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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. New details https://local12.com/news/local/cincinnati-symphony-orchestra-details-coney-island-music-venue-replace-riverbend-amphitheater-anderson-township
  2. Since the number of attendees is limited, maybe just silently posting on their website like I found it this week without announcing it would be one way to ensure those they want to get registered get registered LOL. (sarcasm....we hope) But I know others saw it because someone mentioned it on the ACE FB page: But the question is why? An issue with KI being able to commit to an itinerary? Is ACE having issues on their end putting this together? Simple mistake on ACE end updating the webpage with a placeholder date?
  3. Oh found a tab I hadn't refreshed yet. This is what it said this week up until this afternoon: And this afternoon it got changed to: So the question is why.....
  4. Grocery store is more of a necessity that needs competition to keep basic food prices lower. Plus up to this point Kroger has purchased many other grocers without having to sell off any because it was not in overlapping/competing markets. This one they have a lot of overlap that would eliminate competition. Amusement parks are a luxury/entertainment industry and still plenty of other competition for your dollar.
  5. This week their website said they went on sale today and then at some point today it changed "Information will be posted soon." I was refreshing it quite a bit today to try to get in and then it changed.
  6. Who got to register for the ACE conference today....
  7. Didn't CF pass on every ride that Coney sold off in 2019? I suspect the slides would be in comparable condition that they wouldn't purchase, but with budget cut mode, if they can get them cheap who knows....
  8. Last year's preview day was 12pm to 7pm.
  9. Many folks here were saying they wanted to see limited run events to create a sense of urgency....well they are delivering that
  10. They are simply implementing the lessons learned with the Prestige Pass that they can "bait and switch" and use the "subject to change" legally to do it and people will complain yet still buy a pass.... Until enough finally say enough and don't renew and it makes a measurable impact in pass sales/attendance, it will only get worse. What is that number? Sadly anything single digit percentage they will chalk it up to "weather" in the earnings call. It would probably have to get to 30% or more reduction before they would change course....or give away the gate even more to entice people to show up. It will only get worse before it gets better...
  11. And on the flip side, that is one way to curtail people buying their pass at Wonderland to save money. Imagine KI being your home park and now having to pay for parking every visit. I hear you can pay like $14.99 to park at Great Wolf Lodge now
  12. How else to drive sales of Prestige Passes lol Let's hope this was an isolated event or they will have completely ticked off a much larger base than the Prestige holders. Maybe this would be the masses that would simply not renew next year. We keep wondering when the bottom will fall out and they cut so much that they feel it in pass sales - could this be it?
  13. 2024 is the first year the KI Prestige is good at CP (and other parks with Prestige) for the lounge and front of the line pass. In August 2022 when Prestige pass went on sale it was good at other parks that had Prestige. Then by September it was revised to home park only for lounge and front of line pass. So literally folks went to CP with KI Prestige one weekend and got in the lounge and the front of the line and the next week they were denied. In 2023 the Prestige benefits (other than admission and parking) was only valid at home park. But it was inconsistent. I know folks that went 3 consecutive days to Carowinds and got front of the all 3 days but only into the lounge one day. Same for folks I know that went to CP. I think when the folks got the benefit it was because the associate didn't want to enforce the policy. Supposedly in 2024 Prestige benefits are good at other Prestige parks.
  14. Hopefully this incident in the OP was something like going to the wrong lot, but the comments here show the reputation the chain now has that folks are quick to believe that the park is devaluing a product already purchased.
  15. Prestige Passholders have experience in this... KI Prestige Pass was good at CP...until it was not... Included bottled drinks...until it was not... Let's hope this is simply a pre- opening miscommunication and parking is included or they will have a lot of ticked off people. It will certainly play into folks not visiting other parks as frequently...maybe that is their intent.
  16. But, But, But their website and FAQ says parking is included...
  17. Prestige Pass also said bottled drinks for awhile after they eliminated said benefit.
  18. Wouldn't be the first time they changed things, or as some of us call "bait and switch". The figured it worked for Prestige, so let's roll it out pass-wide. Caveat Emptor
  19. Just a normal opening day... https://www.yahoo.com/news/1-shot-officer-group-fires-031722345.html
  20. I don't have a problem with it either, but then I wouldn't expect it to be a highly anticipated ride on a top 10 list of most anticipated new rides either....doesn't mean it isn't a good addition to the park. I don't recall Sol Spin/Cargo Loco making any anticipated new rides for 2023 either...but it was still a good addition to the park...
  21. Good catch. See even the way they marketed the ride makes it seem way shorter LOL. And good catch on it being a stock catalog design. Another reason to not be overly excited.
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