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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2024 in all areas

  1. One key contributor to that is whether or not the landscaping/theme of a ride fits in with the area of the park that the ride is placed in. To go back on Backlot Stunt Coaster, that coaster is officially placed in the "Rivertown" section of Kings Island (a rustic riverside themed area) and is also really close to the "Coney Mall" section (themed to a early-mid 20th century theme park). Given the theme of Backlot is that you're driving a stunt car through an L.A. back lot, it really doesn't fit Rivertown or Coney Mall at all. Now if Backlot was placed in Action Zone instead, I think it wouldn't stand out as much over there given that the original theme of Action Zone from the Paramount era was based on a giant movie set.
    5 points
  2. What I was saying is that they have that column already present in other places so it makes sense that they would continue to use that same design and not a different one.
    1 point
  3. Drove past Coney on labor day...very sad to see how barren and empty the place looks. I remember driving past lesourdsville as a kid and a few old flat rides and the rollercoaster were still standing. The place looked abandoned but not empty like Coney does now. In my mind I know that Cincinnati is probably not big enough to justify having Coney Island and Kings Island but I do miss Coney sometimes. It's a pity that many of the historical buildings will probably meet the same fate as sunlight Pool. Driving past reminded me of childhood memories of going in the early/mid 2000s but it's also a hard pill to swallow that a once charming amusement park is going to be flattened for a music venue
    1 point
  4. I think there's a lot of projects the park plans to address such as Vortex replacement, boo blaster replacement, and maybe a new attraction in the tomb raider building before they retheme Action Zone. At the end of the day, Action Zone is ugly but it's functioning just fine as it is while The Vortex left a section of the park with no major rollercoaster and boo blaster is literally falling apart!
    1 point
  5. My personal opinion is that landscaping does help but there's many other factors in the appeal of a rollercoaster. Terrain, landscape, tunnels/hardscape, and water features all make a ride more unique and aesthetically pleasing. For example I much prefer the trees, tunnels, and scenery around Adventure Express rather than the concrete and gravel around Backlot Stunt Coaster
    1 point
  6. My thought exactly when I saw this Sunday. Guess the “retheme” ship has sailed and KI isn’t on it.
    1 point
  7. Decided to make a 10 inversion infinity coaster concept for The Vortex plot. This coaster would feature a launch and a vertical lift hill. The beyond vertical drop would become the steepest drop in Ohio at 97 degrees (beating out Maverick by 2 degrees). It also in typical KI fashion would use the terrain to its advantage and the drop would be roughly where Vortex's drop was. The ride would be split up in half with 5 inversions in each half. The first half starts with a launch that takes you into a cobra roll, then a banana roll, a camelback airtime hill, and then a corkscrew into a little airtime pop into the first set of brakes that takes you to the giant vertical lift. The drop will feature a hold like what Hangtime and Takabisha have and it would be angled perfectly giving riders a fantastic view of the park. Then after the 97 degree drop you go into a giant sea serpent roll and then go into a massive zero g stall, then after that you go into a batwing element paying homage to the iconic batwing on Vortex placed in the same exact spot allowing for awesome photo opportunities and then after that you go into a helix and then an airtime pop into the brakes. The theming of this ride would be a similar theme to Hangtime at Knott's with a surfing/50's style theme and would go well with Antique Autos, Jukebox Diner, Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and Backlot Stunt Coaster in the surrounding area. The finishing touch on this ride would be a KCL Enginneering lighting package that would really make this back side of Coney Mall really pop at night and would be programmed into the nightly firework show and during special events (ie Haunt and Winterfest it would also feature special synced up light shows at night). I give you all: Hang 10!!'
    1 point
  8. Couldn't agree more. All the greatest attractions in the world wouldn't mean much if it wasn't for the amazing people running them. This goes for some great interactions I've had with food service staff as well. None of them can control the crowd levels or the situations that arise throughout the day, but some recent visits to other parks has made me realize how lucky we are with our staff. Now if only a certain company could realize people are there greatest assets... Here's to an amazing Haunt and Winterfest season. Looking forward to some festive decor and testing over the next few weeks
    1 point
  9. I first off want to say I made the stupid choice of going to the park yesterday because it was an absolutely beautiful day, I had the day off and honestly I knew anywhere I had the idea to go to would probably be busy and or crowded with people, so I made the choice to go to the park for the last official summer season day. Boy I should have just stayed home. Place was absolutely SLAMMED. Even the Fast Lane lines were long. Longer than I've seen in a hot minute at least. I ended up skipping out on a bunch of rides because having been spoiled by just being able to walk right up to the platform of any ride or just about, I simply did not have the spoons to stand around for long dealing with the gobs of humans in every direction. On that note though, I am making this post for a reason. I want to give a big thanks to all the ride ops for the hard work they put in this summer and for working the massive crowd yesterday as best they could. The 6 rides I did decide to do in the 3 1/2 HRS I was there, ya'll did an excellent job making it work. I also want to give special thanks to the ops for allowing me to have my seat of choice when I politely ask for it and goodness I wish I caught the young man's name at Invertigo yesterday. I was a single rider and the line sep was going to place me in a row I did not want to ride in. After I told him I vastly preferred one of the end facing seats he saved row 1 for me and I was incredibly grateful for that. I not only prefer this seat for the view/ride experience, but with ANY invert, they trigger my motion sickness if I do not ride in the front. Not sure why that is, but if I can see the track and everything directly in front of me I'm perfectly fine. Any other seat just does something negative to me. I will tell any line sep I will wait the extra cycles for the front just so I can ride comfortably. As for traditional sit down/floorless inverting coasters I am perfectly fine to sit in whatever row, but inverts require a front seat ride for me not to feel crappy. Moral of the story, that young man did something that might seem small in the grand scheme of things, but it was huge to me. I love our park and our ride ops. You all have made my visits over the years special. And this season is no exception. I'm sure a lot of you will return for the fall/winter season if school and far travels aren't an issue. Keep up the good work and thanks again for being rock stars. Looking forward to an awesome fall season this year! I hope everyone had an amazing summer season.
    1 point
  10. It's disappointing that they are sticking with the architectural culvert style columns, which is a holdback to the late 90s style of Action Zone. To me, this doesn't look promising for a retheme of Action Zone of they are going to retain that aesthetic.
    1 point
  11. Today was the last day of operation for Lookout Lagoon, which is being replaced by Splash River Junction. It opened in 1997 under the name Buccaneer Island. The name was changed in 2004 to Kangaroo Lagoon, and then to Lookout Lagoon in 2012. Probably the most notable thing about it is that it was featured in a couple shots of the Ghost Hunters episode that was filmed in November 2011. I took these photos a few weeks ago, on August 5. It obviously wasn't the flashiest or biggest thing in the waterpark, but I'm surprised the park didn't put out any notices or anything about it closing today.
    1 point
  12. Sorry that the poster has turned this thread into such subject matter everyone. I have hidden them because I don't want to feed into their drivel. I appreciate the kind sentiment and understanding that, even though this is a virtual format, some know me well enough either in real life or here virtually to know that I abhor the fact that racism/sexism/homophobia/etc exists in this world. Critical thinking and situational analysis are rapidly disappearing in our society. Sometimes an ace is an ace (drunk woman in the parking lot who could have been over served in the park or who could have not been) and a diamond is a diamond (chaperone policy allows chaperones 10 minors and the common perception and often reality that the demographic of under 16 can be the line jumpers, cussers, etc and the chaperone was stressed out with them so she got drunk). These things have been discussed and nauseum on this site and humor can be lost on some who see a demon behind every bush.
    1 point
  13. The Antichamber horizontal door, preshow vertical door were controlled by their respective ride associate. The controls for anti chamber were located against the wall to the right of the moving door. Within the controls to open and close the door was a “start show” scene to begin the triangle unlocking lights and sound. We had cue light in the control area that let us know when it was time to open the door to the next room. so basically, the anti chamber position consisted of Separating 77 people into 3 rows wait at the controls. A cue light let you know when the Preshow was ready to load. hit “start show” and at the right moment hit “door open” just as you hear the moving rock sound effect. The fog came from the ceiling in the preshow room. once all the guests were lead into preshow the antechamber ride op closes the door and the process begins again
    1 point
  14. That was always one of my favorite areas in the park
    1 point
  15. sometimes "venues" this large just wanna get an updated overall generalization of multiple areas of their property too, could be for planning general improvements and nothing major, or a mixture of both. I work out at a music venue, and we just did this to the whole property for ****s and gigs basically, because the last time we had the property plotted was 15 years ago, and now its super easy for us to have cad work done for minor offseason additions
    1 point
  16. I only miss that ride more with time. Great pictures. Thank you!
    1 point
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