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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2024 in all areas

  1. Kings Island is definitely more polished and in my opinion has better interactions. Cedar Point was more difficult to find the interactive locations, even with a map, and that was said by multiple guest. For example try finding the interactive location and then imagine it being dark, and foggy. CP: KI:
    2 points
  2. The interactive lanterns purchased at KI do in fact, work at Cedar Point: IMG_4372.mov
    2 points
  3. Considering it’s been talked about a few times on here and people have been posting pictures and videos on KI related social media pages, I thought I’d mention it on here that it does indeed look like there is activity in the Wolfpack building. I’m not sure how to share footage from Facebook but on Kings Island Uncensored, they had the lights on and were working when it was darker out. I assume it’s being gutted by staff for removal but nothing has been confirmed by the park. Edit: I was able to find a link: https://m.facebook.com/groups/kingsislanduncensored/permalink/1468539920635173/?mibextid=l2pjGR
    1 point
  4. Diamondback is running nice and fast tonight, getting good ejector air this evening.
    1 point
  5. Corporate vs local: https://youtu.be/duq5w7tEn84?si=2PMpVH3pe0UZczoH
    1 point
  6. Bring those Eagles back to Cincy!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I really do not understand this at all. It does not make much sense to me why they would install these. I do not see them serving much purpose besides running ads for gold passes and maybe a map popping up occasionally, but I would love to be proved wrong. What do you guys see these little screens being used for and what have you seen on them besides the Kings Island Halloween Haunt thing. I am away at school and would love to hear what they are displaying. This is obviously not a cheap investment and required a decent amount of money.
    1 point
  9. They work during the day. Some activation points are on during tricks and treats, some are on during haunt only, and some are on for both. Many of them do different things during the day vs at night.
    1 point
  10. They are themed to the areas loosely with a shroud. It appears that the screens are exposed directly to the client. That will be problematic, especially since people will likely think they’re touch screen and poke them.
    1 point
  11. Is there going to be a new haunt maze this year or am I looking too far into this (probably)?
    1 point
  12. I love a good speculation thread, but it could just be them rearranging Haunt props around to get ready for the Haunt season. I have no inside info. Until I see heavy machinery on site, I will hold my judgement of any big revelations.
    1 point
  13. If the building does get re-used for another purpose (such as a Haunt maze*), I think they need to put a bar over the back stairs (right side of SOB station); I've heard of people exiting Wolf Pack that way in the past as they've randomly shown up on The Bat's exit path (the proper exit was the actual Son of Beast exit path). Unlike Chaos (where if you go out the wrong exit, you'll easily find your way back to Area 72), one could get lost in the park's back area after descending the stairs. EDIT: *As a note, I have no idea what's going on (This thread is the first I've heard of work being done in that area), but I'm guessing it could either be demo'd or reused for something more permanent.
    1 point
  14. Yeah I don’t know what happened with people going to the City of Mason for permits and blueprints. I feel like people used to go all the time to get the latest on Kings Island. Nobody ever even went to obtain the Adventure Port blueprints. That being said, I never went myself, so I guess I can’t be talking. I feel like some sort of demolition permit or something would be needed for Kings Island to demolish the Son of Beast station or modify it.
    1 point
  15. If anything is unsafe in that building, I would conjecture that it is the temporary flooring that was put over the roller coaster track in the middle of the building. That would be easily fixed by removing it and replacing it with a new subfloor material such as particle board. That is to say, if they were going to reuse the building for something else. If they wanted a more permanent fix, they would probably have to do some structural work like remove the roller coaster track, add some beams and put in more pressure treated lumber. Does nobody go to the city of Mason anymore? I'm not sure of what local codes are, but if they were going to demolish the building, it seems like they would need a demolition permit. If they were going to make structural changes to it, seems like they would need a building permit.
    1 point
  16. The Son of Beast station cannot be condemned as some people are saying it is. Entry would be restricted by law. It has to still be pretty darn safe for employees to still be working in it. I feel like the supposed “structural issues” might have some merit (maybe some components or railings are fatigued and would need replaced), but I feel like the talk of the station having “structural issues” is just an excuse for removing it similar to how Kings Island says a ride has “reached the end of its service life.” In fact, if it is demolished and WCPO asks Kings Island why it was torn down, I would not be surprised if Kings Island simply says it “reached the end of its service life.”
    1 point
  17. To go along with that, if it were in danger of collapsing it probably would've been top priority to demolish it ASAP due to safety reasons. Imagine it collapsing with guests riding The Bat nearby...
    1 point
  18. It's a steel framed building with pressure treated flooring. The roof is good. If it were in danger of collapse, they would have cut electric to it.
    1 point
  19. Probably more along the lines of “it’s safe to get whatever props are leftover can be placed in a storage building or taken to another Haunt maze.” It’s not like the building is going to collapse by the end of the week and they’re running against the clock before the floor caves in beneath their feet.
    1 point
  20. Well considering workers walking around on a failing structure with no personal protective equipment would carry hefty fines from OSHA. I’m doubtful the structure is actually “failing.” My expectations remain low tho.
    1 point
  21. That would actually be awesome if they brought that back right after Adventure Port - it would be like when we got Invertigo/DT in '99 and Son of Beast in 2000. -MDMC, a big fan of Adventure Port's theming
    1 point
  22. Well given the parks history on coaster announcements in the past decade we know that most announcements occur in August (Mystic Timbers being late July). We also know that site preparation for all these coasters started prior to announcement. So clearing Wolfpack now would make sense, the land is already cleared behind Banshee. RMC did mention Outpost 5 in a recent tweet this year, and there is still Son of Beast track standing in the station, and a station that can be used by RMC.. Action Zone has also not seen any major changes or additions since 2014, so if there was any major changes or additions coming to the park, that would be likely the area to see it. While these are all interesting and positive developments it could also mean absolutely nothing.
    1 point
  23. I would argue that having WindSeeker and Shake, Rattle, and Roll close a little early is worth it for the drone show. The Royale Finale is really taken to the next level with the drone component. Even on busy days, lines die down a lot by the time WindSeeker and Shake, Rattle, and Roll have to close, so the capacity hit by having those two rides close early is not that big of a deal in my opinion.
    1 point
  24. ^But the drones prevent WindSeeker and Shake, Rattle, & Roll from operating until close. Granted those aren't as popular as other rides that have to close for the event, but it does reduce available capacity on busy days.
    1 point
  25. While that is true with The Vortex site, I don't think it's a guarantee that is where the next coaster is going. In fact I have this weird feeling that with how popular the drones are in the fireworks show, as long as they keep doing drones, that is probably what The Vortex site will be used for as it is a good area for them to be launched without distrubring anything or anyone.
    1 point
  26. Maybe I am wrong here but there is a pretty big empty hole that already has land cleared for a nice new roller coaster.
    1 point
  27. The station would of been one amazing vip lounge, all I'm saying!
    1 point
  28. I feel like it just makes so much more sense to demolish the Son of Beast station during the offseason. Maybe it will be demolished over next offseason, but it is pretty early to be gutting the building for that. I do not want to jump to any conclusions, but this is around the time plans would be being made for a potential 2025 addition whether it be a new coaster or something else. Maybe this is part of a larger project. Maybe Kings Island is just trying to clean up an eyesore. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
    1 point
  29. It might’ve just been a timing thing. I’m sure there’s a lot of projects around the park that they’ve wanted to get done that have been placed on the back burner for some time. Maybe someone finally decided that they were tired of looking at an old building that hadn’t been really used for years.
    1 point
  30. I saw this comment on one of the posts about activity in the Son of Beast station on Facebook. I honestly believe that the scenic team is taking down Wolf Pack and that it will not be replaced by another Halloween Haunt maze. I do not know if I believe, however, that the structure is falling apart or condemned. If I had to guess, Kings Island never gave the scenic team a reason as to why they had to take down Wolf Pack and that the talk of the building falling apart is just speculation among employees. What I do not understand, though, is why all this is starting now. Wolf Pack had been just sitting untouched for years before Kings Island ordered the Som of Beast station to be gutted. With Wolf Pack allegedly not being replaced by another Halloween Haunt maze, the station is likely going to either be repurposed altogether (as a station again?) or torn down (what I think is most likely). If it ends up being demolished, why now?
    1 point
  31. Though I’d miss the long, winding path to the rainforest, that could be cool, with some actual switchbacks put in toward the front of the entrance, not unlike Adventure Express’s expanded newly queue line.
    1 point
  32. Yeah I'm thinking more the pathway is shorter similar to what they did with shortening the path to WWC with a brand new coaster's entrance closer to The Bat's entrance.
    1 point
  33. Don't think the station will move. It may appear to be shorter if we can go further back into AZ, but still the same distance.
    1 point
  34. I will be very curious to see if we start to see any work at Timberwolf after SpiritSong is finished. I would love to see the path to The Bat shortened if Timberwolf is demolished.
    1 point
  35. Got a few pics. It does look like it has been cleared and the lights are on. I would say Wolfpack is no more and other plans are in the works.
    1 point
  36. A lot of cursing and horror about Roller Coasters. By the way. I don't think that's where the new haunt maze is. It's probably going to be in the former Blackout building.
    1 point
  37. @pianoman and I spotted smoke coming from outside the front of the park in the direction of Congo Falls and Timberwolf. Has anyone else here seen it or know what it was?
    0 points
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