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Haunt - Tricks & Treats Reviews 2023


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Here is my review of Alien Abyss:

It is such a unique maze! It is definitely a fitting replacement to CHAOS.


The pre-show was awesome! I had high expectations for the theming and KI delivered! Watching the guy on the TV getting killed by aliens was horrifyingly awesome! "So that's how the blood got there!" I can't forget to mention the actor that guides you into the maze. He was great! Entering the maze, there were certainly some similarities between CHAOS (which makes sense because CHAOS was in the same building). There were a few scare actors, nothing too crazy. Then you enter the dark part. Absolutely pitch black. I couldn't tell if there were any scare actors in the dark sections, but it was still terrifying either way. Getting lost in the dark was kind of annoying. At one point, an employee had to tell us which way to go. Was Blackout similar to this? After a few dark parts, you enter the final room. This final room contained strobe lighting, a scare actor, a dead body, and a crazy amount of blood! This is the finale that I hoped for! Overall, I think this maze has the potential to be one of the scariest mazes at Haunt with a little fine tuning. It definitely focuses more on a "lack of knowledge of what is going to happen" than a "Boo! Jumpscare!" Some may not like this, but I say that it's a good thing to have a variety of mazes that focus on different aspects of fear.


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Last night was an improvement from the week before. The delivery of fog juice must have just came in this week. The park had nice blanket of it for most of the night, including some coasters.

Due to peer pressure, I finished the night watching the laser show on international street at midnight. It was a great show for the most part, I didn’t get to watch it all because of the roomers that interrupted me a few times. :P



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The atmospheric conditions may be helping a bit, but the fog machines have definitely been turned up since last week. Now the fog cover is similar to 2021 and even comparable to 2019. It is so much better than last year. I applaud Kings Island for making this change as it really enhances the atmosphere during Halloween Haunt. My only complaint is that there are a few “dead spots” in terms of fog coverage as there are no machines nearby some areas like the back part of Coney Mall, the walkway near Diamondback’s splashdown in Rivertown, and the walkways in Planet Snoopy (those big boxes in the kids area have holes for fog machines anyways). These areas rely on fog drifting over from other areas, but that does not always happen.

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59 minutes ago, IndyGuy4KI said:

The fog was back to like 5 years ago. It was awesome.

I don't know if I would go that far LOL.  There were waves of it at times locally that gave that impression, but nowhere near to the point that the entire park was immersed.  You could go on any of the Towers and still see clear down to some spots.

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2 minutes ago, disco2000 said:

I don't know if I would go that far LOL.  There were waves of it at times locally that gave that impression, but nowhere near to the point that the entire park was immersed.  You could go on any of the Towers and still see clear down to some spots.

As close to that as I remember in recent years. 

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1 hour ago, disco2000 said:

I don't know if I would go that far LOL.  There were waves of it at times locally that gave that impression, but nowhere near to the point that the entire park was immersed.  You could go on any of the Towers and still see clear down to some spots.

I think the fog machines have definitely been dialed up, so the areas where there are fog machines area similar to years past. However, there are definitely a few places where there are not fog machines, and it is unfortunately noticeable. I think part of the reason why is because the fog machines are mainly concentrated in scare zones, but there are not nearly as many scare zones as in the past. Also, I feel as if the park just does not have as many machines out as in the past. While there is still room for improvement, though, I am glad to see Kings Island listening to feedback and upping their fog game.

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2 hours ago, IndyGuy4KI said:

The fog was back to like 5 years ago. It was awesome.

I looked at the webcams last night and I couldn’t see anybody on the pathways because of the fog. The first time in years that has happened. The fog takes a while to get going but around 8pm it starts to cover the entire pathways It’s so awesome.

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Had the La Larona fries today, extremely mediocre and disappointing dish. There was no crema on my order which pretty much ruined the dish considering how dry the pork was. Additionally for a dish being based around al pastor you would think they would have more then 4 tiny pineapple chunks in the whole order. Glad to the see park is being consistent with its bad seasonal dishes.


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39 minutes ago, disco2000 said:

Who else is enjoying the 2nd Sunday in a row of patriotic music in Coney Mall:P

Not only did they forget to put Crema on @Benjamin22 La Larona fries. To add insult to injury they’re playing patriotic music during a Halloween event. Wow, good going KI Comms! :P

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I tried to take my daughter in for haunt Saturday after spending the morning there with the grandmother.


I got turned away at the check in because it was "after 6". It was 6:01, I was in line before 6 and got stuck behind what seemed to be a family of 30 needing to get new pictures for their passes. 

Responses of "get there earlier" aren't very helpful when the tardiness wasn't really due to my own fault to plan as much as delays at every single point by staff.

I was legitimately angry and my daughter cried, was a great opening attempt of haunt for this year.

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46 minutes ago, Stoan said:

I tried to take my daughter in for haunt Saturday after spending the morning there with the grandmother.


I got turned away at the check in because it was "after 6". It was 6:01, I was in line before 6 and got stuck behind what seemed to be a family of 30 needing to get new pictures for their passes. 

Responses of "get there earlier" aren't very helpful when the tardiness wasn't really due to my own fault to plan as much as delays at every single point by staff.

I was legitimately angry and my daughter cried, was a great opening attempt of haunt for this year.

that's definitely janky

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Ok so having gone to Haunt this past Friday 9/29 here are my thoughts. I will immediately say that yes, the fog was turned up and it was awesome. But I will also add that.....well...the decorations and overall Haunt theming is considerably weak from last year. I was joking with my fiancé' that they turned the fog up to cover up the bareness of the park's decorations. For example, Pumpkin Eater over in Action Zone was sooo much more immersive. You didn't even need to participate in that attraction itself to be part of the action because it was so deeply themed over there. Now its just this tiny little area and it just feels...sad. After completing a full lap around the park to survey the scenery, we were both very unimpressed by the lack of enthusiasm in the decorations department this season. The budget cuts are definitely felt and I was really sad about that. My memories of past Haunts reflect such an immersive experience where the park truly felt transformed into a spooky land. Now, not so much. I will say there are plenty of pumpkins lol

We did not participate in any of the haunt mazes as the lines were super long. We decided we will splurge one evening for Fright Lane or aim for a Sunday night Haunt when it will possibly be considerably less busy. So on that note, I don't have anything to add to how well the actual mazes are but I am planning to do them before its all over. 

We caught the first Nyte Walkers show and we both really enjoyed it. Very fun show with both a dance/BMX combo of things. It was a good time. Fun music. And overall just a well rounded show. I think the roller blade guy really stole the show for the BMX portion and the two main dancers of the show were the highlights for us. 

I went for a few hours on Saturday as well to see a couple of friends that came into town and did a late afternoon/early evening and mostly just focused on the rides. And truth be told, outside of doing some mazes on a visit, that is mostly what Haunt will be about this year. Getting the last usage of my All Season Fast Lane and getting as many rides in as possible. Because the total immersive feeling of Haunt this season just doesn't exist sadly.

Side Note: The amount of folks on a certain facebook group encouraging others to bring their small children is aggravating. I feel these are the people who have made it easy for the neutering of haunt to be justified in budge cuts because why turn up the scare factor when this seems to be a welcomed mentality? I wish I was kidding when I say there was a literal INFANT in the audience for Nyte Walkers and there were so many small children running around the park Friday night I literally would have thought it was the day time event for families. I was really annoyed by this. Not to mention the amount of unsupervised kids running amuck without any adults. A specific instance inside the candy store over by the VIP lounge occurred where these pre-teen boys kept bugging the workers to taste test all the candy and fudge and they were being relentless and rude. I was watching them because of the line of work I do, its hard not to be instinctually vigilant, but they were definitely working on trying to steal because they were hiding various things where they didn't belong. It took security wayyyyy too long to throw them out. I was really disgusted by the lack of supervision going on. 

Aside from that, I just plan to enjoy the park for what it is for the rest of the fall season as much as possible, get as many night rides in as possible and end the season on a good note. 

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We went Saturday and it was the best year of haunt since pre-Covid at some point.  The houses seemed better than ever,  except for Kill Mart,  which was absolutely abysmal and needs to go for sure.  Hotel was again amazing.  

I'm just glad fog is back.  That alone makes it feel better than it probably actually is. 


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3 minutes ago, FUN&ONLY! said:

The fog was lacking again last night, which was very disappointing. Last week, it was a million times better.

It was extremely windy last night. The fog just blew away as soon as it came out of the machines.

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That makes sense. I wasn’t at the park last night or even in the area and was just blindly going off posts and footage from last night. I am glad Kings Island has not backtracked on the decision to pump more fog. It really makes the park atmosphere as good as it is.

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