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International street makeover

Klabergian Empire

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I agree it’s better to see things in person, and I also agree that with the next few weeks of uninterrupted week day work days we will see many changes and final details being added, but I don’t agree with the “ cut them a break and don’t be critical yet” line of thinking. The park is now open to the public. What is “on stage” is there to be commented on. They know when opening day is, and I’m sure work hard on all projects to be complete by then, but it’s not like people are commenting on “work in progress” off season pics. Curtain is up, show’s on. Improvements can and should happen, but I feel it’s perfectly fine to make critical observations of a project in its “open” status. 

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Just had an idea. If they were remaking the garden in front of festhaus, that would’ve been a neat place to have used one of the pedestals from the fountain to create a new fountain there. Much simpler, no big spray, just using the top bowl to overflow into a bottom pool. Would’ve been a nice nod to the past. Overall though, I think it’s “getting there” 

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I admit I have not seen the fountain in person, but from the photos posted I am not impressed. I have three big concerns with the new fountain.

1. The water jets are small and not nearly as significant as they were, leading to a cheaper appearance. Before they water volume was large and felt like a royal fountain.

2. The ligh towers look like temporary structures put up for everyday events. If they are permitted, which they appear to be, why not install something more permanent, less intrusive, or themed. I know asking for light towers that rise up only at night (aka Disney) is a lot to ask for from a regional park, but these light towers are also not good solution.

3. The lighting at night on the fountain likes very flat, boring, and weak. In the photos it gave no depth to the water and was not impressive at all.

From the initial photos this new royal fountain is weak cheaper looking replacement to what was there.

just my thoughts based on what I have seen from photos only, Hopefully in person the fountain is much more impressive.

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Sheesh. Not to be rude, but come on people. Be happy we got something. We could be like some of the other parks, and not get anything. Alot of people put hard work into it. Of course it's not going to appeal to everyone. But dont be so negative about small stuff. 


@KIFlyer, wait till Memorial Day. Then you will see the full "showcase" of the fountains and I-Street. :-)


On edit: When I meant the small stuff, my intent is not that the area of I-Street is small. Just think, KI could have had the fate of Geuaga Lake...

Edited by sixohdieselrage
Added text to bottom.
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If the intent of the re-imagined royal fountain was to restore I-street to its original appearance, the new fountain fell way short expectations (even at park opening when jets were spraying the highest before having to be turned down due to high winds).   Without the pedestals the re-imagined fountain is just another fountain, nothing grand or special (and agree the overhead lighting system is very cheap looking but probably easier maintenance wise).  The real question now is what happened to the pedestals - were they sold for scrap? shipped someplace else? or put in storage so in 2030 (after lots of feedback) they make a grand come back?

On a positive note, the new pavers and re-painting of the I-street buildings looked great.  I did enjoy seeing the different country flags return hanging from the buildings as well as the refurbished giant beer stein above the pretzel place.

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I wouldn't call this something small.  The Eiffel Tower and the Royal Fountain are the 2 most important things about Kings Island,  it carries a lot of history and memories with it,  if people get upset about it, that's why.  Everything else they've done this year I'm very happy with though,  but looking at the videos and pictures,  RF doesn't have that same feel to it anymore, and that's pretty sad.,  Hope I'm wrong. 

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International Street looks amazing. The photos are not doing it justice. It is now rich, colorful, and open. Yes, the jets are smaller, but it really does look serene in person. I'm a fan. 

As an aside, I also noticed the vintage throwback store is gone. It's a shame. I was hoping they would tone down the pop culture memorabilia and up the amount of vintage-style KI-themed shirts. IIRC, they offered a King Cobra shirt last summer. 

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  On 4/20/2019 at 1:27 PM, BoddaH1994 said:

The story is not over.

Stay tuned.



The fountains were on a low setting as I was checking out I-Street before I left last night. But Chad Showalter posted a selfie on his Twitter page yesterday and behind him, the fountains seem to be shooting much higher. 

The entire area looked amazing at night.


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I’m glad I’m not the only one disappointed with the fountains. Don’t get me wrong, I-Street looks amazing. The pavers are beautiful, the removal of the large trees opened the space up, and the buildings look fresh. They really missed the mark on the fountains. Hopefully Boddah is hinting at further improvement. 

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  On 4/20/2019 at 12:43 PM, sixohdieselrage said:

Sheesh. Not to be rude, but come on people. Be happy we got something. We could be like some of the other parks, and not get anything. Alot of people put hard work into it. Of course it's not going to appeal to everyone. But dont be so negative about small stuff. 


@KIFlyer, wait till Memorial Day. Then you will see the full "showcase" of the fountains and I-Street. :-)


On edit: When I meant the small stuff, my intent is not that the area of I-Street is small. Just think, KI could have had the fate of Geuaga Lake...


Nope. People are going to express opinions. They put it out there that this was a “major renovation” and so far, some people don’t feel it has lived up to the build up. Yes, maybe there is more to come, but there is nothing wrong with having expectations and expressing disappointment when they aren’t met. Being “happy with what” lowers the bar and allows a business To get by with less. People aren’t saying “well that’s just horrible” they are just expressing disappointment with the results as they stand. 

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Based off all the pictures and videos I've seen, I love the details on the International Street buildings, the new paint, the refurbished Festhaus clock, and I'm personally glad to see the trees cut back. But I agree that the fountains are, thus far, disappointing - they look more like what you'd find at a local suburban mall than what was previously there. I don't mind the pedestals being gone (Canada's Wonderland and Kings Dominion's fountains look great without them), but the fountains seem almost neutered - they used to be these grand columns of water, tossing gallons and gallons of water into the air. Now it's all little spurts of water in an oversized pool.

As someone said, it was allegedly windy. Maybe the fountains will shoot higher in the coming weeks and it'll return some of that grandeur.

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Disclaimer: I haven't been to the park yet this year.

Just have to make one comment: am I the only one who very much prefers Kings Dominion's International Street to ours, both before and after this year's renovation? I love their oversized trees and black fountain. It feels secluded and integrated with the woods. It adds a level of magic to that orchestral playlist that we now share. But that's me, I guess? Wonderland's feels like a more grandiose version of ours, too.

At any rate, I love the care that's been put into our IS this year. It looks nicer than it has in YEARS. I'm curious to see what's coming for the fountains!

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  On 4/20/2019 at 2:46 PM, TombraiderTy said:

Based off all the pictures and videos I've seen, I love the details on the International Street buildings, the new paint, the refurbished Festhaus clock, and I'm personally glad to see the trees cut back. But I agree that the fountains are, thus far, disappointing - they look more like what you'd find at a local suburban mall than what was previously there. I don't mind the pedestals being gone (Canada's Wonderland and Kings Dominion's fountains look great without them), but the fountains seem almost neutered - they used to be these grand columns of water, tossing gallons and gallons of water into the air. Now it's all little spurts of water in an oversized pool.

As someone said, it was allegedly windy. Maybe the fountains will shoot higher in the coming weeks and it'll return some of that grandeur.


They had moments of shooting a lot higher than most of the photos indicate. Remember the blog said some would shoot 50% higher than before.

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There's a good way to approach a negative opinion, and then there's "OMG! The Sky is falling! Kings Island, you lost a customer today." Being a fan of Star Wars, Ghostbusters, and yes, Kings Island, I've gotten so burned out on seeing constant outrage framed around the pretense that it is somehow a slant against consumers while also hinting (intentionally or not) that people who like the changes are "taking it as it is" and therefore allowing said business to drop the bar, all over a mild disappointment. Guys, we're adults. Don't be one of those fans. Life is too short for this. 

Last night was preview night, it was pitiful day for the park weather-wise, and understandably, not everything was up to par as it will be in the coming weeks. They kept shutting down Diamondback due to weather, the system that allowed people to order food directly from Brewhouse's bar wasn't working, and one of the antique cars kept stalling while I was waiting in line. As you can see in the photo above, the fountains can spray a lot higher than what we saw yesterday. 

And it looks incredible. 

Joshua, whose mind is reminded of that recent "enthusiast" thread. Rant over. 

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  On 4/20/2019 at 4:01 PM, Joshua said:

I would call that an excellent mic drop, IndyGuy4KI!


If they can go 50% higher, I don't think that's as high as some go too.  

I really wish the weather was better yesterday so I could have enjoyed the things I enjoyed without being miserable from the rain and cold.  I watched the glockenspiel twice and really enjoyed the charm of it.  The antiques were really fun, despite the fact that my friend didn't know that the steering wheel actually worked and hit the rail every time we made a turn.  The Greatest Show had some differences that really made the lights seem more synced up and varied than last year.  The park has looked better than it has in my lifetime.  Let's hope for a little better weather this evening.

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  On 4/20/2019 at 10:43 AM, brent said:

I agree it’s better to see things in person, and I also agree that with the next few weeks of uninterrupted week day work days we will see many changes and final details being added, but I don’t agree with the “ cut them a break and don’t be critical yet” line of thinking. The park is now open to the public. What is “on stage” is there to be commented on. They know when opening day is, and I’m sure work hard on all projects to be complete by then, but it’s not like people are commenting on “work in progress” off season pics. Curtain is up, show’s on. Improvements can and should happen, but I feel it’s perfectly fine to make critical observations of a project in its “open” status. 


That is a valid point. The park is open now. They aren't discounting the price because things aren't ready.


That being said. I couldn't tell you the last time I paid any attention to the fountains. I would walk past them, and not give them a minutes thought. If the new system gives the ability to do a fountain/light/music show, its a vast improvement over the old fountain. 

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  On 4/20/2019 at 5:29 PM, Phantom Theater said:

Okay, I guess these look pretty nice!! Much better than what was shown last night. Still not a fan of the visible silver pipes, but whatevs, they’re just pipes. 


I think it would  look better if the pool was darker to hide all the equipment. There was so much more “surface activity” in the water before that all the lighting/ plumbing was disguised more. Seems like you do see a lot more of the mechanicals now. 

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  On 4/20/2019 at 5:38 PM, brent said:

I think it would  look better if the pool was darker to hide all the equipment. There was so much more “surface activity” in the water before that all the lighting/ plumbing was disguised more. Seems like you do see a lot more of the mechanicals now. 


Yeah I agree. They could have painted the pipes white if they wanted to keep the bottom of the pool white. Don’t know how good the paint would look after some time, but the pipes would be much less visible. 

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