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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2024 in all areas

  1. In am so open to a ground up RMC. Leave all the woodies alone and start from scratch.
    5 points
  2. (Not directed towards you specifically) Look, I’m not a fan of the current direction of things. And as someone who works in marketing, I’m also baffled by a lot of the decisions that come out from that side of the park. But to blame him specifically for this “teaser” is kind of absurd. I mean, if the park does so little as move a landscaping rock, there are enthusiasts that immediately take that as a “hint” regarding SOB returning. The only ones responsible for any disappointment are the ones who are over reacting and assuming every little thing is a hint/teaser. And it bears repeating that SOB was an awful, miserable fail of an attraction. It was a money pit that physically harmed guests on a few different occasions. And even if you weren’t involved in any of those incidents, the ride experience as a whole left much to be desired. The land where there ride stood is mostly occupied by another attraction. So, any new version would be by name alone. So is that really a SOB revival? And to that point, if there was to be a major new coaster addition, why would you want it to be associated with a ride that has such a miserable past? The hype around the ride was fun. The actual experience was mediocre on a good day. Ultimately, SOB was a low point in an otherwise world class coaster line up. Why do it again in any way? This display is a lot of fun. I love stuff like this. But it’s cool if it stays as a fun throwback to a defunct attraction.
    4 points
  3. I am absolutely with 99% of everything posted above, with the 1% I dissent on being the "Why do it again in any way?" question. If by some Universe altering miracle the folks in Sandusky and Charlotte will pat their eyes dry and lay off on their "take my ball and go home" philosophy regarding RMC (which could be the single thing worth a D amn in the whole FUN/SIX merger) then I wouldn't even be mad at them building an SV annihilating RMC in those woods and valley and using any kind of SOB name or reference they want!
    3 points
  4. For right now, I believe Six Flags only has access to the Looney Tunes and DC IPs and they would probably have to pay extra to get any more IPs from Warner Bros. If you're curious about Hanna Barbera, it seems Six Flags did have access to the Hanna Barbera IP at one point since Six Flags Great America had a Hanna Barbera themed section named "Camp Cartoon" between 1998 and 2017.
    2 points
  5. Gonna be honest, I'm feeling pretty intense nostalgia burnout with KI, and especially with Son of Beast. It was a terrible ride with the coolest marketing. Make a new legend and stop dancing around the idea of reviving old rides.
    2 points
  6. So Rapterra already has track work complete and trains on site. Kings Dominion - It's an exciting day as #Rapterra's trains are... | Facebook Facebook
    2 points
  7. TRTR was at a fascinating point in time in 2002. Digital cameras were just becoming mainstream, most phones didn’t have cameras at the time. So early documentation of the rides first few operating years are scarce. Anyone here may have to look in the attic at printed photos or old tapes. I’m sure something exists somewhere!
    1 point
  8. It's crazy how fast Kings Dominion has been throughout the construction progress of Rapterra. In comparison, I think Orion's trackwork was only completed around the station, final brakes and the base of the lift hill this time five years ago.
    1 point
  9. They have been booking through the install.
    1 point
  10. getting home from work and reviewed the changes a little closer now, noticed that the "remnants of the unloved son" tape has gone, likely confirming IMO that this for sure has no relation to future plans, as this was the one link to the previously abandoned teasers. Edit: If the collective analysis of all these changes posted here by all you amazing people and making the connection back to the abandoned teasers at CP had anything to do with the removal of this reference, I would genuinely find that hilarious ;;; It would be awesome if we could get direct confirmation from anyone what the abandoned teasers at CP were about -------- gonna get crazy here feel free to disregard lol: My final I'm going insanely out on a limb here thought for the tiniest shred of a scrap of hope that maybe this is still something is that, we figured this out a little quicker than the park wanted, and were now being thrown off the trail because they want people at haunt to buy and interact with this feature piece for the lanterns, which also doubles as an announcement, and let the word spread naturally to drive sales of the lanterns and advertisement of a new attraction.
    1 point
  11. Posting this here since it feels more relevant, but the recent prop put out on display is confirmed to be one of the interactive lantern points. Definitely doesn’t rule out this being a clue for something, but is definitely an explanation for why it’s out this year.
    1 point
  12. ^Or the flying coaster that has an underwater tunnel in Lake Erie.
    1 point
  13. Why would the casket not be buried if SoB has been dead for 15ish years. Little odd....
    1 point
  14. You really expect this PR staff to be that thorough through a supposed 5 year teaser for a theoretical RMC when they can't even get a kid's area properly advertised? Clearly, someone is too used to Don being at the helm.
    1 point
  15. Access to the the fogger machine if my memory serves correct!
    1 point
  16. Would anyone be interested in a YouTube Doc about the history of the Land Rover Defender that was displayed infront of the ride? I keep debating making one, but it would be a lot of work because I'd want it to be professional.
    1 point
  17. I have heard, though cannot confirm, that they are adding a copy of RiverRacers.
    0 points
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