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Kings Island 2018 Discussion Thread


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Noticed we didn't have a thread like last year's for just general discussion about Kings Island this year. Here's last year's discussion:

This is a great place to post things you don't think need a completely new thread such a small changes you noticed during the year, photos, experiences, tweets, etc. 

To start it off, I drove past KI today and noticed the Christmas tree in front of the entrance is still up. Assuming thats the last thing they take down. They are in the process of taking the house frame down though. It felt like a spring day driving by with the sun out. 

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I didn't put up anything and Winterfest was the most Christmas-y thing I did. LOL. One day maybe my heart will not be three sizes too small when it comes to the season, but until then, I'd like to say that Scrooge was one of my favorite parts of the whole event.

Oh, and meeting my KIC peeps!

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  On 3/6/2018 at 6:49 PM, Gannersdaddy said:

Clean, dirty, pink, or purple.  Just hose off any protein spills, run the ghost train, and let me on.  I am missing my Diamondback Time.  (Can it be call garycolemanitis?)


Ugh I want to be on the very rear seat on one of those trains sooo bad right now. I love the new black seats they will hold up much better IMO.

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  On 3/7/2018 at 12:19 AM, Gannersdaddy said:

OK, this just hit me.  Anyone want to take bets on how long until we hear, "We say Diamond, you say Back", "Diamond", "Black!"  :)


I believe you just invented this season's chant. I'm totally using that. Move over, Diamond Stack. Diamond Black is here to take your place! :lol:

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After looking at Knott's advertising their Boysenberry Festival, and seeing how popular it is with everyone on Facebook and YouTube,  I'm thinking Kings Island could have a Spring Festival event similar but different to distinguish itself from Knott's event.   and have different characters from holiday's in the Spring, with the Peanuts characters roaming around, greeting guest, and maybe have a parade around the Eiffel Tower.  I think this would be a great hit if done right.  Anyone else think this would be fun? 

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  On 3/7/2018 at 3:44 PM, SonofBaconator said:

I wish some of the Peanuts Characters would roam more of the main park every once and a while.



I'm not sure what the current standard is, but when I last worked in the park, in the summer, the characters were only allowed to be out 15 minutes at a time.  They come out from the old Enchanted Theater/ Carnevil Building.

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