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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. I need to stay off Twitter, I keep seeing all the other parks getting the good stuff. KI is a lot closer to Canada than Knotts. What’s your excuse this time @silver2005?
  2. Dolphins in saw mill, what could go wrong?
  3. Included in dinning plan. What an innovative idea!
  4. Not sure I can get IRA mobilized that quickly, can you give it a few more days?
  5. They just upgraded the theming with “annoying loud coaster overhead” that cost millions, what more do you want? Total soak half the raft waterfalls like at CP would be nice. Lol.
  6. Agreed. And of course much will depend on the status of the Rivertown Freestyle.
  7. Baby steps SOB. Maybe CF could take it to the next level by adopting this donkey and emu that fell in love. Sure to be crowd favorite. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article221276505.html Stocking the Dback splashdown with crocodiles would also be interesting. Surely that gap can be rectified with Jerky and hair gel ads.
  8. Love the “hands up” stick figure for ERT time. Something CF couldn’t do.
  9. It worked out so well last time. I know it’s “different”.
  10. Been thinking about this whole “family friendly” NYE thing. A bunch of small children out in the cold for hours, jacked up on sweets and hot chocolate, up WAY past their bedtime mixed with a bunch of adults possibly wanting a more traditional NYE experience. What could possibly go wrong? Reminds me of a “family friendly” Mardi Gras that some cities put on and not everyone gets the memo (or cares) that it was to be “family friendly” and then parental outrage ensues.
  11. @LuvingKI One would think they run the same WiFi chips but the antennas are likely different. Try this test. Take cases off and run the test on each phone about 10’ line of sight away from the router, with the other phones turned off.
  12. I was going to say the same thing, but if you have kids that really becomes a pain in the you know what to haul them around. They won’t fit easily into the standard size lockers as well. The park could cheaply add 1” of closed cell foam to the seats and that would make a huge difference but securing it could be a problem.
  13. The Q3 conference call mentioned CF cutting 350,000 payroll hours. Cedar Point has posted 2019 park hours and will no longer have 11PM weekday closings. Will Kings Island be reducing operating hours in 2019 as well?
  14. Before you call get educated and have some reports ready and understand them. Go to the Xfinity forum section on Dslreports and make a post there and ask how to generate signal report from your modem so you can post it and get some feedback from the guys that hang out there. Most likely all you have to do is enter the modem’s IP address in a browser and it should be obvious how to get some diagnostic reports about your signal. Somemtimes there are some tech guys from the ISPs that hang out there and can give advise.
  15. 1. My opinion was not unsolicited. 2. I gave my honest opinion. The intro was needlessly long (90 seconds) and boring, very slow and almost all details everyone on this site already knows. The rest was fine. 3. I am glad you liked it. You be you. I will be me. I don’t appreciate videos wasting my time, I can scan walls of text.
  16. Those are the best kind. I dare say even more exciting than a coaster.
  17. What a perfect location for a closed Coke Freestyle stand. Edit: They don’t even need to put the actual machines in, just wall up the station put a big sign on it add it to the park map and leave it locked.
  18. But if you add up all the hills Diamondback has more height.
  19. @LuvingKI If you max out that 1Gbps pipe you will hit that 1TB cap in about 2.5 hours.
  20. Brad, did you drop your phone on the DB lift again?
  21. @BoddaH1994 Awaiting your analysis. So is “Surprise. Surprise!” Supposed to be sarcasm?
  22. I would love to live in a less densely populated area as well but there are prices to be paid for that. I have read articles that available ISPs and plans are becoming nearly as important as school districts and tax rates when people buy a house. Something elected officials need to pay attention to if they want to keep their jobs. Given that molding a NES Classic is fairly easy and the roms are “free” and easily available, the value is mostly in the additional storage and time required to put it together. It can be done with retropie and raspberry pi as well.
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