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Expand X-Base?


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If DA got removed that woudl be a great place to expand but honestly would not want them to remove many trees. Think the best way to expand it woudl be to eitehr remove the current warehouse buildings or aorund tot eh otherside of the FoF building. They've got a bit of space tehre that they could fit a flat ride ro two in as well as some restrooms. Would like to see the main plaza area get a quick service counter food option around where the food carts are too.


I think the best flats to add there woudl be a Screamin' Swing and one of those controlled planes rides like the Red Arrows ride at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Both of them woudl fit in great with the flight and testing theme. Possibly even a launch tower if they wanted another one. Could build two towers that don't take up too much space. This would really flesh it out into a true section itself.

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If any of you guys have been on Falcons Fury I think that would be a great flat for X-Base. Something about being up that high and being flipped face toward the ground and dropping is really exhilirating. I think the best coaster type for an expansion back there would be a wing coaster like Thunderbird. Something that interacts with the forest instead of getting rid of most of it.

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The area between FOF and The Racer is accessible enough to more directly connect Xbase to the area where Adventure Express exits.. I've heard someone say that thr topography isn't great there.. but.. it really isnt that bad. Look at other parks that use valleys and sides of mountains and traverse those hills just fine with flats stuck in just fine.. and that area is nowhere near as severe as that.

Not many trees, would avoid congestion of having only one entry into XBase and it offers several spots to install nice flats and giving new perspectives of The Racer and Adventure Express.. Adventure Express lost its "deep in the forest" feel a long time ago.. and now especially with Banshee.. might aswell enjoy looking at the thing now.

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This might seem odd, but I think a Mack launch (like Maverick or Helix) would be a great addition back there. I know FoF is right there, but if you've ever been on a blitz coaster, it's a totally different experience. I think it would be cool if it darted through the woods and interacted with the terrain. Plus bathrooms are a necessity back there.

I just want to make clear that I know Maverick is Intamin. I was just giving an example of what I'd like to see.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 8:19 PM, Steph88 said:

I'd love to see it expanded. A restroom close to Flight of Fear, an S&S Screamin Swing, and another thrilling flat or two would be nice. Would also be a nice spot for a new coaster, perhaps. As long as they don't take out too many trees.

I thought of a cool idea... make a launched wing coaster (or another launched coaster) with a station and the first part set in a futuristic lab, and then if DA were to get the axe, have it go in the forest to display how the "creature" would do in a natural setting (or it could escape from the lab). If the coaster had a lift instead (I'm thinking a Mega-lite or a Wing coaster for this example), have the thing be set free from the lab to a natural environment, slowly rolling out of the station and cautious of it's new surroundings. Just my thoughts!  B)

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What I'm gathering from the comments is almost everyone wants an expansion. That being said coasters in that area should either being wing or launched to mix with the flying theme. Is it possible they connect the old SOB area to X-base and make a smaller coaster in that area. I think its time for those areas to be connected. This leads to less bottle necking and more space for things such as flats and coasters. 


The other option for expansion is where DA is. I hope that if there is an expansion it is a blitz coaster that flys through the trees and has an amazing launch. The only problem with that would be theming it to something that would fly through the woods and be flight related without it being a wing coaster.


Either way I think we will see X-base expanded or connected to another part of the park in the next few years. 

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  On 2/10/2016 at 3:21 AM, upstop said:

^^ That's almost as catchy as "It's a Small World".


I was about to click play until I saw that comment. Nope, don't need another song stuck in my head tonight. "Jingle Bells" and "Deck the Halls" are already fighting it out in there. :P (And why'd it have to be Christmas songs tonight? *sigh*)

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The current backstage warehouses there would make a GREAT spot for a Triotech dark ride if we're to get one. The possibilities to go along with the secret government base are endless. If Voyage to the Iron Reef takes guests into the ocean, a dark ride in X-Base could be space-themed. And hopefully, such an addition would add a restroom and a full "land" designation on the map, too. 

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I agree! With all of the chain link and a bunch of dinosaurs to the east, all that is needed is a handful of military vehicles and military style speakers blasting helicopter sounds for theme, people could be "rushed to safety" inside one of the buildings to face a military standoff with some virtual dinosaurs.

Edit: or aliens... Lol

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