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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2024 in all areas

  1. These are from 2007. There are a lot of trash cans!
    5 points
  2. I was looking at the webcams when I noticed that the hill before the turnarounds now has its lights working again!
    5 points
  3. At least Snoopy Soapbox can still claim the highest operating spike coaster in Ohio
    4 points
  4. Idk, this trashcan looks good too.
    3 points
  5. +100 for having the old fountains back. There must be a way to have the synchronization, lights, etc. while maintaining the grandeur of the original pedestals and fountains.
    2 points
  6. I’ll go through each section and list what I would like to see. International Street. Not much I would add here but others have mentioned it and I’d like to see the old music back. The old music really set the mood for a grand entrance. Planet Snoopy. Personally I’d like to see Camp Snoopy expanded into Planet Snoopy to have one cohesive them but I doubt that will happen. My second option would be updating Boo Blasters in some way to improve it as it’s starting to get a bit out dated. Camp Snoopy. I really like the new Camp Snoopy section of the park however I feel it is lacking some more trees to feel more campy. Attractions wise I would like to see Woodstock’s Air Rail receive the new gen Vekoma suspended trains as those are way more comfortable than the current trains. Rivertown. Obviously I would like to see a new attraction come to the Crypt building. What attraction that would be I’m not sure. Not sure if it would be possible but I think it would be cool if a two story restaurant was added in Rivertown with balcony seating. It could make for some really scenic views. New section. I feel the path between Rivertown and Coney Mall could potentially be a new section of the park. Backlot Stunt Coaster feels very out of place to me and if we got a new coaster in The Vortex plot of land I would like to see both of these coasters in a new section of the park if they could retheme Backlot as well. Coney Mall. The back half of Coney Mall by WindSeeker always feels dead to me. If a new coaster came in The Vortex plot of land maybe the back portion past the Antique Autos could be part of the new area as well. Also I think a set of bathrooms near The Racer and front of Coney Mall could help as the nearest restrooms would be the back of Coney Mall if I’m not mistaken. Area 72. A new flat ride could work very well here because as of right now it’s just FOF and Orion. I would like to see a Zamperla NebulaZ or an S&S Screamin Swing although lane might be an issue here. One more thing. I always seem to find the seating by Meteor Canteen taken. Some more seating with umbrellas would be a welcome addition. Adventure Port. Not a particular addition but some more trees would be very welcome as there is not a lot of shade here. Also I don’t know if this would be possible but a small boat ride of some kind maybe self propelled could be cool. Action Zone. This is definitely the area of KI that needs the most work. The area needs a new identity and a Haunted theme would be the best option in my opinion. Repaint Banshee, retheme Drop Tower and Delirium to fit with the new Haunted theme. That could be phase one bringing the whole area together. Then in the future I could see Invertigo and possibly Congo Falls (maybe) getting removed and I’d like to see a B&M Surf coaster themed to King Cobra replace them. It could easily tie into the new haunted area if they theme it as King Cobra returning for revenge.
    2 points
  7. Ok I didn't know Beast's plaza used to be surrounded by chainlink fences. Granted I was 5 years old at the time, but man that looks so ugly. I'm glad they changed it! Also I didn't know that gold passholders had a "speed lane" access. I'm guessing that was Paramount's version of Fast Lane? Correct me if I'm wrong.
    1 point
  8. Picnic table quality in Beagles Scout Acres greatly reduced. Only on top of hill now. Only 2. Might be their way of cutting down on food spills. BENCHES folks. Just benches. Snoopy seems to now be officially dead on SoapBox. No movement still.
    1 point
  9. I distinctly remember this. I believe the year was 2011 and I went to the park for the first time that year before the ride closed down and went back later and was distraught it was closed for an extended period of time since it was my favorite ride at the park at the time I have heard the park is waiting on a part as well
    1 point
  10. Anybody got any pictures from 2006/2007 with the sea of trash cans at KI?
    1 point
  11. International Street: Bring back the orchestral soundtrack Planet/Camp Snoopy: Retheme the remaining Planet Snoopy to Camp Snoopy. It's an unpopular opinion, but I'll also throw in the possibility of retheming Planet Snoopy to Looney Tunes while keeping Camp Snoopy the same. That way, both IPs can co-exist in the kids area. Rivertown: Remove the Crypt building and either build a Mack Powersplash or relocate Congo Falls into that area. Theme it to KCKC. Coney Mall: Put a Vekoma Tilt coaster or a Mack Extreme spinner in The Vortex plot. Also retheme BLSC to better fit Coney Mall. Possibly in 2026 or 2027. Area 72: Not a lot of room to expand here, maybe a flat ride? It's also pretty recent. Adventure Port: Too recent, so it's good as-is. Oktoberfest: Merge with Action Zone to create a new area Action Zone: Merge with Oktoberfest to create a new area, probably themed to a dark forest or a medieval village. Take out Invertigo and possibly Congo Falls and put in a new coaster. Either a Vekoma Tilt or Extreme Spinner (unless one of these is used for The Vortex replacement), A B&M Surf is also a good option here as well. Keep the theme for Banshee and Bat, retheme the other rides to fit in with the area. Possibly between 2030 and 2032
    1 point
  12. That’s a nice trashcan, here is a photo of one I got while visiting Carowinds:
    1 point
  13. Still no flag. Still no movement. You’d think since they cut so much detail out of this project, they could keep the 1-2 things they DID do actually working.
    1 point
  14. I hope it reopens sooner rather than later. I was joking around saying that maybe they're finally putting comfort collars on it Seriously though, that would be awesome.
    1 point
  15. Recently it occurred to me that the Charlie Brown car is the last car on the train, possibly a nod to how Charlie Brown always feeling like he comes in last.
    1 point
  16. I actually noticed a little bit of that myself on my last ride and I thought "I either have to be just a littttttttle dehydrated due to the heat OR this thing is really broken in nicely enough now to really get the full force of it". It could have been a little combination of both, but either way, still amazed at how Vekoma was able to make such a well-rounded family coaster that everyone of varying thrill levels can enjoy.
    1 point
  17. I finally got to ride Snoopy’s Soap Box Racers a few weeks ago and it’s a really fun ride! Very smooth. I really like the log cabin station. I don’t know if it was just me but I did get a little dizzy going backwards but it wasn’t too bad. Great addition!
    1 point
  18. But did he get a new flag? You would think something like that would come with at least a 90 day warranty to get the flag replaced.
    1 point
  19. The flag waving Snoopy was moving when I was at the park yesterday...
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. We had a subtly animated prop for a few days! RIP flagging snoopy. It was a good 5 days while it lasted.
    1 point
  22. Along with all the decor there are even subtle animated elements (like the spinning globe in the kids room) and sound effects in the different spaces. They really went above and beyond what the park has attempted before theme-wise.
    1 point
  23. The Good Gravy queue is very impressive. So much detail to take in!
    1 point
  24. Here at HW right now and after riding SSBR about 10 times, GG does not come close to SSBR. The queue being in A/C at HW is awesome The theming on GG feels more like a Universal ride queue.
    1 point
  25. That is theming I can get behind!! Also, after watching POVs ov both, I can see why HW demanded the "First open" clause, because instead of "Good Gravy" that thing is "weak sauce" in every way compared to SSBR. I will know how well this runs either this coming Sunday, or July 14th.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I rode Soap Box Racers for the first time today. It packed more of a punch than I was expecting! Great ride for kids. Ps: still in the park, waiting for a pop up thunderstorm to pass so I can get a back row ride on Mystic Timbers. Things are otherwise going good at Kings Island today.
    1 point
  28. I got my first ride today. Coming in, I was concerned about the ride's capacity for this first season but when I got there around maybe 2 PM, I got on within 3 or 4 trains. It was no longer than the wait on the major adult coasters today (which hovered in the 15-30 minute range). Got back row and there was a very noticeable vibration to the ride. Not enough to be a problem but fairly consistent. Otherwise the ride packs a little more punch than I expected, at least on the turns.
    1 point
  29. Here's a piece I wrote for Theme Parks By Don comparing Snoopy's Soap Box Racers and Good Gravy! It won't win a Pulitzer but I think it captures the spirit of the thing. https://themeparksbydon.com/comparing-snoopys-soap-box-racers-and-good-gravy/
    1 point
  30. I finally got a ride on SSBR and it was definitely a fun coaster. I rarely ride Flying Ace Arial Chase (Woodstock AirRail) but I do usually ride Woodstock Express a few times throughout the season and while I still slightly prefer it to SSBR I will definitely be getting on SSBR multiple times each season as it is a fantastic coaster for younger guests and families. I rode the back row and it really gives you an amazing view of the park and a good whip through those turns. Going backwards is also a wonderful sensation! Love the area and the theming. I was definitely critical of the camp Snoopy addition at first but as Micky Dolenz sang in the 1960s "now I'm a believer"
    1 point
  31. Guess flagging Snoopy is dead. No movement, no flag, no surprise.
    0 points
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