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Cedar Point 2016 Talk

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Also, 2016 hours have been announced...




Opening day is May 7th, closing day is October 30th

Soak City open from May 28th through September 4th

Extended hours in July and August:

- midnight close Friday and Saturday from July 1st through August 13th as well as July 3rd and 4th

- 11pm close Sunday through Thursday from July 17th through August 14th


(Yes, that means 4 straight days of midnight closing the first 4 days of July... Make of that what you will, though being July 4th weekend it will probably be extremely busy)

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From Tony Clark (@TonyClarkCP) on Twitter:


My entire office smells like this. Neat stuff! @Xyrena #darkride #notahint

I know what you're thinking. "It's Tony Clark," you say. "Of course it's a hint, or at least something to make people talk. There's no way that's a real product."


Apparently it's real. It's a "realistic interpretation" of the smells from water rides like "Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park and Splash Mountain," with "the familiar note of chlorinated water, a thrilling accord of theatrical fog and pyrotechnics and a hint of atmospheric mildew and damp ozone." Really.


The company appears to be legitimate and is based out of California... so in case you were concerned, one could assume that their dark ride smell inspirations come from Disneyland and Universal Studios Hollywood. Because goodness knows this would be a ridiculous idea otherwise.


I want to imagine it's part of some PR trickery, but Cedar Point is in the middle of building the very expensive result of its last round of hint-dropping. I highly doubt that Cedar Point could get away with using Disney and Universal ride names for such a thing. And there are a lot of other fragrances on that website that aren't nearly as questionable. Which means that, by process of elimination, there apparently is a market for people who want to smell like a dark ride.


I have so many questions. And there's some part of me that wants to find out if it does actually smell like a dark ride...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Assigned seating in recent seasons didn't help the ride experience. I made the mistake wearing athletic shoes when assigned to the front row last season; I might as well have worn them into Soak City's wave pool. The last time I rode in the back (in 2013), I barely got damp.

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Well, can't say I'm shocked by this at all given how many issues STR has had since its 2010 debut, and the fact Giraffica is also gone so soon.

Also, if a GCI Wooden Coaster named White Lightning ends up replacing this, I will LOL at the irony because that was one of the things we thought the initial teasers were hinting at. :P

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Aw, I'm sad now. I didn't ride it in 2013 because it was closed after the accident, and I didn't ride it in 2015 cause I was wearing tennis shoes. Always thought "It'll be there next time". It looked like a neat ride because they made some effort on theming & making it look pretty.


Wonder what will replace it?

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How about a dark ride in STR location. I know the possibility of a dark ride has been mentioned on various forums, but I don't know if the area is large enough to support one. It was a

 business decision by CP to close STR so I'm sure they have a well planned replacement attraction whatever it is.

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Um, well... ok.


I rode STR once and it was ok. I saw the separate Shoot the Rapids thread and I thought oh, yeah, it's being demo'd, but I was genuinely shocked to find that was not my imagination, but that it's actually happening!


Lots of space to work with Cedar Point... game on for 2017/2018/2019? A dark ride or wooden coaster would work great here

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*Exit Intamin stage right* for the time being at least

Another Encore peformance sometime in the future???


Shoot the Rapids was Intamins last chance with Cedar Fair in 2010, and they failed miserably.


Would've like to have ridden it before this year(as I might be going up there this year,which BTW I need help with planning that trip, will make a thread later about that.  :) )


It was a waste of space and I hope Cedar Point comes up with a better plan for that space in the future!

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