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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2024 in all areas

  1. Poles have been set out presumably for the scare zones in Rivertown and Coney Mall, along with whatever is happening in front of the Kings Island Theater. The lights and rigging in Area 72 have been set up as well:
    3 points
  2. My non enthusiast friends look to me for advice. With the way things have gone the last two years, I could not recommend the park in good conscience. I have not gone much myself this year. Several did go to KK and or HW instead and three have become passholders at KK instead of KI. Enthusiasts can be bratty and entitled. But you take the good with the bad. Will my paltry example make any noticeable difference? Not really, unless they track lost potential revenue. Kings Island can bring in the crowds consistently because it's a regional tradition/right of passage. Until people stop buying, they will continue to cut the budget. I some ways, I wish the budget cutters could get a federal job and tackle that budget. They have demonstrated they can slash!
    2 points
  3. Enthusiasts, and my humble opinion, are free advertising. Am I saying you need to go out of your way to keep them happy?-no. That being said, you have to understand who your fans are, and what influence they have on the industry. Enthusiasts are one of the biggest upsell opportunities out there- they can buy add-ons, fast lanes, collectible merchandise, etc. Even what @johnjniehaus did is a prime example of enthusiast upselling: getting non enthusiasts to buy can be a difficult sell.
    2 points
  4. When parks have the wrong people in key positions, they miss a lot of the right opportunities that would benefit the park.
    2 points
  5. I don't think parks understand the influence enthusiasts have on park sales. Yes, there are negative comments sometimes. Some enthusiasts take not seeing the park at its peak potential personally and get extreme with their expectations. That much is very clear. How many times have you seen me on the KIC social channels promoting sweet spot sales, apparel sales, and pass sales? Same with the FB pass holders, and other channels. Parks have no problem displaying Amusement Today's awards. Who do they think votes in those polls? They may not like a few enthusiasts' attitudes or comments, but bottom line they need to play ball if they want to win awards and increase additional park sales. Considering they keep cutting budgets and such, you'd think that they'd be taking any lifeline they can get for free.
    2 points
  6. BGW is a family friendly park. I doubt they would put in a roller coaster called Big Beautiful Woman.
    2 points
  7. Completely amazes me that a park that keeps adding "family friendly attractions" keeps insisting on increasing the amount of alcohol consumed in the park. Don't care which way they go, just pick a lane and stay in it. Nothing like kids spending the day with "drunk uncle"
    2 points
  8. Since I started the thread on Camp Snoopy construction last year, I decided to start one again for the new attractions coming to Soak City in 2025! As a reminder to make sure all posts follow the terms of service linked here: The park recently shared on X (formerly Twitter) that ground has broken on where RiverRacers is going! This is very exciting and here's to another season of construction updates!
    1 point
  9. Enjoyed this show!
    1 point
  10. Yes that one is my personal favorite and I will definitely try to make a trip to ride it if they ever announce it's closure. If it lasts till 2028 I'm going to make a motion for it to become an ACE Landmark for holding the record of highest G-force in the USA for 50 years.
    1 point
  11. Enthusiasts are a very rough crowd but I had GP friends threatening to back out of going to CP when they knew it was down. I was told why would we go when the best ride isn't open? I had to convince them that the park was still good enough to justify a 4hr one way drive. My GP Kings Island crowd friends basically weren't going to give the park their business over the entire thing. I convinced them to give the park a chance and I (the enthusiast) happened to make CP $120 in tickets sales that day. I have many family members and friends saying things to me about what a disappointment it is or how it looks really bad on Cedar Point to have additional issues with a ride that already had an major accident. I've got GP people telling me "TT2 is like Son of Beast". It hasn't gone unnoticed by the general public it's just that enthusiasts are the loudest critics and have the platform to voice their opinions. The GP is probably just as upset and in the case of my family and friends who aren't enthusiasts none of them went to CP this year except the couple of guys I work with that I convinced to give the park a shot despite the fact TT2 was closed.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Is it time to declare the 1st season of TT2 was a bigger disaster than the 1st season of TTD? Somewhere Kinzel is relieved a new ride took the title of biggest regret/disappointment
    1 point
  14. How I read it: “We sincerely appreciate your patience while Too Thrill 2’s MANUFACTURER, Zamperla” Unfortunately, the MANUFACTURER, will not be able to complete modifications in time to reopen the coaster in 2024”
    1 point
  15. That is not a bad idea. It could gradually get to red at the top to match the beaming eyes.
    1 point
  16. Honestly, I would gladly give up a couple of early Winterfest days in favor of more night rides on The Beast and other coasters.
    1 point
  17. I've seen it open more this season than previous seasons.
    1 point
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