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Kings Island 2017 Discussion Thread

Magenta Lizard

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  On 4/24/2017 at 1:59 AM, Elizabeth19 said:
Nope. Not meeting up. It will just be me and mom going. So no one better not come say hi to me if they recognize me. no offense.

If you are under the age of 18 and are engaging in conversation/discussions with groups of people you don't want your mom to know about, you need to have a discussion with your mom. Or listen to her.

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  On 4/24/2017 at 3:36 PM, shark6495 said:



If you are under the age of 18 and are engaging in conversation/discussions with groups of people you don't want your mom to know about, you need to have a discussion with your mom. Or listen to her.

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It's not that I don't want her knowing about it. She actually does know I get on here.so

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  On 4/23/2017 at 1:46 AM, chuck norris said:

Yeah, they are like $8 but if you have then you don't have to get measured. I just thought it was funny that the kid pictured looks like he's 3 or 4... And probably 36".. But the license graphic shows him as 54". That's all.

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I bet that kid's parents stuffed tissues in the heels of his shoes :)


That is interesting, and there is a frame at each height where you child may make it one trip but not the next depending on how often you frequent the park.  My 16 month old was 33" at the doctor the other day, I'm hoping maybe we'll get a spin on the Great Pumpkin coaster before the year's out.  My kids have all be early growers (I assume others will eventually catch up to them as neither mom nor dad are particularly tall).  My oldest was on The Beast a week or so after his 4th birthday, yet I'm pulling out all the strings to convince my nearly 5 year old daughter to ride Woodstock Express again (she rode it 1x last season in April and wouldn't touch it again).  Hoping the youngest is like his older brother when it comes to riding coasters.

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So last year the way we were told the "license works" is as follows.

The individual rides won't allow for the license. But what the license does allow for is you can skip he line of being measured to be handed a wrist band for the right color.

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  On 4/28/2017 at 12:20 PM, chad_1138 said:

Well, was planning on making an evening trip down after work today, but with the rain moving in sooner, doesn't look like it will happen.  Tomorrow afternoon looks promising, however...


Yea I'm pretty bummed about it. I went last Friday, but couldn't get my pass or use the meal plan due to the power outage. Was hoping to do so today. We'll see if I can drag my wife tomorrow. 

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The MT ride ops deserve props for really trying hard to make the line move fast and provide a great experience.  THANK YOU!

The ride ops for The Bat were in full goof mode on Sunday, I loved it.  Actually made the 20 minute wait for Bat (yep) sort of fun. 

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  On 5/1/2017 at 3:11 AM, Gannersdaddy said:

I tidbit from a Mystic Timbers ride op today.  I mentioned that they were really turning around the load times.  He said CGI figured 850 an hour but they hit over 1100 one hour in the morning on Sunday


On the station speaker they were asking people to be ready to ride and that they dispatching every 30 seconds. Very impressive!

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  On 5/1/2017 at 1:56 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:

On the station speaker they were asking people to be ready to ride and that they dispatching every 30 seconds. Very impressive!


Oh for Pete's sake. We don't need this stupid "power hour" crap at Mystic Timbers as well. Bad experience for guests who get rushed or stapled by a rushing ride op, and I seriously question during these power hours if they really are properly checking every single restraint. I've seen ride ops just touch my restraint on it during power hours and often it doesn't look as if they're actually pulling on it to verify that it is locked.

Safety should be first (take the time to properly check each and every restraint).

Guest experience should be second (don't rush the guests or shove their restraint down when they're not ready for it).

Efficiency should come after both of those.

jcgoble3, thinking about what Terpy would say here

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I would imagine Mr T is one of the quicker coasters to check anyways, given its one of the smaller trains in terms of capacity compared to stuff like Beast, Banshee and Diamondback.  Mr T is also running 4 employees on the platform, so getting quicker dispatches, even if they're not in power hour mode, shouldn't be too difficult. 

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  On 5/1/2017 at 8:56 PM, jcgoble3 said:

Oh for Pete's sake. We don't need this stupid "power hour" crap at Mystic Timbers as well. Bad experience for guests who get rushed or stapled by a rushing ride op, and I seriously question during these power hours if they really are properly checking every single restraint. I've seen ride ops just touch my restraint on it during power hours and often it doesn't look as if they're actually pulling on it to verify that it is locked.

Safety should be first (take the time to properly check each and every restraint).

Guest experience should be second (don't rush the guests or shove their restraint down when they're not ready for it).

Efficiency should come after both of those.

jcgoble3, thinking about what Terpy would say here


I need to clarify this was right at open and this was not any type of power hour. They were asking people to be ready to get on, seat belt on and lap bar down. They were hustling, but was not a power hour.

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The problems I described are not exclusive to official power hours. Anytime they are rushing guests (e.g. saying they want to dispatch in X seconds) or rushing themselves (you stated "hustling") is a problem. Power hours just take an existing minor problem and make it into a major problem, but it's a problem either way.

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  On 5/2/2017 at 1:03 AM, jcgoble3 said:

The problems I described are not exclusive to official power hours. Anytime they are rushing guests (e.g. saying they want to dispatch in X seconds) or rushing themselves (you stated "hustling") is a problem. Power hours just take an existing minor problem and make it into a major problem, but it's a problem either way.


The sad thing is because of the lawsuit crazy society we live in are the reasons all the additional "safety things" happen. It should be the rider's responsibility to know the rules and guidelines of the ride and obey them. I know the lapbar came down the required amount and that my seatbelt is secure and having a speed check by an employee doesn't make me feel any safer. But again, I am not the individual that is done for. I witness on almost every trip a rider that thought the seatbelt was optional on one of the rides I am in line with. And then when we get the individual with a pre-existing condition (bad back, obese, etc.) and either gets denied the ride or worse like injury or death, we then see additional measures put in place, even on rides nothing like the one where an incident took place.

I this for a fact and I am sure there are exceptions with older rides and different parks, but a lot of the rides cannot dispatch if the lap bar/restraint is not secured, so the employee speed check is more for liability reasons and redundancy than anything else.  Now I do realize that none of the seatbelts have this feature, so they are checking that.  But let's face it, even if they check every seatbelt and restraint and someone flies out (even if self inflicted like the individual unbuckles going up the lift hill), the park will still be liable even with all the checking, so they could eliminate that step as restraint check is just as much for rider perception that they will not fly out as it is liability.  State law does not require manually pulling of a restraint and some parks don't even do a test pull on the strap and assume the ride computer has done its job and confirmed all restraints were locked. 

I get into my vehicle and strap my seatbelt on and never has anyone done a pull on it to insure that I secured it properly, yet statistically, one is more likely to be injured or die in an automobile accident than an amusement park ride accident.

Let's face it, at the end of the day, KI is a business.  A business sets benchmarks to be met.  When you go through a McDonalds drive-thru, they have a benchmark time frame they are supposed to meet.  You probably stand a better chance of getting undercooked food at a drive-thru than you do not having your coaster restraint locked properly and leaving the station.  Don't believe me, watch Diamondback enough where you will see them do a manual check and thumbs up and then have dispatch say something like Seat 7-2 and they have to check and give another push on the restraint for that particular seat because the computerized system was doing its job.  I personally have never felt like they were rushing too fast to get patrons on and off a ride, even during power hour.

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I'm way behind on this topic, so apologies if some of this has been mentioned already, but just a couple quick things...

Rode Boo Blasters last week, and the ride was looking much better than it has since the year it opened. Most effects working, with several that had not been working in recent years restored. Like how they've managed to incorporate what was once on the fog screen into the TV towards the end (Fog screen was better when working, but I'll take this over nothing). Also had the added bonus of the guns working. Great job KI! Now if only they'd get rid of those stupid FunTVs in line.

Speaking of FunTV... I was disappointed to see some of the TVs that were originally showing the "security cam" footage in line for Mystic Timbers, are now showing FunTV. I don't mind this completely, because the TVs closest to the station were still showing the security cam footage. What bothered me was the sound from them, especially when they were playing music videos. It conflicted with the atmospheric theme music playing in the queue, which a) ruined the vibe in the queue, and b) Sounded bad with the two songs playing over each other. You could really only hear the TVs when you were right by them, so again it could be worse.

Overall, everything in the park is look amazing this year. Kudos to everyone on the Kings Island team. I've had 2 great visits so far this year.

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