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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2015 in all areas

  1. I was born and raised in KY. Was not aware of the "must use poor Grammar and Spelling" clause on my Birth Certificate.
    7 points
  2. Rougaru trains from @TonyClarkCP
    7 points
  3. Excuse me. Some of the most intelligent, wise and learned people are or were from Kentucky. Please do not contribute to and perpetuate such a pathetic stereotype. It isn't helpful, it isn't nice, it isn't funny, and, most of all, it isn't true. And grammar has no E. Though some get one in it. Terp, who, seldom offended, just read something highly offensive.
    7 points
  4. Lol, knew when I read that post it would strike a cord with a certain someone. For the record.....I speak Blue but bleed Crimson.
    5 points
  5. About time! Those dorms looked so gross.
    5 points
  6. For those (like moi) who did not get to go, here's a walk through I found:
    4 points
  7. Wifi at the new Starbucks is going to be great, im definitly bringing my laptop to Kings Island. I will be able to do all of my work from home at Kings Island and eat my 2 meals a day from season dining plan and during my breaks hit up a couple rides. Wonderful!
    4 points
  8. Do you have any confirmation on this? I ask because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that Cedars was officially coming down. Matt Ouimet has implied, however, that it would be at some point via previous statements. This really does open up a large chunk of contiguous land. It definitely hints at something major, as in either a new midway or new coaster.. or both! These are very exciting times to be a Cedar Fair enthusiast. A lot of the parks are getting some much-needed attention. Now, Michigan's Adventure, on the other hand.. When's the last time they got something that was truly new? Well, other than a set of Larson Flying Scooters, that is. Edit: Ouimet, as the last name of the CEO of Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, doing business on NYSE as FUN, deserves to be capitalized here and everywhere. My apologies.
    4 points
  9. ^ It could be both a hint and a diversion. Such as how Cedar Point dropped a "Banshee" hint in 2012. Or Kings Island's "The Bat" website "leak" in 2013. Or it could mean nothing at all (eg. Ride Sally Ride!), or it could be entirely on point. Not knowing is part of the fun. Regardless, it seems to be doing what it was supposed to do: get people talking about Cedar Point. I think it depends on the rider's height. I like Maverick but can only do two rides a day because of how much my head bangs. I've tried different rows/seats, leaning forward, pushing backward...it just doesn't not hurt. I'm 5'2" so I struggle with OTS harnesses. I'm too short to push my shoulders against the top like my taller friends. I'm happy with the harness system on Gatekeeper and Banshee as I can ride with no pain. I'm looking forward to the new Maverick restraints! Leaning into the turns solved that problem for me. I didn't enjoy my first ride on it at all due to the restraint, but it's now my favorite roller coaster at CP after learning to ride "correctly". Amusement rides shouldn't require a special technique to avoid discomfort, so it's good to see that they're addressing it. Maybe DiamondAceExpress will give it another try.
    4 points
  10. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes, cigar smoke is an indicator there's a cigar coming. Terp, not that long after Ash Wednesday...
    4 points
  11. The Starting to Decode: 2014 Topic has to be the most drama filled, memorable topic of the time I have been a member. It had it all, the half million views, the trying to decode what would become Banshee and how the park would tease us and it all didnt make too much sense until they announced it. The thought of what the ride would be came from a B&M Giga to a B&M Invert. That is my most memorable topic on KIC.
    3 points
  12. When you need Mr. Plow to plow your driveway.
    3 points
  13. Cedar Downs isn't going anywhere. Since Cedar Point started moving employee housing off the peninsula, there has been speculation about the removal of the Cedars dorms (formerly the Cedars Hotel).
    3 points
  14. Cedar downs hopefully will stay or move to a new park. It's great.
    3 points
  15. 1st thing's first: Not all Kentuckians use the slang of "Y'all" 2ndly: Many Kentuckians have been high politicians, and or are renowned for their literary success, so don't pull the "Oh all Kentuckians are a bunch of inbreds/illiterate brew." Because Kentucky is not that, in fact that is so far from the truth and I hate it how people automatically pin that on Kentucky. I can name off multiple high functioning Kentuckian institutions of education, all of which have respectable perks and one of which is King of a certain ball type. 3rd: Not all Kentuckians think that Kentucky is illiterate or backwater, it is highly respectable for the resources and the booming economy that is developing. BB1 likes Kentucky, it has some amazing places, I do not like it when people make fun of it or discredit it, and I feel the same way as our Interpreter. </rant>
    3 points
  16. What part of "they don't have any money" do these people not understand? It makes me wonder why they're suddenly interested in getting the money NOW. Do they have big plans for the area or are they just trying to make themselves look good for an upcoming election?
    3 points
  17. I apologize sincerly for any offense taken at my streotypical comment. I am aware that my home land has produced many, many important figures, including the President of the United States and that of the Confederate States just to name a few. I am truly sorry for that statement and at any offense taken from any good Kentucky folks. I was only trying to make a joke and am sorry.
    3 points
  18. Let it die. If someone wants to post they will. Don't just keep a thread alive to keep it alive.
    3 points
  19. The Friday night preview is excellent news to me. My wife, daughter and I will be at Hotel Breakers so this will be a great event for us in anticipation of opening day.
    3 points
  20. Posting pictures you find on the web is fine, BUT you must include links to each's source. Not doing so may violate others' property rights and is a violation of the Terms of Service here. It is also very disrespectful to the photographers.
    3 points
  21. Hopefully whatever is being planned for that area being opened up doesn't involve too much deforestation. That is really the only area near the front of the park that is still relatively well-forested (AKA not barren from trees).
    3 points
  22. We went through Wicked Twister Midway and from the construction I saw (hard with the snow), it is really going to look good this year.
    3 points
  23. That is some interesting shifting and removing of rides. I think it depends on the rider's height. I like Maverick but can only do two rides a day because of how much my head bangs. I've tried different rows/seats, leaning forward, pushing backward...it just doesn't not hurt. I'm 5'2" so I struggle with OTS harnesses. I'm too short to push my shoulders against the top like my taller friends. I'm happy with the harness system on Gatekeeper and Banshee as I can ride with no pain. I'm looking forward to the new Maverick restraints!
    3 points
  24. That "accidental" picture of Outlaw Run sounds exactly like Tony playing with enthusiasts' imaginations, which he has been known to do before on many occasions.
    3 points
  25. Maverick is getting new restraints? Good news indeed! For me, the current setup made a great coaster unbearable by the second ride.
    3 points
  26. I am going to start to sell of my collection of Kings Island merch. I just listed my collection of maps, brochures and other paper items on eBay. There's arpund 87 items dating from the entire history of the park. Along the coming weeks I will also be listing everything else that I have. I apologize for not posting a link to the auction. I'm using my iPhone to post this topic. Please keep an eye out for my auctions in the coming weeks. I have a lot of awesome items to sell! My ebay username is les_paul_junkie. Thanks!!!
    2 points
  27. Don't forget Clay, good old Clay.
    2 points
  28. And y'all are right there are many,many very inteligent Kentucky folk and many high institusions. Two off the top of my head are Centre college and Translyvania University. During the Civil War era Transylvania and Kentucky as a state was considered best education in the South. Even Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America went to Transy, along with highly intelligent Generals and Students. I am aware that our state is very smart and again will say that I am sorry. I certaintly love My Old Kentucky Home and it's ,many scholars and inteligent students and people. It's universities continue it's tradtion today. Thank you and sorry again for any negativity or confusion. I love Kentucky and say God bless it.
    2 points
  29. The original post you quoted was referring to the Good Time Theater location.......hence the confusion.
    2 points
  30. And the saga continues. Tuesday. A creditor has asked for what amounts to a preference. The taxing authorities want payments now. They seek a sheriff's sale. Now. Never mind the purpose of a bankruptcy is to gather the assets, determine the debts, make a distribution /in the best interest of the creditors/ and wind up the bankruptcy. They want the tax issues decided now. Which may, or may not, give them an advantage. This Tuesday motion, no matter how decided, appears to make long term survival of the park less likely. http://www.goerie.com/conneaut-lake-park-could-still-face-sheriff-sale Terp, who is not engaged in the private practice of law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, or any United State, There is no legal advice intended for any particular client contained herein. Consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction if you have, or think you may have, a legal problem. Bankruptcy law is a particularly specialized area of law. This is a disclaimer.
    2 points
  31. Sigh. "...But only God can make a tree." --Joyce Kilmer, Trees
    2 points
  32. I'm just elated to know that nowadays there is zero possibility that this area will be used for the Chairman and CEO's new abode. It was not always thus.
    2 points
  33. They are also tearing down the dorms across the street from where the Good Time Theater was. This is a huge area for something.
    2 points
  34. Outlaw Run is a Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC) product. There are rumors and enthusiast desires of Cedar Point (or Cedar Fair in general) getting an RMC coaster for a while now. There are even people who have made NoLimits simulations of Mean Streak in the style of RMC. Tony Clark, Director of Communications for Cedar Point, has a history of teasing enthusiasts. What does all this mean? Well, it strongly implies that Tony was messing with y'all with that picture. It was all in good fun.
    2 points
  35. I just don't understand the hate for the current Maverick restraints. I've done that thing eleven times in a row with no issues. I love that ride.
    2 points
  36. I absolutely love Maverick as is but these new restraints will make it that much better. I am so glad they are making this change.
    2 points
  37. Great Ohio CC posted the following: That's a decent size clearing over by the former Good Times Theatre.
    2 points
  38. Word on the street is that it was announced Maverick will be getting the soft OSTR straps (like I305 has). Can anyone that was there confirm that?
    2 points
  39. I recently had the pleasure of checking out some picture of the old Ludlow Lagoon park, (Perks of working at a library) and was wonder what occupies the space today? Is this a place I could visit? Ludlow is about a 5-10 min. drive from my house and I'd love to check it out. Thanks for any info at all.
    1 point
  40. Possibly, although there are many trees back towards that area. I do not know for I have never ridden WindSeeker. But possibly.
    1 point
  41. Huh, then I guess you can see these from WindSeeker to?
    1 point
  42. At the very least they should light it up with a flashlight or something or put red eyes in all of the faces. Those red eyes can be quite spooky. Im just trying to keep this post alive, sorry.
    1 point
  43. Yes, the trains from King Cobra were stored inside Flight of Fear's "Bowl" until 2008 when they were shipped down South to Kings Dominion. They were also used as Haunt Props during a few seasons (along with the Phantom Theater Gang). My guess is the picture of them in the field was taken slightly before their move to Virginia. I dont know for sure. Looking at the picture it looks as if they restraints could be used on Shockwave but their is no way of telling for sure unless you ask someone who works on the Ride. By the way I dont own the rights to these pictures, just a little surfing the web. The one on the left is at Kings Dominion and the one on the right is inside FoF at Kings Island pre-2008. .
    1 point
  44. With the moving of these rides, they have opened a large area of land for future development. They also continue to populate rides by Gatekeeper and the Wicked Twister midway. Although it is sad to see a classic turnpike car ride leaving. At least they still have the Antique Cars back by Cedar Creek Mine Ride still operating.
    1 point
  45. Outlaw Run, as the name of a ride, is always capitalized here.
    1 point
  46. Thank Maestro, i just added information that i have readily available that i can divulge.
    1 point
  47. I have them set up to backup to my personal home server every week. Pay a third party site to back up nightly onto my second server and the host does a backup every 3 or 4 days. I'd say we have a pretty good backup plan.
    1 point
  48. Heard about sports complex, but the amusement park seemed really neat, NKY use to have a big pool complex to pleasure isle in Covington area.
    1 point
  49. Very cool. Thank you. I heard a while back there was talk of a sort of sports complex/park idea proposed for the area, but I guess it never happened.
    1 point
  50. Other than the clubhouse (which is at 312 Lake Street: http://goo.gl/maps/BgIBn), not much is left. According to the Kenton County Library, most of the land the park originally occupied is now a residential neighborhood, and the rest of the low-lying areas were filled in in the late 60s: http://www.kentonlibrary.org/genealogy/history/ludlow/article.cfm?ID=101
    1 point
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