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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. ^ The kind of money necessary to "fix" KK is not even close to the money needed to open The Beach.
  2. Video of not the incident being discussed, but of another incident. Be sure to read the article. It was jaw-dropping for me. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/25/12947282-video-reveals-killer-whale-attack-at-seaworld
  3. I agree.Your bike would feel more comfy & safer too!
  4. #4 Columbus #15 Cincinnati http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-most-visited-zoos
  5. Nothing, but repeated something for the past 3 years. You would think, after 3 years, you may start listening....
  6. I would suggest wearing glasses- especially at night. Mosquitos in your eyes at night= no FUN. Too bad you didn't take a picture of it.
  7. Winterfest has too many loose ends (biggest one being uncertain weather) to make such a large investment. Combine that with the amount of work needed to remove all the FF decorations, put up Christmas decorations & still have to do off-season rehab to all the rides, it is too much too fast with a BIG question marks when it comes to revenue.
  8. http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2012/07/six_flags_new_england_wants_to.html Given the weather (wind, rain, temp, etc.) can effect how far noise travels, how on Earth can they get an accurate reading from a moving ride?
  9. ^ Without looking into it too much.... It appears SoB will be getting a different track during the offseason.
  10. The origin is USA. It does not mean the destination is for the USA.
  11. We'll I think that if they decide to get rid of Flight Deck than Son of Beast needs to be thrown out with it and if they decide to get rid of Son of Beast than Flight Deck needs thrown out too. Even though I would like to see SoB stay, I still think that with both of those coasters removed, it would make a big space for a future coaster or park area. Complying with the ToS:Huh?
  12. Not only do they look, they will occasionally post here too.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP8m6mYRJiU&feature=related
  14. Yes, even according to CF's press release, it was on the chopping block- just not for this year.The park closed the end of October 2011. Luminosity has been planned much longer than that. They go through all the motions to have it open, then a handful of days prior to opening day, suddenly decide more room is needed? Okay....
  15. This looks familiar! http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26094-video-knotts-berry-farm-menu-makeover/
  16. ^^ If there was nothing wrong with it, why scrap it out as opposed to moving it somewhere? -also- If it was all tested & ready for the season, why not operate it for a few weeks given Luminosity did not start until June? They could have easily had a charity benefit a la DT.
  17. ^ REALLY?? It works for me.... Oh well, here is another for those who are having problems with the above link: http://www.daytondai...r-says-1/nM6RM/
  18. ^ Nice find! Thank-you! EDIT: I'm taking coasterdime's word; someone may want to inform GS of this as I just called KI and asked, and was informed they do not have chargers.
  19. The lockers @ CP, which are $12 like KI, now have cell phone chargers for each locker. With any luck, KI will get this handy perk as well.
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