrust. Cut staffing in ride operations so that 3 people do the work of 5 (which is noticeable, and the ops were still great, but overworked, eventually their passion will fade). Don't wash the midways daily, so now they look grimy...trash cans can overflow longer, less flowers can be planted...It seems as if they are degrading from Target to Dollar General and bypassing Wal-Mart altogether! The impression I get is that this is not Kings Island's choice, and it was foisted.
    2 points
  5. + 1 for the Grand Carousel. That ride is an absolute treasure.
    2 points
  6. I attended Dorney Park's Winter Chill Out yesterday and got to see Iron Menace in person. I am very excited for this ride! As has been noted many times before, this is something very unique compared to Dorney's competition and will definitely allow them to stand out. It looks a lot taller in person, and the colors really pop. It is shocking that they were able to fit such a huge ride into a piece of property formerly occupied by a Vekoma Boomerang! I am very excited to see the final thematic package for Iron Menace as well as for the surrounding Steel Yard land. The level of detail of what they have done so far is very impressive, especially for a park like Dorney. Kingdom Productions is doing the scenic fabrication; they did the fabrication/paintwork for Adventure Port last year. Everyone there seems very committed to the McTavish Steel backstory, and it's so awesome that the corporate XDS team developed this authentic, regional story to reflect in the park. I also have to note their Ghost in the Machine haunted maze, which we walked through with the lights on. I was absolutely blown away by it! Everyone at Dorney is so excited for this ride. I got the chance to speak to both their Communications Director and their General Manager, and they were so enthusiastic about Iron Menace, Dorney Park, and hosting this event for the first time. It really seems like this project has injected so much new life into the park. I attended Dorney twice in 2022, while I was completing an internship at Hersheypark, and thought it was very "meh." After yesterday, I walked away very impressed and excited for Dorney's future. I can't wait for Iron Menace to open and see where they go from here!
    2 points
  7. April 20 - May 31, 2024 Banshee Sol Spin Woodstock Express Woodstock Whirlybirds June 1 - July 31, 2024 Diamondback Snoopy's Soapbox Racers Woodstock's Air Rail Franklin's Flyers Snoopy's Space Buggies August 1 - October 27, 2024 (Except Fridays, beginning August 16) Orion Mystic Timbers Boo Blasters on Boo Hill The Great Pumpkin Coaster
    1 point
  8. I bought a 2024 KK season pass. I'm looking forward to the different events.
    1 point
  9. We are heading there this weekend. My first time in several years (pre-Wildwood Grove) and her first time ever. It does feel nice to spend the money someplace that genuinely cares about the guest experience.
    1 point
  10. Absolutely love Drop Tower...even though as a big guy it is not the most comfortable to fit into those restraints. Sounds kind of silly, but I love riding bumper cars. Maybe because I have a long commute to work 3 days a week! Have to get that frustration out! Ha! Plus, like my long-lost Eagles, every ride is different no matter how many times you ride. Just wish our version of bumper cars didn't take three years to load and get going and don't go as fast as others out there at other parks. As I get older, it gets harder for me to ride Delirium. Shake Rattle and Roll is still good though. Love that ride! My equilibrium was never good with anything that spins even as a kid. Learned that on a cold night in Texas on a carnival Tilt -A-Whirl when I was about ten. It was not a pretty site. I was so embarrassed.
    1 point
  11. 1) Sol Spin 2) Drop Tower 3) Delirium Sol Spin is just so much fun and easy to ride. I enjoy the fact that is just forceful enough to be thrilling but not so much to where its uncomfortable. Plus the overall feeling of being able to put your arms and legs out and fly is just awesome. Drop Tower has always been fun. Hardly anyone I know wants to ride it with me so its usually one I go alone on because it freaks too many people out. But I like it for the view and the awesome seconds of weightlessness during the drop. Delirium is just a good time. Honorable mentions: -Monster -SRR -Zephyr
    1 point
  12. Part of me thinks their choice in manufacturer was somewhat intentional; granted what choice isn’t intentional? There’s no way Dorney could compete with the likes of Great Adventure or Hershey, but adding a dive is something that gives them a diverse lineup that keeps their competitors from adding something similar. That’s not to say that they won’t someday, heck all three of these parks have inverts from the same manufacturer. “But what’s the point if your competitors are going to eventually get what you got; maybe better?” I argue it’s all about who did it first. If you’re the underdog park that adds something new, you have somewhat of a competitive advantage. Imagine if Great Adventure or Hershey decided they wanted to add a dive a couple of years ago- Dorney probably wouldn’t be able to follow suit because they’re the smaller park. Maybe I’m over explaining it, but I think they made the right choice.
    1 point
  13. If you're the same ItalianChef from PKIGuide, I don't see why you'd need to buy 3 copies anywhere...
    1 point
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