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I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum from you. My thought process is that if it's going to happen, it's going to happen- whether I like it or not. Yes, I would hate to see something like that happen at a place where the main goal is to be happy, but there is nothing we can do to stop it. Maybe that is just because I assume that people are generally good? I don't like to worry about things, especially in a situation like that, but I can definitely see where you are coming from. Plus if I die, I know where I'm going anyway5 points
The same chances of that we may know how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.The world may never know 986, That is the number of licks I sometimes had too much time as a child but I was determined to know that answer. It all depends on how you lick it but around the 1,000 range seems pretty close. A birdie told me it took 3.5 points
You pointed out exactly what I've been thinking. These incidents occur at every park. I've been in the park when a huge fight broke out at KI. Molestation, stalking, rape, kidnapping, drug use ... it happens at every park. Some makes it to court, some doesn't. Some makes the papers, some doesn't. Unaccompanied minors are at EVERY park. When I was in security at KI, I handled a call involving two unaccompanied kids ages 7 and 9 who were spitting on people. Their mom thought it was totally ok to just leave them at the park all day while she went to work. I think Six Flags didn't keep a handle on things as far as one, publicity, and two, keeping a security presence to get rid of the people causing problems throughout the day. I'm not saying that there's any way to keep them out completely, but simply removing troublemakers from the property for the day keeps the general public from realizing how many troublemakers there are around them. As an addition to that, Six Flags America outside of DC has a similar reputation to the one SFKK had. If you read Trip Advisor and similar travel sites, the comments are very negative, talking about the gang activity and other such trouble in the park. However, these comments are usually from people who by their own admission have not been in the park for over five years - and Six Flags has been cleaning up that park. I visited it numerous times in 2009 and 2010 and never saw any of the things that it's reputed to harbor. The reputation is still suffering because it got so bad in the first place that people aren't going back to see what has changed. It will take time to recover from that, but I think it can and will. And I feel the same about Kentucky Kingdom - it will take time to shake off the reputation it developed in the early and mid 2000's, but with enough time and effort it can rebound.3 points
3 points
If God has it in the cards for me to die in a terrorist attack, then dammit, I want to die on my beloved Vortex!3 points
Do things like this concern me? Sure. They probably concern most people. Will that stop me from doing something? Other than vacationing in the Middle East- HELL NO!3 points
Stunt Crew hasn't been open at the end of the season for the past 4 years. Instead, a family of butchers commandeer that location and serve meats of more dubious origin!3 points
Disrupting our daily lives and making us live in fear is the goal of those who perpetrate these acts of terrorism. If we all cower in fear and refuse to go on with our lives then these attacks have taken far more away from our nation as a whole than just the precious lives lost on Monday. We have a responsibility to exercise the freedoms that our sons, daughters, fathers, and grandfathers fought so valiantly for. The cost of freedom is a great but I believe that our ability to overcome tragedies such as these is even greater.3 points
Sigh...reading the HW post, it seems GG failed to deliver the new trains in time for proper testing yet again...or is that the truth? Could there be more problems with the Timberliners than previously seen...GG has not used Timberliners yet on any large-scale wooden coasters, although this will change when Hades 360 opens. And I'm not 100% sure on how well that ride will even hold up once a few years pss, given Mt. Olympus' track record in recent years. And imagine the backlash against Gravity Group if, for whatever reason, Hades 360 can't even open. What really upsets me a bit here is The Voyage is an awesome coaster, but due to its sheer size and raw intensity, it's slowly ripping itself apart (After a painful ride in 2011, I thought of Original Texas Giant, a massive-yet-awesome woodie that had trouble with the test of time before being reborn into New Texas Giant). It needed a major overhaul just 5 years after its debut season...the ride needs help if it wants to survive long-term. The Timberliners were supposed to be that help, and they are MIA...Holiday World, if this does not work AGAIN after testing again in the fall, you may want to consider other options. Wood coaster puruists may scoff at the idea, but Rocky Mountain's topper track might be enough for The Voyage to become smoother, keep it together, and have it keep its wooden coaster "edge". Or, if it is really bad, the Voyage might even need Iron Horse track, which would make it a steel coaster. I'd perfer if it stayed wooden myself (thus why I am really pulling for the Timberliners), but I'd still rather have Iron Voyage than pile-o-scrap-that-was-once-The-Voyage... Just my two cents, and a little venting frustration here...2 points
I think I have lost all hope that the Timberliner trains will ever run at all on Voyage.2 points
If you can't get a Mythos reservation, don't give up hope. When you get into IOA that day, make an early visit to Mythos before they open and talk to whoever is working the reservation/check-in desk. They might have had a cancellation the night before that they can fit you into. I stopped in at 10:45 am and was able to get a reservation for 1:00 pm the same day. It's worth a try.2 points
I saw a report that a huge monster identified as Megalon was seen walking away laughing and scratching a name off a big notepad.2 points
2 points
1. That it's fairly close to get to for me 2. The rides 3. The scenery/layout/general beauty of the park 4. The memories I'll always treasure, and the ones I've yet to make 5. The food 6. Clean and generally safe 7. The employees, especially the ride operators who make the station waits fun and entertaining 8. The park's ability to make me forget any troubles while I'm there having a good time 9. The nighttime atmosphere, especially in Coney Mall 10. The general ambiance and energy of the park2 points
2 points
2 points
I've always had the thought in my mind about a situation like this happening, but if I go to the park or any other place with this fear, to me, that means they win. I won't stand for that. You will see me on opening day, and every other day there with a worry free attitude and a big smile!2 points
Our National Anthem was written during a battle in which selfless men, in the face of intense, unceasing shelling, climbed over the mangled, bloody remains of their fallen brethren, just to keep the U.S. Flag fllying in defiance of the British Navy. For me to avoid living freely and enjoying the blessings of liberty by not attending a crowd-oriented event or facility would mock their hallowed sacrifice. I've had a good 44 years in this country. If it stops there at the hands of a foreign or domestic enemy, so be it; but for all they might think they can take away, there's manifold much they never can! God Bless America!2 points
To change the way we live our lives after some kook or kooks set off a bomb is just what they want. If we give in to their threats and let it effect how we go about our lives is to admit defeat and they win. We will not give in and we will vow to go to the ends of the Earth to find the people or groups that support them and bring them to justice and not allow them to hide in countries that support them. But if we hide in our bunkers and become paranoid about who or when they might hit us, then they win and we loose.2 points
1. The people. People make Kings Island. It has good ones. 2. The Midwest. It's a great place to be. Jeff Seibert said it was the Midwest, anyway. 3. Its customers. Good folk. Well behaved. 4. Its access. Easy to get to. Compare Geauga Lake. Or Lake Winnie. 5. Its sitdown restaurant, now that it has one. 6. The ride mix. It's missing a little something, but that'll be fixed soon. 7. The water park included with admission. Many places, it isn't. 8. The many, many memories I have of Kings Island, many with people I can never go with to the park again. 9. The grand entrance highlighted by the Royal Fountain and the Eiffel Tower. 10. The many, many friends I have made there over the years, and will in years to come.2 points
in no particular order ~rides ~food ~shows ~staff ~haunt ~environment ~scenery ~the lights around night fall ~how easily picturesque everything is when you stop to look at things ~the park is just as great when you rush from ride to ride as it is when you slowly snake your way around the park2 points
^I sorta do, for me a lot of parks are a once a season type thing for me including Kings Island. Well I do tend to end up at Kings Island twice a year once in the Summertime and once in the Fall but I digress. I admit it's a bit unfair to avoid Holiday World because of the lack of Timberliners but that is what would've sparked my interest enough to squeeze the park in this year. While I'd rather Kentucky Kingdom be primarily a dry park if I get a chance to see it open I've never been there or to Indiana Beach so I'd like to make a nice little loop of parks that I can't do this year. If it weren't for limited time and budget I'd be at Holiday World regardless, but I work too much to stay this poor so I'll priortize my trips this year. SFOG, BGW, KD, CP, DW, IOA are already on the list for this year and I may have to cut one of those already. That said I do still love the park.1 point
If PTC's are the "regular trains," does that make the Timberliners irregulars? That would explain a lot!1 point
^Yeah, I read that today in the Enquirer article I linked in another topic. Just not the same as a big covered patio. The sun moves, making parts of umbrella-shaded tables unshaded at certain parts of the day. No big deal though. It's not like I'm going to be spending hours at a time on that patio anyway. I'll stop long enough to eat, but then it's off to other things!1 point
Stunt Crew hasn't been open at the end of the season for the past 4 years. Instead, a family of butchers commandeer that location and serve meats of more dubious origin! I've heard they may be hiring this September, it seems like a job to die for.1 point
Looks more like they borrowed the template from Cedar Point's Fast Lane page....or is this the beginning of a ride swap program? If they can move X-Flight from Geauga Lake to KI, then... Just kidding, please no one take the above statement seriously!1 point
A lot of BBQ chips leave a gross after taste. I used to love them, but I can't stand them anymore.1 point
I think KI should add a brand new, high quality dark ride over near Action Zone, maybe back in some of that now cleared land. Or if they ever expand that area and connect it to X-Base, they could stick one over there somewhere. That would give them 1 in Planet Snoopy and another one over on the other side of the park. I think that would be a nice balance and would be a great family ride in a different location.1 point
Nice article , Kings Island needs some quality dark rides, it sounds as if Knotts will have 3 great rides soon, they already have 2. http://blog.pe.com/theme-parks/2013/04/18/knotts-berry-farm-log-ride-goes-high-tech/ http://blog.pe.com/theme-parks/2013/04/18/knotts-berry-farm-log-ride-goes-high-tech/ Knotts is a great place.1 point
We cannot live in fear. Going to work or attending a sporting event or an amusement park might be a target for an attack. I work in a hospital and sometimes worry about something happening. I live in a small town, which seems pretty safe, but I am always aware of my surroundings no matter where I am. I am not scared or fearful, but I am careful of whatever I do.1 point
I don't let it deter me because you're FAR more likely to die in a car accident on the way to any public area than from a terrorist attack. I don't see most amusement parks as a target, honestly. A lot of times, these attacks are more of a statement than actually having the purpose of killing a lot of people. Look at the marathon bombing... yes, it was a huge gathering of people but they were spread out over 26 miles.The area in which the bombs were detonated was one of the higher concentrations of people because it was the finish line, but it still wasn't thousands of people in the direct vicinity. I think it was more of a statement. Terrorists attack things that are symbolic of our way of life, and the Boston Marathon is just that. I think *if* they were to attack a park (I honestly don't find it likely), they would go for one that is symbolic of our way of life - such as Disney. Disney does not have strong security measures (just a bag check at the gate), but I don't think metal detectors are ever the answer for this type of situation. All they do is catch people carrying pocket knives and screwdrivers. Someone who is coming in with the intent to do harm is NOT going to be stopped by a metal detector. They'll either find a way around it or just start shooting there - and the security personnel that ran them at KI were not armed. There was no armed security officer anywhere near the front gate most of the time. The only armed officers on park are the park police, and there are usually 5 or so of them on the entire property. A person in a uniform without any kind of weapon would not be a deterrent to someone with the intent to cause harm. Metal detectors were not there to stop "active shooters" (the current Homeland Security lingo) - they were designed to stop people from bringing in things like pocket knives which can dramatically escalate a small altercation. Yes, fights happens at parks (frequently over line jumping, which is why I don't encourage "self policing" in line), and if some hothead pulls out a knife, it's going to go the wrong way very quickly. But, like I said, metal detectors would not stop, or even slow down, an active shooter or a terrorist attack.1 point
1 point
A quote from Inception comes to mind, and I think it speaks for what I have to say. "Are you willing to take a leap of faith or risk becoming an old man, filled with regret?"1 point
Oh gosh rotag, you got that song stuck in my head and I can't get it out! Curses!!!1 point
Poor thing... tall things in that parking lot have never seemed to have much luck:1 point
Looks like Greg deleted his tweet, but plenty are tweeting. The Dino in front of the park has been damaged by the 30mph winds happening in the area. It appears to have collapsed. What does this mean to our poor dino? Will it be there for opening day? Of course I have a picture. (Photo is not mine)1 point
I prefer not to live my life in a bubble. None of these events really scare me. I do make sure I am always aware of places to hide/escape routes in case something were to happen, but I'm not going to stop visiting public places. If something were to happen, I at least would die doing something I loved.1 point
If you don't know what "Saratoga Chips" are, you've never been to Montgomery Inn...but, essentially a fresh made potato chip, with BBQ sauce for dipping.1 point
nothin says ki & partridge family like danny bonaduce standing up on the log flume as its going down the hill... 00:54mark...just sayin'1 point
1 point
Ah, if I'm near one I should give them a chance sometime... although it seems there's no Six Flags kingdom very close anymore...1 point
Auntie Anne's pretzels on International Street (mentioned on Twitter a while ago) and gluten-free items at Coney Potato Works seem to be about it. I'll look for more when I have it in front of me. Edit- OP delivers! KI Pretzel Company is now "Auntie Anne's- Hand-Rolled Pretzels, Pretzel Dogs, Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade" Is this new at Stunt Crew? "Stunt Crew Grill- Mouth-Watering Chicken, BBQ Pulled Pork, Salads, Desserts, Saratoga Chips, Ice-Cold Beer" "Christian Moerlein Bier Garten- Full Service Bar, German Fare, Fried Pickels, Appetizers" "Reds Hall of Fame Grille- Full-service, air conditioned sports-themed bar with 20-plus TVs. Fresh-grilled burgers, chicken wings, Montgomery Inn pulled pork, baby back ribs, Saratoga chips, wraps, appetizers, salads, homemade deserts, soft drinks, draft beer, wine" Drop Tower no longer has the Drop Zone spiral in front of it- nice attention to detail! WindSeeker is still there, for anyone who doubted that. Coke Freestyle locations are now marked. Was International Restaurant on the map before? It's now "Banquet facilities".1 point
1 point
I would like to see the entire area converted back to a German theme dinning environment, just like it used to be. Have a German brass band entertain the guests in the Bier Garden while they enjoy their brats, German potato salad and of course, an ice cold German bier (if they serve it).1 point
Tweeted by Greg Scheid an hour ago: "Simple improvements can make major impacts. Back patio at Hanks." I'll miss the old wooden covering, but I like this, too. The old one felt like you were eating on a dock (appropriate for Outer Hanks' old menu), but this one will offer more interesting views of Viking Fury. I wonder what will become of Cut-Throat Cove during Haunt.1 point
The one ride that I got sick on during my many years of KI attendance-I mean Winnie Witch's Cauldrens not The Scooby Doo Coaster. . P.S how is everyone doing? I've been kind of hibernating the past few months.1 point
1 point
That would be fairly odd, especially since the coaster started life as a canine.1 point
By far, out of all of the eras that have been around for that coaster, The Beastie era was one of the greatest personally, the tunnel just made me want to ride again, and again until I couldn't anymore, but sadly that era has long been gone from us, and I am personally wanting a return. BB1 who doesn't always like the color blue on coasters. Ironically if you think about it, in a way, The Beast has only one son now.1 point
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