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Adventure Port Ride Reviews


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Went for a short visit last night to ride Sol Spin and I’ve honestly gotta say it’s my new favorite flat ride. Loved being able to stick my arms and legs out and feel like I was flying. I was able to get a late daytime ride and a night ride. They were having some technical issues with it and we weren’t sure if a second ride was going to occur, but maintenance worked diligently to get it going and we were able to secure an awesome night experience. 

The whole area feels awesome. The new flats are a welcome addition and the extra love given to the classic AE is wonderful. 

If this kind of theming is something that will come along with future installations, I think we’re all in for a treat. Cedar Fair is really stepping it up. 

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I rode Sol Spin twice today and my first impression was that I thought it was "strange". The automatic restraint is very tight (almost claustrophobic) and the swinging motion of the ride combined with the spinning (it feels like the motion of a swing, but instead of going side to side, it's back and forth as the ride goes up and down) was weird. Also, the seating is such that unless you look around, the default view is the seat back in front of you, My second ride was better (I think because I was used to it and knew what to expect), but it's still a unique ride. After that first ride, I couldn't help but think about it as a Canada's Wonderland caliber-flat ride (as they are known for their unique variety of flats). Overall, I like its uniqueness as well the queue line's setting, nestled near Banshee and Delirium.

And speaking of the queue line, I noticed that there was themed music playing over the speakers in both Sol Spin and Cargo Loco's line, which I loved.

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2 hours ago, MDMC01 said:

I rode Sol Spin twice today and my first impression was that I thought it was "strange". The automatic restraint is very tight (almost claustrophobic) and the swinging motion of the ride combined with the spinning (it feels like the motion of a swing, but instead of going side to side, it's back and forth as the ride goes up and down) was weird. Also, the seating is such that unless you look around, the default view is the seat back in front of you, My second ride was better (I think because I was used to it and knew what to expect), but it's still a unique ride. After that first ride, I couldn't help but think about it as a Canada's Wonderland caliber-flat ride (as they are known for their unique variety of flats). Overall, I like its uniqueness as well the queue line's setting, nestled near Banshee and Delirium.

And speaking of the queue line, I noticed that there was themed music playing over the speakers in both Sol Spin and Cargo Loco's line, which I loved.

I don't understand what you are saying with it being a unique ride. It's literally a clone of a ride a couple of hours away at Kentucky Kingdom. It's also at at least one Six Flags park. Unless it did something crazy like bounced on a quick descent or ascent, its too conventional for Canada's Wonderland from my perspective.

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7 hours ago, BeeastFarmer said:

I don't understand what you are saying with it being a unique ride. It's literally a clone of a ride a couple of hours away at Kentucky Kingdom. It's also at at least one Six Flags park. Unless it did something crazy like bounced on a quick descent or ascent, its too conventional for Canada's Wonderland from my perspective.

I have ridden the one at Kentucky Kingdom in 2018 and I guess Sol Spin was so unique as it's been a while since I'd ridden one of those (also, didn't realize the restraints were so tight...). And I understand how it would be "too conventional for Canada's Wonderland" because they have some fascinating and unique flats (like the new Tundra Twister, for example), but IMO, Sol Spin is a step in that direction.  

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It is unique in that I haven't been on those others...


Also it is a fun ride, and very quickly makes me very dizzy. The change between looking forward and "not moving" to looking to the side and "wtf I am upside down" disoriented me greatly. That said though, it is a fun ride, better than expected. And those seats are HELLA uncomfortable. I hate solid shoulder straps, makes it impossible to take deep breaths and are panic inducing.

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I found the seats on Sol Spin very uncomfortable.  I am 6’3 with 33 waist and the sides of the seats are more narrow than my hip bones and were crushing them.  I don’t have wide hips.   It’s actually the most uncomfortable seat I have experienced on a flat ride  

The restraints also don’t raise very high.  I had to duck to get into them.  

The ride action itself is fine    But I still prefer the freeness and comfort  of a Huss Enterprise with no restraint  


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Stopped on the way home from a meeting in Columbus last night for a quick bite and 1-2 rides. Thought I’d try SolSpin since there were  like 6 people in the park LOL. Even with no crowd they still managed to make load last over 20 minutes for one cycle before me that started right as I got in line?! 
They need to just fill from one set point all the way around the circle instead of opening the gates and letting people wander around (makes no difference since no one is sitting next to anyone)Even if there was a “load from this point around the circle” marking on the floor. They they could easily count to 24 and cut off the line. Last night the guy kept closing the gate, waiting till people got seated, scanning and counting the empty seats, opening the gate for a few more, scanning again… etc. It only seats what it seats-individually. There’s no “maybe those two will sit together” like on other flats. Even if there were 24 marked spots in the final stretch of the queue to stand on and people could “fill in the singles” on their own. Then the whole “bin for your belongings” needs to go. It slows it down even further or moved to the entrance plaza area. They know it’s terrible capacity (Koontz even acknowledged that) so they really need to improve line management and load process better. 

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13 hours ago, brenthodge said:

Stopped on the way home from a meeting in Columbus last night for a quick bite and 1-2 rides. Thought I’d try SolSpin since there were  like 6 people in the park LOL. Even with no crowd they still managed to make load last over 20 minutes for one cycle before me that started right as I got in line?! 
They need to just fill from one set point all the way around the circle instead of opening the gates and letting people wander around (makes no difference since no one is sitting next to anyone)Even if there was a “load from this point around the circle” marking on the floor. They they could easily count to 24 and cut off the line. Last night the guy kept closing the gate, waiting till people got seated, scanning and counting the empty seats, opening the gate for a few more, scanning again… etc. It only seats what it seats-individually. There’s no “maybe those two will sit together” like on other flats. Even if there were 24 marked spots in the final stretch of the queue to stand on and people could “fill in the singles” on their own. Then the whole “bin for your belongings” needs to go. It slows it down even further or moved to the entrance plaza area. They know it’s terrible capacity (Koontz even acknowledged that) so they really need to improve line management and load process better. 

The one time I rode I was the first person in line for my cycle, in the Fast Lane. I was the 13th person to get a seat. Somehow the barrels still manages to be worse.

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One thing for sure is that the budget for Adventure port was mostly well used! 

But just because things are budgeted, doesn't always mean it was budgeted well; and if that's someone's perception, that's their opinion. Just as they neednt get too upset with perceived shortcomings, we shouldn't get too upset with negative viewpoints; just present our positive outlook when possible.. Im tired.


Having recently taken a spin on Six Flags St. Louis' mine train & Silver Dollar City's mine train.. though both actually decent & fantastic.. I did appreciate Adventure Express in certain ways for both! Ours is somehow less painful than Thunderation despite the clearly more computerized design profiling.

Also, NEVER take AE's seats for granted compared to the earlier mine trains :p

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Not really a “ride review” (maybe this thread should be renamed just Adventure Port Reviews) but can I just say HOW WONDERFUL it is to sit and eat a (finally) great meal from Gill and Grain on the patio at Enrique’s while INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC THAT MATHES TGE AREA plays just loud enough to hear over the Banshee screams. OMG I feel like I’ve finally gotten the park I’ve dreamed KI could be. Next???!

update. It might cut into the “premium vip experience “ right across the way, but really wish there were a few rocking chairs or Adairondacks on the Mercado patio by the water for sipping yer drink. Picnic tables aint meshing with the vibe of the cocktail! 


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9 minutes ago, brenthodge said:

Not really a “ride review” (maybe this thread should be renamed just Adventure Port Reviews) but can I just say HOW WONDERFUL it is to sit and eat a (finally) great meal from Gill and Grain on the patio at Enrique’s while INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC THAT MATHES TGE AREA plays just loud enough to hear over the Banshee screams. OMG I feel like I’ve finally gotten the park I’ve dreamed KI could be. Next???!

What did you get at GG?

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46 minutes ago, brenthodge said:

Not really a “ride review” (maybe this thread should be renamed just Adventure Port Reviews) but can I just say HOW WONDERFUL it is to sit and eat a (finally) great meal from Gill and Grain on the patio at Enrique’s while INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC THAT MATHES TGE AREA plays just loud enough to hear over the Banshee screams. OMG I feel like I’ve finally gotten the park I’ve dreamed KI could be. Next???!

I really like the music playing around Adventure Port. It really does fit the theme of the area. However, I have not heard any music yet in the “ruins” area, or Adventure Express’ and Sol Spin’s entrance plaza. This may have changed recently, but it would be cool if there was a soundtrack in that mini sub-area of Adventure Port too.

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The anemic “marko (cargo) polo (loco) aint really working to jazz up the crowd. Wish there were 3-4 upbeat songs timed to the ride cycle that played to create energy. Also a pre-recorded “welcome to Cargo Logo, on behalf of the arrow shipping company, we ask that you choose your shipping container quickly so the goods can soon be on their way to the destination. Our route is loco, so please keep you hands, feet etc in your s shipping barrel to ensure the goods arrive safely. Thank you for choosing Arrow shipping for all your cargo needs!” Actually all 3 rides in AP need pre-recorded spiels played loud enough to hear to keep the theme. Can you tell I’m at the park doing steam of conscious posts lol) 

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1 hour ago, brenthodge said:

The anemic “marko (cargo) polo (loco) aint really working to jazz up the crowd. Wish there were 3-4 upbeat songs timed to the ride cycle that played to create energy. Also a pre-recorded “welcome to Cargo Logo, on behalf of the arrow shipping company, we ask that you choose your shipping container quickly so the goods can soon be on their way to the destination. Our route is loco, so please keep you hands, feet etc in your s shipping barrel to ensure the goods arrive safely. Thank you for choosing Arrow shipping for all your cargo needs!” Actually all 3 rides in AP need pre-recorded spiels played loud enough to hear to keep the theme. Can you tell I’m at the park doing steam of conscious posts lol) 

To my knowledge, I have not heard any of the pre-recorded spiels in line. That being said, when waiting in line for Sol Spin, I did hear a ride op yell "Sol Spiiiin" just before each cycle started and it sounded like it was pre-recorded (and I thought this until I saw a ride-op in the "mine building" and figured he was the one yelling it over the speakers). Anyone else heard this "Sol Spiiin" yell that I'm talking about?

EDIT: And yes, I played "Marco Polo Cargo Loco" in line for Sol Spin :P

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What will it take to prevent guests from pulling on the restraints with all their weight LOL.

PSA - the restraints will come down on their own.

My understanding is most of the downtime is related to guests pulling on the restraints and tripping faults.

So while we see the ride down a lot, it appears to be more guest initiated as opposed to ride initiated because folks are used to pulling down their own restraints.

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18 minutes ago, funpark said:

Sol spin is now my favorite flat.

I love your picture! It makes Sol Spin look like a flower.

6 minutes ago, disco2000 said:

What will it take to prevent guests from pulling on the restraints with all their weight LOL.

PSA - the restraints will come down on their own.

My understanding is most of the downtime is related to guests pulling on the restraints and tripping faults.

So while we see the ride down a lot, it appears to be more guest initiated as opposed to ride initiated because folks are used to pulling down their own restraints.

I wonder if KI is talking with Zamperla at all about modifying the restraints so that this won't continue to be the case, if that's even an option. Purely from an operational standpoint, every other ride in the park with OTSRs has you pull down your own restraint. You can't fault people for expecting the exact same out of Sol Spin. If people pulling on the restraints is causing downtime, modifying the restraints to eliminate that would make better use of everyone's time, and there's a cost savings that could be attached to that.

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31 minutes ago, disco2000 said:

What will it take to prevent guests from pulling on the restraints with all their weight LOL.

PSA - the restraints will come down on their own.

My understanding is most of the downtime is related to guests pulling on the restraints and tripping faults.

So while we see the ride down a lot, it appears to be more guest initiated as opposed to ride initiated because folks are used to pulling down their own restraints.

Are you certain this generates a fault?  Having been to other parks with the same ride they have the same problem of people pulling down the restraints and it appears to not cause an issue.

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3 hours ago, disco2000 said:

What will it take to prevent guests from pulling on the restraints with all their weight LOL..

There are nice little stickers on a seat in front of you to remind you. I definitely think there needs to be a spiel in the queue every few minutes to state that fact.

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On 6/15/2023 at 5:50 PM, brenthodge said:

Not really a “ride review” (maybe this thread should be renamed just Adventure Port Reviews) but can I just say HOW WONDERFUL it is to sit and eat a (finally) great meal from Gill and Grain on the patio at Enrique’s while INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC THAT MATHES TGE AREA plays just loud enough to hear over the Banshee screams. OMG I feel like I’ve finally gotten the park I’ve dreamed KI could be. Next???!

update. It might cut into the “premium vip experience “ right across the way, but really wish there were a few rocking chairs or Adairondacks on the Mercado patio by the water for sipping yer drink. Picnic tables aint meshing with the vibe of the cocktail! 




I'm assuming you don't get to keep the glass? lol

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