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Smoking Areas


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If you're going to have the areas, enforce it. If you have no intention of enforcing it- drop it.

I do get entertained by people who disregard the notices as if it doesn't apply to them. It's not usually the under 25 year old crowd either.... it's the parents that I notice doing it.


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  On 4/24/2012 at 3:56 PM, DarkSideOfTheMoon said:

This is an old thread but I must post. RiverTowngirl, you need to get a grip on reality. You can't have everything your way. It's simple, if you don't like the smoke then don't go around the smoking areas or hold your breathe. Smoking didn't kill 50 years ago, it won't today. My parents smoked all the time around me and I never got the "Second Hand Smoking" Crap. That isn't even real. Get over it people, people smoke, drink, have sex. It is life, if you don't like it then just don't go around them. Don't walk up to someone and say "You shouldn't smoke". If you got a problem then leave!!

My mother took care of many a patient who suffered the consequences of smoking-I am talking lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema. There are some that smoke like chimneys and live to ripe old ages. ( Like movie stars Bette Davis, Greta Garbo, Claudette Colbert.) The majority of smokers, however, who continue to smoke do not live to ripe old ages. And whether you live to be 60 or 80, to die a smoking related death is to die a horrible death. What galls me is people who continue to smoke knowing full well the risks and brag that it won't hurt them, then get sick and turn around and sue the tobacco companies. This is not a smoker-hater thread as I am a former smoker myself and enjoyed every cigarette I smoked- I am not denigrating people who continue to smoke-I am simply saying to people to stop lying to themselves about the risks.

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  On 4/24/2012 at 6:56 PM, OldieButGoodie said:
  On 4/24/2012 at 6:22 PM, Gordon Bombay said:

Speaking as a smoker, I see no problem with the designated areas. We can go back and forth all day on the effects (or alleged effects) of second hand smoke, but for me it comes down to courtesy. If I want to smoke, that's my choice, but the people around me shouldn't have to smell or inhale it if they don't want to. So when I take my smoke breaks, I do it with courtesy in mind.

As far as Kings Island goes - their areas are plentiful and out of the way of regular guests. If you're a smoker, be courteous and utilize these areas. If you don't smoke, avoid these areas.


Gordon B - you're the model and I applaud you and those like you. Your rights end where mine begin, and we can peacefully co-exist if we both respect that. It's not about the 2nd-hand effect for me, it just stinks and I like the smells of the park and outdoors. There are always those who can't follow the rules just because they exist ie do the right thing even though nobody's looking, I guess I do wish there were a penalty enforced.

My vice is beer and it wasn't all that long ago that we had to stay on the patio if we wanted to have a beer. I didn't like it, but I complied because I figured they could always do away with beer (again). I was thrilled when we were able to walk around the park with a beer. (so were my sons)

Just a few more days... :-)

Also, walking through the park with hot embers in your hand, you can burn a kid. I got vaccinated once by a smoker standing by me when I was eight.

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^I've burnt myself and the back seat of my car more than I've burnt another person.

  On 4/27/2012 at 2:13 PM, 74Gibson said:

^That's no good. I've had it happen at concerts before... Of course I also thought this head banging kid was going to cut me with his hair at a Clutch show last week :)

I guess it all comes down to respect and courtesy.

When I was 17, I got the living crap kicked out of me at a Clutch show. Pure Rock Fury!

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  On 4/27/2012 at 7:18 AM, Tanna said:

Also, walking through the park with hot embers in your hand, you can burn a kid. I got vaccinated once by a smoker standing by me when I was eight.

That happened to me when I was a kid too, when we went to (then) Marriott's Great America. As we were walking along the midway I got a little too close to someone who was holding a cigarette and got a nice little burn on my arm. Today it wouldn't bother me as much, but as a kid it hurt like hell.
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  • 8 years later...

I get that non smokers don't want to inhale it. However, its OUTSIDE and they could have at least a small area on all corners of the park. I went yesterday and had no idea they banned it all together. I actually won't be going back to the park because personally, whether I smoke or not, I won't support any place that takes away ones rights. As long as people are being considerate, there should be places to accommodate ALL guests, period. 

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  On 10/11/2020 at 2:32 PM, Dee said:

I get that non smokers don't want to inhale it. However, its OUTSIDE and they could have at least a small area on all corners of the park. I went yesterday and had no idea they banned it all together. I actually won't be going back to the park because personally, whether I smoke or not, I won't support any place that takes away ones rights. As long as people are being considerate, there should be places to accommodate ALL guests, period. 


What about the park's right to have their own rules for the safety of other guests....? We're in the middle of a global pandemic, the park had to take extra measures for the safety of guests and this was one of them.

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  On 10/11/2020 at 2:32 PM, Dee said:

I get that non smokers don't want to inhale it. However, its OUTSIDE and they could have at least a small area on all corners of the park. I went yesterday and had no idea they banned it all together. I actually won't be going back to the park because personally, whether I smoke or not, I won't support any place that takes away ones rights. As long as people are being considerate, there should be places to accommodate ALL guests, period. 


Smoking isn't a right. Get over yourself. 

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Most of the smoking areas were fairly small, so no proper distancing possible, and you can't smoke with a mask on. Exhaled smoke could also carry virus particulates and cause them to linger in the air more than usual. Tower Gardens was the only large area for smoking, and it's currently being used as the "RelaxZone" area where you can take your mask off.

The area over by Invertigo outside the front gate is the designated smoking area for this year, and they're using re-scan rather than hand stamps as part of the COVID precautions, so I'm not sure what's wrong with just having that area for now considering the situation.

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  On 10/13/2020 at 10:10 PM, PKIDelirium said:

Most of the smoking areas were fairly small, so no proper distancing possible, and you can't smoke with a mask on. Exhaled smoke could also carry virus particulates and cause them to linger in the air more than usual. Tower Gardens was the only large area for smoking, and it's currently being used as the "RelaxZone" area where you can take your mask off.

The area over by Invertigo outside the front gate is the designated smoking area for this year, and they're using re-scan rather than hand stamps as part of the COVID precautions, so I'm not sure what's wrong with just having that area for now considering the situation.


You bring up some great points!

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Smoking is not a constitutional right, and we should probably leave it there. Kings Island can make their own rules. That is fact. I smoke, and appreciate smoking areas in the park. I'm also aware that they are not required to provide them, but might...if it fits their bottom line. I also cannot smoke in movie theaters, McDonald's (used to, in the 90's), and many, many other establishments. Not really worth opening a KICentral account just to complain about it...lol.

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  On 10/11/2020 at 2:32 PM, Dee said:

I get that non smokers don't want to inhale it. However, its OUTSIDE and they could have at least a small area on all corners of the park. I went yesterday and had no idea they banned it all together. I actually won't be going back to the park because personally, whether I smoke or not, I won't support any place that takes away ones rights. As long as people are being considerate, there should be places to accommodate ALL guests, period. 


I guess there's alot of places you don't go in Ohio then.  Face it, it's the new reality.  Most parks moved to non smoking a couple years ago along with zoo's, etc.  Sporting events happen 'outside' and more and more stadiums and concert venues are banning smoking altogether.  It's KI's right not to have a smoking area, just like it's your right not to go anymore.

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I see both sides to the argument. Smoking isn’t a right, but at the same time there is no reason why there can’t be one or two areas out of the way for smokers. As extra incentive to smoke only in the designated area they could eject people for not following the smoking guidelines. We all know how well people follow rules, so an extreme punishment for not following the rules would do the trick. That way the ones who want to smoke can without causing harm to others. I do smoke, and always smoked in the designated areas. 

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  On 10/14/2020 at 5:29 PM, KIBeast said:
We also know how well they do enforcing the rules anyway. :rolleyes:

Since they weren’t able to enforce the specific smoking areas, (and guests didn’t all seem to understand that they needed to only smoke in those areas) it makes sense to me that they would make it clearer for everyone by just making smoking banned within the park.

For example there were almost always people smoking in front of no smoking signs of the fest haus.

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