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Webcam Outage Discussion


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  On 11/1/2019 at 3:28 PM, Ben43065 said:

Then why would they install the camera in the first place? The risk of injury doesn’t stop once they’re done with the lift hill.


The risk of injury drops dramatically after the lift. After every hill they go back to the ground. Some of the layout with the speed hill is on the ground. The heaviest pieces are the lift sections. Making it harder... and then they are also the tallest. 

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  On 11/1/2019 at 4:07 PM, LovinMeSomeBanshee said:

Who knows.  Maybe they’re constructing a secret tunnel at the base of the drop, after all.  <_<


I would love a tunnel on Orion. I was disappointed that Banshee didn't have one, and that Mystic's ish very long :p

could you imagine emerging out of a tunnel and then suddenly floating over the lake on the 3rd hill? (On mystic)

i would love a first drop tunnel on Orion.. i don't expect one though 

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  On 11/1/2019 at 3:26 PM, JonahWilliamson said:

State Farm didnt want any video of workers, falling, dropping anything. They takin zero chance

cause we are farmers ba da dum dum dum




But it would make great footage for their next commercial.  Crane topples over taking out entire amusement park? we covered it. :play b roll from webcam:

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Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe there's a liability in broadcasting the most dangerous parts of constructing this ride? Just in case there's an accident? This is a new company and this is their first build at KI. Maybe they have some sort of policy?

If the cameras go up shortly after this thing is topped off, this might be the case. Just speculating, I actually have no idea.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 7:49 PM, silver2005 said:

So is everyone here going on about KI allegedly being devious in their handling of the webcam keeping their season passes and still planning on going to the park in the future?


Idk about anyone else but it just sucks imo. Not saying the park is doing anything, just saying it sucks alot we can't see this happen! 

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  On 11/1/2019 at 8:13 PM, LovinMeSomeBanshee said:

So since my posts keep getting deleted - is no criticism of the park allowed?  I don’t get it.


Criticism of the park is definitely allowed, but everyone needs to be respectful about it.

Posts contributing to arguing and park bashing will be removed. These types of comments create a negative tone that everyone is tired of.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 8:13 PM, LovinMeSomeBanshee said:

So since my posts keep getting deleted - is no criticism of the park allowed?  I don’t get it.


I agree the main webcams being down is a bummer,  because they're the closest to Orion's construction.   But we still have a webcam up showing Orion's progress,  the most important part as well!  Be happy for that!  Yes it's farther away,  but we can tell what's going on,  good enough, when something big happens,  there is usually someone there pretty quick to snap some pictures for us.   We just have to adjust to this way of doing it for awhile,  then the cams will be back.  It's not that bad. 

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  On 11/1/2019 at 8:24 PM, malem said:

Criticism of the park is definitely allowed, but everyone needs to be respectful about it.

Posts contributing to arguing and park bashing will be removed. These types of comments create a negative tone that everyone is tired of.


Not trying to be a dick, but could you give an example of the difference between criticism and bashing. I had a post removed that was a summary of the events about the webcam going down.  No comments were directed at anyone, so it can't be the lack of respect, and I didn't bash the park, just recapped the events.  If you would like to address my post as a private message I understand, but I think it would be nice to have an example for everyone to follow on bashing vs criticism so we can make sure we all are following the same set of guidelines.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 8:39 PM, PilotDude said:

Not trying to be a dick, but could you give an example of the difference between criticism and bashing. I had a post removed that was a summary of the events about the webcam going down.  No comments were directed at anyone, so it can't be the lack of respect, and I didn't bash the park, just recapped the events.  If you would like to address my post as a private message I understand, but I think it would be nice to have an example for everyone to follow on bashing vs criticism so we can make sure we all are following the same set of guidelines.


The webcams being down is incredibly frustrating because I want to see everything going on.


KI's incompetence is upsetting the public so much season pass sales will suffer.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 8:39 PM, PilotDude said:

could you give an example of the difference between criticism and bashing.


There's a fine line between them, but it comes down to tone, respect and accuracy. Constructive criticism should be supported in facts and honest opinions, avoiding a negative attitude when possible. Jumping to exaggerated conclusions should also be avoided, as that doesn't advance a civil discussion.

It's not PR's job to entertain every discussion about the webcam on social media, especially ones that have already been answered. There are many other priorities, especially with Winterfest fast approaching. It's disappointing that we're not seeing the rest of the lift go up in realtime, but there's a whole lot of coaster left to build.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 7:53 PM, thisplaceisnuts said:

Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe there's a liability in broadcasting the most dangerous parts of constructing this ride? Just in case there's an accident? This is a new company and this is their first build at KI. Maybe they have some sort of policy?

If the cameras go up shortly after this thing is topped off, this might be the case. Just speculating, I actually have no idea.


While that is always a possibility, let's be honest that the webcam distance is too far and the resolution at that distance is poor enough that in the event there was an accident the video would likely not be clear enough to make out what happened from a liability standpoint and in court the eyewitness accounts would probably hold more weight than this webcam.

Or they could time-delay the feed and be able to cut the feed before it goes to the website...

If the potential accident concern was the issue the weatherbug webcam would have been taken down as well (I recognize it is more like still images but someone somewhere would have access to a video stream)....

Much better video quality would be obtained by one of the many enthusiasts visiting nearby legal locations to get video and pics.

This is not a new company and has been around since 1982 installing coasters...

When the webcams went down it was thought to be a couple of days and Orion was not within a couple days of being topped off when they went offline.

The timing is poor and yes coincidental conspiracy theories are bound to happen and have happened and will certainly be ramped up IF the cameras come up right after topping, but rlentless, that works in IT but not at KI, stated in an earlier post (on page 10) a very relevant and industry experienced explanation as to what has probably happened....

Edited by disco2000
Provided link to post I referenced below...
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  On 11/1/2019 at 9:26 PM, Browntggrr said:

The webcams being down is incredibly frustrating because I want to see everything going on.


KI's incompetence is upsetting the public so much season pass sales will suffer.


I have never said or claimed anyone with KI was incompetence. I said this is why people are frustrated and reported the known facts.  I mentioned season pass sales as it will be the only way we will ever know if the webcams being down played an impact on peoples attitudes towards the park.  I hope Orion brings a banner year of pass sales as it will pay off the coaster quicker leading to us being able to spend money sooner.   As for social media, I am not asking for them to entertain anyone on a discussion of the webcams. But if you went back to look at old social media post they talk up the webcam with links. Those post have since been deleted and or edited to not include webcam mentions. Again this is fact, as you can use services to go back and look at the old posts.  


I feel like more is being read into my post then is actually written.  I am not sure why people are trying to put words in my mouth or inferring things that were never said.  I have never been purposefully disrespectful to anyone and if I have I do apologize. 

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  On 10/26/2019 at 5:08 PM, rlentless said:

I don't know what the issue really is but I do work in IT for large corporations.  If some type of upgrade caused an outage, then you work to get the most critical systems online first.  I am sure the webcams are closer to the bottom of that list.  It also could have been an outage that prompted them to attempt a long standing upgrade and has not gone as planned or hoped.  They could have been spending most of their week trying to get systems back online for more critical business systems.  Or they did start a planned upgrade that had issues but then another more critical system had an outage that the IT guys have to focus on.

Unless there is some legal reason they don't want the lift hill construction to be online and visible.  It has to be some similar scenario of an IT upgrade or outage they are experiencing.


The post I referenced above...

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  On 11/1/2019 at 9:56 PM, PilotDude said:

I have never said or claimed anyone with KI was incompetence. I said this is why people are frustrated and reported the known facts.  I mentioned season pass sales as it will be the only way we will ever know if the webcams being down played an impact on peoples attitudes towards the park.  I hope Orion brings a banner year of pass sales as it will pay off the coaster quicker leading to us being able to spend money sooner.   As for social media, I am not asking for them to entertain anyone on a discussion of the webcams. But if you went back to look at old social media post they talk up the webcam with links. Those post have since been deleted and or edited to not include webcam mentions. Again this is fact, as you can use services to go back and look at the old posts.  


I feel like more is being read into my post then is actually written.  I am not sure why people are trying to put words in my mouth or inferring things that were never said.  I have never been purposefully disrespectful to anyone and if I have I do apologize. 


While you yourself have not made the incompetence claim, many on the side you're defending have, which is part of the broad scope of the argument many who are defending the park are trying to make.   They're making comments based off of all those posts complaining about the webcams, not just individuals.  

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  On 11/1/2019 at 10:07 PM, silver2005 said:

While you yourself have not made the incompetence claim, many on the side you're defending have, which is part of the broad scope of the argument many who are defending the park are trying to make.   They're making comments based off of all those posts complaining about the webcams, not just individuals.  


So while I haven't broken the rules, because I share a view with others who have I get in trouble?  That would be like someone who is defending the park calls me an ass, and since you are defending the park your comments get removed.  It doesn't make any sense.  And I would like to be clear I am not defending any side. The only side I am on is my back side while I type this up.  I take pride in researching topics before I post to make sure I am factually correct before I post, and should I make a mistake and someone can show me, I will gladly correct the information I provided.   


I have also not speculated on why the cameras are down. I am sure the park has a reason they think is valid for them to be down. That might be an upgrade gone awry, the power being off to tower, or they just want it to be a surprise. I am not the park, I can't and won't speak for them. I can only report the facts.


This is the part that will probably get me in trouble, but this type of moderation is only adding to the frustration. You can't shotgun mod and expect people to be happy. I am a mod on several other sites and I realize how hard moderating something online is. But IMHO this style of "your on the wrong side" so therefore you are part of the problem is only going to make things worse. As more people get frustrated, they will stop caring, and if they stop caring they won't worry about following the rules.   Again I might be wrong in what I am seeing, but IMHO it would be better to treat this as a case by case basis and not a I disagree with your view so I am silencing you. I apologize in advance if I have offended anyone, again that was not my intention. I just want to have a fair open conversation so we all can move past this dark time.

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