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Everything posted by BeeastFarmer

  1. Maybe the should create a....position or....Chief Executive Prognosticator....and hired...you for it!
  2. That's why we, as seasoned KI fans, should temper our expectations. I was dismayled in the parking lot. I was dismayed when I walked in and saw the food lines. But then I remembered that I am in a place that has been a part of my life for most of my entire life. I knew going up today it would be a gamble with the crowds and the crowds won. But, I was able to get Blue Ice Cream and a drink at Paradise Island in less than 10 minutes. Later, a meal and a Blue Ice Cream Beer at the bar in the Brewhouse with no wait. A no wait meal at Coney BBQ late in the day. Rode all the coasters I wanted to, and did a little shopping (posters). Hung out with a friend. And did all of that in about 7 hours. In an atmosphere that was near "normal." Remember, this tme last year, the park was CLOSED. The thing we collectively enjoy was off limits. How many times did I say: "I don't care if I ride anything, I just want to be in the park!"? My point being, if you don't like increased crowds...don't go or find a way to accept the increased crowds. Enjoy what you have right now because circumstances can remove you from it. COVID should teach us that.
  3. You put into words exactly what my mind pictured. You have so many great ideas.
  4. I agree with the daytime sentiments, although I wouldn't say that it needs to be calmed down. I think it needs to be more grand. I appreciate the new jets for what they are, but during the day, they are just gimmicky. (my bias is team pedestal, but that is over!). The pattern just cycles and tries to be a Bellagio and it is not. Make the patterns more "royal" to go with the European theme, like KD does. And while they are at it, last year and this year (unless it has changed from passholder weekend), the music on IS is remakes of pop songs into instrumental. Better than pre 2017, but it's odd. Bring back the 2017-2019 playlist! Or even better, music for each country.
  5. Videos has been known not to reflect reality. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  6. ^ I am not an expert, but I dont think they afford to pay much more. And they don't want to. They HAVE to. Remember, that $20/hr employee actually costs the company at least $30/hr if not more. That extra money could have been put to much better use paying off the debt the company incurred last year.
  7. Interesting. Last week they were fully staffed, now they need 900 new employees. Will the folks hired as lifeguards, food service and security before this announcement get an automatic pay bump to $19/hr? Will returning folks get more than the minimum starting wage for these positions since they have the experience, skills and certifications needed? Will the rest of Mason and surrounding areas bump their pay up to match these rates and then lower them back down once the season finishes?
  8. Not my thing. Looks like they merged 80's Saved By The Bell with some atrocious techno music. The audience looked kind of bored most of the time. And the performers are surely blocking the midway--will they be ejected? But...I applaud the park for trying something new. Good news, those like me can avoid this area of the park at that time.
  9. I think both need to happen. I also think that the KI SAFE number on the back is also just as important as the reminder. Now, if they will actually do something when that number is texted. (I have had several friends who have told me that nothing happened with that number was used, not even an acknowledgement of the report.)
  10. I think it's a visual and tactile reminder. I do remember a few years ago, during Halloween Haunt, they had bifold signs in the entry plaza that conveyed the same message. If they hand you something, you might think it is a "surprise award" and you will read it. Plus, for the "good guys", they may make not of the notification number on the back to report. The proof will be in the pudding though...will they do something when the KI Safe number is activated? Will there be ejections/bans/trespassing enforced? Will no smoking become enforced? Line jumpers handled?
  11. ^I'm not at the park but I have seen multiple posts with different photos. I think the proof is there, so it's not alleged. If it were faked, they did an outstanding job mimicking the CF graphics style.
  12. Great review, indeed! Congratulations, @KIghostguy!
  13. Ya know, if I was an EMT in Sandusky, I would seriously consider pausing that and going to CP and taking a low skill job like a sweep. I would make more money, have virtually no job stress, and gets lots of steps in! Heck, unless the RNs, LPNS and nurse aids locally are making serious cash burn, I would consider it too. (Low skill is not disrepectul of sweeps. It just means they don't have to have much skill to get litter.)
  14. ^ I don't know the going rate for EMTs in Sandusky, but the average rate is $13.62 an hour. Shame to think that a sweep at CP makes apprx $6.70 than a person who is responsible for saving lives and helping people...and is subject to this type of harm on a daily basis.
  15. Wow, the leanest post I recall you having. And minimal punctuation. Is this you? Have you been imposterized?
  16. It should....be a positive....beacon in these dark...hours. Yet nothing....is being....communicated. Maybe you....should start discussing it....if you discuss Camp Cedar.....in at least half of your posts....it would be discussed at least 800 times in ....a day! (sorry, just giving you grief, friend). b...e....a....s....t...f...a...r...m...e...r...
  17. I didn't ask...about Covid...Soak City...a contract to manage Camp Cedar...or if Soak City employees...would Staff...Camp Cedar.
  18. Any news on Camp Cedar? It should be opening in a few days or week(s) now. With all the negativity with the warriors, reduced hours, crowds and low staffing, seems this would be a positive beacon.
  19. ^The shingles were supposed to be European, but just don't do well on a 70's "modern" roofline. The addition of the International Restaurant accomplished the "wow" component when entering the park. When the park opened, there was a display of flags all along the building which softened the look. The adds need to go and the flags need to come back. They also should restore the graphics on the berm on the right side. That was always fun to see back in the day. I do remember the giant Kings Island Logo with the HB characters, The Beast, Vortex, Adventure Express (basically whatever was new that year). A video ribbon board, if done well, would be a nice addition.
  20. KI and KD were both planned and implemented as theme parks, not amusement parks. Over the years, they turned into amusement parks where as BGW stayed true to its' roots as a theme park. KD did not start with a resort, but with a motel. Nor did it have a champion golf course. But it was twice as expensive to build than KI was. Taft was probably very happy with the returns it got from this park with it being limited in scope. I don't know what long term plans were for the park with Taft. Paramount seemed to pour alot of money into KD, transforming it from theme park into amusement/thrill park. This set it apart from BGW. I'd guess that CF wanted to continue this trend with KD because their initial investments were a located thrilling B&M (side note: i think they had the floorless in mind for KD the minute they bought GL, I mean they renamed the coaster "Dominator" and kept that name for the park it went to--"Dominion.") Then CF installed I305, which seems like a merger of MF and Maverick. As has been discussed ad nauseum, I305 is not the coaster CF wanted per se. It attracts enthusiasts but the GP and pretty flat towards it. Then you add in the tax incentives that went to Carowinds instead of KD. And, icing on the cake, KD fans are extremely negative and hypercritical. B&M coasters are proven money makers with little downtime. If there was/is an exclusivity clause with BGW and B&M, that also is why the park is facing ramifications to the present day. CF would be wise to invest in a hyper, invert and wing. Yes, there are models of those coasters at BGW but it would benefit them if done correctly.
  21. It's the International ShowPLACE, not the International Showpiece. haha
  22. Gotta say, I am dissapointed with the parks PR response. Glad for Mason police being onsite. Glad they have IDs on the warriors and there is a coordinated effort to hold them accountable. But....the "Keep my park safe" program evidently is a joke. I have never used it because I am usually not there on a weekend, but friends who are have used it for various things (smokers, line jumpers etc) and there is never a response via text or in person response per their anecdotal experiences.
  23. Have you seen videos of the fights? Children in the age of 14-15 should have the ability to control impulses and know that actions have consquences. Those children did not. If it happens again, maybe they should be put in a daycare and treated like a 3 year old who has poor impulse control.
  24. ^real nice! Let Habah make his or her own determination. We are welcoming community of park fans not unwelcoming.
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