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Action Zone Redevelopment


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5 hours ago, johnjniehaus said:

I totally agree. The Arrow Suspended Coasters were never as common as the loopers and mine rides and their numbers are dwindling. They are an endangered coaster type that needs to see a group like ACE make a motion to start preserving at least one or two. I was so excited to hear The Bat trains are getting repainted this year and of course that Adventure Express is getting enhancements. That's code for AE is going to be around many more years and The Bat has a few more seasons left as well. I personally love to see the directions the park is going with maintaining the older coasters - Racer re-track greatly improved the ride, Beast re-tracking was amazing, Adventure Express enhancement is exciting....I think it's always a debate of do we fix an old coaster or just build a new one and unfortunately 95% of the time they build a new one. Kings Island has some very important coasters that need to be preserved for future generations and one of those is The Bat. 


There is a big part you are missing, and that is service life and repair costs of steel coasters compared to wooden coasters, and that is why we see things like Vortex, Firehawk, and King Cobra disappear, and eventually The Bat will leave...that plays a much bigger role than "community" opinion or a "debate of do we fix an old coaster or just build a new one" on when a steel coaster is removed.

And don't mistake a paint job as it means it will be around a lot longer.  King Cobra was repainted and was gone a year or two afterwards.  Slingshot was painted and then removed without re-opening....

A wood coaster can last longer because it is easy for the parks to buy lumber in bulk and the type of laborer needed and access to the piece that needs replaced is easier than for a steel coaster.

Our wooden coasters are walked daily and if you visit enough, there are times you can see a piece of wood has been replaced mid-season as a result of these daily inspections.  And then sometimes we get off-season sections replaced as we have seen recently.  Due to the design of the wooden coasters (walking paths the entire length) and the type of laborer needed for wood (compared to a welder), it is cheaper to maintain wooden coaster than a steel coaster.

While steel is stronger than wood, it is subject to higher loads, fatigue and as such has a defined service life.  Sometimes the service life is shorter than expected, and sometimes it is longer.  So many factors come into play.  Maybe it got bad steel; or the stress loads were higher than anticipated; or the temperature of the location of the ride impacted the steel more while it was being operated.  Steel can only handle so many cycles before it starts to fatigue and it typically deforms and weakens at the welds.  Steel coasters are subject to annual non-destructive testing inspections for the integrity of the welds. Other testing such as holiday testing, ultrasound, and several other methods are used to detect imperfections that are not visible to the naked eye.  At some point these inspections provide how much longer the ride is able to operate until wide-scale fatigue failure occurs.  Sometimes is matches up with the intended design life, and sometimes it doesn't.

Part of the maintenance of steel coasters is repairing any welds that are beginning to fatigue. This is extremely expensive. The ride manufacturers require certain methods, type of welds, materials, etc. to be used on their rides.  Plus, unlike wooden coasters with a walking track the entire length, steel coasters usually only have that on the lift hill, MCBR, and final brake run.  So now you need cranes or other equipment to hoist the laborer and material in place.  With a wood coaster, you can carry a couple of pieces of lumber with you to the location. The specialty labor required for a steel coaster weld repair, along with the parts cost is orders of magnitude greater than for a wooden coaster.

You may be asking well why don't parks re-track and replace components yearly on their steel coasters like they do for wooden coasters? Again, the answer is cost.  Depending on the nature of the repair, it could cost more to repair than a new coaster.  Same thing with automobiles - sometimes the cost to repair a vehicle after a crash is more expensive than just buying a new car.  Or restaurants.  Many times it is cheaper to demolish and rebuild on site than it would be to remodel and get it up to current code.

The initial build and fabrication of the steel coaster is always cheaper in the factory and onsite in an open field than 30-something years later.  Access is more difficult, more levels of approvals are needed.  More specialized laborers are needed.  The cost of the materials are more expensive, etc.

Further, by the time the ride has reached its original design life, many of these rides will have lost enough ridership as they have aged that the ride's popularity would not justify replacing all the steel components needing replacement, especially if it would be cheaper to simply build a new coaster. As it relates to The Bat, it does have going for it that the segments are bolted instead of welded like older Arrow coasters, so if there were sections that came back that were more fatigued than others, it could be possible.  But there is still a lot of welding on The Bat.

Does that mean that no steel coaster is ever rehabbed and track replaced - no - it has happened and will continue to happen on a case-by-case basis.

But for something like The Bat, I could only see KI keep it around beyond its service life with rehab if ACE provided funds to do so to "preserve" an Arrow Suspended Coaster and I just don't see that happening...

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10 hours ago, disco2000 said:

There is a big part you are missing, and that is service life and repair costs of steel coasters compared to wooden coasters, and that is why we see things like Vortex, Firehawk, and King Cobra disappear, and eventually The Bat will leave...that plays a much bigger role than "community" opinion or a "debate of do we fix an old coaster or just build a new one" on when a steel coaster is removed.

Vortex put a lot more force onto its tracks than The Bat does. It was also built very high off the ground, on uneven terrain no less. The growing roughness of the old girl was due in part to how awesome she was.

Firehawk was always an unreliable maintenance nightmare. I don't think there was a day I visited where it didn't have some kind of problem. I feel that it truly deserved its demise.

King Cobra was an unremarkable TOGO which relied on a gimmick that was insufferable for roughly half the people riding it. There is still a clone of it operating in Italy despite this. Italian men must really like their standup coasters.


While I have an undying affinity for classic Arrow Loopers, they really don't offer much of a unique experience to your average thrill rider. It pains me to say it, as it was my favorite in the park, but Vortex was a rough antiquity that didn't appeal to a lot of riders.  This is the real reason it was axed. It was a jerky novelty from yesteryear that people seemed to be very mixed on. The Bat is not anywhere nearly as uncomfortable as Vortex was during its last few seasons, nor does its location cause any real congestion in the absence of Son of Beast. The Bat's day will come, far sooner than I'd like, but I do not see it going anywhere for a few years, especially since we just got Orion on that side of the park. The wheel incident was a bad look, sure, but so was Vortex's chain failure back in 2011. If I am wrong then feel free to jeer me a year or two from now. For now, let those woods roar.

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Can you imagine the angst around the end of the next decade when it comes time to remove Diamondback?  Or if Mystic Timbers becomes Steel Timbers?  On the other hand, it will be exciting to see the Junkyard Coaster leave, unless the park decides to really clean up and retheme the area.  (Nothing against the coaster itself, its theme is just terribly ugly!)

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1 hour ago, BeeastFarmer said:

Can you imagine the angst around the end of the next decade when it comes time to remove Diamondback?  Or if Mystic Timbers becomes Steel Timbers?  On the other hand, it will be exciting to see the Junkyard Coaster leave, unless the park decides to really clean up and retheme the area.  (Nothing against the coaster itself, its theme is just terribly ugly!)

We were just talking about that very thing Sunday while at Winterfest....having GCI utilize Titan track to add about 40' to MTs lift hill, and put a corkscrew or zero-G roll and a slow 180 stall both somewhere in the layout!

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I just hope we do not have to look at empty spots where Invertigo, Congo Falls or The Bat now sit . . Drop Tower too.  What is the longevity of those type of rides?  Because now we have to look at an empty lot where Vortex sat until something new comes along.  That one seemed to happen before the park had planned.  My guess they found fixing the support structure was just too cost prohibitive.

I just don't want to see anything removed until there is a replacement plan.

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18 hours ago, disco2000 said:


There is a big part you are missing, and that is service life and repair costs of steel coasters compared to wooden coasters, and that is why we see things like Vortex, Firehawk, and King Cobra disappear, and eventually The Bat will leave...that plays a much bigger role than "community" opinion or a "debate of do we fix an old coaster or just build a new one" on when a steel coaster is removed.

And don't mistake a paint job as it means it will be around a lot longer.  King Cobra was repainted and was gone a year or two afterwards.  Slingshot was painted and then removed without re-opening....

A wood coaster can last longer because it is easy for the parks to buy lumber in bulk and the type of laborer needed and access to the piece that needs replaced is easier than for a steel coaster.

Our wooden coasters are walked daily and if you visit enough, there are times you can see a piece of wood has been replaced mid-season as a result of these daily inspections.  And then sometimes we get off-season sections replaced as we have seen recently.  Due to the design of the wooden coasters (walking paths the entire length) and the type of laborer needed for wood (compared to a welder), it is cheaper to maintain wooden coaster than a steel coaster.

While steel is stronger than wood, it is subject to higher loads, fatigue and as such has a defined service life.  Sometimes the service life is shorter than expected, and sometimes it is longer.  So many factors come into play.  Maybe it got bad steel; or the stress loads were higher than anticipated; or the temperature of the location of the ride impacted the steel more while it was being operated.  Steel can only handle so many cycles before it starts to fatigue and it typically deforms and weakens at the welds.  Steel coasters are subject to annual non-destructive testing inspections for the integrity of the welds. Other testing such as holiday testing, ultrasound, and several other methods are used to detect imperfections that are not visible to the naked eye.  At some point these inspections provide how much longer the ride is able to operate until wide-scale fatigue failure occurs.  Sometimes is matches up with the intended design life, and sometimes it doesn't.

Part of the maintenance of steel coasters is repairing any welds that are beginning to fatigue. This is extremely expensive. The ride manufacturers require certain methods, type of welds, materials, etc. to be used on their rides.  Plus, unlike wooden coasters with a walking track the entire length, steel coasters usually only have that on the lift hill, MCBR, and final brake run.  So now you need cranes or other equipment to hoist the laborer and material in place.  With a wood coaster, you can carry a couple of pieces of lumber with you to the location. The specialty labor required for a steel coaster weld repair, along with the parts cost is orders of magnitude greater than for a wooden coaster.

You may be asking well why don't parks re-track and replace components yearly on their steel coasters like they do for wooden coasters? Again, the answer is cost.  Depending on the nature of the repair, it could cost more to repair than a new coaster.  Same thing with automobiles - sometimes the cost to repair a vehicle after a crash is more expensive than just buying a new car.  Or restaurants.  Many times it is cheaper to demolish and rebuild on site than it would be to remodel and get it up to current code.

The initial build and fabrication of the steel coaster is always cheaper in the factory and onsite in an open field than 30-something years later.  Access is more difficult, more levels of approvals are needed.  More specialized laborers are needed.  The cost of the materials are more expensive, etc.

Further, by the time the ride has reached its original design life, many of these rides will have lost enough ridership as they have aged that the ride's popularity would not justify replacing all the steel components needing replacement, especially if it would be cheaper to simply build a new coaster. As it relates to The Bat, it does have going for it that the segments are bolted instead of welded like older Arrow coasters, so if there were sections that came back that were more fatigued than others, it could be possible.  But there is still a lot of welding on The Bat.

Does that mean that no steel coaster is ever rehabbed and track replaced - no - it has happened and will continue to happen on a case-by-case basis.

But for something like The Bat, I could only see KI keep it around beyond its service life with rehab if ACE provided funds to do so to "preserve" an Arrow Suspended Coaster and I just don't see that happening...

Very good explanation of why steel coasters have a limited life. There are a few Arrows that have been made ACE Coaster landmarks such as Magnum XL 200 at Cedar Point, Corkscrew at Silverwood, Runaway Mine Train at Six Flags Over TX, Lochness Monster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, and Matterhorn at Disneyland. Surely X2 is going to be nominated at some point in the future. I really hope they will nominate an Arrow Suspended Coaster at some point (not sure if they are historically significant enough seeing as all the historical ones are already gone). I personally think that S&S should bring back the model just because they are genuinely fun, unique coasters that are going the way of the dinosaur. There's always room to hope seeing as the Schwarzkopf WildCat is apparently coming back in 2024! 

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On 12/15/2022 at 1:22 PM, rlentless said:

Drop Tower too.  What is the longevity of those type of rides?

The actual structure itself likely doesn't take too much abuse. Coaster supports regularly get shock-loaded every time a train comes by, but a tower like that kind of just guides the vehicle back to the station. I don't see Drop Tower going until they already have something planned to plop down in its place, but that's really just a guess.

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  • 3 months later...

Came up with an idea for an Action Zone retheme based around the Haunted themes of Banshee and Bat. New rides include: S&S scream n swing, Zamperla NebulaZ, WindstarZ, and Air Race. Chicken Shack becomes a new restaurant like KD's Outpost Cafe that serves similar food like prime rib, shrimp, along with hand breaded chicken tenders to make up for the loss of chicken shack. Coaster Connection becomes a bar and the gift shop moves under Banshee's station where the old gift shop was. Ice Scream Zone gets demolished and becomes a Coke freestyle stand. Not listed, but Drop Tower and Invertigo get rethemed to match the area. Ride removals for this are obviously Congo Falls and Xtreme Skyflyer. The area would also feature some interactive stuff and more seating with some sort of sculpture somewhere like Aeronautica Landing got. I didn't include where it would go though. 


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I think everyone always assumes that Action Zone is not going to be touched until a new coaster is added. I would love a complete retheme of the area with new flat rides in the style of Aeronautica Landing at Carowinds even if a new coaster is not added. Down the line, a new coaster could be added as a “part 2” of the new area.

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4 minutes ago, FUN&ONLY! said:

I think everyone always assumes that Action Zone is not going to be touched until a new coaster is added. I would love a complete retheme of the area with new flat rides in the style of Aeronautica Landing at Carowinds even if a new coaster is not added. Down the line, a new coaster could be added as a “part 2” of the new area.

That's honestly my thought and why I kept Invertigo. I have the Invertigo/parking lot woods/front gate plot as "part 2" of that expansion. 

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2 hours ago, silver2005 said:

For Action Zone, I'll take one of these...

A new swinging new thrill ride is rumored Busch Gardens Tampa | Creative  Loafing Tampa Bay

...or one of these...


...or another attempt at one of thsese.

TOP SPIN® SUSPENDED | Huss Park Attractions

Screamin' Swing: Mom will literally freak out with joy if Kings Island got it. And knowing that Sea World got the record from Cedar Point, I could see that Kings Island will take back it's record for Cedar Fair by making the structure 150 ft.

Top Scan (or Ventura): Interesting choice. I think we might see a Ventura in Kings Island since it has more compacity. I was thinking that the theme of this ride is like what we saw in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Halloween theme. Don't you agree?

Suspended Top spin: Yea no...

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I think we’re going to see some downsizing in Action Zone in the future. Regarding Congo Falls and Invertigo, I don’t think there will be enough ridership in the coming years to justify operating, maintaining, and staffing the two rides.

Could they replace them with a new ride? Sure, in fact they could consolidate the staffing from the two current rides into one new attraction.


The green area in the edit above obviously represents Congo Falls and Invertigo. They can put a new ride in the green space I provided but make the entry plaza right at the edge of the green space. This would also make the attractions in the area seem closer together. Even though Invertigo isn’t far from other Action Zone attractions, it sure feels off the beaten path, and not in a fun way like The Bat is. It’s hard to explain.

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On 4/7/2023 at 6:24 PM, FUN&ONLY! said:

I think everyone always assumes that Action Zone is not going to be touched until a new coaster is added. I would love a complete retheme of the area with new flat rides in the style of Aeronautica Landing at Carowinds even if a new coaster is not added. Down the line, a new coaster could be added as a “part 2” of the new area.

I like what the guy before you said. I quoted you though so I wouldn't get the picture in the quote. However, I want to see the new coaster be built where Vortex once was standing. If they take Congo Falls out down the road, I hope they put in something like Sea World Texas got this year. I know it was a water coaster of some sort.

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  • 2 months later...

Came up with a new concept of an Action Zone retheme. This would involve the demolition of Congo Falls and the addition of a screamin swing called Serpent's Flyer. Also Invetigo gets rethemed into Screamin Demon. It pays homage to the old screamin demon that stood very close to that same spot and was also a shuttle coaster with a vertical loop. Drop Tower gets renamed to Falltrum and has an enclosed building built at the base of the ride. The queue would be enclosed and themed as well. Banshee would be repainted, and Bat would get an updated queue (out with the metal chain link fences and in with wood fences along with new theming). The SOB station and queue would also be demolished. Timberwolf would remain, but would get chairback seating to downsize the venue and make it more profitable for more up and coming artists as well as make the venue nicer and more comfortable for concert goers. Once again just a concept idea. 


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On 6/11/2023 at 4:25 PM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

Came up with a new concept of an Action Zone retheme. This would involve the demolition of Congo Falls and the addition of a screamin swing called Serpent's Flyer. Also Invetigo gets rethemed into Screamin Demon. It pays homage to the old screamin demon that stood very close to that same spot and was also a shuttle coaster with a vertical loop. Drop Tower gets renamed to Falltrum and has an enclosed building built at the base of the ride. The queue would be enclosed and themed as well. Banshee would be repainted, and Bat would get an updated queue (out with the metal chain link fences and in with wood fences along with new theming). The SOB station and queue would also be demolished. Timberwolf would remain, but would get chairback seating to downsize the venue and make it more profitable for more up and coming artists as well as make the venue nicer and more comfortable for concert goers. Once again just a concept idea. 


I see you use my suggested name for Drop Tower. Thank you.

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On 4/9/2023 at 8:11 AM, silver2005 said:

Also, could we give Skyflyer its original lighting package back?

 Anyone who went to the park when it was new knows what I'm talking about. 

What was its original lighting package? I am curious to know...

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  • 1 year later...

Posting in old thread to post an updated Action Zone refresh idea amid the closure of Skyflyer. I basically chose a haunted forest/general horror theme like many people have shared ideas about (mostly because of my current hyperfixation on the dark universe land at epic universe). 

1. Specter- A launched spinning coaster (basically like the Time Traveller from SDC because that’s very fun). In general, it could just be any intense coaster, I’m not picky. Would replace Invertigo & Timberwolf area.

2. Phantom Theater- Very unrealistic (and if they ever brought this IP back it would be at Boo Blasters), but I gotta include it in horror themed idea. Would replace Congo Falls & Drop Tower area. 

3 & 4. Same coasters as before, no notes.

5. Swing and Steam- A creepy steampunk Screamin’ Swing (with fog effects in the center). Replaces Xtreme Skyflyer 

6. Chicken Shack but scary

7. Kings Island Legacy store- Basically a gift shop selling vintage merch that has artifacts next to them (think like the PT encore lobby or search the similar store they had at Universal Studios Orlando Citywalk). Basically would be a way to save the SOB station.

8. Faustian Bargains- Coaster Connections but scary. 

Also Delirium can stay and just be its own thing Untitled4638_20250308125409.pngUntitled4662_20250308125245.jpeg

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4 minutes ago, silver2005 said:

^Because what Action Zone needs is more concrete...<_<

Why not just use the current queue area as the pre-show and save all that unnecessary space you used for the queue for said new ride/restaurant?  That queue seems like massive overkill for a Drop Tower.

I'm planning on altering half of Action Zone to be Oktoberfest and Horror theme separately. I only focused on Falltrum in this showcase, the rest I'll show it to you in do time. (P.S. does Falltrum sound better than just Drop Tower.)

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Guys, guys, guys. We are forgetting something: Drop Tower hardly ever needs it's whole queue, so why do we need a bigger queue? It would be cool if the bottom part of Drop Tower was enclosed as well as a retheme, but don't make it any bigger. Add a themed restaurant (I like you logos @BryanJay) and theme the whole land as a whole to this creepy Darkmoor-like area and make AZ a new type of area KI hasn't seen before. Not only does the spooky theme help contribute to the whole atmosphere, but it also is a two-for-one addition because of the Haunt. Just add some queues and stuff and you got yourself a whole land of scarezones!

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2 hours ago, BryanJay said:

Posting in old thread to post an updated Action Zone refresh idea amid the closure of Skyflyer. I basically chose a haunted forest/general horror theme like many people have shared ideas about (mostly because of my current hyperfixation on the dark universe land at epic universe). 

1. Specter- A launched spinning coaster (basically like the Time Traveller from SDC because that’s very fun). In general, it could just be any intense coaster, I’m not picky. Would replace Invertigo & Timberwolf area.

2. Phantom Theater- Very unrealistic (and if they ever brought this IP back it would be at Boo Blasters), but I gotta include it in horror themed idea. Would replace Congo Falls & Drop Tower area. 

3 & 4. Same coasters as before, no notes.

5. Swing and Steam- A creepy steampunk Screamin’ Swing (with fog effects in the center). Replaces Xtreme Skyflyer 

6. Chicken Shack but scary

7. Kings Island Legacy store- Basically a gift shop selling vintage merch that has artifacts next to them (think like the PT encore lobby or search the similar store they had at Universal Studios Orlando Citywalk). Basically would be a way to save the SOB station.

8. Faustian Bargains- Coaster Connections but scary. 

Also Delirium can stay and just be its own thing Untitled4638_20250308125409.pngUntitled4662_20250308125245.jpeg

I really like this concept. This is the best case scenario in my opinion. 

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7 hours ago, BryanJay said:

Posting in old thread to post an updated Action Zone refresh idea amid the closure of Skyflyer. I basically chose a haunted forest/general horror theme like many people have shared ideas about (mostly because of my current hyperfixation on the dark universe land at epic universe). 


6. Chicken Shack but scary


It's already there, the prices for a chicken tender meal without a meal plan! :P


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