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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2014 in all areas

  1. These type of posts here and on other social media are the ones that drive most folks crazy - just say what it was already and quit looking for attention from 20 more posts asking what happened! There is actually a name for these types of posts - vaguebooking - Urban Dictionary defines "vaguebooking" as the following: "An intentionally vague Facebook status update that prompts friends to ask what's going on, or is possibly a cry for help." I am sure most of us would prefer to not have to scroll through 2 pages of posts asking "what happened" - just say what the "incident" was in the original post so that everyone can move along. End of rant
    9 points
  2. Don't be afraid to name Raven or Legend your favorite there. Voyage is insane but for me Legend was my favorite there. Eating at the park is cost effective. Plymouth Rock Cafe for homestyle eating, Kringles for a more traditional park food. If you need discount tickets drive just past the park and visit Santas Candy Castle and get the Avalanche while your there. Just something amazingly delicious about frozen hot chocolate.
    6 points
  3. Aww, I thought it was going to be what my husband keeps saying someone should make. Sort of a giant sandbox where people can play with construction equipment the way they played with the toys as kids.
    6 points
  4. Yeah, but if it is to be, hopefully this time they won't try to do it for peanuts. No trademarks were harmed in the making of this post (a paramount concern).
    5 points
  5. The only thing that comes to mind is this.
    5 points
  6. Most parks hope their new attraction isn't a turkey. Just sayin'
    5 points
  7. The Peanuts have so many works for them(Cedar Fair) to pull from ... Great Pumpkin,Joe Cool, Flying Ace etc. It's not hard to do a Dark Ride themed to Peanuts. They could theme it to Snoopy's Dog House...let us enter Snoopy's Dog House they would have to re theme and change up the castle facade..but really we could see what goes on in snoopys dog house or the imagination of snoopy.
    4 points
  8. To quote Arthur Carlson..."I swear to God, I thought turkeys could fly."
    4 points
  9. I spy Jonathan (not #Jonathan) in the latest Holiblog. http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/2014/05/21/yet/
    4 points
  10. I do know the answer to that one They can just scan your voucher at the parking entrance, you don't have to pay.
    4 points
  11. I noticed the lack of lighting in FoF yesterday too, it wasn't as dark when I was there on Monday or the other times I've been there so far this year. I like it a little dark like that, makes it even more fun. I had two near walk-ons first thing in the morning, and was worried in the evening the line would be 45-minutes but still really wanted to ride again. I decided I'd just make it the last thing I rode before going home. Fortunately, it was more like 15-20 min, but even if it had been longer it would have been worth it. Most of the rest of the train I was on were a couple groups who had never ridden it before. Hearing (and talking to them about) their anticipation before the ride, squeals on the ride, and enthusiasm after the ride made it almost like riding for the first time again myself. It totally re energized me, and I ended up making a loop to WindSeeker, Beast, and Diamondback again before actually leaving.
    4 points
  12. May I suggest you spend the weekend talking to your gma. Have her tell you stories. A cancer diagnosis can be frightening. One day she won't be here as you will be beyond upset you chose a park over a family member. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  13. I think that makes SIX for you.
    3 points
  14. I said "fun" not "FUN". (Yeah, I know, I got Terp'D...)
    3 points
  15. They are also making in-park announcements. Not sure how many people will show but it's worth your time to get there early just in case. I'll be live Tweeting with photos @KICentral.
    3 points
  16. Thats the ONLY tweeting I will ever be doing, I am not that arrogant/self-important/self-indulgent that I need a site to randomly and instantly announce my every movement. I dont even do that 4-Square crap on Facebook.
    3 points
  17. Actually, it was an upcharge when it debuted in 2011, then became free to everyone in 2012, then returned to the same upcharge as before in 2013. They couldn't make up their minds.
    3 points
  18. Festival. Already limited hotel/motel rooms. I'd reserve NOW. Or be prepared to drive a long ways or home. Did I say I? *I* stay in Corydon. But normal people don't do that. Actually, these days, I stay in Birmingham when I go to Koch World.
    3 points
  19. Yay! (I'm the guy in the blue and gray jacket on the right edge of the third image, holding a camera in front of my face.)
    3 points
  20. MAJOR UPDATE!!! WMG will be opening TOMORROW! The first ride took place yesterday or this morning based off the picture above. The station also looks very cool! The park has also posted a video of all the characters that are part of the ride. The animations look to be very high quality! Can't wait!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152195414233924
    3 points
  21. Perhaps they could install something like this:
    3 points
  22. If Mammoth and Wildebeest are all you're looking to do in the waterpark, then your trip is doable in one day. Their waterpark is colossal (even though it may not look so from the road or from the dry park) and could be a two-day trip unto itself if it's super busy. In my personal experience, it seems like the coasters are somewhat temperamental when it comes to operating temperature. Early and late in the season, when the weather is cool, the rides are very smooth. Extremely hot days (90+) have historically provided my worst/roughest rides on their coasters. I personally don't mind reasonably rough coasters and think all three rides are fantastic (a rough Voyage is still better than a smooth Beast to me), but I think it ought to be noted that rough coaster rides can and do happen at Holiday World. If you ask me, the only place to experience all three wooden coasters is the last row, but it's all about what you're into.
    3 points
  23. I had high expectations and it surpassed them. Im 18 rides in now. I know it's not as many as a lot on here but my 18th ride was as good if not better than the first. It felt like it was faster on Wednesday.
    3 points
  24. I finally got a gun that worked on the ride, and scored 2100. Since I was riding alone, though, I didn't have anyone I could lord it over. I did learn that the ride is much more interesting if it actually works. I wish it had a Peanuts theme too, tho.
    3 points
  25. Banshee has really been growing on me. I overheard a man at the park yesterday talking to his kid about why he didn't like Banshee (not having a standard drop hill, not being able to tell where you're heading), and it boiled down to "it's not the kind of coaster I'm used to/ expected." I realized that had a lot to do with my initial unenthusiastic response to the ride: it wasn't what I expected. Having ridden a handful more times, I'm really coming to appreciate what it actually is as opposed to how well it matched my expectations.
    3 points
  26. We need Scooby Doo back, thats the best solution.
    3 points
  27. Cedar Fair has definitely taken notice to the reopening of Kentucky Kingdom. I live 45 minutes south of Louisville, yet there are two billboards for Kings Island in town. I can't remember the last time I even saw one. Taco Bell is selling discount tickets that include free drinks.
    3 points
  28. Right now, I would be satisfied if the Reds Grille would offer their ribs as a half rack in addition to the full rack. I love ribs and want to try the ones at the Reds Grille, but I cannot eat a full rack and refuse to pay $23 for a full rack when I will barely be able to eat half of the rack and the other half will go to waste. They need to understand that not everybody has an appetite the size of the moon.
    3 points
  29. I am very interested in hearing how your trip was! I hope you have fun, Cornball Express is an awesome ride!
    2 points
  30. If you're a member of GOCC they have discounts available.
    2 points
  31. I want to like your post gajone but I like TC and just can't like your post But a place like TC would do well in the park. A nice grille cheese and soup after White Water Canyon would be great Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  32. I rode Days of Thunder, James Bond, 7th Portal and Smash Factory, but no others after that. I have no interest in NASCAR whatsoever and have never seen the movie Days of Thunder, yet I still enjoyed that experience the most, I guess because it was the original. I too enjoyed the queue theming and pre-show as someone else mentioned. Hard to believe that the line spilled out well into the midway the first time I rode it. I did enjoy 7th Portal a lot too, as nonsensical as it might have been. Combining the 3-D with the motion simulator was great though.
    2 points
  33. ^^ That's the key....small local restaurants. Look what KI did for Larosa's and Skyline.
    2 points
  34. Liberty Launch is very impressive for its size.
    2 points
  35. I want to love Tom+Chee, but I just think it's way overrated. I've been a few times and tried a couple different sandwiches that were ok to me but nothing to rave about, and I didn't like the tomato soup much at all. The prices are definitely fair though, I'll give them that. It's a place I'll eat at maybe once a year but that's about it. HOWEVER, I'm all for a place like that moving into the park. The food itself would be a good fit for the park I think, plus I would love to see a smaller local establishment like that get even more exposure. And even with the prices marked up, it could still be an affordable option. So even though I'm not a huge fan, I would support a place like that moving into the park.
    2 points
  36. I think they have a promotion with local Wendy's or something like that. If I were you. I'd call the park 865-428-9488 and ask them where to find the best deals. They're good people. They'll help you.
    2 points
  37. Just remember that to win you have to follow @KingsIslandPR on Twitter. There are some commercial-like Tweets but mainly interesting park factoids and information. I think most of you would enjoy it.
    2 points
  38. Speaking of The Monster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acfx4orazEk
    2 points
  39. I went up Tuesday (5/20) afternoon/evening and had a good time. Highlights included riding Banshee twice (my first and last rides of the day), having the best ride on The Beast thus far this season because I didn't get a wheel seat (I was in the 1st car, 2nd row), enjoying the Train and riding Invertigo (which was great, but Banshee is still better!). EDIT: I almost forgot the amazing bread from Chicken Shack and I walked onto Vortex.
    2 points
  40. I personally would like to see a Tom+Chee at the park. They'd probably not be able to offer a full menu there, but it's still a great option. (If you don't know what Tom+Chee is, see http://www.tomandchee.com for more info) Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. Go to a certain Kingdom, or something. Now that I think of it, there is not much to do in NKY....... Uh, that certain Kingdom will doubtless have crowds far, far, far beyond its capacity to handle. I think I remember predicting a fiasco, a circus and worse, as far as orderly rides and attractions handling.
    2 points
  42. Yes it did. It's amazing to me that the park complains about trademarks and perfect capitalization so that their sponsors are being represented properly yet they decide not to put the product out there as it is supposed to be. Hey lesson learned and I'm glad it only cost me a dollar but I will still let them know I am unhappy with the decision they have made.
    2 points
  43. How about join other members and split them in half I'm always down for a good rack
    2 points
  44. I would love to see an Exotic Seafood Stall 1 somewhere in the park.
    2 points
  45. Last time the Browns were good. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Active using Tapatalk
    2 points
  46. That's the Americanized Thanksgiving not the true spirit of the holiday. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Active using Tapatalk Is it possible to "Americanize" an American holiday? razmataz, curious
    2 points
  47. I put the pic of the bird's nest in Drop Zone's sign on Instagram. http://instagram.com/p/oOsalvh0J5/
    2 points
  48. This is why the ride going up in Canada is of interest to me. One of the claims, IIRC, was the ride was customizable and if I read things right, could operate on many different programs thru the day if the operated wished for that variety. I immediatly thought of Boo Blasters and all of that "extra" space that goes to waste (well other than storage) for the regular operating season. I envision a kid friendly version of an indoor shooter/dark ride experience (or whatever CW has in store) for the regular season, then during the haunt, a kid's friendly halloween version of the ride during the day, and an adult version during the evenings when the haunt is in full effect.
    2 points
  49. You are correct. When the building was converted from Smurf's Enchanted Voyage (which used the whole building), Phantom Theater only used the left side of it. The other side became Enchanted Theater, which is where they had shows for the kids. That area hasn't been used for shows in years and is currently occupied by CarnEvil.
    2 points
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