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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2025 in all areas

  1. I always enjoyed helping out in other areas of the park during the years I worked in the Kings Island marketing department. I parked cars, checked restraints on The Beast, The Racer, Diamondback and Mystic Timbers, made hundreds of pizzas at LaRosa's on International Street, the Festhaus and in Rivertown (I always loaded them up with extra sauce and cheese!), worked games at the basketball by The Racer, Wac-A-Mole, Football Toss, Ring Toss, and 3-Point Challenge, took shifts fielding calls in the Call Center, helped out in the Picnic Grove and Festhaus cleaning tables, worked in the admissions booth selling tickets and season passes, and worked the front gate turnstiles scanning tickets and season passes. I absolutely loved doing these different jobs and always looked forward to getting the call to help out elsewhere.
    5 points
  2. From Kings Island's Instagram story. Construction has gone vertical! https://www.instagram.com/stories/kingsislandpr/3552854966305872985?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MTB4c3NxNzh5N2Jidw==
    4 points
  3. Sell? Well, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Plenty of exciting changes are on the way that will be sure to increase shareholder value!
    4 points
  4. PayScale differences aside. I've always respected managers who were willing to "get into the trenches" as you could call it, with their subordinates. There are plenty of managers who find the work of their subordinates beneath them and do nothing to help out.
    3 points
  5. Lookin' like the back of a beater 2003 Honda Civic with all those stickers
    3 points
  6. What a hero he was to walk away from the air conditioned admin office, right past his SUV taking up two spaces, to toil among the lowly minimum wage workers. I bet the associates were in awe and truly inspired. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
    3 points
  7. Sure, but there's a difference between actually "getting into the trenches" and the occasional performative gesture. Sincerity speaks volumes and a lack of it can leave a lasting impression.
    2 points
  8. "Ok so that's one Whopper with extra cheese and onion, small order of fries and a medium drink? Yes? Ok that order comes to the amount of $81.97. Will that be credit or meal plan?"
    2 points
  9. Ready to go Into The Racerverse in 2025!
    2 points
  10. We all remember the good ole days when a young gent or gal could spark up a black and mild or rip the ole geek bar in the park, before that beautiful privilege was taken away from us. My favorite smoking area was back by WindSeeker, it was peaceful, would watch the ride go up, and down, and up, and down, repeat. Though the X-Base one does hold a special place in my heart, sometime I would chain smoke and feel like a character out of a sci-fi movie, stressed from these GOV nda’s ruining my life, but feeling a brief moment of freedom when I would light up a marb red. What was your favorite smoking area at Kings Island?
    1 point
  11. It's hard to narrow one down, but I think my favorite smoking area has to be Flight of Fear on June 3 and 14, 2014.
    1 point
  12. I need a logo design for the Zimmerman's Pockets charity. @BeeastFarmer you know what to do here
    1 point
  13. Then they will ask you to round up for charity (Zimmermans pockets) but not just the $.03, they will ask to round up to an even $100.
    1 point
  14. I know it doesn't fit the "International" Street theme.... BUT Panda Express doesn't exactly fit in a German "haus" theme either. Grain & Grill Intl. Kitchen at least fits it in name... and some of the offerings therein- except there's not much "grain" and -maybe- one thing is grilled. But, on the BK thing.... no.
    1 point
  15. I bought a lot of FUN stock during the pandemic and did very, very well. I'm selling most off this month as I can see the obvious and inevitable deterioration of their product.
    1 point
  16. After looking over a few topics the original poster started, they are not what we would consider the poster child for good health. Eating BK, and smoking areas. I for one would not dine at Burger King in the park or outside the park. I could not imagine eating a whopper with cheese and onion rings then riding the Banshee. I would only be good for a ride on the bathroom stall after suffering from nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarrhea!
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. This is only for civs, though if some associates want to talk about smoking behind the scenes and their favorite spots go ahead, just clarify for us normies. Imagine lighting one of these up on the second lift of The Beast.
    1 point
  19. Tower Gardens. ”Come crush a few menthol-laced heaters near a framed, yet faded, poster for ‘Mission: Impossible II.’ Don’t go down by the stagnant pond, though. Yeah, the one that’s gated off and where the car from Wayne’s World was once parked?” Topic of the year award already claimed early into 2025, by the way.
    1 point
  20. I think I will pass on the BK idea. Original recipes & creations from the chef is way better and seems to be working for them.
    1 point
  21. But KI already has the king of the burger with the pub burger and meatloaf burger!
    1 point
  22. If you're interested in Kings Island history, here's a piece I wrote for Theme Parks By Don on what the park was like in the years (1972-1978) before The Beast. https://themeparksbydon.com/kings-island-before-the-beast-a-look-back-at-1972-1978/
    1 point
  23. Congrats to Sam Hill on her retirement after 48 years! #ThankYouSam
    1 point
  24. With Kings Island and other SIX parks looking to do minimal staffing across the park, combined with reducing pay and hours, it's hard not to see the guest experience eroding.
    0 points
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