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Kings Island Announces Adventure Port for 2023


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Listen, Kings Island. You might be new around these parts, but there's this little thing we like to call the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not mess with Adventure Express, or now you will pay.

...And I think I have a lot of faith that Adventure Express is going to be in top shape next year.

I'm over the moon about this. I can't wait for next year.

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I'm very pleased about this! Retheming the land to fit in with Adventure Express is brilliant, and the new flat rides are definitely needed. Adventure Express fit well into the park when it was installed in Wild Animal Habitat, but now that it's grouped in with Oktoberfest, it's great to see it re-contextualized to fit in. We will still have German representation in the park with the Festhaus and Emporium. The overall land looks like the love-child of Jungle X-Pedition and the new Fiesta Village, which means this should also turn out great.

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Sad to see Oktoberfest cut back greatly when we were hoping for an enhancement/expansion, but this concept art looks fantastic as well so I'm very happy. Been hoping for more flats and these two were both towards the top of the list. Is funny that despite losing the Oktoberfest area we are basically getting the return of Der Spinning Keggers. 

Do wonder if they will just annex Viking Fury and Festhaus into International Street. They would fit right in with it and really don't think is enough with the two of them to really be its own mini-land even so think incorporating them into IS would be the best.

Most excited to see what they do with Adventure Express. Love the coaster but it has needed some TLC. Really hope they add theming to the third tunnel. The other three all have great theming in them then just have a wooden shed with a red light for it. I know it was supposed to be a volcano and the red light for lava or something but just felt so cheap compared to the rest of the ride.

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This going to be a great addition for the flat ride lineup at KI. The theming in the renderings looks great too. I also found the announcement on the website very interesting. Could , “If asked the locals will tell tales of those who came before you and vanished. Did they unwittingly disturb ancient spirits and fall victim to an age-old curse?” be teasing/foreshadowing at a future attraction for 2024 and beyond? First thought that came to mind would be a B&M surf coaster recreation of King Cobra. It could just be a hint at the updates to AE but it’s at least something to think about. Can’t wait to see how Adventure Port fits into the park in 2023! 

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  On 10/19/2022 at 6:25 PM, Bansheelover said:

The new themed areas of Cedar Point, Kings Island, Carowinds, and Knotts Berry Farm for 2023! 






Cool to see them all together-we definitely got the weakest of the three, but since this is more of a “retheme” of existing assets and a couple of adds, I’d expect that. Bodes well for the future. Main complaint is that of the three, ours has pretty much nothing to do with local culture or history. I guess it’s more tying into park history, but I love that the others feel very indigenous to the locations they are in. 

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  On 10/19/2022 at 5:15 PM, silver2005 said:

The ride placement looks a little iffy in that the new rides look like they create a bottleneck in a highly used midway.

I'm happy KI has an Enterprise type ride again after Slylab left. ^_^


I don;t think these rides would generate that much extra traffic in that area after the first season or so.  They are not major attractions.  Im glad to see a new ride added that the kids will enjoy.  Can't wait for next season.

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  On 10/19/2022 at 6:34 PM, brenthodge said:

Cool to see them all together-we definitely got the weakest of the three, but since this is more of a “retheme” of existing assets and a couple of adds, I’d expect that. Bodes well for the future. Main complaint is that of the three, ours has pretty much nothing to do with local culture or history. I guess it’s more tying into park history, but I love that the others feel very indigenous to the locations they are in. 


From these aerial shots ours looks the weakest of the 4 but the ground level concept art they showed looked really good and feel like our could potentially be better than CP or Cw.

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  On 10/19/2022 at 7:05 PM, flightoffear1996 said:

I don;t think these rides would generate that much extra traffic in that area after the first season or so.  They are not major attractions.  Im glad to see a new ride added that the kids will enjoy.  Can't wait for next season.


Not by popularity, but more by that they take up a lot of room for the area they're at.  It's similar to my issue with the Haunt clutter they're currently doing in Area 72.

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  On 10/19/2022 at 7:21 PM, KIghostguy said:

I’m surprised they didn’t do some sort of in-person announcement. They’ve done announcement events for more minor additions, and this would have been very well-received in-person.


CF didn't do any in-person announcements this year. I honestly hope this isn't CF trending away from in-person announcements. The atmosphere of the Orion announcement was top notch and I hope that for whatever coaster they build next, they do a similar announcement at night. 

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