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Kings Island 2020 Finally Open Thread


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  On 7/3/2020 at 5:59 PM, jimlaheyscar said:

Fast Lane pretty much a walk on. I just requested front row about 2 min ago and they had no problem letting me wait. Prob depends on the employee. 


So if you had already bought a Fast Lane you can still use it? And you don’t need an access pass if you have it? Sorry I’m going next Saturday and was just trying to find more detail about how my Fast Lane will work!

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  On 7/3/2020 at 6:32 PM, jimlaheyscar said:

You are correct about Fast Lane. From what I heard they do want to sell them (obviously) at some point this season if possible. Prob when they can increase capacity. 

Right now, Fast Lane makes Orion pretty much a walk on.


That’s how it was yesterday.  I got a total of 6 rides in, but also rode everything else in the park.  Fast Lane is awesome for Orion.

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  On 7/3/2020 at 7:01 PM, MoreFogPlease said:

Just saw a 40 year old “man” yelling at high school age workers, for like ten minutes, in The Beast line when they told him to put on his mask. Security came eventually, I’m not sure if they escorted him out in the end. Hopefully they did.


That's horrible, everyone knows the expectations walking in. If the guy has the ability to be yelling it's definitely not a "I need to catch my breath" type situation. Either way it's uncalled for.

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  On 7/3/2020 at 7:01 PM, MoreFogPlease said:

Just saw a 40 year old “man” yelling at high school age workers, for like ten minutes, in The Beast line when they told him to put on his mask. Security came eventually, I’m not sure if they escorted him out in the end. Hopefully they did.


And that, right there, is the reason masks are needed.  When you yell, saliva is flying.  So those poor ride ops and security folks got sprayed down.

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  On 7/3/2020 at 7:15 PM, PatchesC said:

That's horrible, everyone knows the expectations walking in. If the guy has the ability to be yelling it's definitely not a "I need to catch my breath" type situation. Either way it's uncalled for.


I promise he had no trouble breathing. He was the type of person who just enjoys being a jerk to people he doesn’t know.

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as the day has progressed a lot more people are not wearing their mask properly or just not wearing it at all. I also wish the park refilled the sanitizer stations, I’d say more then half of the stations I’ve tried to use are out. Still having a great time though!

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  On 7/3/2020 at 7:44 PM, Benjamin22 said:

as the day has progressed a lot more people are not wearing their mask properly or just not wearing it at all. I also wish the park refilled the sanitizer stations, I’d say more then half of the stations I’ve tried to use are out. Still having a great time though!


That so bad like wear maks!!!! And King's island put more sand hanit out I don't want virus!!!!!!(+

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  On 7/3/2020 at 7:44 PM, Benjamin22 said:

as the day has progressed a lot more people are not wearing their mask properly or just not wearing it at all. I also wish the park refilled the sanitizer stations, I’d say more then half of the stations I’ve tried to use are out. Still having a great time though!


Odd because at Orion event husband had his neck gaiter covering nose and mouth, but reached up underneath and pulled the bottom portion outwards for a moment and had security get onto him for even that just walking down a path. Nose and mouth were still fully covered :(

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  On 7/3/2020 at 7:01 PM, MoreFogPlease said:

Just saw a 40 year old “man” yelling at high school age workers, for like ten minutes, in The Beast line when they told him to put on his mask. Security came eventually, I’m not sure if they escorted him out in the end. Hopefully they did.


I had to say something to a man and his "kids" today for crowding me in a line. They mocked the social distancing lines afterward and said "people are just ridiculous now".

It was a line for a drink. Plenty of space behind them - they just chose to keep moving up. Real great role model for his kids.

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  On 7/3/2020 at 9:27 PM, chibul said:

I had to say something to a man and his "kids" today for crowding me in a line. They mocked the social distancing lines afterward and said "people are just ridiculous now".

It was a line for a drink. Plenty of space behind them - they just chose to keep moving up. Real great role model for his kids.


These will be the same kids bullying kids for wearing masks when school starts up since they are not mandatory for students in Ohio...I foresee a surge in school bullying...

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I'm having the same issue---I can't find the health screening on the app. I have the "ticket"(my only reservation) in my email but don't want to drive 2 hours to be turned away. Please help.






  On 7/3/2020 at 11:02 AM, Skyrider said:

I have a reservation for myself and a friend tomorrow.  Can someone explain how to get to the pre-assessment health screening so I can complete it?  Will they send me an email within 24 hours for me to complete it?  I made my reservation online the day reservations opened up and can’t sign into the app because I forgot my password and it always says internal error when I put forgot password. I called Kings Island about this but they said I didn’t need the app to make reservations but is that the only way to get my pre-assessment health screening?  Thank you!



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  On 7/3/2020 at 10:07 PM, MarkB. said:

I'm having the same issue---I can't find the health screening on the app. I have the "ticket"(my only reservation) in my email but don't want to drive 2 hours to be turned away. Please help.








Just show up, have not heard/senn anyone being denied.  They ask when you come in.

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Thank you coaster sally for the response---I as many if not all of us need to visit KI and get to one of my "happy places" before I go crazy. No Supercross, no Indy(grand prix,500 and Brickyard) has got me stressed to no end---hopefully tomorrow will fix that.



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  On 7/3/2020 at 10:07 PM, MarkB. said:

I'm having the same issue---I can't find the health screening on the app. I have the "ticket"(my only reservation) in my email but don't want to drive 2 hours to be turned away. Please help.








If you log in the app and go to your reservation the health screening information pops up at the bottom of the screen on your phone.  It’s nice the reservation is loaded onto the season passes.  I had to log in using a computer to be able to use the forgot password and change it in order to be able to login.  I wonder why using an iPhone it comes up as an error.  Enjoy your time at Kings Island.  I will be there tomorrow and can’t wait!

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  On 7/3/2020 at 10:47 PM, Skyrider said:

If you log in the app and go to your reservation the health screening information pops up at the bottom of the screen on your phone.  It’s nice the reservation is loaded onto the season passes.  I had to log in using a computer to be able to use the forgot password and change it in order to be able to login.  I wonder why using an iPhone it comes up as an error.  Enjoy your time at Kings Island.  I will be there tomorrow and can’t wait!


I still get "internal server error" on my phones (my primary phone---Iphone 8--- and my in the park phone ---galaxy j3--- I have my season pass on them but no tickets(i have my ticket in my email on both phones I reset my password on the computer with no luck,just now got "your email or password doesn't match our records" this is so frustrating. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY.



P.S.  I will be there for my 11:00 reservation regardless hopefully guest services can get me situated quickly


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I don’t like the new practice of closing the lines before 10:00. It is annoying when they suddenly decide to close the ride before closing time, and you aren’t allowed to ride. They closed The Beast’s line off around 9:40 today instead of at 10:00, and they also closed Orion’s line off early.

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I wonder if the early close will continue next year for Beast and Orion. We just left the park after a full 1030 to 10 day on the 4th. Since we missed Beast after fireworks to close the night we headed to Mystic. Entered line at about 955, got 2nd last train. It and Diamondback did have their lines open till 10. Not sure of any others. 

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  On 7/5/2020 at 2:57 AM, FUN&ONLY! said:

I don’t like the new practice of closing the lines before 10:00. It is annoying when they suddenly decide to close the ride before closing time, and you aren’t allowed to ride. They closed The Beast’s line off around 9:40 today instead of at 10:00, and they also closed Orion’s line off early.


We saved Beast for last today to nab that full moon night ride. Very disappointed to get there at 9:45 only to discover the line was closed for the night. Mystic Timbers was a solid consolation night ride, but not getting on Beast was a sour way to end a fun day. 

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Went yesterday and want to make sure and say how absolutely impressed I was with the employees.  They were all friendly (considering the current state of things and the state of some of the GP).  Kudo's to the staff.  Everyone had a smile and seemed to be making the best of the situation.  I am very impressed with both the staff and the training the management have done for a quick turn around start to the season.  I couldn't have been more impressed.  I saw employees enforcing the mask policies and felt very safe.  Masks and Social Distancing were both heavily noticeable so thanks to the GP.  It was easy to tell those that complain about having to wear masks either didn't show up, or wore them anyway.  Either way they were definitely a small minority.

The only thing I would suggest is using the International Showplace as a relax zone.  (similar to what universal did with the Sinbad show area).  This is of course assuming they are not going to have shows this year as they seem to have eluded to.  Just seems like 1 or 2 more Relax Zones would be appreciated especially on a day like yesterday with 90 degree temperatures.   

Other than that had a fantastic day and am looking forward to going again Tuesday.  Thanks again to the employees and management at KI.  Your efforts and outward friendliness were notice and very much appreciated.  I made sure to tell this to as many employees personally as I could, knowing that starting the 12 it will be a whole different ball game.  Until then us pass holders really have no right to complain considering our passes were extended to the whole of next year.  But I fear the non-pass holders won't be as understanding and hope they strongly consider and understand the current state of things at the park when they visit and don't take it out on the employees.  If they do I hope the employees will find solace that those who complain are a minority (how ever vocal) and want them to know the majority of us appreciate the employees and their friendly, outwardly positive attitude is noticed and appreciated.  If you feel the same I encourage everyone to greet employees with a "Thanks for Working 2020".  And to upper management, I know money must be tight but I would hope these employees will be compensated likewise to their over and above performance.

To all employees "Thanks for Working 2020" !

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