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Adventure Port Construction Updates


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On 5/21/2023 at 11:28 AM, Tr0y said:

I’m assuming Adventure Port will be open for Memorial Day weekend? I can’t picture the area being completed in regards to theming considering how far behind they are but the rides will be operational.

With Cargo Loco opening tomorrow. I’m assuming now that the Adventure Express will be opened Sunday, and Sol Spin possibly opening Monday?

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5 hours ago, chad_1138 said:

So we have had the crates and barrels out for what, a few days.  Witnessed multiple guests today using them as their personal seats and rest zones.  I’m not talking about the ones right by the walkway.  The ones up in some mulch under some trees.  #peoplesuck

Yep. Kids have turned them into play structures that you literally have to cross 6-8 feet of mulch to get to while the slob parents sit on their phones daring anyone to say anything. If you want to know why we can’t have an awesome park-here’s why. I give the planting around the stone head a few days till they are destroyed by kids climbing on it, and bets on how long until sone drunk idiot tries to jump the fence into the boat since it it “docked” right at the edge of the lake. People are idiots, but a lot of this was not thought out for the type of crowd this park gets (saw them there tonight.

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That's unfortunate. The vibe around Adventure Port at night is lining up to be something special, and that's even before all of the elements are in place. Hopefully the park can figure out a way to keep some "nice things" around despite some of the guests' behavior.

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4 hours ago, Taylor.B03 said:

No amount of chaperone policy will stop people from climbing the props

But maybe a friendly “hey, can you guys please come out of the planter that you had to crawl over a curb and cross 8 feet of mulch to get into, please? Thanks!” From security, but unfortunately there seems to be a “don’t rock the boat” mentality when it comes to that stuff. I guess there are only so many hills you can die on. 

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Use the sternness that I saw last week outside the front gate.  A gaggle of middle school boys were running and horseplaying as they made their way to the bus.  Two guards called them out, moved around them and gave them the what for. The dejected teens complied.

See also about 10 years ago when I was between the clock and junkyard coaster by Swan pond.  I stepped into the grass to get a picture of Diamondback splashing down.  I got dressed down firmly, but nicely, by a staff member. An adult being scolded by a teenager.  That employee really cared about Kings Island.

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On 5/24/2023 at 3:33 PM, AintNutinElse2Do said:

Some people are happy to sit beside someone but I often see people wanting their own row/car/cage whatever with flat rides in general.   While the 48 technically can hold double the amount of people when you factor in everything else I really doubt actual capacity doubles.   

The seats aren't benches like on a Scrambler or Shake, Rattle & Roll. They're molded seats with a divider and individual harnesses.

They wouldn't leave seats empty, just as they don't on WindSeeker- so capacity would have essentially doubled, (assuming equal ride cycle time).

Regarding Cargo Loco, I'm glad to hear they're opening things as they become ready. That's the best thing to do at this point

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2 hours ago, brenthodge said:

But maybe a friendly “hey, can you guys please come out of the planter that you had to crawl over a curb and cross 8 feet of mulch to get into, please? Thanks!” From security, but unfortunately there seems to be a “don’t rock the boat” mentality when it comes to that stuff. I guess there are only so many hills you can die on. 

I will say the other day I saw security tell a few kids to get off the brick ledge / wall on the path connecting Rivertown & Coneymall so maybe security actually does care about people sticking to path.

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11 minutes ago, Benjamin22 said:

I will say the other day I saw security tell a few kids to get off the brick ledge / wall on the path connecting Rivertown & Coneymall so maybe security actually does care about people sticking to path.

that's great to hear - my own kids get annoyed with my "on the path, please"  to them all the time. It's really a parent issue at this point - kids will be kids. It's OUR JOB as parents and supervisors to teach them to respect the investments that the park makes. Sadly most adults with kids either just don't care, or worse, actively encourage it to get the 'great picture'. HINT - Timmy isn't THAT cute, and he really isn't cute "drankin' out of that giant beer mug in that ther planter" so get you darn kid out of the plants! LOL

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7 minutes ago, brenthodge said:

that's great to hear - my own kids get annoyed with my "on the path, please"  to them all the time. It's really a parent issue at this point - kids will be kids. It's OUR JOB as parents and supervisors to teach them to respect the investments that the park makes. Sadly most adults with kids either just don't care, or worse, actively encourage it to get the 'great picture'. HINT - Timmy isn't THAT cute, and he really isn't cute "drankin' out of that giant beer mug in that ther planter" so get you darn kid out of the plants! LOL

Agreed.  The worst offenders are typically the encouraging parents.  The worst example I can think of is the giant troll at Haunt/Winterfest.  Every time I walk by there are parents having their kids climb over the fence to stand by the troll and have pictures taken.

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53 minutes ago, johnjniehaus said:

Did they do anything interesting with that third tunnel? 


Lighting upgrades. That’s it for the third tunnel. Lots of great stuff going on with the ride. It looks great, although I feel like it’s not 100% ready yet. 

About to get my second ride in. Sol Spin is testing!  

I’ll have some more pics to share in a bit. 

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50 minutes ago, zac2211 said:

Is that just because SOB was made of Southern Yellow Pine? Becuase most of KI's woodies are made of that same wood.

Here's Orion 13's picture of the SOB in-station reference


Elevation 218 - SOB's height

World largest rose bowl - SOB's infamous double helix

...and there's your Outpost 5 reference.

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5 minutes ago, SonofBaconator said:

I like how Adventure Express is used to highlight the park’s past lore: Amazon Falls, SOB, King Cobra, etc. It makes sense that a coaster that features ancient ruins would have some metaphorical park ruins incorporated into the theme.

Don't forget Flying Dutchman.  The Arches are now being called "Dutchman Arches"

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