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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. It actually wasn't as bad as I expected. Longest waits were for Racer (as only 1 side was running), Adventure Express (probably 10 min), The Bat (around 10) and Drop Tower (10-15). I left around 7.
  2. Well said, BFF. Some coasters can be rough around the edges and it can be a good thing (see Adventure Express and Rougarou).
  3. Good advice, bjcolglazier! Also, re: Planet Snoopy: although none of the rides are open for ERT, you can plant yourselves near the entrance to a favorite ride so you can be the first ones on (and possibly marathon to your heart's content, like I did on FOF this morning...).
  4. So, it's been a great day thus far: Started with Mystic ERT, marathoned Flight of Fear (5 times), and I've run into familiar faces throughout the day. Also got stuck on Delirium (platform wouldn't come up at the end of the ride), which was pretty awesome. I enjoyed it, but some other kid (sounded like a tween/teen) was freaking out and his parents were relishing every moment lol. Currently in Festhaus to watch the country show and meeting up with Liz soon. #KIbestday
  5. IMO, Steel Vengeance, Wicked Twister, Valravn, Rougarou, Millenium Force and Dragster are worth the drive. Maverick is worth it, but I haven't been on it since May. Blue Streak and Gemini are also fun. The others have better equivalents at KI (minus GateKeeper, which is fun enough, but it won't get me in the gate lol).
  6. I guess we don't realize what a cool/unique coaster collection we have until we start to think about it. Also, re: CP vs. KI, even though CP has some fantastic and/or unique coasters that are only 3 and a half hours away (Steel Vengeance, Valravn, Wicked Twister, Rougarou, Maverick Dragster, Millennium Force and GateKeeper come to mind...), I feel like KI has an better overall coaster collection.
  7. @IndyGuy4KI: I've got my eye on Kennywood and Six Flags Great America next year... I'd also love to go to Canada's Wonderland, but that may have to wait until 2020 as well...
  8. Just saw the video and the above layout... a launch coaster seems really unexpected for Cedar Fair, especially in a world of GCI's and RMC's. However, it looks like a great addition and I too love the roll out of the station. I think aside from Flight of Fear and Backlot (at all the respective parks), this will be the first launch coaster added to a former Paramount Park. I don't know if I'll get down there this year (still need to ride Nighthawk, Fury, Vortex and everything else since my last trip in 2003), but I smell a trip in 2020... EDIT: (Upon looking at the layout again) Yeah, it's Backlot on steroids...
  9. New Years' at Kings Island? Whaa....?
  10. Overall, good stuff; even though the video was sorta cheesy (and ripped off Gravity in a way... or is space still a thing?). Anyway, I like the addition of all the Frisbees and it's very interesting that SIX re-aquired Darien Lake (and they are really putting their mark in that park for 2019 lol). As for the 2 main coasters, Maxx Force looked meh when it was first leaked, but upon seeing the video and thinking about it some more, I really like it as it's the first FULL (as in, not counting Powder Keg at SDC) S&S launch coaster in the US since Hypersonic XLC*. And West Coast Racers looks ok, but Magic Mountain is (imo) being extra as they already have Full Throttle and Twisted Colossus (different ride experience, but still...) *Now that I think about it, there have been a few recent "spiritual sucessor" coasters out there- Steel Vengeance and Son of Beast and Steel Curtain/Drachen Fire (that's what I think, at least...). EDIT: Oh, and the floorless conversion of Apocalpyse? Nice! Though they are taking a page from Cedar Fair there...
  11. I saw this thread and I just had to comment! So, as some of you know, Son of Beast was my first looping coaster (and also my first hyper coaster, but 9-year old me was more concerned about the loop) and I remember the first time I rode*. My step-dad and I were headed towards Top Gun (my go-to ride at the time) and he kept trying to get me to ride Son of Beast. I finally got in line, rode and ended up loving it (it quickly became my favorite ride in the park). I remember enjoying the first drop out of the station and that long first drop (I think I said that the first drop was so long,you could scream twice). I also liked the loop as well as the section after the loop where you dipped and turned before heading into the brakes. Over the years, it did get rough and I remember one ride in particular hurting my sternum. Once the loop was taken out, the ride was meh and I was ok with the decision to tear it down as it had been SBNO for so long. As for Steel Vengeance being a spiritual successor to Son of Beast, I absolutely agree! The fact that it is a hyper-hybrid like Son of Beast as well as the fact that Son of Beast was my first looping coaster solidified my decision to make Steel Vengeance my 100th coaster. Steel Vengeance is actually crazier that Sonny with its outer banked turns and "random airtime". And better yet, it gives an overall better ride experience (although Son of Beast was pretty awesome in its own right!). In a way, it's harder to compare the two as I now have much more access to theme parks as I'm an adult that can drive vs. being a kid/teen and riding Son of Beast only a handful of times. Regardless which is better, I can certainly say that I'm pretty sure Steel Vengeance will be around for a while and continually prompting disembarking guests to ask the question "Is this real life?". *I also remember Sonny's crate scaring me everytime we walked by.
  12. Good point, @Magenta Lizard and @purdude86... eliminating the Skeleton Key rooms will mean more scareactors (and perhaps a better experience) for the main maze as no one is tied up in Skeleton Key. I was originally bummed about this change (as this is the one year I was considering buying Fright Lane for a night, specifically to experience the Skelton Key rooms), but now I understand that the mazes will be stronger as a result. Just a few more weeks until we see KIC's favorite butcher...
  13. I think that may go better in Coney than Rivertown. Or even put a slower, tamer version in Planet Snoopy.
  14. It was down when I got to the park (around 11ish), but I got to ride before I left (I left around 2:30ish due to the heat). It must have recently reopened when I got in line as the line was only to the steps leading into the saucer.
  15. Good to know on the whole X-Base restroom question! Thanks for getting these answered Brad.
  16. I grew up with Hanna-Barbara/Nick Central, but I do remember Nickelodeon Universe (and even seeing construction pics on here) and that classic Nicklodeon logo. I do remember it being weird that some of the Hanna Barbara rides were re-themed to Nickelodoen (specificly, The Beastie). Flashing forward, I do like that Planet Snoopy has a unified theme (as in, everything is now under one theme, unlike when a ride started out as HB themed (with Nick Central already part of the park) and then became Nickelodeon themed). Hope this makes sense...
  17. Saw the video on Twitter Monday and I’m thinking (hoping!) it will be in the same vein as Cosi’s Adventure was. If anything, I’m just glad Millennium Island is being used again; it was a great setting for Dinos and I loved seeing Millennium Force’s track just sprawled out all around the place! #thefutureisridingonit
  18. Good idea; however, I feel like Blackout woukd be the most likely candidate for a year-round Haunt maze as it has operated outside of Haunt for that Gold Pass night ERT event (which also included Banshee and The Bat).
  19. Saw the last 4 shows (the 7 PM last night and then all 3 shows today) and they were fantastic as usual. The cast pulled out all the stops for these last shows, including wrapping up some loose ends and even throwing some Haunt references in there on the last show. The cast has been great this year and I thanked them all the 5 PM meet and greet as well as got my picture with the talented Addas brothers (the guys in the purple with the awesome appendages!) at the 3 PM meet and greet. As some know, Cirque has a passionate fanbase and everyone was clapping and cheering during that last show- some even cried (not me, but I did get sad during the 3 PM show when Jet pointed his laser towards the "stage left" podium where Paco/Jocko would appear from to start the pre-show of Origins, as it made me think of said show)! Thanks again to the cast and crew who made this Haut-Vol production out of this world!
  20. Not bad. I am curious about the exact layout though. Looks like that vehicle the elves rode in during Winterfest was a hint all along...
  21. Yukon Striker looks great. The vertical loop is kinda random (and reminds me of those "Vertical Drop Coaster"s on Roller Coaster Tycoon lol), but I get that it's a tribute to Sky Rider. And just as Valravn has a specfic personality, I picture this ride having one as well... when I heard it would have the same seating arrangement as V, I pictured the vehicles as a bearded Prospector looking for gold (think Gold Striker(CGA)'s logo). Can't wait to ride this as well as all the unique flats Canada's Wonderland has to offer!
  22. Upon seeing this post on Twitter, I've thought of a few ideas, some of which are a bit far-fetched... -Bringing back the original Flying Eagles to Coney Mall -Announcing that the Enchanted Theatre will officially debut for shows next year (even though it opened for the first time in a long time for Peanut's Sketch School) -A Phantom Theater revival (which may have been why Carnevil will be no more- I know that wasn't the reason, but I say this as the building formally known as Sorority House/Delta/Delta Die/Massacre Manor became the plot of land where Coney BBQ is now) -King Cobra, a Giga that will use Son of Beast's old station Other ideas could include bringing back the Backwards Racer, putting a classic flat in Coney or even Antique Cars; we'll find out tomorrow...
  23. Noooooo! Not Wicked Twister!!! I really hope that doesn't happen (or if it does, they keep they name and theme and transfer it down south to KI)! Well, at least we will forever be able to listen to this song on Youtube: -MDMC01, a fan on Intamin Impulse Coasters!
  24. Funny you mention Walt Disney; the Tree of Life (DAK) came to mind when they revealed the tree with butterflies as the centerpiece. Overall, the area looks amazing and I'm excited for the possibilty of a new coaster credit (it's been a while since I've bern there, so Dollywood would have 3 new credits waiting for me, 4 if you count Whistle Punk Chaser).
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