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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:29 AM, befat said:

Kings Island already admitting defeat by declaring that this coaster will be trash. Seriously though, it’s probably a steel drum that the bolts came in. There appears to be a black one next to the T shaped footer.


Nah, most likely not a steel drum, or drum of any sort that the bolts would've come in. Speaking as a mechincal engineer, bolts like that would come in a crates, with cardboard/foam insolation between each bolt to prevent shifting/ rubbing as any damage to the bolt would be catastrophic. If they just loaded a bunch of bolts into a steel drum they'd all bust around and get damaged. Bolts like that can't be treated the same as a box of screws, gotta be careful with them. (Sorry for the rant, just felt like clearing it up lol)

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  On 7/10/2019 at 12:14 AM, shizzzon said:

That first bank going back up the hill..  Is that the "closest" we will currently get to the "feel" of an inversion on a giga?

Looks like a 90.  I've rode all other Gigas, i305, leviathan, millenium force, fury 325.  I dont think they have a bank as pronounced as this one do they?



  On 7/10/2019 at 12:22 AM, fryoj said:

I think it'll be similar to the first turns on all of the Gigas minus i305. They are all around 90 and I think this will be too. 


Y'all, Millennium Force invented overbanks, its first turn is 122° and it has four overbanked turns. Leviathan's first turn is clearly overbanked and it has a 115° turnaround. The first element on Project X will almost certainly be overbanked as well, and though I doubt it'll be banked as much as Millennium's first turn, it may ride closer to an inversion because of its shaping. 

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:39 AM, Bwb.32 said:

Nah, most likely not a steel drum, or drum of any sort that the bolts would've come in. Speaking as a mechincal engineer, bolts like that would come in a crates, with cardboard/foam insolation between each bolt to prevent shifting/ rubbing as any damage to the bolt would be catastrophic. If they just loaded a bunch of bolts into a steel drum they'd all bust around and get damaged. Bolts like that can't be treated the same as a box of screws, gotta be careful with them. (Sorry for the rant, just felt like clearing it up lol)


Thank you. I could have sworn I saw some bolts for Diamondback packaged in a steel drum in oil. Is that possible? I’m now thinking I’m crazy as my Google searches are coming up short on the subject.

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:29 AM, befat said:

Kings Island already admitting defeat by declaring that this coaster will be trash. Seriously though, it’s probably a steel drum that the bolts came in. There appears to be a black one next to the T shaped footer.


It is definitely a blue plastic drum, most likely trash can. If you ride racer you can see it very clearly. Looks exactly like this 


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^ Thanks @XBeastGirlX 

Now I expect manufacturer information and full PANTONE® color information by the end of the day.  Get to it people!!  

Ya'll have to admit that the level of sleuthing on here is downright hilarious :D, I'm loving it...


Come on KI, throw us a bone! Don't you see how desperate our group has become?!?

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:49 AM, aj74205 said:


Y'all, Millennium Force invented overbanks, its first turn is 122° and it has four overbanked turns. Leviathan's first turn is clearly overbanked and it has a 115° turnaround. The first element on Project X will almost certainly be overbanked as well, and though I doubt it'll be banked as much as Millennium's first turn it may ride closer to an inversion because of its shaping. 


Yes, but MF's is a high G turn whereas PX's looks to be an airtime hill with the train at a 90 degree angle.  I may be totally wrong but that's what it looks like.

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  On 7/10/2019 at 12:44 PM, HandsUp said:

Yes, but MF's is a high G turn whereas PX's looks to be an airtime hill with the train at a 90 degree angle.  I may be totally wrong but that's what it looks like.


No, I think you're on the money, despite that it turns a bit at the crest. Hopefully it'll deliver some weightlessness.

Millennium (and Leviathan's) overbanks had to be acknowledged in a conversation about near inversions on gigas, but Project X seems to be like Fury in that max banking will be around or just past 90°.

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The Beast should not be cheated out of it’s 40th Anniversary celebration for this new project...40 years and still relevant is an amazing feat.

It’s hard to say if Project X will be able to lay claim to the same thing 41 years from now. :)

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:08 AM, XBeastGirlX said:

There was a pile of about 6 blue trashcans near one of the buildings near Racer. Maybe they are getting ready to go vertical on the other footers with some nice blue cans for our budget giga. :P 

where did the rumor originate from that the trash can was a support? Anyone know? 


Someone said it on this thread.....I believe.

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  On 7/10/2019 at 1:36 PM, aj74205 said:

No, I think you're on the money, despite that it turns a bit at the crest. Hopefully it'll deliver some weightlessness.

Millennium (and Leviathan's) overbanks had to be acknowledged in a conversation about near inversions on gigas, but Project X seems to be like Fury in that max banking will be around or just past 90°.


I know they are (will be) very different coasters, but the feeling on Steel Vengeance on the outward bank like you are being sucked out of the car laterally is one of the coolest things ever. Really hoping this is something similar.

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  On 7/10/2019 at 1:59 PM, Fye Coasters said:

I dont think its anything lol. They post the history posts all the time. I could be wrong but i dont think its anything. 


I agree 100% with this. It seems some here at KIC are so desperate for teasers to come along, anything is fair game to be a potential teaser. 


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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:20 PM, Waltny said:

I agree 100% with this. It seems some here at KIC are so desperate for teasers to come along, anything is fair game to be a potential teaser. 



Yeah were all just as excited, i mean  i am. But i have heard that there have been 3 teasers up since day one. I have not located those. One day i spent a whole 4 hours looking around the park for them and could not find anything lol. At this point just time to sit back relax keep going on top of tower and keeping an eye out and wait on the park to let us know. 

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:20 PM, Waltny said:

I agree 100% with this. It seems some here at KIC are so desperate for teasers to come along, anything is fair game to be a potential teaser. 



I agree as well. Some of us want a teaser just as much as the next. We have been doing this …..well let me say I have been doing this far too long and will know a teaser when I see it. This is no a teaser lol Its happy 40th birthday beast......come on!

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:26 PM, Maverick44 said:

I agree as well. Some of us want a teaser just as much as the next. We have been doing this …..well let me say I have been doing this far too long and will know a teaser when I see it. This is no a teaser lol Its happy 40th birthday beast......come on!


I'm confused. You didn't write "haha" one single time in that post... :ph34r:


I agree with the comment about "no teasers would be funny". Its like how Tony Clark said something similar to "nothing is happening here" about Mean Streak when they were clearly up to something. 

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  On 7/10/2019 at 3:39 AM, Bwb.32 said:

Nah, most likely not a steel drum, or drum of any sort that the bolts would've come in. Speaking as a mechincal engineer, bolts like that would come in a crates, with cardboard/foam insolation between each bolt to prevent shifting/ rubbing as any damage to the bolt would be catastrophic. If they just loaded a bunch of bolts into a steel drum they'd all bust around and get damaged. Bolts like that can't be treated the same as a box of screws, gotta be careful with them. (Sorry for the rant, just felt like clearing it up lol)


Eh. I've had bolts for concrete pours come in anything from burlap sacks to cardboard barrels to crates. These are probably at least 1 1/2" diameter by 36" long bolts. It's not that easy to damage something like that. Looking at pics, I'd say that cardboard box on the skid at the bottom left is the bolt box. 




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