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Which ride will be the next one to go?


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This can go either way, either a ride beng removed for other plans, or a ride reaching its end of service life.


I personally think it could be any of the rides in Action Zone besides Banshee. Bat is older. Congo falls is barely running half the time. Invertigo doesnt seem to be super popular these days. so i just think it could be any of them. 


i could also see some kiddie rides being taken out. snoopys surf dog and the whirlybirds come to mind. 

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Surf Dog has only been there since 2006, but the Whirlybirds I could see being removed because the station/queue structure takes up a lot of room and everywhere the track runs creates both ground (columns) and height (track) restrictions in the area.

With a "New Vekoma" in the form of SSBR, I could see Invertigo being removed if anything of significance were to fail or maintenance costs start to outweigh ridership. It's the only Invertigo model left in the Western Hemisphere, too.

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1 hour ago, PKIDelirium said:

Surf Dog has only been there since 2006, but the Whirlybirds I could see being removed because the station/queue structure takes up a lot of room and everywhere the track runs creates both ground (columns) and height (track) restrictions in the area.

With a "New Vekoma" in the form of SSBR, I could see Invertigo being removed if anything of significance were to fail or maintenance costs start to outweigh ridership. It's the only Invertigo model left in the Western Hemisphere, too.

maybe i just had a worse experience than others, but i can see why its the only one lol. when i rode it i had a terrible time. it made me nauseous and all the spins and loops made me legit fall unconscious on it for a couple seconds more than once while riding it

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It's hard to say. I don't think any coasters or major rides are on their way out anytime soon, unless they ever decide to revamp the AZ area of the park and tear out Invertigo. Congo Falls, as others have said, seems like a likely candidate to leave in the next few years -- it rarely runs and even when it's open, I never see more than 10 people in line. I think the future of Timberwolf will hold the key to what happens with those rides; if they ever decide to tear it down, that's a big area for revitalizing a part of the park that desperately needs it. 

Other than that, I can't think of anything else ready for removal, although I do think the time is way past for a total overhaul and retheme of Boo Blasters.  

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i love boo blasters cause its basically an easy sit down spot to relax on a ride, but i agree it desperately needs rethemed or overhauled into something else. its a shell of what it used to be and just reminds me of a thrown together scrapbook with random props and decor found lying around in a prop closet. 


i definitely see Action Zone being the next big project worked on. 

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Few rides who's days are numbered....

1. Boo Blaster: ride was in worse shape than I've ever seen it this past season. Maybe Phantom Theater revamp or something original. They won't take this out until they are ready to replace it. 

2. Invertigo: Banshee has sort of taken the spot for inverted looper in the park's lineup and Invertigo is a rare vekoma model that eventually the park will not want to invest in (much like Firehawk) 

3. Congo Falls: enough said it's been circling the ride cemetery for years. Possibly it and Invertigo leave at the same time with possible Timberwolf removal

4. The Bat: Hard to say how long a lifespan it will have but eventually I think it'll suffer the same fate as Vortex and due to the poor location it may not be replaced by anything. Is it going away tomorrow? No but do you think it will be there after 2030? I'm not sure if it'll last that long. Hopefully because I love that ride!

5. White Water Canyon: so this is random I know but has anyone noticed a trend of parks removing their river rapids rides? Carowinds, Holiday World, etc.... I think maybe it's a possibility that one day WWC will be filled in 

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On 1/19/2024 at 5:10 PM, beastfan11 said:

As far as reaching the infamous end of service life, I’d say Invertigo. As far as new ride replacements, I feel like something has to becoming to the Boo Blasters space sooner than later. 

I'd say Invertigo as well because of all the mechanical issues with the ride and its decline in popularity over the years and Boo Blasters is LONG overdue for a retheme.

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Considering that 2024 will mark ten years since the addition of Banshee (my, how time flies), Action Zone is definitely overdue for some sort of new addition within the next few years. With this in-mind, I think Invertigo will most likely be the next coaster removed from Kings Island's lineup to make room for something new around the front of the park. It's a rare cloned coaster model from the Paramount era that isn't really popular and also has low capacity for the type of park that it's in. Although I personally don't want to admit it, The Bat could also be at-risk as well since it's an Arrow Suspended, though I'd like to be wrong about this since I really like The Bat. If Cedar Fair needs to remove one of their Arrow Suspended coasters to use for spare parts, I would much rather see them cut out Iron Dragon from Cedar Point instead, though that's just my opinion.

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13 hours ago, WoodVengeance said:

Considering that 2024 will mark ten years since the addition of Banshee (my, how time flies), Action Zone is definitely overdue for some sort of new addition within the next few years. With this in-mind, I think Invertigo will most likely be the next coaster removed from Kings Island's lineup to make room for something new around the front of the park. It's a rare cloned coaster model from the Paramount era that isn't really popular and also has low capacity for the type of park that it's in. Although I personally don't want to admit it, The Bat could also be at-risk as well since it's an Arrow Suspended, though I'd like to be wrong about this since I really like The Bat. If Cedar Fair needs to remove one of their Arrow Suspended coasters to use for spare parts, I would much rather see them cut out Iron Dragon from Cedar Point instead, though that's just my opinion.

god Banshee is making me feel old and im only in my 20's lmao. i reember SOB being (inactive) in the spot where it is. crazy its been ten years

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As much as it hurts me to say this, I could easily see The Bat being the next one to go. Given the incident that happened recently, along with its age and location, it seems like it could be very lucrative for the installation of a new attraction. It'll always be Top Gun to me. As far as what I'd be comfortable to see go though, I'd say Congo Falls or Invertigo have both reached the point of being liabilities. What helps their case, however, is that removal of either one wouldn't really open up that much room to work with for the park, outside of a flat ride or two, which I would also be happy with.

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I'm probably in the minority of folks who actually likes Invertigo. I won't say it's in any top list for me, but I find it to be a fun and intense ride that's unique in the sense that Vekoma Invertigos are not found at every park. Granted I realize it is still just a boomerang, it isn't the typical sit down variety . I would hope that if it's on any chopping blocks that they would wait to remove it until another looper has been installed in the park since the park really doesn't have many coasters with inversions at this point with the removal and Vortex and Firehawk. 

I know the pump on Congo Falls broke towards the end of the summer season so I'm not sure if that would play into any removal factors for it. I can honestly see them getting it back up and running for this year, but I also don't know the costs connected to repairing/replacing parts and keeping it going for another year. 

I think I'm more in the camp of seeing more rides being added before any current ones are removed unless its absolutely necessary to remove them right now. Especially with things seeming so up in the air with the budgeting and merger and what not.

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On 1/23/2024 at 3:30 PM, DJSkyFoxx said:

I think I'm more in the camp of seeing more rides being added before any current ones are removed unless its absolutely necessary to remove them right now. Especially with things seeming so up in the air with the budgeting and merger and what not.

I'm with you 100% that when rides are removed a replacement needs to already be in the works. Unfortunately I think the pandemic scratched any plans they had for The Vortex plot and at this point people have just accepted the fact there's nothing there and probably won't be for a few more years 

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Not to be critical at all but how much longer until companies quit using the pandemic as the reason to cut budgets? I acknowledge that during the pandemic and the years following there was a huge financial struggle across the board but are we going to be hearing pandemic well into 2030?

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^ I just wonder with the merger of Six Flags/Cedar Fair, if this speeds things up for CGA with closing the park down? I'm sure once they decide to shut that park down, there will be rides going to different parks across the chain.

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On 1/23/2024 at 2:03 PM, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

As much as it hurts me to say this, I could easily see The Bat being the next one to go. Given the incident that happened recently, along with its age and location, it seems like it could be very lucrative for the installation of a new attraction. It'll always be Top Gun to me. As far as what I'd be comfortable to see go though, I'd say Congo Falls or Invertigo have both reached the point of being liabilities. What helps their case, however, is that removal of either one wouldn't really open up that much room to work with for the park, outside of a flat ride or two, which I would also be happy with.

i may just be out of the loop but what incident happened recently?

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4 minutes ago, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

Indeed, I was. Minor as it may have been, such an incident is still most definitely fresh on the minds of executives.

oh! I didnt even realize that had happened. just looked it up though. thats terrifying!

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1 hour ago, 3dgyrat said:

oh! I didnt even realize that had happened. just looked it up though. thats terrifying!

It's not a good look, particularly for a ride with trains which hang from and place considerable load onto the track. The fact that it's an Arrow is also a dark mark for it. As much as it pains me, I don't see the ride lasting into the next decade. Get your rides while you can.

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On 1/30/2024 at 2:41 PM, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

It's not a good look, particularly for a ride with trains which hang from and place considerable load onto the track. The fact that it's an Arrow is also a dark mark for it. As much as it pains me, I don't see the ride lasting into the next decade. Get your rides while you can.

i've been saying the same thing myself. i hate to see it go cause i love The Bat, but with its age and especially with that incident happening, i can see it being removed in the next 5 years. i had assumed that anyways with how long its been there, but that incident definitely furthers my belief. 

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On 2/2/2024 at 8:20 AM, 3dgyrat said:

i've been saying the same thing myself. i hate to see it go cause i love The Bat, but with its age and especially with that incident happening, i can see it being removed in the next 5 years. i had assumed that anyways with how long its been there, but that incident definitely furthers my belief. 

We're going to be seeing a lot of Arrow coasters dying this decade, I feel.

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  • 4 months later...

Out of curiosity, are we still thinking The Bat is next to go? I'm personally leaning towards Invertigo, Congo Falls, and Timberwolf as the next removals. While The Bat is old, Invertigo is also a rare model these days and one could argue for a new front of the park coaster. Of course I wouldn't be crying if they announced Boo Blaster was closing at the end of the 2024 season but I don't see that happening. 

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With the merger potentially reprioritizing future projects and the need to replace Vortex, I have this hunch that Invertigo will be gone by 2030 a the latest and not replaced given its overall size and capacity. If they did decide to replace it, they’d need to remove Congo as well.

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21 minutes ago, SonofBaconator said:

With the merger potentially reprioritizing future projects and the need to replace Vortex, I have this hunch that Invertigo will be gone by 2030 a the latest and not replaced given its overall size and capacity. If they did decide to replace it, they’d need to remove Congo as well.

Why would they "need" to replace Congo Falls too? Rides can intertwine with each other. 

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3 hours ago, SonofBaconator said:

With the merger potentially reprioritizing future projects and the need to replace Vortex, I have this hunch that Invertigo will be gone by 2030 a the latest and not replaced given its overall size and capacity. If they did decide to replace it, they’d need to remove Congo as well.

I was thinking about it the other day but what if they were looking at stretching  the Mack tower coaster concept across the front gate and have the station be in Invertigo’s plot of land. It has an inverted launch so theoretically the inverted launch could stretch over the entrance of the park. Just a possibility I thought of.

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