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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Oh! I can’t believe nobody actually confirmed the track! I’ve also been so lazy after my trip to Batavia last week! It’s ashame too because I got some solid pictures! ... anyway, yes it is MCT! Check out these pics!
    17 points
  2. Ok! Finally! I’ve updated my Kings Island Giga model to reflect the blueprints better, as well as updated the train design. On top of that, as an added bonus, I brought @BSBMX‘s model of the station to life with some textures! Anyway, enjoy! MINOR correction ... the metric length of the coaster should be 1662 meters. If you want to post that image publically somewhere, let me know and I’ll send you the image with the correction.
    8 points
  3. The electrical drawings were an In-progress print dated 5/8/19 and were generated for an electrical permit submittal and approval only. (Likewise for the station area and lift footing permit submission as well ). The base information shown was current on 5/8/19 and was deemed complete enough to submit for electrical approval from the City of Mason. That does not mean the underlying design was complete - and it could possibly change. Since they are fabricating the steel currently, then the design for the version shown on the 5/8/19 drawings most likely is correct since the shop drawings would have had to been produced a while ago. What is unknown and to fuel the fire further, is if the electrical designer had the most current information available for their drawings dated 5/8/19? Would it make a substantive difference on the electrical design if the lift hill is 10 feet higher? (No) For the foundation design and submittal? (Yes) Keep in mind that the permit approval process is Proof of Concept only and a review of compliance with local and/or national electrical and building codes. I am not sure the City has jurisdiction over the vertical construction, that may well rest with the State Department of Agriculture.
    4 points
  4. That's crazy late to be working but the below video suggests something is going on back there. Video is from yesterday. First, the wooden form has been built around the T-shaped footing at the end of the brake run, so I'll expect we will see that being poured soon. Second, the construction equipment near Racer's turnaround has at least moved from the last recent video I saw of this area. I think for right now, in this area, they're only working on burying that overhead electrical line, which was called for in the electrical blueprints. Screenshots are from the below video.
    4 points
  5. I can't say for sure of course, but it didn't strike me as odd when I first saw it. On the same page, it also says "Entry Plaza Concept". I take this as either a conceptual sheet giving an overall macro view of what the entrance/exit area will look like, or this is just a sheet for "big wigs" when they want an update on where the project's progress is. On the top right, it's dated either 12/9/18 or 9/12/18. The way it's formatted with periods doesn't make it readily clear when this date was--I've seen both dd.mm.yy and mm.dd.yy formats depending on country of origin and drawing standard (e.g., ISO, AIA, BS, etc.) being used. Regardless if it's September or December, the date in the header is 5.08.19, which is where I'm guessing they want to be by that date (whether it's May or August). My guess is that the upper-right date is September 12, 2018 (when the drawing was made), and the lower date is August 5, 2019 (where they plan on having complete by that date). And yes, this C-1 has a whole lot of stuff on here (track, queue line, station building, etc.), but the only things that have legit labels next to them (for the coaster) are the footings. So perhaps that as of the future August 5, 2019 date, just the footings is all we're going to see in this area, with no vertical construction yet. That would give us a "Progress Print" of the project as of 8/5/19. I hope I'm wrong as I'm anxious like the rest of you all to see some vertical construction, but that's my interpretation of this drawing. Also note Jeff's name. He was a co-designer of The Beast and is still at KI. Awesome to see his name on some of these drawings.
    4 points
  6. I did some tweaking. Tell me this wouldn't look sick
    3 points
  7. It’s basically this one. I’ve just updated colors and added a few more 3D models.
    3 points
  8. Amazing work @DustinTheNow! The whole coaster looks really great!
    3 points
  9. Wait, Middletown Christian Schools is getting their own giga? That explains the blue!
    3 points
  10. Based on the plans filed, there is a bit of of underground utility work. I would expect to see some trenching soon for some of the high voltage electrical work. Likely before anything vertical takes place.
    3 points
  11. I did some digging and you're absolutely correct. Page 7 of the Decoding 2014 topic. Page 7! Trademark application. This particular user guessed 'Banshee' on page 4 of the same thread. Crazy to get that correct so early on.
    3 points
  12. Ohh good catch! This is kinda unrelated, but here's a closer shot of a similar piece on China's new "Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster" (FOTHEMRC is one heck of an acronym). That small box acts as a cover to the return sprocket of the chain. Pic from RCDB. https://rcdb.com/15115.htm
    3 points
  13. I normally wake up....pee.... wash hands....eat...shower...brush teeth....get dressed....leave for work....then get on my computer and check when I missed out on. I sometimes use Tapatalk while at home if I am in a heated debate because I said the word Intamin haha
    3 points
  14. He’s always outgrowing his enclosures!
    2 points
  15. I’m sure someone remembers his name but I recall at the start of this year a music artist (Who I thought did work with Disney?) tweeted out that he was working on a project with Kings Island and that project has turned out to be the parade music.
    2 points
  16. So, you had others wait, so you could create it? Silly Brad. :-P
    2 points
  17. The construction thread has been created! Please read the first post before posting.
    2 points
  18. So here are some of the pics I took while down at CSF. like I said nothing really new at all. Sorry for double post.
    2 points
  19. Hopefully some exciting stuff happens in the next couple of days so we can calm down a little bit and move on from this situation and be happy
    2 points
  20. We want things to stay positive on KIC and as Maverick said, be a big family. Dicussing and going back and forth over who is negative with each other is not productive in the forum (especially in this thread.) If you did not like what someone posted, then send them a PM to let them respectfully know how you feel or get clarification on their post. If their post is violating the TOS, then please use the report button so a mod can take care of it. As far as this thread, it will remain and not be renamed. A new contruction thread will be coming really soon.
    2 points
  21. Ha ha oh my god there is something seriously wrong with some of the people who post on this message board. I stopped posting here about 10 years ago due to the overwhelming negativity and while it's not as bad now and it seems like most users are really cool people, there are still plenty of rude, hostile, know-it-all posters who really bring a negative vibe to this site. For whatever reason, I've noticed most of these people are high post count members, so I'm not sure if it's some sort of seniority complex or what's going on there. The amount of stupid arguments I've been reading in this thread is astounding, with the latest being probably the most pathetic and embarrassing. Beyond that, the amount of know-it-alls who correct every little single thing in a hostile manner are almost unbearable and are truly the worst aspect of this site, with the corrections on "footings" and "footers" being just a very small, mild example of the pettiness that some users engage in. Again, most people here seem super friendly and are just here to have a great time but there are some very obvious sore thumbs here who create a negative aura that is not welcoming. I know some users will be super offended and won't be able to resist the smart ass replies, so by all means continue to do what you do, but be aware you're part of the reason more people aren't active here.
    2 points
  22. Y'all I rode Fury 325 three times tonight. I know this ride will be around 1,000 feet shorter length-wise, but still it made me PUMPED to have a coaster like that coming to Kings Island. It was in the low 90s today and Fury was FLYING. Just imagine riding our giga at this point in the season after a blazing hot day with the sun going down. I have a feeling that our giga will feel even faster since it'll be so close to trees/The Racer. Also, fingers crossed that this giga's airtime moments will be just as strong as Fury. =D
    2 points
  23. I drove over to CSF Saturday. Got some pictures but everything seems to be the same. Nothing new out front. I'll load the pics later.
    2 points
  24. This much drama over what is being considered acceptable or not acceptable in trying to figure out what comes next?? Is this still is a decoding thread?? As a 15+ year member (and relatively quiet for the past couple years) admonishing an enthusiast for doing what we all have done for years is quite laughable. If the information is obtained through legal/ proper channels, post it. If the park had an issue with it, they would ask to have it taken down. This isn't a Christmas gift. This is not a troll posting spoilers because they saw a movie before you. Those comparisons are apples to oranges. This is a large project we are all excited for. If you want to wait till the announcement for a surprise, don't look at a decoding thread because unless the info is illegally obtained IT WILL BE POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. There are no "rules" when it comes to legally obtaining PUBLIC information. Please have fun with this! Some of my best memories of KIC were on threads just like this. Ok, rant over. I will stumble off my soapbox. In other news, the Browns are going to the playoffs in 2019!
    2 points
  25. The USPTO records are searchable for any trademark application, whether it was accepted or not, and whether it's live or dead (as of today). Searching for "amusement" and either "Cedar Fair", "Cedar Point", or "Kings Island", I cannot find a trademark application for DB, NOR can I find any suitable application for DB that was made around the 2008/2009 timeframe. This was surprising to me--if anyone can find a trademark for Diamondback, please show me. As for MT or Banshee, both of those DO have trademarks, but neither had any other suitable trademarks filed around their respective times. For what it's worth, MT's trademark application was filed 1 day after it was announced, but Banshee's application was filed about 3.5 months before its announcement. I'd welcome @silver2005 to show us what other trademarked names were filed for these 3 coasters. Perhaps my search isn't as extensive as it can be. I'm always looking to improve! BUT, for what it's worth, I'd guess that multiple trademarks were not made for these roller coasters prior to opening as I believe my research on USPTO's site is extensive enough to uncover these. @ldhudsonjr, I wouldn't give up on hope though. As seen with MT, GateKeeper, and likely some others, the trademark wasn't filed until the day before/of/after the coaster was announced. There's certainly some precedent there that the same could happen with this coaster. IMO though, either 'Polaris' or 'Orion' will be related to this project. Below is an example of one of the searches. Results are listed in order from recent to older. It's worth mentioning that the '325' in Fury's name was applied for after 'Fury' was ('Fury' was applied for on 1/23/14, while 'Fury 325' was applied for on 6/9/14). Originally, the 'Fury' trademark was filed in January 2014. At the end of April 2014, the USPTO sent a letter to CF for an initial refusal of the trademark application, citing "likelihood of confusion" with Sperian's line of eyewear (seemingly, they had glasses that also shared the 'Fury' name). Behind the scenes, CF and Sperian reached an agreement that neither of their similarly-named trademarks would be confused with each other. CF readily signed this agreement on 5/23/16, but Sperian did not sign until 6/16/16 (shown below). I'm speculating that CF was beginning to get anxious waiting on Sperian to sign the agreement as they went ahead and filed a new application for 'Fury 325' on 6/9/14, about 1 week prior to Sperian's signature on their agreement. What I'm getting at is I don't think '325' was initially intended to be part of the coaster's name. An issue came up with the trademark application of 'Fury', and while at the end of the day the 'Fury' trademark was awarded to CF, CF didn't want to wait around for a possible second refusal, so they went ahead and filed for 'Fury 325' separately, which sounds better anyways IMO. As for I305, I'm guessing CF just didn't want to pull a Six Flags and have two different coasters under the same name. EDIT: (so I'm not double-posting)... @ldhudsonjr & @collin.klopfstein, the 'crest' you all were referring to is just a metal louver in the station building. These are used for ventilation. That's not to say there won't be a crest added, but what's shown in the blueprints is simply a vent for the hot air rising to the station's ceiling. On one page of the blueprint, it even says 'louver' in the notes off to the side. Below is an example of one I found on a house, a bit more decorative than the one shown in the blueprints, but still serving the same purpose.
    2 points
  26. Who’s ready for some more analysis? And a new model of the coaster with near exact colors? For the track and supports? Not to mention @BSBMX‘s station model!
    2 points
  27. The past several pages have been a bit contentious with the decoding/not decoding conversation. Hang on folks, I have a feeling the next week or two are going to really get this thread back on track and moving along. Likely events: ~ Grand Carnivale ends next weekend. Will we see our first teasers next weekend or the week after? IIRC Fury 325 teasers showed up first on July 7th. That’s next weekend... ~ New Blueprints will likely be filed in the next week or two. Blueprints for the remainder of the ride (everything outside of the drop/station area) have yet to be filed. The drop/station area has been completely drilled and piers poured. There is no additional drilling to be done on the current prints available at Mason. It would be great if someone that lives close can get there soon to check. ~Hershey track has been spotted in PA which is going to clear a lot more storage for our GIGA. CSF has been pumping out track and all of the 40 or so rusty pieces are likely to get painted shortly. In other words... after the past month of nothing (besides awesome construction photos), Speculation is about to get going again!!!
    2 points
  28. 5-1 means the front row of the fifth car from the front, either left or right seat. 5-2 would refer to the back row of the same car.
    2 points
  29. A few weeks ago we traveled Orlando not for Disney but to embark on my first ever cruise on the Harmony of the Seas. I was nervous has I hard so many bad things about cruises in the past. Upon our arrival in Port Canaveral we had an hour or two before we could board. Our first stop was some breakfast at one of the local diners. Fast and friendly service and A+ food at a great price. We still had a few minutes to kill so we stopped and walked around Mantee park. It was almost time to board the ship so we parked our car at a local long term parking lot and shuttled over to the ship I have never been on a cruise before and have only seen the ships from a distance so I was in complete awe when I saw how large the ship was. The check In process was a complete breeze even with the couple thousand people waiting to get on. The hostess was even kind enough to grant us priority boarding since we were traveling with our 6 month old. We got onto the ship and walked around on deck 5 and explored some of the shops and restaurants. After that we headed to deck 15 to shoot some basketball while we waiting for our room to be cleaned. It was around 3:30 when we got to our room and received our sea pass cards. Once our baggage was delivered we headed up to deck 16 to watch the ship pull away from the dock and our vacation to begin. While I am not going to go into detail of what we did each day I will say it was awesome trip. They even had a free baby sitting service so my wife and I could enjoy some of the adult shows and dinners without boring our 6 year too much.
    1 point
  30. Cedar Fair recently completed a $500 million bond offering at 5.250% due in 2029. Bond proceeds have thus far been used to purchase the land upon which California's Great America sits for $150 million, the Schlitterbahn Waterparks and Resort acquisition for $261 million, assuming Cedar Fair exercises its option to purchase the Kansas City Schlitterbahn property (currently shuttered and non operating on an approximately 40 acre site) for $6 million, that brings us to a total of $417 million expended. This leaves a balance $83 million available for acquisitions or "other corporate purposes" to be utilized. Given the tax value of Sawmill Creek is reported to be in the $8 million range (actual purchase price will likely exceed tax valuation) Cedar Fair will still have a chunk of change to continue acquiring properties. Or developing aditional hotel/resort products. I fully expect Cedar Fair to excercise the option on the Kansas City Schlitterbahn property. The option purchase price values the land and improvements at approximately $150,000.00 per acre--a bargain for a prime location--and with the opportunity to block competitors. Of course, we may see Cedar Fair utilize some portion of the bond proceeds to fund improvements and/or enhancements to the recent acquisitions. However, I feel it is likely Cedar Fair is still gunning for additional operations to acquire. It sure is FUN to watch. Unit price (share price) has fallen and thus pushed the unit payout (dividend) yield to over 8%. That's lots of FUN.
    1 point
  31. I don’t know about labeling but it’s 100% for Project X considering it’s giga track.
    1 point
  32. I'm not saying that I think you're wrong here, but I really hope you are. I can totally see the logic behind getting rid of Invertigo (despite the fact that I actually like that ride), but Congo falls would be sorely missed by myself and my family. The park gets so darn hot in the summer and Congo Falls is a surefire place to get cooled off. I wouldn't be happy if they removed it...especially if they just ended up putting a wing or something in it's place. Now, if it was a ground up RMC we can talk.
    1 point
  33. Trains? Really? 3 trains, 8 or 9 cars per train, 4 across.
    1 point
  34. That looks photoshopped? haha Is this real?
    1 point
  35. Someone is trying to be clever...
    1 point
  36. No don't get me wrong i'd rather have The Bat there then some big boring B&M dive machine lol The Bat is amazing. I just thought it would look nice in that area.
    1 point
  37. With my son reaching 48'' I have fallen back in love with The Bat. It is extremely enjoyable and smooth while fitting nicely into the terrain. As great as Vortex is to look at, it is just not fun to ride anymore and it seems like its plot of land would be easier to use than The Bat's.
    1 point
  38. How about we just leave all our Arrows alone?
    1 point
  39. No don't take out The Bat!
    1 point
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