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They’re Back this Year!


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I remember the swarm of cicadas that hit where I lived in Maineville, OH (not too far from the park) in 2008 I believe. I can still recall playing outside and I remember hearing them. I don't think it'll affect the park, but I think you'll hear them and see them in wooded areas like on The Beast and walking to/from/riding The Bat.

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  On 1/31/2021 at 6:07 PM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:
I remember the swarm of cicadas that hit where I lived in Maineville, OH (not too far from the park) in 2008 I believe. I can still recall playing outside and I remember hearing them. I don't think it'll affect the park, but I think you'll hear them and see them in wooded areas like on The Beast and walking to/from/riding The Bat.

These are not that brood. You may not be old enough to remember what the 17 year broods are like. They cover everything. Imagine mayflies during peak but they are 2” long and 1/2” wide.

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  On 2/1/2021 at 1:35 AM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

Did they affect the park in any way back then? 


The chat in the topic at the time was if it would affect the new water park expansion. Which ultimately they did.

This Cicada Brood only stuck around deciduous trees, like elm, chestnut, ash, maple, and oak. If you have a fear of insects don't think you won't see one or perhaps hit one while at KI. If that doesn't bother you then keep an eye out for the Blue eyed ones, there are big collectors that will pay a pretty penny for them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wanna say there was times where The Beast had to close down for safety of riders because the Cicadas were so bad back there.

Also I have a memory of sitting out infront of The Paramount Theater with Ryan and the sound was absolutely deafening. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So most of my visits to the park in 2004 were post-cicada invasion so I'm not privy on riding things with them.

Anyone who remembers that year have any tips on riding with bugs hurling by at 50-90 mph?

'Not riding' is not a valid tip. ;)  

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well it seems like KI hasn't gotten very many cicadas and it's the beginning of June. Unless, that changes within the next couple weeks. We may have hyped them up a little too much. I think this brood from what I've heard you mainly see them west of I-71 down towards Cincy. We are East of 71. The stories I've seen on here and other places about the cicadas seem to be from Brood 14 which came out in 2008 which will come out in 2025. 

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  On 6/6/2021 at 3:49 PM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

Well it seems like KI hasn't gotten very many cicadas and it's the beginning of June. Unless, that changes within the next couple weeks. We may have hyped them up a little too much. I think this brood from what I've heard you mainly see them west of I-71 down towards Cincy. We are East of 71. The stories I've seen on here and other places about the cicadas seem to be from Brood 14 which came out in 2008 which will come out in 2025. 


I could be wrong but I think the last time this brood came out it so happened to sinc up with another smaller brood making it larger than normal. I certainly recall it being the biggest I've ever seen.

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I live in a cul-de-sac near a lot of woods, and for about every leaf I see on trees, there's a cicada attached.  They're swarming like angry (or some other adjective that's against the TOS) bees here on the west side. 

Its also loud enough to where you can't hear yourself think. :blink::wacko:

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