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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2015 in all areas

  1. After visiting Six Flags Magic Mountain the night before, I was more than excited to get back to a Cedar Fair Park. My experiences at Six Flags parks has just very average in terms of the "total amusement/theme park experience". Cedar Fair just does everything better in my opinion. As soon as we pull up to the entrance of the park, we see a huge difference in the overall aesthetics of the park (as compared to Six Flags MM). The entrance of the park is very well laid out. Leading up to the parks entrance are a few dozen shops and restaurants along with seating, fountains and very well kept greenery. As seen below, as you approach the front gate, Silver Bullet's cobra greets you with it's bright beautiful colors. Also, even if you have no idea of the theming behind Knott's, you quickly get a sense of the Western theme before you even enter the park. As soon as you enter you are standing right under Silver Bullet's cobra roll with the entrance to the right about 200 yards away, so we headed there first. The first thing I noticed about the ride is the great color scheme (in my opinion). It looks like they just painted this thing yesterday! We were able to get on after about a one train wait for front row. The drop on Silver Bullet is kinda disappointing because it's not a very steep drop. In fact, at certain angles, the drop almost seems more shallow than the lift hill. However, the rest of the ride will make up tremendously for the lack luster drop. The ride was very smooth, delivered the right amount of intensity, and some negative Gs that I had never experienced on an inverted coaster. You were in and out of the forces at the right moment, and the transitions were smooth, yet intense. My favorite part of Silver Bullet has to be the over-banked turn between the loop and the cobra roll (3rd picture below). There were some surprising negative Gs in that element. There is another small banked curve between the 2 corkscrews later in the ride that had similar negative Gs also. Overall, Silver Bullet was my personal favorite ride in the park. It's a very enjoyable ride that is easily re-rideable. I give Silver Bullet an 8.5/10. Lord Knows I love standing under Cobra Rolls! Next, we decided to check out the newly refurbished Calico Mine Ride. Walking up to the ride, it looks like something we've all tried to recreate on RCT 2/3, but came nowhere close. The mine theming of the ride is just beautifully executed! This ride was also a walk on, but we had to wait for the only operating train to return to the station. Boarding the train, we first noticed the seating was rectangular in shape, meaning everyone sits facing the center of the car/each other. It's a shame that I didn't get any pictures from inside the ride, but again, the theme was well carried out. There were animatronic miners all over the place with fog/steam blowing at the train as it passed by. There were also boiling water pits, ambient LED lights, and a dog (animatronic dog, more animal action later!). The ride is about 10 minutes long, but there is so much to see inside the ride that it doesn't seem that long. For a family attraction, I give the Calico Mine Ride a 9/10. Great theme and slightly educational. Afterwards we found ourselves wandering (we don't use park maps) and stumbled upon the ground breaking coaster Xcelerator. The light pink and green color scheme touches the blue Southern Californian sky quite nicely. The area around the ride has a theme that American motorist from the 50s and 60s would recognize. The ride was only running one train, which was all that was need because the ride was still a walk on. We waited 2 trains for the front row, and we we got to the gates we noticed that there weren't gates for each individual row, but for each car. Speaking of car, the 1957 Chevy Bel Air theming for the trains looks very sharp as you can see below! The "Murica" design looks very good. It was also kinda cool to see the catch car return to the station and see how large it is. You can see it on the front row on the other hydraulic launch coasters, but not as close as on Xcelerator. The intimidation factor isn't as prominent here as it is on Dragster due to lack of sound effects and the whole staging area. However, I feel as though the launch on Xcelerator is quite a bit more snappy than TTD (if that makes sense), even though it's not as fast. Going over the top hat produced at quick jolt of airtime in the front seat too. The 2 over banked turns are a nice addition to the ride and offer some nice positive Gs, but GEEZ is the break run a GUT CHECK! There was no wait, so we decided to get back on, but in the back row. I think i like the back better. There is ejector airtime in the back going over the top hat. Overall, I give Xcelerator an 8/10. I love that it wasn't just up, down, done, but had the two banked curves in there. Coast Rider was right across the midway from Xcelerator, so we headed over there. Again, it was a walk-on (I don't think i mentioned, it was a Sunday and the park was DEAD), and when I say walk on i mean it! We literally walked onto an empty waiting car. Coast rider is your typical Wild Mouse coaster, nothing special, nothing that sticks out about it. I give it a 6/10, standard rating for me for a Wild Mouse/Mice. We had been informed that the shows at Knott's were really good, so we headed back toward the front of the park to catch the Wild West Stunt Show. Despite the park being DEAD, the theater was jam packed so we thought the show must be really good. It did not disappoint. The overall premise of the show was for a dirty sheriff to give his buddies inside information to rob a bank of gold. There were guns tootin' (fake of course ) water splashing, props flying all over the place, and a great deal of corny humor (it was funny none the less). The actors were also performing pretty decent stunts. It's a show you have to see to know what I'm really talking about. I give the show an 8/10. Great effort by the actors, great stage, and great crown interaction. I just wish it was a little longer. We left the show and decided to ride the train. This train was probably the most unique theme park train I've seen. The box cars resemble (or are) the box cars used in the late 1800s. There is only one station, so it's a round trip around the park. I was caught off guard while riding the train because we were being robbed! Not really. They were actors, thank God. One trip lasts about 8 minutes. I had never been on a Steeplechase coaster before, and I noticed Pony Express was a Steeplechase coaster, so we headed over there. Another walk on of course, we hopped on front row. This was not a very long ride, but it was very fun none the less. It's a great family coaster, and would make a great first coaster for anyone. The launch is about 38mph, and the ride comes with some subtle twists and turns, and a TUNNEL! I give Pony Express a 7/10 for being a great family ride with a unique seating style that is still quite comfortable. Leaving Pony Express, we encountered a show getting ready to start right on the midway. One man wanted to take a guy's sister to a dance party, but the brother of the girl in question wasn't going to let it happen. They weren't the smartest guys around either (just acting). Again this was a show where guns were tootin', and corny humor was used. Pretty good and fairly quick midway show right in the center of Ghost Town. Did I mention how well themed the park is? If not, the park is very well themed! This is Ghost Town. Next we decided to ride the Sky Cabin. Not as tall as other observation tower we had been on, but still provided a great view of Knott's and the Los Angeles Basis. Yes the cabin was air conditioned. Silver Bullet Xcelerator The next 1 or so, we spent re-riding rides because the park was so dead. Silver Bullet 8x, Xcelerator 6x, Pony Express 3x yada yada yada. Then we went over to ride Montezuma's Revenge. I wasn't overly excited to ride this ride, but it was just one more ride I could say I rode. Being 6'4" was also a challenge on this ride. I literally didn't fit, but found a way to ride anyway. A launched shuttle coaster with a loop. Nothing special. It came prebuilt in RCT2. 5/10 for this ride. It was getting hot (about 85 degrees) and we had done everything a least 3 times so we decided to wrap our day up around 3:30pm. Overall, Knott's turned out to be Knott only one of my favorite parks in the chain, but favorite parks in general. The theming of the park is incredible, it's relatively small and very easy to get around. We didn't eat there, but the food looks very good, and the overall atmosphere was great. The employees were nice and helpful and even recommended some shows for us. I hope we get to travel back to Knott's in the near future. It's a park I'd like to bring my kids to. And no, sorry i did knott get any updates/pictures of Voyage To The Iron Reef. But here are some other cool pictures! The sun was a' shining! Stagecoach Rides from Silver Bullet's line. The sixth and final inversion on Silver Bullet. Remember i told you there would be more animal action? This black cat was munching on some french fries. Inside the "Old School House" 0-82mph in 2.3 seconds will do that to ya........ Thanks for reading!
    13 points
  2. You know it's off season when you load the car with people and you tell them...."keep your hands, arms and feet inside the vehicle at all time. Secure all loose articles. You may hand loose articles to an attendant but we are not responsible for them. Remember to keep your head against the headrest throughout your journey. Now sit up straight, hold on tight and enjoy the ride!" Then when you get home "welcome back riders....how was your ride?"
    10 points
  3. When passing an amusement park on the highway is the highlight of your week.
    9 points
  4. That is a nice touch! It really is the little things that take these projects up a notch.
    7 points
  5. The queue rails for Fury 325 have arrived. Talk about attention to detail and light theming! https://www.facebook.com/carowindspark/photos/a.10151648123373599.1073741826.91085023598/10153073867308599/?type=1&theater Photo: Carowinds
    7 points
  6. Since we get the choice, it's a convenience for me if I'm in a hurry. Now, if only I could get a drink deal without having to carry that miserable plastic cup around the park!
    7 points
  7. But what if I read the title of this topic between April 18th and November 1 this year?
    7 points
  8. The capitalization thing used to bother me when I first joined but honestly I've grown used to it and it does make the "fan-boy" message board a lot easier to read. Maybe that's just a generation-gap thing as I can't stand the "txt-speak" where people feel they must short-hand everything.
    6 points
  9. Holiday World advertises sporadically around here as does Dollywood. In recent times for the later, I remember a giant Wild Eagle advertisement right next to the P&G twin towers on south I-71 before the tunnel. You couldn't miss it and it was in view of a very large quantity of traffic. Cedar Point has a bit every now and then as well. Kentucky Kingdom only did when they were opening large attractions. I remember ones for Chang, Twisted Twins/Sisters and Greezed Lightning quite well. I've never seen Kennywood. The furthest park, aside from Disney and Universal Studios, that I've seen is Six Flags Great America advertising on Pepsi products.
    5 points
  10. But the user who posted the material will still see that it was given a negative. Imagine if you had thought of some seemingly-brilliant post and it got downvoted half a dozen times. Would you want to keep posting here? Would you want to keep adding to conversation? And the reaction is especially true if you were new to the forum. Some people have thick skin and wouldn't be bothered by it, but the sense of community would take a hit.
    5 points
  11. Downvote button reminds me too much of Kanye West at the Grammys....
    5 points
  12. When you've(me) seemed to run outta things to talk about....
    5 points
  13. I really don't see the big deal about having to capitalize trademarks. For one thing, text-talk, outside of personal texting and private messaging, is the cyber version of having your butt-crack sticking out. But, beyond that, you're not being asked, nor forced at gunpoint for that matter, to spell every word correctly nor use pitch-perfect grammar. All you have to do is spend a couple of extra seconds capitalizing and correctly typing specific ride names and brand names. That's all. Besides, it's always a good practice to go through, re-read, and tidy up anything you post to the general public, just as you would a resume, report, or an article/blog you're writing, simply on the principle that this is your reputation you're putting out there for all to see. If you don't think these things matter, well then here's an example of how capitalization matters to context. "I need Coke" implies that you want a nice, ice-cold, refreshing beverage. "I need [c]oke" implies that you need to go to rehab, asap! "I like to ride The Beast" means "You like to ride the roller coaster;" "I like to ride (t)he (b)east" means, well, hehe, what you like to do in your spare time is none of my business.
    5 points
  14. I'm surprised by the lack of advertising. Right now is prime time for the park to be advertising the "seven" throughout the tri-state area. Heck I wouldnt have known the park had even reopened if it hadn't been for this site. Is there a reason that there hasn't been a single commercial, radio announcement or bill board posted in the Cincinnati area? Are they not advertising because of a tax agreement? I just cant fathom... Signed Dazed and Confused.
    4 points
  15. If you want to disagree without comment, just +1 an existing rebuttal. Having a combination of upvoting/downvoting is useful for filtering a firehose of content, such as on comment sections of news stories. In a community discussion thread, responding as to why you disagree is much more useful than "downvoting" it without comment.
    4 points
  16. Thanks for reminding me why I don't like coming here much anymore.It also reminds me how much I want a "downvote" button on this site. Not a good idea... Those are fine for sites with anonymity of users, but in a place like this where community and interpersonal interactions are the keys to existence, that would do nothing but harm.
    4 points
  17. Great report! We'd love to hear about your experience at Magic Mountain as well.
    4 points
  18. Maybe one of the new "attractions" is an automatic door on Swampwater Jack's...
    4 points
  19. When you read the title of this topic.
    4 points
  20. We used to get the generic Six Flags commercials up in Indy when SFKK was still around. I was actually really surprised to see a billboard for Nickelodeon Universe up here this year.
    3 points
  21. Kentucky Kingdom was prominently featured on the front of a Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch advertising insert last spring.
    3 points
  22. That's a great point. If it wasn't for this site, I wouldn't even know if KK was reopened. I see commercials for CP and KI, but nothing. Then again, I don't see anything for HW or Kennywood either.
    3 points
  23. Aren't physical reactions in Canada the same as in the United States of America?
    3 points
  24. When you've already recreated all of Kings Islands rides in NoLimits
    3 points
  25. The park may have "classic woodies covered" but we still lack a GCI type wooden roller coaster. I'm not complaining though, I do LOVE all 3 of the woodies at Kings Island, I just wish we had a nice GCI at the park to REALLY draw me. I would love to see a twisty GCI at KI. (Or CP, or MA.)
    3 points
  26. But what if I read the title of this topic between April 18th and November 1 this year? I guess I had'nt thought of that, lol.
    3 points
  27. No you don't....worst flat ride out there it hurt! Haha! You may have liked it though...so I can't say you want don't want to ride it My list: 1) The Original Bat at Kings Island 2) Raging Wolf Bobs at Geauga Lake 3) X-Flight at Geauga Lake (to experience 3 train operations and the original mechanism that would put the train into the "laying position") 4) King Kobra at Kings Island 5) Hercules at Dorney Park
    3 points
  28. That's exactly what they are. I don't know if they're still doing that, but they were when I worked at the park in 2005.
    3 points
  29. There is lots they could do with the front gate aside from revamping the aesthetics.. Revamp the restaurant (assuming the Reds HOF grille is performing as expected) to offer that experience during regular park hours, perhaps a premium upgrade to include patio dining/viewing during the fireworks. Bring it up to code for ADA compliance (allegedly an issue I've read on this site?). Perhaps open up on select days prior to the park opening to offer breakfast (or dinner on Fridays during the Haunt). Perhaps make it available for rental during the offseason (or even in season potentially) for holiday parties, large gatherings, weddings, etc... Perhaps even add a food stand on the perimeter of the park to offer guests another option for when they're leaving the park, hopefully freeing up some of the places near the front entrance to start cleaning up a little earlier. offer electronic ticket kiosks, hopefully enabling customers to get into the park a little quicker, add perks to their season pass, purchase future tickets, etc... I usually come mid-week in the evening, so the ticket line is sparsely used at that point, but on the occasions that I've come on a weekend early in the season or during the Haunt, it seems like the line backs up a decent amount. The intent behind the electronic kiosks would be to get people into the park a little quicker, a side benefit would be reducing overhead. Modify the guest services counter. It seemingly meets it needs, but it also feels dated and stale. Overall, I like the experience you get when you pass under the restaurant and all of a sudden are hit with the sound of the fountains, a little breeze and the view of the Tower, so I'd incorporate that experience into any redesign, but as a certain NON expert, I see potential to update the look, make a couple different areas to increase revenue as well as a couple of different areas to reduce costs. With many other CF parks getting new front gates, I think its only a matter of time before KI gets their facelift, to what extent we shall see. As far as the fountains, you could run them on any time clock you wish, I'd agree to keep some version of the show thru the course of the day, but if the intent of the fireworks is to keep patrons in the park until the very end, likely increasing the spending of said visitor inside the park until the end of the day, I'd save the best "water show" until the fireworks, incorporating lighting along with the water effects that would make families want to come back and stay thru the evening every year. How many people watch the fireworks from the parking lot? You can see them just as well from out there, so they hurry back to their car watch them soar into the sky, then get out of the lot before it gets too crowded, perhaps even hitting up McDonalds on the way home for a bite to eat. The changes above could help KI pick up some of that money/time that their patrons are spending outside of the park. Offer a little more seating, particularly in the shade near the front gate for patrons who want to pack their lunch, but prefer not to eat it out by their car.
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. ^And I thought I had it bad. Being in the 20's and 30's all week, is making me look forward to the season all that much more.
    3 points
  32. Just to add to the Intamin fun, no North American park has bought an INTAMIN coaster of any sorts since SKYRUSH (Opened in 2012). Now that Planet Snoopy is getting a little love with what appear to be two solid additions and removing one horrendously laid out water thingy (seriously if they would have just demolished Snoopy Splash Dance, or reconfigured it so that kids entered and exited the attraction in a similar location I would have considered it wondrous), makes me wonder what is on tap for next season. Since the installation of Diamondback, they've kind of moved around the park, Coney Mall got some love with the addition of WindSeeker, the water park got some love, obviously Action Zone. So what part of the park hasn't seen any love lately? International street. Upgrade the fountain so they can incorporate some sort of "water show" along with the fireworks, upgrade the front gate to modernize it a bit like other parks have done, a revamp of Boo Blasters and do something with Tower Gardens. A bunch of "little" projects that added together will cost a fair amount, but in the end I think really revamp the first part of the park many people see (perhaps a small flat addition to Oktoberfest while they're at it). That's my prediction, until proven otherwise.
    3 points
  33. As I look at these lists, two thoughts emerge: A ) So many wise historical choices. It warms this old National Amusement Park Historical Association member's heart. B ) How old I am and fortunate I am to have ridden so many of these great rides. Of course, many of you will be riding things yet unknown when I have moved on to the next great adventure after this one.
    3 points
  34. I was actually able to visit Everland but sadly, Eagle's Fortress was SBNO at the time. I was so upset. 1. Steel Phantom- Kennywood 2. Orient Express- Worlds of Fun 3. Big Bad Wolf- Busch Gardens Williamsburg 4. Drachen Fire- Busch Gardens Williamsburg 5. Shockwave- Six Flags Great America (I did ride this one, but I want it back)
    3 points
  35. I rev up my machine, a time machine. I called it the Big Boom 1, or BB1 for short. Reaching into my pocket I picked up a mangled sheet of paper, torn at the sides, smudged by oil. I turned a brass nob, while putting the machine into second gear. VOOOM-VOOOM-VOOOM It was dusk I looked at my dash board to notice that it was 8 o clock, Magic Kingdom. I dashed for the Fantasy Land, to get aboard the chair lift. I went over the park in joy and happiness. I then disembarked to only run to my machine as we then embarked to a new destination. VOOOM-VOOOM-VOOOM. It was the 1950's, Coney Island. I came out, looking like a 50's fellow would, and made my way hastily to my ride. I came up to the Shoot-The-Chutes, and boarded for the most fantastic of rides. I went up and up, then back down into the water, a skip and a splash into the lake. The machine was beeping now, 3 more stops until I cannot do anymore. VOOOM-VOOOM-VOOOM. I came out onto a parking lot, I remember this. It was old, yet, so homily, I looked out, it was Boomerang Bay. I laughed and I skipped for joy, running into the Australian gates yet again to experience my home. I started to take photographs, and listen to the Crocodile Dundee voice, and the theming galore. The theme, the music, everything. I stayed for hours, the whole day, and soon after, the week. It was paradise, and I wanted to stay; but the machine had a set amount of time that it could stay, and I had to go. VOOOM-VOOOM-VOOOM I stepped out onto a familiar scene, it was so familiar that I almost took a step back. It was Halloween Haunt, and I was next to Trail of Terror. The terror began almost immediately. The old ghosts, the old kooks, it was all like it happened before; which it has. I was in the same group with my old self, all ready for the terror, I almost didn't even recognize myself. I walked back pleased, but with only one last stop. VOOOM-VOOOM-VOOOM. My machine was halfway down, and it was on its' crutches. I walked out to be at the Institute Of Future Technology, exactly where I wanted! Meandering around the tech found here, i made it back to finally ride in a Delorean Time Machine. After my trip, I went back to my time machine; only to find a Delorean Time Machine. A note was inside the car "This has unlimited time travels, so use it well. -Doc" After that I went on even more adventures, but mostly to Boomerang Bay.
    3 points
  36. ...others use misleading names as if their opinions were those of the associated name. They are not.
    3 points
  37. Maybe one of the new "attractions" is a big moose. "Sorry, folks, parks closed!" Too soon?
    3 points
  38. Two I picked were: RiverTown (Post DB): I really enjoy the lineup in the area. I also enjoy it during Haunt but I would love to see something happen to old Crypt building... International Street Gardens (Prior Paramount)
    2 points
  39. I believe a certain college-aged son of a middler-up (and professed SM expert) used to... and make sporadic posts. Schrute, who is not affiliated with KK or reliant upon them for any financial benefit, being oddly specific.
    2 points
  40. The water can be easily avoided on DB, but what about those nasty moldy stains on the seats/headrests? Please clean them KI...
    2 points
  41. For those who miss KC:KC's nasty water, there's always the Diamondback cesspool. (It COULD be nice, but isn't)
    2 points
  42. What is not missed, however, is the smell that would come off the water at KCKC on hot days.
    2 points
  43. I doubt they even put the moose out when its all said and done.
    2 points
  44. No, the small one is still there. It's called "Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown" now. There's still a nice little trip through the woods, and I got surprisingly wet when I rode it last summer.
    2 points
  45. This is a tough one. I love KI in general, but looking back, I have fond memories of the place when I was younger. Is this fondess just nastolgia, or is it legitimate? Could be both. However, there are a few things that I think were definitely better in the past then they are now. Some of the scenery was better than it is now because some of it has been removed for current rides. Some classic rides have definitely been removed (ex. Antique Cars, Flying Eagles, Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal, etc) which kind of sucks because they were classic. In general, I do miss the prominently themed areas. I liked how it was back when I was a kid. You'd go from area to area and you knew which area you were in because of the theme and sometimes even the music that was playing. Now, everything just runs together and you're blasted with Pop music everywhere you go. Not cool. I miss the epicness of International Street and the epic intrumental music they used to play when you walked through the gates. This definitely brought a different feel then it does currently. These are things, I feel, should've been left alone. Now, we could argue some other things, but that would be mainly opinion. For example, I think I'll alway prefer the Hanna-Barbera era that we had in the "kids" area but that can be expected because I'm 34 and grew up with those cartoons. Heck, I even enjoyed the Nicktoons in that area as well. I'm just not big on the Peanuts, and I'm not sure why. This is all just opinion though. I definitely preferred some of the other rides that were removed (ex. Enchanted Voyage, Phantom Theater) and wish those rides would've been left alone because they were better in my opinion. (Is this just an opinion though? Are there really people that think Boo Blasters is a great ride? Eh, maybe someone does). And finally, I loved the old train ride. I loved the animatronic figures that you'd encounter along your adventure. The pioneer villages, the indians, etc. This was a great addition to the train ride and elevated it to another level completely. We lost a great thing when those elements were removed. There have been many great eras in the history of Kings Island. Some of the changes have been good, some of them not so good. However, things change and I guess we'll just have to deal with that. Here's hoping that we'll have many more great eras to come though!
    2 points
  46. 1. LeMarcus Thompson's Scenic Railway in Atlantic City, NJ (Thompson developed the first patented roller coaster) 2. Harry Traver's Crystal Beach Cyclone, Crystal Beach- I would bring my own padding and ways to keep my head stable though. Probably some pain killers as well. 3. Shooting Star, Coney Island- Cincinnati 4. Drachen Fire, Busch Gardens Williamsburg (and while I was there, Big Bad Wolf) 5. The Bat- Kings Island (circa 1981)
    2 points
  47. To quote Mr. Dane: "...and it will continue." Why anyone would think Cedar Fair doesn't care about its trademarks is beyond fathoming.
    2 points
  48. Well.....I say, Coasterstock, you and the wife need to see me We do!! But I have a long tradition at the track. She has already said she's doing Coasterstock. And I must admit I'm, leaning that way.It's still not an easy decision, years of tradition down the drain, and a passion. Don't know if you've ever been, but Indy qualifying can be quite intense. Just entering that place makes chills run up my spine.
    2 points
  49. Beach Club Insurance Settlement Could Be Taken For Tax Debt: http://www.goerie.com/attorneys-seek-insurance-settlement-to-pay-part-of-conneaut-lake-park-debt
    2 points
  50. Oh they do. They most definitely do. There is at least one poster here that they really wish would shush the realism. They'd prefer we all wear rose colored glasses.
    2 points
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