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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2024 in all areas

  1. The festival feel won't be the same without tasting cards. Guests aren't going to go country to country to try things.
    1 point
  2. it should have a picture of a football on it
    1 point
  3. Still no flag. Still no movement. You’d think since they cut so much detail out of this project, they could keep the 1-2 things they DID do actually working.
    1 point
  4. YOU of all people, are advocating for removal of vegetation at a Six Flags park? I NEVER thought I'd see this day!
    1 point
  5. CP should have used the months of down time to install free lockers in the somewhere in the queue line. Management knows how long the ride will be closed (although they don’t want to publicly admit the exact time frame, but given a re-design of “parts”, CP should have had time to be able to the add the free lockers in the queue (instead of saying not enough time prior to opening when the ride has been closed for months). Hopefully over the winter months free lockers will be added. ”Due to the later revision, the integration of lockers into the queue, similar to those at Steel Vengeance, was not possible.”
    1 point
  6. I think they could get away with it now, but if it’s hidden in a fort and no one can go in there then why spend the money to tear it down at this point? I didn’t completely believe that clause either until Dennis Speigel said that he believed that it was true.
    1 point
  7. I’ve never watched your podcast before—it’s really enjoyable. I’m with Ryan that the requirement to not tear down the house seems like a weird thing to request. I wonder what the original sellers’ thinking was on that? I’m guessing it was some sort of homestead that had been in their family for a long time. I have a feeling that requirement would have a difficult time being enforced at this point—first of all, someone from the original sellers would have to care enough to mount a challenge. Plus, KI has been sold three times since the original Taft Broadcasting land purchases—I doubt if that stipulation was included in the sale to Carl Linder, then the sale to Paramount, then the sale to Cedar Fair. But, I guess at this point, what’s the point in spending the money tearing it down? It’s hidden away from view inside the fort, and it gives the park a nice bit of folklore (not to mention you guys a fun topic for your podcast )
    1 point
  8. When it comes to ICEE, at Carowinds you get the proper cup and lid. Kings Island well, the straw is correct..
    1 point
  9. I did as well. Nice portions on each. Also Chef Major blessed us with his presence
    1 point
  10. Chef’s plate today: Sugar Cured Pork Chops, Sweet Potato Mochi Balls, Thai Pickled Cucumbers with Crispy Fried Wontons. It’s great to see Chef Perez putting his culinary skills on display. The pork was incredibly tender, I ended up cleaning my plate.
    1 point
  11. The pasta salad is surprisingly good, if one likes pasta salad (and I do).
    1 point
  12. Recently it occurred to me that the Charlie Brown car is the last car on the train, possibly a nod to how Charlie Brown always feeling like he comes in last.
    1 point
  13. But did he get a new flag? You would think something like that would come with at least a 90 day warranty to get the flag replaced.
    1 point
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