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Everything posted by BeeastFarmer

  1. Hmmm...they renovated the Royal Fountain in 2003. And again in 2019. So maybe in 2035, they will renovate again and return the pedestals! Sorry/not sorry. I love the "new" International Street, but miss the "Old" Royal Fountain. But I like the "new" Royal Fountain too
  2. Keep the structure as is. Get rid of the banners, replace the shingles, add accent pieces and international flags (i think they were there originally). Renovate the ticket building to emulate the architecture of International Street. Return the classic logo to the bank on the south side. Add some trees. Bring back decorative lamp posts. But don't demolish it and pull a Carowinds.
  3. Why? WWC is themed to itself. Besides the classic barns/sheds and rockwork, there is no need for additional things like animatronics. Just enjoy the ride through the woods.
  4. ^ I'd add to that: replace pavement. The mismatched concrete is looking pretty bad. But then again, I don't know how many kids and parents look at pavement. Let's finish International Street and Action Zone and not do anything about Snoopy and Soak City. LOL
  5. If I were to guess, I would say that they are looking to reduce cash burn yet keep full timers on the payroll so this talent stays with the company.
  6. I think I have ridden around 10 times. For me, it's a front row ride.
  7. I think we are looking at the word "destination" differently. Dollywood/SDC are "destination parks" because they are just one of the many things to do in the area. Cincinatti has very little to offer for people to come there on vacation. Beautiful skyline, some pro teams, some museums/history, but that's about it. KI is a destination park for many enthusiasts, and it certainly has a draw from the 6 hour driving range, so the RVers will love that. Remember the Brady Bunch episode--when Mike announced he was going to Cincy, there was a visible letdown reaction. I'd imagine that'd be the reaction of many families from more than 6 hours away if dad said we are going to Cincy. The Brady Bunch - Episode 511 - The Cincinnati Kids - Act 1 (Letterbox) - YouTube As far as tent camping: Many people have a romanticized vision of that. But with the level of development in the Mason area, people would be woefully disappointed. They expect this: Brady Bunch Audio Commentary Part 1(A Camping we will Go) - YouTube But they would likely get this: Stealth camping in a tent @ WALMART in wapakoneta ohio - YouTube
  8. International Street, the beir stein, Feshaus, glockenspeil, Royal Fountain and Chef's Plate have entered the chat and are not happy.
  9. Winterfest is truly magical. Even though you know you are in a park with most of the things you go to a park to do (rides), which would normally be very sad, the feeling of elation is evident. Sights, sounds, smells (not much sweaty butt smell in December as there is in July! lol), tastes, it just hits all the right spots. I don't know how the original WF was back in the day, but I would dare say CF's version outdoes the Taft/KECO version by far.
  10. KI has lost the resort capability. All the land they had is gone. If they were to acquire GWL, they could have a specific audience who would consider it a destination--but I don't think they will do that anytime soon. The glampground is an exciting addition, so they might be testing the lodging waters. Outside of that--KI is a huge passholder park. It works well for them well. Enthusiasts come to KI form far away, but not too many people will drive there from more than 4-5 hours away. Cincy is not a destination city, there is not a big draw to it.
  11. Don't forget--LR and SC are the property of the Fair Board and not the operator of the park. Chang and Roadrunner Express were taken by SIX in exchange for SIX turning over about 20 acres to the Fair board.
  12. And the park has only done one Halloween event under the current management--and in my opinion, it was very tame. Very well done, but nothing was extreme.
  13. Who makes more money--families or enthusiasts? KK currently caters to enthusiasts, which is a smart strategy to get free publicity via social media channels. However, the influencers seem to have lost much of their influence with the recent scandals. Alcohol does bring in a huge profit margin to a park--yes. But if Herschend did buy the contract (which would probably never happen), they would more than make up the money in family friendly shows and old person attractions.
  14. I could see Herschend turning it into an urban Dollywood and having a co-promotion with the Newport Aquarium. One thing the park really lacks in is shows. I like the bird and sea lion shows, but they need some high quality 26 minute shows, too. Could you imagine Dolly's Urban Christmas(r)? Tall building light projections on the coasters, hipster environmentally responsible firepits, and some kumbacha sampling stations?
  15. It's important to remember, that any sale of the rights to operate the park must be approved by the Fair Board. I don't know how open they would be to SIX running the park again, even if it is a different SIX now vs then. Also, per the contract, any investments in physical assets remain the property of the fair board, not the operator. I don't know that SIX would like that--or any other company, either.
  16. Time will tell. I'm very happy with how the park has done since it reopened from ruins in 2014. I'm in the minority, but I think Thunder Run is an awesome coaster. Airtime a plenty!
  17. My personal opinion is that we will live with this for a while until the herd immunity effect comes into play. Vaccines have all but squashed MMR and polio. However, when anti-vaxxers have an influence, and if there is one exposure, it can spread. I do believe in personal choice, but I also believe in thinking of the welfare of others over yourself, as in doing things not in selfish ambition , but considering the interest of others. But for the confident COVID vaccine injected--please temper your confidence and continue to be careful. This isn't like you got fixed and can now just go all out into 1960's style adult parties! But some things are good from this pandemic. I personally am glad for the line spacing in ride queues. I like my space. Oh, and for the record, I don't own a Speedo and never would. LOL
  18. Where did I say that one should get the vaccine, stay at home and mask up? My point is that while a tool in the box, a vaccine is not foolproof. If I get the flu vaccine, do I hang out with 10 people who are snotting, sneezing and sweating without being conscious of my surroundings? No. If my house is a comfortable 72 and the outside temp is 17, do I go out for extended time periods in my speedo only, because "I have heat, and go back inside and warm up."? If I buy some chicken at Kroger, and have a skillet or air fryer, do I eat it raw? In a like manner....if one chooses to get vaccinated, one should still use caution. Common sense applies here.
  19. If you get the vaccine, great! But don't be complacent with it. The claims of 90-95% effectiveness are wonderful, but if people have the mentality of "I'm vaccinated, so I am good!", a false sense of security can ensue. Also, it's not "HIPPA"--its HIPAA! )
  20. I'd urge you to give it some time. While it does not seem like an ideal location, I'd like to see the product when it opens and as it matures. If it is anything like the renderings, it will be very nice.
  21. Dorney Park for Fiesta Texas. Of course, CF wins big on this one: a southern park, close to Schlitterbahn. There would have to be some money involved. But for SIX, it would eliminate a nearby competitor (either cross promote it or close it down) in a crowded market.
  22. Chad Showalter tweeted in response to a question, that it will be a year round operation. If the price is right, that might be a midwinter get away for me.
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