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Everything posted by BeeastFarmer

  1. Doubtful. Appears photoshopped, and even six flags would catch the grammar mistake...unless they are borrowing communication directors from other companies.
  2. I've been on BBBH and someone with a phone out caused a ride stoppage. And, whatever you do, don't fly a drone in BBBH. Or go in the shed.
  3. To save on fuel, and to add nostalgia, it will be a trolley that you propel with your feet, like Fred Flintstone did.
  4. Every year, yes. All attendees must be a card carrying member of an approved club. I wonder if the event will happen next year, and if it does, will it be in high demand?
  5. Add Canada to the list. Maybe the park has this offer and just does a poor job of communicating it to the pubic.
  6. Interesting that he responded after the story was published. But to be fair, the unknown is how quickly they needed to publish. Did they ask for comment last week or ten minutes before the story was published?
  7. I think you are focused on the outliers. And I have heard of many of those folks getting refunds. But if you want a refund and still live close to the park, I think it's reasonable to not give one. If the pass was used at the end of 2019, I think it's reasonable to not offer a refund, even if the person moved away and couldn't use it in 2021. The reason they are in the shape they are in is directly related to the pandemic. The decisions they have made over this season are related, and very short sighted. It will harm them in the long term. But I'd rather have an open park than a park that closed down because of circumstances out of management control. What did Dollywood do for season passholders who did not want 2021 free? If they didn't offer blanket refunds, would they be an unethical company? Let's say you were the decision maker for Cedar Fair and were tasked with a solution for this problem. What would you have done, knowing how precariously your company was dangling over the edge of a cliff?
  8. I think that is taking it a bit too far. That, unlike the prestige issue, the reduced days and hours issue, and the budget cut issue, was completely out of their control. They did work with people in individual cases. I'd venture a conjecture that all these issues we are facing now would not be in the discussion had COVID 19 not been in the equation. .
  9. I don't get why people think small parks like MIA would no longer be a part of the company. Supposedly, it's a very profitable park that Cedar Fair is happy with. If they do jettison smaller parks, I'd think it would be in locations that overlap somewhat...like America, Darien Lake, closing CGA as soon as they can terminate the land lease etc. MIA would not close, more than likely. They might go independent or get absorbed by another chain like Herschend, Gene Staples, or a consortium of SIX/FUN people who start a company called KECO or something...
  10. @SonofBaconator is going to book a trip to the museum as quick as he can!
  11. Is there typically a NDA when employment ends? I don't think he owes an explanation to anyone, but if chooses to, and can, then good for him. I just think it needs to be on his terms. A book would be a great opportunity!
  12. But, according to the comms director, ki had a waiting list. And it's inferred that the labor market is good in mason. Maybe employees who were driving 45 minutes to work and getting sent home after an hour, on a consistent basis, are finally not putting up with it anymore and getting jobs elsewhere, causing a bad labor pool for ki.
  13. The merger hasnt even happened yet and we are already a six flags park.
  14. John Mattress gives his two cents: https://youtu.be/wXEI9KTCi9Y?feature=shared
  15. Even though the merger is all but consummated, this screams: Welcome to Six Flags over Kings Island!
  16. It's all a transition period. They are going to close or sell off all parks but six, and then rebrand as Cedar Six. This post is satire.
  17. I like the FUN FACT on Friday! I enjoyed listening this morning on my way to work.
  18. The only thing that makes sense is to renovate Action Zone into Safari Village. I mean, they said in the presser that the combined company will have Safari experiences...and this area used to be a safari...and they own the IP to the name Safari Village from Kings Dominion. (This post is satire)
  19. To demonstrate the ineptness of KI communications.... Halloween is over. Winterfest is coming. Why are you posting Halloween Haunt makeup tips on November 2nd on your socials?
  20. I hope they employ the Kroger mentality. They typically keep the brand name of acquired companies but integrate best practices across the company. Doubtful that the new company would offload ki to Herschend. Ki is a powerhouse and I don't think Herschend could muster the debt needed to absorb it. Great Americas will be reunited for a small time period, and a longer time if the new company and the landholder decide to extend the ground lease. Otherwise, they will still have a presence in NoCal. I wonder how ****ed Sandusky and Arlington are.
  21. Hmmm....a glimmer of hope for the legacy Taft parks. Six has the rights to the Hannah Barbera franchise if I remember correctly. Could we see Scooby and the gang return?
  22. If Tony Clark and Chad Showalter have the same job title, this would never happen.
  23. I'd like to see a scaled down winter experience... snowflake lake, shoppes, food and a couple of shows. Not rides. Go through mid February. But then again, they cancelled winter weekends at three parks after one season. There are many variables, but given experience, knowledge, time and commitment, it could work at Kings Island. But then again, it could possibly not work.
  24. Former arborist here. Success rate on this is low even in perfect conditions. They really should have a yearly tree budget and plant at least 100 trees each year...as older trees reach the end of their service life, new generations come in behind. Plant more bald cypress, sugar maples, redbuds, dogwoods and oak trees...not to mention evergreens. I was encouraged that the redbuds they planted in '23 in the grassy area in front of AE were saved, and this year they planted several southern magnolia trees.
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