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Kentucky Kingdom

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To the way I understand it, no one here is actively rooting against Kentucky Kingdom's success. Just the opposite – it seems that many here have simple, common sense ideas that could go a long way. The people of Louisville don't deserve to lose a park simply because there are inept decisions made by the park's management. We know that. 

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Exactly that.  I dont actively wish for the park to fail, I simply choose to not contribute to its coffers for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its location.Its success or failure hinges on its current operator, and that is why there are a good number of us who are skeptical at best in regards to its success.

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calakapepe, I must have misInterpreted your comment earlier and for that I apologize, thanks for the clarification.


I know this is a sub-topic on a Kings Island enthusiast board, but of all the discussions I follow about Kentucky Kingdom, this discussion generally garners the most negativity towards this park.


I have been mostly impressed, but that is based on my miserable experience at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom in '08 or '09 when I swore I'd never go back.  Thanks to a conversation with a wise poster on this forum, I did and I am thankful for that.


The general public could care less about the color of the trains.  I don't love or hate the colors, it won't keep me from enjoying this coaster.

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We're just being picky because we want the best for the parks we want to love and be proud of and for the sake of an industry we're all very passionate about.. almost too much.

I'm with ya. It won't hinder my enjoyment of the ride. I'm very excited after accepting the change of element I was most looking forward to.

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I can assure you that one Ed Hart has personally approved and may have even selected the colors--just as he attempts to do with every single element in that park.

Yes, it's his baby. Yes, he does it because he cares so much. But not unlike D. Kinzel, the man needs to realize that others have talents, specializations, and abilities, both individually and collectively, that far exceed his. Delegating is a skill...a difficult one for people like Mr. Hart.

I wonder who selects the color schemes in his home. And I'd love to see the inside!

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I just wish there weren't so much of that particular shade of red in the park... I think this just confirms previous suspicions that red paint must cost the fewest nickels.

After they repainted T3 into this shade of red, I wondered if it was done to connect to UofL fans, as this red looks very much like Cardinal Red. 


Personally, I would have loved to have had the track painted a Wildcat Blue.

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In UofL territory I doubt Wildcat blue was considered

In my experience, there is much support for the BBN in Jefferson County.  I also think UofL fans are also more open to being UK fans at the same time.  I see many cars with both Cardinal and Wildcat stickers.  The area's largest AM radio station is contracted as a part of the UK Sports radio network and will preclude UoL games with UK games and the Coach Calipari show.  (by contract, I know.)

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No, it isn't.

First of all, old Cardinal Stadium was located at the Fair and Exposition Center.

Nearly 18 years ago, Papa John's Cardinal Stadium opened on the grounds of an old railyard, south of U of L's campus.

It was an exaggeration. It's still less than a mile away.

It's three miles by car or 1.7 by walking.

The latter is NOT recommended.

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I'm by no means saying its a great part of town, but I definitely would walk from the fairgrounds to Papa Johns. I think people here are exaggerating on how bad that part of town is. The bad part is just northwest of UofLs campus.

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