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What Else Do You Want To Come Back?


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I would love to see an adult Whip and a tilt a whirl (purely for nostalgia rides, I loved that style of ride as a kid). Also, a Tumble Bug. I would also like to see an Enterprise ride (like the Witches' Wheel), a Musik Express like ride, also with a ferris wheel, a rotor, and a round up ride. Those are all things that I think that would appeal to a wide array of ages. Most of these are nostalgic for me, but others are because I think that they would be a great fit!

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Paramount is the last thing I’d want to come back to KI. I want to see some flats returned. I’d love to see another top spin added, not giant sized though. Skylab. Another log flume like KCKC would be cool. 

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1) The Royal Fountains. Seems like it's on the original antique cars plan. Gets removed but then the park realizes the mistake and tries to right the wrong.

2) A relative of Beast. RMC hybrid next after this B&M Giga please. Would be HUGE for marketing. Can't miss. But people would think it's Son of Beast?!! That cracks me up. Would it even matter?? Facebook learned a long time ago people post more when they disagree than when they agree. Think about that.

3) Really tall waterslide. Would be a reason to go to the waterpark other than the lazy river.

4) More things unexpected. Character actors etc.

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  • 5 months later...
  On 11/2/2019 at 12:44 PM, Fitzcoasts14 said:

I think they should bring back the ghoster coaster because those are being produced again


Are they really? That's surprising to me.


If it's flat rides, I'd definitely want to see Skylab return. HUSS is still making modernized versions of the Enterprise model. Other than that, it'd be down to bringing back a new and improved arcade. Coasters are one thing that you can never truly bring back.

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First things first...The Keel Boat Canal ride sucked. I have no idea why people liked it. It had a decent drop, but you never got wet on it, which made it a horrible "water-ride". I've just never understood the affection for it...

Okay, that said...

Backwards Racer > YES---Why not??

Skyride > Transportation and ride in one---take me from Mystic Timbers/Diamondback straight over to Banshee, please.

King Cobra > Everyone should ride a stand-up coaster at least once in their life

Vortex > We just need an updated version, no gimmicks

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^^ I'm of the opinion that flume rides shouldn't get you drenched. A scenic ride along the course, a thrilling drop, and an appropriate splash made KCKC the park favorite it was.

If I wanted to get buckets of water dumped on me, WWC was (and is) the destination.

For an example of a really horrible water ride experience, with apologies to @Shawn Meyer, look at what Cedar Point did in 2010.

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^ I'm over Shoot the rapids loss at Cedar Point. Since they removed it, they've cleaned up the area really well. I love how they put frontier fling in it's spot and in 2019 added Forbidden Frontier on the other half of the rides former concrete space.  Since 2015, I've been a huge Rougarou fan at Cedar Point.

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I concur with malem on the opinion about flumes.  They're meant to be more good natured fun, not really all thrilling (at least not on par with a coaster), but they really aren't meant to be.  And they aren't really supposed to get you all that wet on them either, that's what water rides like White Water Canyon and Congo Falls are for.  

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  • 1 month later...

So many things! Definitely our old Eagles. After riding them at Carowinds last summer, a ton of memories came flooding back and they are so much more fun than the set we have currently. Snapping was so much fun! I miss that ride terribly! I'd also love to have the original Bat back too and King Cobra. Kenton's Cove was a fun ride in the trees too...miss that ride! And, finally...the long, curved shaded walkway. That was an amazing place to take a breather in the shade on a hot day and also the way it was lit up at night was just special. I love the park and always have...didn't always agree with removals and certain additions, but it's still my favorite place in the world!

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