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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2014 in all areas

  1. That's okay. From the available evidence, so has the park.
    5 points
  2. I even seen it on Facebook. Someone really likes it. Is is a great drawing.
    4 points
  3. Woah! I saw this the other day and must of let the 9 foot part immediately leave my brain. I thought it was only 2-3 feet. It wasn't until I saw Bodda's tweet and noticed the outlet that I realized the true size. Awesome job!
    4 points
  4. I will be doing this event for the 4th year! I really enjoy doing the event at Kings Island, so I'm certain I will do it back at KI in 2015! Not to mention the park really does go all out for participants!
    4 points
  5. You pay $25 to register for the fundraiser. That 25 is mostly to cover the overhead from the in-park event (the T-shirt they give you, the meal, etc). Then, everyone who raises an additional $75 gets to participate in an in-park event involving a several-hour marathon on a given ride and exclusive ERT on another. Last year the marathon was on Racer (and I don't see that changing) and the ERT was Diamondback (which very well might change). Formerly, you could ride and ride and ride all you wanted, but as of last year, you can ride twice, then you must get up and walk back around (through the Fast Lane line). Of course, if you get bored of The Racer, you are free to leave and ride other rides. Just know that for every ride except Racer, you'll have to wait in line like everyone else. The park provides a meal and and during this time, they invite a few people who have benefited from the work of Give Kids the World. They'll tell you about what kind of things the organization did for them, so you get a good idea of where your money is going. It's really a great cause! There are also some pretty lucrative prize packages for the top collectors at each park. All 11 Cedar Fair parks participate and it's a lot of fun. If you don't want to participate in the event, you can register as a "virtual rider". You don't have to pay the $25 fee, and you don't get to go to the in-park event, but you can still raise money for Give Kids the World just like those who do participate. As an added bonus for those who participate, you get to be in the park WAY before it opens, effectively securing a prime parking spot for the day!
    4 points
  6. Which you have because of said Germy People and the millions of other ways you come into contact with Germs every second of your life.
    3 points
  7. I love sharing everyone's contributions and KI art work! Keep 'em coming!
    3 points
  8. Kings Island's: As it was when it opened, hunter green. I despise the teal.
    3 points
  9. I saw Mythbusters do an episode on the explosion of water that occurs when the toilet is flushed. What really gets me is that you can't find a lid on a toilet in hospitals? Really? And I'm not saying that there isn't any truth to this, but at the same time you dry your hands with a towel, you touch the door handle on the way out and someone didn't wash, then it's a moot point anyway. Or the hundreds of doorknobs you grab every day. Or the phone you use after someone else.
    3 points
  10. Wow i didn't expect it to be posted on Facebook and Twitter!
    3 points
  11. Many may have missed The Interpreter`s reference in his post about Swoop. The ride he was referring to was Top Gun. The ride was already mostly planned when Paramount purchased the park in July of 1992. They simply changed the name and added the Top Gun theming to the ride.
    3 points
  12. Flight of Fear was my favorite from Paramount. It really was a tough decision for me though, TR:TR was simply an amazing ride and there is little to compare it to, Delirium & Drop Zone really upped the bar for flat rides at Kings Island, and Son of Beast brought in a new extreme wooden roller coaster. In the end though Flight of Fear was my favorite, the theme in the queue area and the intense ride experience just cannot be topped. TR:TR had both of those things but I feel that Flight of Fear tops it in both categories, plus it was able to keep most of it's theming and ride experience following the sale to Cedar Fair, whereas TR:TR was simply stripped apart following the sale.
    3 points
  13. I voted on my first impression. So I voted for Tomb Raider: The Ride. That ride was my favorite in the park from 2002-2005 or so. I absolutely loved it. The show that it was released with, was amazing. To later work on the ride (The Crypt) though it wasn't the same ride as it formerly was, was a highlight for me!
    3 points
  14. Or...you know, be patient wait for a confirmation from the park. I'm kind of hoping Gwazi opens next season. Its hilarious to see how many sites are jumping on unconfirmed reports about this.
    2 points
  15. I assumed the current color was meant to suggest the color when bronze or copper "rusts" (verdigris). It's the color many outdoor statues take on naturally (see Liberty in NYNY).
    2 points
  16. I wouldn't consider the current color blue, exactly.
    2 points
  17. This is really awesome! Saw it on Facebook. I wish I had that kind of talent.
    2 points
  18. Thanks. Wow, that's kind of interesting that during the Carl Lindner years Kings Island was kind of "seperated" from the other former KECO parks, only to re-unite with them under the Paramount banner in 1993. Considering how the Lindner years aren't looked back on with too much love (though they did introduce a bunch of beloved rides like the mentioned AE and Phantom Theatre) I fear what may have happened had Paramount been OK with just buying the KECO parks WITHOUT Kings Island, completely seperating them. Kings Island would not have been a pretty sight by the late 90's had things kept going downhill...Cedar Fair may have not even wanted to make the Paramount purchase since KI was all they really wanted, so Paramount Parks might still exist or would have been bought by someone else (though if CBS was still running the other parks those would have been in bad shape by now as well probably). Six Flags would have had more incentive to "beef up" Kentucky Kingdom, since they could draw guests away from a slowly dying Kings Island under Lindner...so SFKK may never have closed. Geauga Lake could probably have also survived since in this alternate universe, since no PP purchase means Cedar Fair wouldn't have suddenly gone into debt and thus wouldn't have had to kill it- though it likely would have been downsized since CF was already slowly doing that before 2006. Though I figure any rides sent out of GL would have been to Cedar Fair legacy parks instead of the former Paramount ones. Wow, to think the industry could be THAT different had Paramount NOT requested ownership of ONE park in Ohio...crazy... EDIT: Fixed spelling errors in LindNer's name. Thanks for pointing that out Terpy...
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Ah, yes, the beautiful gardens reserved only for the finest guests: smokers and Haunt attendees.
    2 points
  21. I'd totally agree but for the fact that Paramount had nothing to do with Swoop's selection or placement. At all.
    2 points
  22. I realize this is exactly the answer you'd expect from me, but I had to vote for Tomb Raider: The Ride. In terms of quality of the initial design and experience, TR:TR was and continues to be unparalleled for a seasonal park (arguably, outside of Busch Gardens Williamsburg.) It was just such a radically intricate ride for a park that's only open from April to October/November, and it's really impressive that all if that came together in a semi-reasonable price tag ($20 million.) If only the maintenance budget was equally reasonable and/or properly funded and/or not multiplied by the HUSS product within... I'm not judging this by which ride was the best business decision, of course. If I were, I'd say Top Gun, since it seems to have the best uptime and capacity of the bunch. I've also heard that Arrows aren't terribly difficult to maintain if you have the parts. But I'm voting selfishly, so Tomb Raider it is.
    2 points
  23. I actually have watched Ken Ham speak. He is a very engaging speaker. I may not agree with his point of view but the man can move a crowd.
    2 points
  24. TheCryptCrusader and I have been working on a drawing of the Kings Island map in chalk on a 9 ft wall! Here it is! Took about 2 hours, and a lot of hand cramps. We are now covered in chalk.
    1 point
  25. A little while (not too long) ago, BB1 made a poll on here about what attraction people feel was the best ride added under Cedar Fair. I thought it was a decent topic idea and had I a feeling...why not continue it in a way, but going back to another era...thus the question: What was, ride-wise, the best addition Paramount (all 3 forms- Paramount, Viacom, and CBS) added to Kings Island? Pretty simple, but I have a feeling making a choice here might be a bit tougher since Cedar Fair has had the park only 7 years now and Paramount ran it for 13. I also added a poll for this which BB1 really didn't do for his topic. I left off small flat rides and waterpark additions (to keep it a bit less clutter-y), but if you feel one of those was in fact the best ride addition, there is a "other" option. Also, for pure Paramount nostalgia purposes, all rides are named by their original names except for Xtreme Skyflyer- and that's only because that one would also be "Drop Zone" and that would cause some confusion. Enjoy the poll, and you should all know the drill by now if you don't like it...click. Back. MY OPINION ON THIS POLL... Hmm...well, while the Cedar Fair additions have 2 big stand-outs in the form of the B&M Coasters, Paramount is a tiny bit harder to choose from. I never got to experience Son of Beast or Tomb Raider (at least its "true" form) for myself so I can't choose those though I expect both to get votes. The front-runners for me are, in order of debut: TOP GUN, Flight of Fear, Drop Zone, and Delirium...and based on those, my pick is... Flight of Fear. While I've heard it was very bad when it debuted, the 2001 train modifications did wonders for it, and as of now it's my favorite steel coaster at Kings Island that is not a B&M. Add the fact it is well-themed even today, and helped push launched coasters into a new era, it gets my pick.
    1 point
  26. If you could change Kings Island's Eiffel Tower another color what would it be? Or if you would like to keep it the same color teal? Not many people know that the one in Paris, France has changed colors a few times, it has been painted red, yellow and orange. before its new shade Eiffel Tower brown in 1968.
    1 point
  27. I like it as is but as long as it had a natural color look to it like it's original green or a brownish/red color like the one in Paris I'd be fine with it. Think the green/blue looks better for in a park though. Anything bright like yellow or orange or really vibrant like purple would be strange looking
    1 point
  28. Woof! It would be helpful to have a poll to select from or at least to serve as a list for reference to direct comments. Lots and lots of stuff came pre-Paramount. Probably objectively, The Racer would qualify. Obviously The Beast would, too. Lots of infrastructure would also need mentioned, since things like the layout of lands, many restaurants, and lots of architecture would no doubt fall under the category of "addition."
    1 point
  29. You mean from hunter green. Hunter green is a darker than olive drab shade of green. For many years, Sherwin Williams sponsored the tower and subsidized the painting.
    1 point
  30. Speaking of which, our county department of health (and like other such organizations that are worth anything) recommends using paper towel to turn off any manually-operated faucet and open any inward-opening door. I am one to follow this suggestion, particularly because of the ones who do not. Touching the same faucet knobs/dials/handle/whatever after washing hands that you touched beforehand only results in germs going from hand to faucet back to hand. With manual paper towel dispensers, touching it with your hand, after others have done the same with less-than-clean hands, results again in germ transfer to your hand. Solution? Like Terp mentioned above, use your forearm (please don't kick the paper towel dispenser). But that's just me, since the whole idea behind washing your hands is to get rid of the germs that were there, not just to put them down temporarily before picking them back up. See also: Mythbusters showing that it doesn't really matter how long you have contact with a germ-infested surface. The vast majority if not all of the transfer occurs almost instantaneously upon initial contact. And don't even get me started on those industrial toilets.. They have a tendency to not just aerosolize fecal matter, but also to fling liquid toilet water and all its germs. I've learned to hide behind a door where possible, if I need to flush a toilet before using it. Which is often at an amusement park.
    1 point
  31. I don't touch bathroom doorhandles on the way out. If they push out, which code says they are supposed to, I push with forearm or shod foot. If they pull, I use the paper towel provided. If I go to a restaurant with which I'm unfamiliar, I've been known to visit the toilet before ordering. If the restroom is unsatisfactory, I've been known to leave. Finding only hand dryers means 95%+ of the time, I leave. Employees not washing their hands, 100%. Yuck. Note most industrial toilets are the vacuum power flush type. Poo storm greatly enhanced.
    1 point
  32. But Ken Hamm is not spewing hatred of a race....
    1 point
  33. All of those- had they occured- would have drastically affected the amusement industry IMO. And all would have created very different versions of Kings Island...and to be honest part of me wouldn't mind seeing some of those versions of the park. If only the What-if Machine from Futurama was real... http://futurama.wikia.com/wiki/What-If_Machine
    1 point
  34. Oh. OK thanks. OOOHHH...Oops. Spelling error on my part. My bad.
    1 point
  35. Yes, it was already planned. It is important to realize that Carl Lindner was calling the shots at Kings Island, and had already put KECO on notice that its services would no longer be needed, when Paramount agreed to buy the KECO parks, but only if it got Kings Island back and sold it as well. See also Adventure Express and Phantom Theater.
    1 point
  36. Think I'll have to get involved with this.
    1 point
  37. It was between Drop Zone and the Son of Beast. I voted for Drop Zone! I love going up there and in a few seconds I'm headed back down to earth!
    1 point
  38. Great job. Looks almost better than the actual park map.
    1 point
  39. Without hesitation, I have to say Top Gun. For the initial ride/theming, as well as just the many years of providing an awesome experience due to its longevity. I also have to say something about its placement in the park. A lot of people complain about the queue, but that's something I really like about it. Something about walking the far distance into that area of the park is something I always find special about the ride. I think its one reason I like Banshee so well. For some reason, I've just always really liked that area of the park.
    1 point
  40. I would agree with you, this was definitely a hard choice for me. I narrowed it down to three rides: Delirium, The Italian Job: Stunt Track, and TOP GUN. I still enjoy all of those. I finally chose The Italian Job: Stunt Track. I usually ride it a couple times when I go. (I enjoy everything at KI)
    1 point
  41. Thanks Terp for clearing that up, sometimes I just go with what I hear, or my gut instinct. I'm not much for finding things things like that, sometimes. You, sir are a fountain of information.
    1 point
  42. I appreciate art. This is art, and it is presented in an exciting, original fashion! I like the attention paid to the lettering in the logo! Very nice!
    1 point
  43. I really want to Like that post but the inclusion of Voyage just won't allow it.
    1 point
  44. ...and SOME of them, in my last (ever) experience swimming in a public pool, need a room, too. Tb, keeping it chlorine-clean.
    1 point
  45. I also don't take baths with 2o,ooo people, most of whom need one...
    1 point
  46. Screamscape has a history of retroactively editing and/or deleting information if the stories on their site don't match the facts. Even if that weren't the case, I find it quite suspicious that a park would tell a fan site that a rumor is true prior to making a public announcement. I am also quite disappointed in TPR at this point. Robb Alvey of all people should know better.
    1 point
  47. I find it odd that we are talking about all of this at a place that has a huge water park located in it. Although I understand that water is filtered and treated, and up to standard, but I hope no one is going to Soak City if the bathroom water from the blowers bothers them.
    1 point
  48. Let me guess: A revamp of the fountains will be announced before opening day? It's a stab in the dark, but your thread bumps tend to mean something important...
    1 point
  49. All that nasty airborne germs and bacteria aren't normally something to be afraid of, unless you are already sick or have an otherwise suppressed immune system. We should be thankful for our nose hair and mucus as they work together to catch lots of those nasty germs, dirt and other molecules we breathe in every day. And boogers? That is mucus collected around that bad stuff, preventing it from going into our lungs. I love the human body! Oh...and be careful of where you store your toothbrush. Putting the toilet lid down before flushing is a smart idea.
    1 point
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