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The Beast Retrack Work


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I don't know If this is being discussed on another page, but I have a friend share a photo with me about The Beast missing it's drop right now. It looks like they're having track work done to it.

I would not share the photos here. That guy is illegally taking images from a drone he does not have permission to fly over the park with.

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22 minutes ago, Oldschool75 said:

I would not share the photos here. That guy is illegally taking images from a drone he does not have permission to fly over the park with.

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This discussion has been dissected numerous times already. Let's keep the topic about Beast retracking.

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50 minutes ago, PKIVortex said:

I figured thats why they were pink ribbons over that area at the end of October, saw same pink ribbons all over The Racer as well.

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I saw the pink ribbons on The Racer as well. I hope Gravity Group is working on The Racer’s second half this offseason. This would kind of explain why The Racer has not begun its repaint yet.

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2 hours ago, Oldschool75 said:

Lol, you’re funny. Hey look, a wanna be admin here.

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He was on the staff for a long time and made a lot of great contributions during his time. I’m sure he’s just interested in The Beast topic and not the tired old drone topic. 

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8 minutes ago, coaster sally said:

They are not GG it, sounds like a reprofile of the first drop and double helix.  

I am confused by your post. I never mentioned GG and you said it sounds the first drop and helix is getting reprofiled, which was part of my question. 

So, since you feel there will be some reprofiling, I will ask what does this mean? Will we see more speed, airtime, trims removed, etc. That is the discussion that interest me. Hearing what people think will change/improve with the ride.  

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I assume that he was referring to the new coaster track that Gravity Group installed on The Racer this past off season.  It would seem like a logical place to expand the use of that track.  By all accounts, Racer was moving great with this new track from GG.  Only would make sense KI would use more of it. Unless there were cost/schedule reasons for not using it.

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I suspect we will learn more information about this project on Saturday.  The regional ACE holiday party is happening this weekend at Great Wolf Lodge and the park will make a presentation, which traditionally is a discussion of changes occurring for the next year.  Also I would not be surprised to see gravity group send a representative.

I have been hearing rumors about this project for months.  It sounds like it is Gravity Group doing the work and I have heard they are using the engineered track that debuted on Racer this year.  

More then likely this does mean they will reprofile the sections they are working on.  It will likely be similar to the changes to Racer.  Scan the existing ride, model it in modern design software and clean up the track location with small tweaks to improve the ride without changing the overall design too much.  This sounds slightly more then a couple of inch nudge but I expect at the same time the ride will still look and feel mostly the same just smoother.

I have also heard rumors that something slightly out of the ordinary is going on with The Beast trains this winter.  Before anyone jumps to a conclusion, whatever crazy thing your thinking of, is likely wrong.

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41 minutes ago, Kenban said:

I have also heard rumors that something slightly out of the ordinary is going on with The Beast trains this winter.  Before anyone jumps to a conclusion, whatever crazy thing your thinking of, is likely wrong.

I'd assume something cosmetic at most, nothing crazy. Doubt they'd swap out for Timberliners or anything.
I'm certainly excited to hear any official news about the re-tracking. Looking forward to riding this in the coming season.

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Someone on Reddit referred to the ride as "Beastie" and I had a little chuckle.

I had been hoping to hear about re-tracking. So I'm pleased. And if they can turn off the trims...that would be incredible.

I've always wondered if there's something they could do to the wheel assemblies to handle transitions better...


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I don’t think any new elements are being added to The Beast, but this work is more than just retracking. If Kings Island just wanted to retract The Beast, there wouldn’t be parts of the structure torn up as well. Gravity Group reprofiled The Racer last offseason by reshaping some of the airtime hills, and I suspect they will be reshaping the some of The Beast’s turns and drops. I also wouldn’t worry too much about The Beast becoming less intense because Gravity Group only made the airtime on The Racer more intense.

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When it comes to The Beast it is very clear KI is very nostalgic about keeping the layout the same and as close to it's original experience. That being said I am against the idea of total reprofiling with a different layout but not against a reprofile of certain segments with slight differences. For example the first drop becoming steeper and updated to have a more modern angle of drop with zero straight segments, and an extra hill at the long break shed. In addition I am pro getting new trains for the coaster nd believe it is long overdo. If The Beast can receive newer trains with help against track wear and tear (even if it means adding an I track) to remove all the trims on the ride. Personally The Beast I feel would benefit greatly by retracking one certain segments to GCI or RMCs topper track. This would extend the life of the coaster and costs, additionally it could allow for the trims to be removed all the while keeping the original ride experience the same and continue it's legacy.

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7 hours ago, Captain Nemo said:

When it comes to The Beast it is very clear KI is very nostalgic about keeping the layout the same and as close to it's original experience. That being said I am against the idea of total reprofiling with a different layout but not against a reprofile of certain segments with slight differences. For example the first drop becoming steeper and updated to have a more modern angle of drop with zero straight segments, and an extra hill at the long break shed. In addition I am pro getting new trains for the coaster nd believe it is long overdo. If The Beast can receive newer trains with help against track wear and tear (even if it means adding an I track) to remove all the trims on the ride. Personally The Beast I feel would benefit greatly by retracking one certain segments to GCI or RMCs topper track. This would extend the life of the coaster and costs, additionally it could allow for the trims to be removed all the while keeping the original ride experience the same and continue it's legacy.

Have to disagree with this, the first hill is angled that way on purpose to keep the tunnel in sight. It probably wouldn't line up correctly anymore either. I don't think I'd like them risking the change to new trains either, we saw how well that went with The Voyage.

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