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Everything posted by BeeastFarmer

  1. In typical Paramount style, just plopping something down like a turd. This looks like something that should be next door to Fred Sanfords junk yard from Sanford and Son TV show.
  2. Not to hijack this thread about a subject this is disussed elsewhere, but there was no landscaping close to buildings that was removed. The weeping fir tree at The German Building and the Japanse Maple at The Italian Building are still there, plus the large potted plants are brought out during the warm season. Gas lamps should have came back. The pavers they put down look so much better than the cobblestone and most of the concrete planter borders were removed. I dont get the black pavers. Would have been great for the implied curb. Overall, though, with the linden trees gone, it opens up IS to look as open as it has since the early 70s. Those trees were about 30 years old in a very harsh environment and were likely at the end of their service life. Sucks, but it is what it is. I'd conjecture that they have 2 show stops to get people in the shops to buy things, as it is with the stops in CM and Tower Gardens promenade.
  3. It's winter. The royal fountain is empty. There are no people in the park.
  4. Which would match the Coke Marketplace. It would also help to make the building look less German. The Architectural Shingles on the entry plaza building were likely an attempt to use European style materials to soften a modernesque building. Without significant changes to the facade, they are probably the best choice. Asphalt shingles would look bad, metal roofing would look bad (see Canada's Wonderland) and shake shingles would probably look decent, but run a safety risk for the crowds passing below. I'd be happy with new shingles of the same syle, the banners removed, and the flags brought back to soften the facade.
  5. If the angle to the south is doable, they could make the entire parking lot a solar farm, and by partnering with the electrical supplier, pass some of that expense to them. This would benefit patrons by having somewhat shaded parking, the park by being able to take advantage of net metering and tax breaks (I am not sure what it is for commercial users, but for residential users, it is a 30% credit to your tax bill), and the electric supplier by reducing the strain on the local grid. It's not often that an open area the size of KI's lot in an urban area is open. Possible? Yes. Likely? Probably not in the foreseeable future. Disclaimer: I have a solar array on my farm that provides 100% of my electricity needs. My views could be biased .
  6. Amen! See also Paramounts Carowinds concept art for Drop Tower: Stunt Zone (or whatever it was called).
  7. I think the majority of AP will be ready, there might be some details that are added later. The flats may have tech downtimes, like any new ride does. It's an important connection between AZ and TAFKACM, so the hardscape should be complete. It might look like a mess now, but when land is raw and utilities are (likely) being replaced/rerouted, but once this is over, new hardscape goes quickly. Landscaping will likely be sparse at opening, like it usually is parkwide, because of the time of year. Kings Island is usually good at meeting deadlines, so I think all will be good.
  8. Even with the recent remodel, the Skyline is tired and stale. It is inefficient as well. So, if they are going to make a move, they should tear it to the studs and restart. If there ever was a good time to do a switcharoo, that would be the time. Whatever goes into the CFA place, it will need to be child friendly. That was why that spot made a great place for CFA...finger foods to grab and go. So, for this area, I think Skyline does not make sense. But for adults, it would make great sense because they wouldn't make (as much) of a mess with the food as kids. Overall, though, I could see the entire area being covered in cheese and chili and smelling sour on hot days. I think it's important for Skyline and LaRosa's to be a prominent fixture at KI. They are local, and LaRosa's, in one form or another, has been there since day one. And I think it does belong in Rivertown because it has been pizza since the day the building opened. Can't get more original and nostalgic than that.
  9. @Hawaiian Coasters 325, I don't know if its a good idea to link this video. They do POVs which the parks prohibit, and this video has them from WindSeeker and others.
  10. I did ride it a couple of times under the Italian Job name. It wasnt really a splash down. It was like yard sprinklers that sent multiple strong streams of water outwards as the train passed over the track.
  11. Because it sells and larosa is a presenting partner.
  12. That should be in The Italian Building, though. I'd like a bread factory in The Swiss Building.
  13. I think it's weird to have Halloween stuff in March. And when did Magic Mountain stop year round operation (excluding COVID closure)?
  14. It will a perfect attendance streak for me! 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21,22 and 23! Glad I was able to get tix again!
  15. And either restore some dignity to the site by doing landscaping and getting rid of the freight containers and junked cars and faded out billboards. Or relocate the the coaster to Action Zone or another CF park (if the ride could be relocated). Of course this takes money and it's the struggle of getting something new and shiney or tweaking something that works well and consistently. They are tweaking AE, so maybe at some point, we can get the Junkyard Coaster looking more regal. So go spend that money at KI! Buy those funnel cakes, posters, tshirts. Because that is what fuels return investment.
  16. That five years in the future is now almost 4 years in the past. Banshee has aged relatively well I think, It probably will be the next coaster paint. The mist at the sign is gone, I think and the lighting package is a shadow of its' former self. (but the lighting is not a big deal to me because it was very dizzying to me) I could be wrong about this as I don't spend much time in Action Zone--in the last 3 years I have spent more time watching pumpkin carving and ice carving than I have riding anything there.
  17. I remember when the Eiffel Tower was sponsored by Sherwin Williams and when the Turnpike was sponsored by Marathon.
  18. I'd rather not junk up the Junkyard Coaster even more. Let's not Six up the place.
  19. I for one, hope it does return! #imisshildabovine #sheaintsung #maestroneedsmorechardonay
  20. Ok...so the benefit of having these haunt buildings is reduced setup for haunt. Besides minor cleaning and Mechanical touch ups, they are plug n play. Having them open year round would defeat that purpose. They would get wear and tear. Plus, as said earlier, climate control. Then we run into Haunt Fatigue. Ki is heavily season pass based. If you have these open, or tame versions open, there is no reason to come back multiple times for haunt.
  21. Thank you for those! Wish we still had those lamps!
  22. The article infers it will be story driven with active characters like they did at Cedar Point.
  23. Maybe because they knew that Adventure Port was on the horizon and they didn't want to distract from that? I am just speculating, but I was listening to a Coaster101 Podcast with a construction tour of the new area of Carowinds and the tour guide said that the redevelopment of Aernautica Landing was supposed to be a 2021 project. Maybe Adventure Port was the same and after it got shelved, they decided to spruce up the Viking Fury b/c it was a need but they wanted to let AP shine when it does open.
  24. Old Virginia, their Rivertown, wouldn't make sense to be open because it mainly just has whitewater canyon and the log flume. Grizzly is under renovation, but even if it could open it would be lonely. Jungle X is a big chunk of land, but realistically, it's a bit of a walk between the renamed avalanche and FOF.
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