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An apparent “leak” suggesting Kingda Ka is getting the axe

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Pleasseeeeee take this with a grain of salt…..


 The only reason why I’m bringing it up is because now with the new merged chain, the new six flags, and more importantly, former Cedar Fair, now own two of the tallest coasters in the world with one of them getting a complete overhaul. It makes you wonder if Cedar Fair’s desire to cut down on maintenance heavy rides will spill over into Six Flags parks.


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honestly wouldn't surprise me one bit, it makes total sense, and we all witnessed Cedar Fair doing this to their parks prior to covid. 
Vortex being removed for the obvious example

though i imagine the pace of high maintenance removals would likely be slower within the six flags parks, especially as their parks tend to more lacking in lineup variety IMO

i gotta add as well, where theres smoke, theyre usually fire, apparently sources first disclosed this to some known content creators as far back as 2 months ago, even if this is a website edit, its entirely possible that this is still happening 

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11 minutes ago, Tr0y said:

I don't think they would be willing to go with Zamperla though? Would they pick Intamin??

current word from the creators who had sources disclose this to them 2 months ago (at least) is the Mack Spinner Tower Concept shown in KI's survey, is headed their way, and is being plus'ed, to instead be a 400 foot tall tower
Edit: source:


honestly wouldn't be a bad move in my opinion, would make Cedar Fair the only chain to have both the worlds tallest (for now lol, then North America's tallest) and worlds tallest spinning rollercoasters

plus then one of the other huge parks in the chain gets a new statement piece that doesn't cramp TT2's style


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I grabbed two rides on Kingda Ka when I was there in July. Didn't get Zumanjaro because it was closed (supposedly for routine maintenance and to allow them to get it re-certified by the state). I doubt I'll make it back up there next year as I already have plans to head out to Virginia instead.

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The idea of a super tall spinning coaster sounds like a giant nope from me dog. My ability to ride spinning rides is very limited on the speed and kind of spinning performed and spinning roller coasters are just not something I think my equilibrium can handle. And the idea of a really tall and fast one just sounds...gimmicky IMHO. I realize that might sound really amazing for some as a possibility and I'd be happy for ya'll. But I would sit that one out. 

On another note, the possibility of Ka either getting torn down or revamped doesn't shock me. I would be more upset if they tore it down since I have yet to get a chance to ride it. But if they do make an announcement for its retirement in any capacity, it would make it to the top of my list of coasters to ride as not to miss out on it.

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