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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2024 in all areas

  1. Holiday World may be smaller on scale than Kings Island, but Holiday World has a number of things that are better than Kings Island, including water park. The value I received as a 2024 Holiday World passholder was superior to the value I received as a 2024 Kings Island passholder. I live three hours from Holiday World; 22 minutes from Kings Island.
    7 points
  2. I'm ok with Kings Island being a family park, but if your going to be a family park, be a family park, not a park with just family rides. The entertainment lineup was weak this past season, I expect a family park to have quality family rides, food and entertainment. Boo Blasters is in terrible need of a refresh, and I hope is the 2026 family thrill attraction.
    5 points
  3. While I know many people who do want a new large coaster, I also know countless families that have enjoyed the new flat rides, and Soap Box Racer. In fact I feel like not too long ago quite a few members on here were begging for a large new flat ride package. While I agree they shouldn't completely avoid coasters, I do think they help round out the park. I've ran into countless friends in line for the Cargo Barrels, quite a few like the Antique Cars, and Soap Box Racers only adds another thing to our great kids area. As much as the camp snoop refresh was disappointing, it still runs circles around most other areas in the chain outside of maybe Knotts. I do agree that KI deserves better in terms of another large investment, but it's not like they're not spending money on the park. Sometimes I think we forget all the little improvements and renovations. They recently redid jukebox and chicken shack with new kitchen equipment. The lazy river concrete work and Mondo Monsoon pump room wasn't cheap either, or the bathroom renovations, new ice cream stand, new Action Zone drink stand or even the bars (as much as I don't like them, they are infrastructure). From what I've talked about with Mr. Koontz, I think he chooses to spend more of the budget on park infrastructure and improvements, as well as staffing compared to similar counterparts in the chain. And while this might eat into the new attraction budget, and we've had other entertainment slashed, I do trust the park management has good intentions on running the park at the best level they can given their resources. Though I do worry how much more corporate will continue to slash at their budget down the road, will we see the drones and fireworks reduced to weekends, less haunt and winterfest changes, less staffing, etc. KI has killer pass revenue, and I wish more would go back into the park
    4 points
  4. This news is very disappointing for me. I was really hoping that 2026 would be our year for a new thrill coaster. Everything was lining up for it. But yet again we get another family addition. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that it’s getting stale. The best case scenario in my opinion would be getting something like Big Bear Mountain. I don’t have a problem with getting a ride like that. In fact Big Bear Mountain is my favorite ride at Dollywood. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is the first time in the park’s history that we will have gone at least 7 years without a thrill coaster. Whatever it is I really hope this is the end of the family additions.
    2 points
  5. They don't hire them (PR/marketing) like they used to.
    1 point
  6. "Family additions" by themselves are fine. But when the majority of recent additions are "family additions", I agree with @Orion742 it is really getting stale. I personally believe we are now at the point where KI has/has added "family additions" to the point where the park is oversaturated with them. A lot of people I've talked to really would love to see a new high thrill coaster come to KI. The guest demand is there. Not just from coaster enthusiasts, but also from the GP.
    1 point
  7. Kings Island's primarily role in the chain right now is to be a cash cow for the local family demographic, who is the demographic most likely to spend the most money at the park. The park knows it can get away with not installing major new additions because the local demographic will renew their season passes regardless as there's not much competition within the immediate area. Kentucky Kingdom and Holiday World are somewhat close by, but if you're a KI local, you're looking anywhere between 1.5 hours and 3 hours to get to those parks and neither of them are nearly to the same scale as Kings Island. Cedar Point's role will always be to be "the roller coaster capital of the world", building up an elite collection of coasters and rides to attract people from around the world, and that includes Kings Island's local demographic. Cedar Fair/Six Flags wants to keep the elite record-breaking coasters exclusive to Cedar Point so passholders of Kings Island who want to experience that stuff will need to travel north to do so. (and gives them more incentive to buy the all-park passport which is also very important) I do think there will come a time when Kings Island will add a new thrill coaster to the park. Likewise, I think there will come a time when Cedar Point will add a new family attraction similar to how they just added Wild Mouse. Just because these parks focus on different demographics doesn't mean they will exclusively add attractions to cater to those different demographics. With the families being the main priority for Kings Island right now, it may be some time before we see that thrill coaster come. In addition, don't expect the coaster to be an elite coaster that outdoes something at Cedar Point.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Come for the lights, stay for the food!
    1 point
  10. That seems to suggest we're going to be looking at another situation like when Cedar Fair acquired the Paramount Parks. Where the newly-acquired parks get the most investments (Canada's Wonderland, Kings Island, Carowinds), while less attention is spent on the older parks (Valleyfair, Dorney, Worlds of Fun)
    1 point
  11. In recent years, corporate strategy has intentionally been driving KI and CP in two very different directions. Before Mike took the reins at KI, the push from corporate had been crystal clear: KI is for families; CP is for the thrill junkies. The thinking at the top is that by polarizing the two parks, they maximize profits for each. They’re playing a different game now, one that isn’t necessarily about appeasing the hardcore fanbase but about securing long-term revenue. If you're hoping for KI to get another groundbreaking giga coaster or something to rival Steel Vengeance, you’re not reading the room. That ship sailed before Mike was even hired. They know families with kids are more likely to spend on meals, games, merch, Fast Lane passes, you name it. CP, on the other hand, benefits from the traveling adrenaline-seeking crowd who come for the coasters, and are more likely to drop extra cash on a second or third day at the resort. Sure, you might your buddies on YouTube talking about what's “missing” at the parks, but the real meetings behind closed doors? They're talking about the ROI of adding more Peanuts/DC theming or expanding Soak City. They know exactly whose wallet they're targeting with each investment. I know that’s not the message some of you want to hear, but it’s been the reality of Cedar Fair for close to a decade now. If you’ve got kids, you’re going to love what’s coming to Kings Island. If you’re all about speed and inversions and airtime, your place is at Cedar Point. They’ve carved out the paths for these parks, and they’re sticking to it.
    1 point
  12. I recall some expressing that the park should focus on operating its existing rides before getting a big new coaster. ...someone should tell that to Magic Mountain.
    1 point
  13. Really sucks the fun out of announcements when they randomly drop what everyone is getting over a year beforehand.
    1 point
  14. Except his beloved bars! God knows there will probably be 20 more by the time KI gets an addition that actually gets the turnstiles turning.
    1 point
  15. Which tbh isn't necessarily a bad thing imo. I'm fine with going 7+ years in between major thrill coasters as long as the park is still adding something new almost every year. I would be upset if we went 7 years between major thrill coasters and only got one or two new rides in that time frame.
    1 point
  16. This news is absolutely beyond frustrating. Orion is largely viewed as a let-down. Pretty much everything since then has been utterly weak from a thrill-seeker standpoint. Next year is a water coaster, and not even a good looking one if we're being honest. Now, 2026, the sixth year AFTER Orion, it sure sounds like a family-friendly flat ride. Really!?!? I've tried to stay positive about this merger, but if this is true, I'm giving my passes a break after having them for 20+ years.
    1 point
  17. I don't get how anyone can look at a coaster with a 300ft drop, goes 91mph and a 54" height requirement, then consider it a "family coaster".
    1 point
  18. I think Orion is plenty thrilling enough but the park hasn't replaced Firehawk in terms of having a ride that unique. Losing Vortex was also a hard blow seeing as we are now short on inversion focused coasters and I'm sad to say I don't think Invertigo is going to survive the decade
    1 point
  19. Get those dang flying eagles back from Carowinds and nobody will care about not getting a new coaster. I'd describe a bisch-rocco flying scooter as "family thrill" My question to Mike Koontz is "At what point does Kings Island have enough 'family' orientated rides and attractions?" You could argue that since the addition of Banshee and with the possible exception of Orion, the park has invested in rides that are geared towards kids and families. Sure mystic was great, antique autos was great, and while I enjoyed adventure port and camp Snoopy when is enough enough?
    1 point
  20. I stand firm that the last good addition KI got was Mystic Timbers (which was also likely the last project Mr. Koontz wasn't involved in the planning for...).
    1 point
  21. Not going to lie I am super devastated waking up to this news this morning. I guess we always have 2027. I guess it does help stop the anticipation for getting something nice in 2026 which will help to curve speculation.
    1 point
  22. Six Flags Mexico lists, “family thrill boomerang coaster”. It specifically lists the ride as a coaster. Which I suspect means a Vekoma boomerang similar to Soapbox Racers or Good Gravy. That Kings Island does not say coaster, and instead states attraction, immediately sets off alarm bells, that it is not a coaster. Projects change, maybe it’s not actually firmly decided exactly what will be built. But I would not expect a coaster and end up being disappointed.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I’m still holding out hope that it’s something like a Big Bear Mountain. My fear is that it’s another B+ “cheap but cheerful” experience like we’ve seen every year since 2019ish (yes, that includes Orion).
    1 point
  25. It's a minor thing but the press release has the classic "King's" instead of "Kings" typo. I'm guessing this was written quickly.
    1 point
  26. As a much younger person, I can remember when KI announced The Beast, The Bat and King Cobra. It seemed like they were always trying to be on the forefront regarding new coaster installations back then. I am hoping for an incredible coaster in The Vortex old spot, but this news worries me regarding that.
    1 point
  27. Didn't the current park GM call Orion a family thrill ride lol
    1 point
  28. So long single rider line on Mystic Timbers at Winterfest.
    1 point
  29. As opposed to what’s there now? A mismatched, hodge podge collection of thematically unrelated experiences? We’d be lucky if they decided to overhaul that whole section of the park. Should they do it right.
    1 point
  30. A Gotham City retheme of Action Zone would be welcome.
    1 point
  31. Yeah, I was mainly talking about the model itself. I highly doubt we would see nearly the amount of theming and effects that are present on Voltron Nevera.
    1 point
  32. I'm all for that last one... where do I sign that petition?
    1 point
  33. People are going to call it the wrong name no matter if they keep it or change it,.
    1 point
  34. If the product allows you to do the same thing, what difference does it make if it's called Fast Lane, The Flash Pass, or Daffy Duck's Quick Access Pass?
    1 point
  35. NO. NO. NO Keep the superhero stuff and cheezy ads out of KI.
    0 points
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