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Kings Island General Discussion 2024


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The USA Today 10 best lists are a terrible listing of the 10 best anything.  They are little more than a popularly contest and really just show how fanatical the fans are.  But that’s the problem, Kings Island has almost always over performed, because of the parks huge fan base.

Kings Island placed first for the best Halloween event at a theme park a few years ago beating Universal, Busch Gardens and a lot of frankly better events due to the strength of its fan base.  A fan base who seems not willing to go vote for the park like they did only a few years ago.

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Does anyone know when Progressive started advertising on the Antiques? I enjoyed all of the signs they used to have, I’m somewhat upset that the classic charm has been taken away by a few progressive signs.


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Honestly that ad is not all that bad for an ad.

Horrible would be the entire cars / trains wrapped in ads, or tacky placement in general.

This is a billboard which most billboards are ads so it makes sense.



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  On 5/5/2024 at 3:31 PM, BB1 said:

Does anyone know when Progressive started advertising on the Antiques? I enjoyed all of the signs they used to have, I’m somewhat upset that the classic charm has been taken away by a few progressive signs.



At least it doesn't say State Farm. Who doesn't love Flo

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And I mean, in a way, it makes sense for it to be over there with the antique autos. At least Orion's trains aren't done up in a wrap or you know, remember the days when The Bat was known as Top Gun and had Gillette Mach 3 ads on the trains themselves as well as over the intercom? Haha.

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From watching old POVs, it replaced the billboard for the Kings Mills Auto Livery. 

Which was either a throwback to the Ohio Overland Automobile Livery side of the original Antique car layout, a reference to the current incarnation, or both.


Were there more signs that were replaced by Flo?

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  On 5/6/2024 at 12:13 PM, DJSkyFoxx said:

And I mean, in a way, it makes sense for it to be over there with the antique autos. At least Orion's trains aren't done up in a wrap or you know, remember the days when The Bat was known as Top Gun and had Gillette Mach 3 ads on the trains themselves as well as over the intercom? Haha.


Gillette Mach 3  Hopes you enjoyed your ride on Top Gun

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I’ve been meaning to mention that Orion’s soundtrack has been blasting throughout Area 72 this year and I absolutely love it. It really sets the mood. However I’m disappointed that they either don’t play the soundtrack in the station anymore or it’s too quiet to hear. When it played in the station in the past it really reminded me of Millennium Force’s station. It’s a shame that they don’t play it anymore.

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  On 4/27/2024 at 1:08 AM, Hoeter said:

I do want to get up to Cedar Point during the season, however I did not add the All Park Passport when I purchased this morning - I am assuming I can go into Guest Services next time I'm at the park and pay the difference?


If you have a payment plan I do not know 100% how it works to add the all park passport. I upgraded from a gold to platinum with no hassle about it but I always pay in full for my pass and/or upgrades. Then when they rolled out the all park passport, I couldn't just renew my platinum pass because it was discontinued but I purchased a gold with passport which ended up being $10 cheaper than what I paid for platinum the previous year...weird? Anyway, the associate asked if I wanted to keep my current card and I asked if it still worked the same and he said yes so I still have a platinum pass card that in the system shows up as a gold with passport. So to answer your question, if you paid outright, it seems wrong that they can't just add the passport like they would upgrade a gold to platinum but if you are making payments by month, there might be some sort of goofy refund your first purchase and then you repurchase and start on a new payment plan. 

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  On 5/7/2024 at 2:41 AM, Orion742 said:

I’ve been meaning to mention that Orion’s soundtrack has been blasting throughout Area 72 this year and I absolutely love it. It really sets the mood. However I’m disappointed that they either don’t play the soundtrack in the station anymore or it’s too quiet to hear. When it played in the station in the past it really reminded me of Millennium Force’s station. It’s a shame that they don’t play it anymore.


Paging @VortexBFForever.  Is this something that can possibly be checked on? It would be cool to have that audio working again.

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Current ride operator here!

To address the subject of line jumpers:

As you probably already know, line jumping is strictly prohibited at Kings Island. ANYONE who sees line jumping should speak with a ride operator as soon as possible about it. Almost every coaster at Kings Island has a distributer (who tells you what row to go to) and that is usually the first person you can go to when reporting line jumpers. Another way to report line jumpers is to text (513) 434-6337 which will go directly to KI security.

Something else I should mention. When guests are reporting line jumpers, there needs to be two or more different parties that saw the suspected line jumping. Only when two or more different parties witness line jumping can the ride operator tell the line jumpers to go to the end of the line and wait their turn.

However, if a ride operator sees line jumping for themselves, they will tell the line jumpers to go to the back of the line and wait their turn.

Failure by line jumpers to comply in either situation will result in either a ride supervisor to tell them to go to the back of the line or KI security being called.

That is how our line jumping policy was explained to me during training.

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  On 5/9/2024 at 6:35 PM, Klabergian Empire said:

Current ride operator here!

To address the subject of line jumpers:

As you probably already know, line jumping is strictly prohibited at Kings Island. ANYONE who sees line jumping should speak with a ride operator as soon as possible about it. Almost every coaster at Kings Island has a distributer (who tells you what row to go to) and that is usually the first person you can go to when reporting line jumpers. Another way to report line jumpers is to text (513) 434-6337 which will go directly to KI security.

Something else I should mention. When guests are reporting line jumpers, there needs to be two or more different parties that saw the suspected line jumping. Only when two or more different parties witness line jumping can the ride operator tell the line jumpers to go to the end of the line and wait their turn.

However, if a ride operator sees line jumping for themselves, they will tell the line jumpers to go to the back of the line and wait their turn.

Failure by line jumpers to comply in either situation will result in either a ride supervisor to tell them to go to the back of the line or KI security being called.

That is how our line jumping policy was explained to me during training.


I was able to catch someone like this during Haunt one time, but not for line jumping, but for thinking the Diamondback lower switchback queue was a public restroom.   They had security at the exit of Diamondback and ejected him after he disembarked (was on the same train as me and the other guests who collaborated the story).   So as much as we think reporting line jumpers is a hopeless endeavor, it can be done successfully.  

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Went on Saturday. Line-jumping was terrible, happened four times on Mystic Timbers alone. Two separate kids, a 20-something couple and than at one point, another couple came through with.. a couple platters from Brewhouse? 

At this point, it's like cell phones in a movie theater. The individuals know they are doing something wrong but also know nothing will likely be done about it, so if you call them out on it, they shrug. And most of the time, reporting does nothing because it requires other eye-witnesses to come forward, but a lot of folks won't say anything because they'll feel like a narc. 

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Has anyone else noticed that Orion’s light package this year hasn’t been on? The blue LED light strip up the lift hill still works but the colored lights that would change on the supports and track throughout the ride seem to be missing this year. 

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  On 5/19/2024 at 1:05 PM, Joshua said:

Went on Saturday. Line-jumping was terrible, happened four times on Mystic Timbers alone. Two separate kids, a 20-something couple and than at one point, another couple came through with.. a couple platters from Brewhouse? 

At this point, it's like cell phones in a movie theater. The individuals know they are doing something wrong but also know nothing will likely be done about it, so if you call them out on it, they shrug. And most of the time, reporting does nothing because it requires other eye-witnesses to come forward, but a lot of folks won't say anything because they'll feel like a narc. 


It's almost like... get this... the chaperone policy does... NOTHING!!! Wow, nobody saw that coming... Let corporate keep their touting about this very unfair and flawed policy. 

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I have only rode Mystic once this year. Got an early ride before the school crowds arrived. So the line was not long at all.

Last year I witnessed the worst line jumping I have seen in Mystic's line. Groups of people just climbing over railings and getting in front of people on multiple occasions. I called the security number once but did not see the line jumpers get caught. It is so prevalent in that line any given day for some reason. In the past, since I am a big guy, I have told line jumpers to get lost. Now, no one really says anything since these days so many are just prone to fight first or worse if called out. It's a different world these days.

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