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Top Thrill 2! Worlds Tallest, Fastest Strata Coaster!! Coming 2024!

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I'm excited to see how this compares to the original. Some aspects I think I'll prefer on TT2 but others I'll prefer the original. I know I'll enjoy the longer ride time and multi launch elements because I did really enjoyed Pantheon at BGW. However, I think I'll slightly miss the 0-120 in 4sec because it was such a rush. Telling you right now that name is terrible! "Hey guys let's go ride Top Thrill Two!" isn't happening I'll still refer to the ride as "The Dragster" like I always have. 

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25 minutes ago, BoddaH1994 said:

The real question is, since within the normal vernacular people call it just “Dragster,” do they stop doing that? What do they call it now, “2?”

Willing to bet they just call it “Dragster” still while talking about the accident as they wait in line. 

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22 minutes ago, BoddaH1994 said:

The real question is, since within the normal vernacular people call it just “Dragster,” do they stop doing that? What do they call it now, “2?”

They took the simplest, laziest way they could to drop "Dragster" from the name, so you can't call it that anymore.  After all, "Dragster" hurt someone, but "Top Thrill" didn't (based on the way people colloquially refer to it).  Or so that would seem to be their thinking...

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“Top Thill 2” is the equivalent of an RMC Son of Beast called “Son of Steel”- it doesn’t completely dismiss the original IP, in fact it prolongs it in a sense.

The ride looks like it’ll be fun but the name is kinda dumb, but I guess that follows the tradition of weird names: Steel Vengeance, Valravn, Rougaroo.

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8 minutes ago, SonofBaconator said:

“Top Thill 2” is the equivalent of an RMC Son of Beast called “Son of Steel”- it doesn’t completely dismiss the original IP, in fact it prolongs it in a sense.

The ride looks like it’ll be fun but the name is kinda dumb, but I guess that follows the tradition of weird names: Steel Vengeance, Valravn, Rougaroo.

Holiday World is opening a new family boomerang next year called "Good Gravy".  Top Thrill 2 isn't great but still better.

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From looking on social media, most Cedar Point fans seem happy that one of the park’s signature rides is going to be running again after being on a multi season hiatus. I’m assuming they stuck with “Top Thrill” because it’s familiar with locals and those who grew attached to the original concept.

Personally, I don’t think this ride was meant to pull new people to the park- for example, I’m not certain people who frequent Magic Mountain and Great Adventure will make the trek to Cedar Point to ride something that’s very similar to what their parks already offer.

Years ago, someone said that Valravn was for the GP and Steel Vengeance was for enthusiasts and I think that applies here: Top Thrill 2 is more of a GP coaster. If it was geared towards enthusiasts, it would have been something crazy like the roll-back being a full reverse drop from the top hat, or a 500ft tall spike, or something insane. In reality, the new layout fixes a long standing maintenance problem by eliminating the hydraulic launch in favor of more reliable LSMs. Because of the launch being LSMs, the launches won’t be as intense as the rapid acceleration of the hydraulics.

Maybe I’m wrong with it being more GP based but I think the general reaction from park goers, at least on social media, was “look it’s back, and it does something new!”

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4 hours ago, Gordon Bombay said:

How does Cedar Point consistently come up with the dumbest names?

I concur. Why not something like “Formula Two Racer”? 
This name is a play on “Formula one” racing with the “two” indicating that it is the second incarnation of this coaster. Or refer to its now two vertical sections.

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1 hour ago, SonofBaconator said:

“Top Thill 2” is the equivalent of an RMC Son of Beast called “Son of Steel”- it doesn’t completely dismiss the original IP, in fact it prolongs it in a sense.

The ride looks like it’ll be fun but the name is kinda dumb, but I guess that follows the tradition of weird names: Steel Vengeance, Valravn, Rougaroo.

Yeah, Cedar Point really needs to work on their naming conventions. They removed the one word that actually connected the ride's name to racing (Dragster).

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38 minutes ago, SonofBaconator said:

From looking on social media, most Cedar Point fans seem happy that one of the park’s signature rides is going to be running again after being on a multi season hiatus. I’m assuming they stuck with “Top Thrill” because it’s familiar with locals and those who grew attached to the original concept.

Personally, I don’t think this ride was meant to pull new people to the park- for example, I’m not certain people who frequent Magic Mountain and Great Adventure will make the trek to Cedar Point to ride something that’s very similar to what their parks already offer.

Years ago, someone said that Valravn was for the GP and Steel Vengeance was for enthusiasts and I think that applies here: Top Thrill 2 is more of a GP coaster. If it was geared towards enthusiasts, it would have been something crazy like the roll-back being a full reverse drop from the top hat, or a 500ft tall spike, or something insane. In reality, the new layout fixes a long standing maintenance problem by eliminating the hydraulic launch in favor of more reliable LSMs. Because of the launch being LSMs, the launches won’t be as intense as the rapid acceleration of the hydraulics.

Maybe I’m wrong with it being more GP based but I think the general reaction from park goers, at least on social media, was “look it’s back, and it does something new!”

Zamperlas launched pony coaster at coney island is always down.  What makes you think this will be so reliable?

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Sad sign of the times when a genie program does a better job than someone who spent way too much time and money in school and has a 6 figure salary.  I guess above all what I want to know is, what was the deal with and the point of all of the "Smoke the competition" and other similar garbage that would open the door to some form of race or competition.  The only competition this is going to have is how many times I can ride SV and still make it back to take pics of people that go with me to the park who waited to ride this ride?


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I'm underwhelmed; but not surprised. 


My question is how far will the first two launches go. I'm no physics or engineering expert, but the video doesn't give me much hope. 


74mph appears to barely clear the incline to vertical (not much of a rollback if you asked me) as I experienced one on TTD from well over 300 ft) and 100mph looks like it only goes up 3/4 of the way on the spike. Why build a 420 ft spike to leave the top 1/4 untouched? 


But its whatever I suppose. Happy to have the ride back up. 

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TT2 going 120 mph makes it go to 420 ft, so only 19 mph less should make it go up a pretty good chunk of the 420 ft reverse spike.  I just hope the reverse launch is comfortable.  I rode Pantheon recently, and after experiencing its similar launch mechanics to TT2, I could definitely see a point where a reverse launch could be too extreme.  It should be re-entering the reverse launch at least at 65-70 mph or so and TT2 has a pretty long launch track, but the restraints will definitely make or break the reverse launch.   I like the new paint scheme, especially keeping the red striped track.  I don't think the name is a big deal considering most normal guests are still going to keep calling it Dragster for short. 

Overall, I'm glad they're at least keeping it.  Granted its a one trick pony coaster, but I rather like its one trick.   I'm also hoping they kinda keep the old launch sequence with the engine noises and the red, yellow, and green racing lights it had at track level and on the tower, and while unlikely, I hope Republica is rocking in the station again. B) 

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All of these numbers are theoretical assuming zero friction.

74 MPH should get the train around 180 feet off the ground.  You should be vertical but that leaves a lot of tower left.

101 MPH is roughly 340 feet.  There needs to be extra track beyond where the train is expected to reach, likely the tower would need at a minimum to be like 370+ feet tall anyways.  So while the tower is likely a little taller than necessary, I don’t think it’s as much as some people think.

It’s been reported that the trains used to launch only around 112 MPH most of the time.  But do the math and It shows the train should only reach 419 feet and that is assuming zero friction.  So how was it possible to make it over the top hat?  Because the speed measurement was taken at the end of the launch and your already a decent distance off the ground.  The whole launch is angled upward.

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9 hours ago, johnjniehaus said:

Telling you right now that name is terrible! "Hey guys let's go ride Top Thrill Two!" isn't happening I'll still refer to the ride as "The Dragster" like I always have. 

I bet they kept it close to the original name because majority of the general public would of called it Top Thrill Dragster anyway. The majority of the people who don't like the name seem to be enthusiasts.

The logo looks fantastic in my opinion. Also, people will refer to it as "Top Thrill" not with the "2".

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Top Thrill 2 is a perfect and great name. The launches are going to be slow and gradual so it's good they dropped the dragster name. The thrills will only happen on the top which there are two of them now.


As for the ride experience it seems like it will be fun if you've never ridden dragster before but will probably be a let down if you remember the original thrilling launch.


7 hours ago, specialk141 said:

Why build a 420 ft spike to leave the top 1/4 untouched? 

Probably because Superman Escape from Krypton is 415ft high.

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I think this will definitely improve the ride experience—instead of being a 1-trick pony TTD (TT2?) will now be a 3-trick pony :D. I’m also thinking there may be less regular downtime with switching from a mechanical launch system to LSM.

My big issue with TTD was always the wait times—it was a slow loader, and turning it into an impulse coaster will only exacerbate that. I’m trying to picture how the loading process will work. There will have to be a transfer track of some sort to send you to the spike, so I’m guessing that shift will occur after the train moves into position for the first launch? Then loading can still occur in multiple stations with the returning trains (prior to reaching the transfer track)? I also haven’t seen anything showing a before and after on ride time—but it would have to be longer with the new elements.

On another note, I was reading an article elsewhere and in one of the comments someone suggested they should have named it “Wicked Dragster” instead—that made me laugh

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