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  1. Corporate isn't making the decision to run one side of The Racer for a third of the day, run only one train on the K.I & Miami Valley Railroad most of the week, have drink stands closed, have the theaters dark for much of the summer. Those decisions get made at the park level. The park is told by corporate what the operating budget is, and they make cuts based on what they're allowed to spend. The reason why Matt Ouimet left Cedar Fair when he did was because the merger between Six Flags and Cedar Fair was not going to play into his strengths. He said a major component of value creation from any merger is the achievement of cost efficiencies. For him, this objective ran counter to his bias towards improving the guest experience. In the near term, with pressure from investors, the cost synergies usually take precedent. and he wasn't in favor of that. Over the past two years, the guest experience at Kings Island has not been as good as it used to be -- what guests had been accustomed to. The product now being offered has been watered down. As long as guests find it acceptable, the cost-cutting trend we've witnessed the past couple of years will continue. They can offer a watered-down experience because people will still come.
    13 points
  2. Here’s a piece I wrote about Kings Island’s new water park attractions. https://themeparksbydon.com/kings-islands-new-water-park-attractions-fun-but-fall-short/
    9 points
  3. Honestly, I would gladly give up a couple of early Winterfest days in favor of more night rides on The Beast and other coasters.
    8 points
  4. If Surf Dog can be listed as a roller coaster, RiverRacers can be listed as a water coaster.
    8 points
  5. At least we know since it's a bar, unlike drink refill stations, it will be open.
    7 points
  6. When parks have the wrong people in key positions, they miss a lot of the right opportunities that would benefit the park.
    7 points
  7. New dive coaster for SF Great America! Looks like a great fit for this park that I'm unfamiliar with. The teaser is giving off Cedar Fair vibes.
    7 points
  8. Nobody should be expected to just be happy the park is here and take what they're giving you with the product. There are other options for your entertainment dollars and time if it's just going to be a commitment to mediocrity. The standard used to be higher. That's the park I grew up with.
    7 points
  9. It's always impossible to meet enthusiasts' expectations. KI is getting not one, but two water coasters for next year, and people are complaining about that. It's like trying to please a spoiled child, who opens their gift, sees that it's in the wrong color or whatever, and tosses it aside in disgust and whines that it's not what they asked for. It's just ridiculous. At least ride the darn thing before moaning about how it didn't meet some set of arbitrary "expectations". Or, better yet, don't set expectations! Just enjoy the hobby for what it is, and find joy in the fact that we're fortunate enough to have sufficient disposable income that we're able to spend time indulging in the hobby. Lots of folks are far less fortunate, and as such are not nearly as spoiled.
    7 points
  10. How about this as a concept for the coaster that would go in and around the crypt building, which has had the exterior fashioned into an Appalachian mountain: The Cove (name of the coaster) --- **Backstory:** In the shadowy depths of Rivertown, an ancient legend speaks of a hidden mountain where the powers of the forest and sky converge. This mountain, long thought to be a myth, is where the fearsome Beast resides, guarding its territory with unmatched ferocity. However, there's more to the legend—a cosmic connection that ties The Beast to the constellation Orion. Eons ago, the constellation Orion was not just a set of stars but a mighty celestial hunter who roamed the universe. He became obsessed with capturing The Beast, a powerful creature whose strength was said to challenge even the gods. The chase led Orion to the earthly realm, where he lured The Beast into a trap—a mountain that he conjured with his cosmic powers. But The Beast, cunning and resilient, broke free, infusing the mountain with its essence, creating a curse that connected Orion’s cosmic power to the mountain itself. Now, in the heart of Rivertown, the once dormant mountain has awoken, crackling with the energy of Orion’s curse and The Beast’s wrath. The Mystic Woods, the forest that surrounds Rivertown, have begun to stir, and strange phenomena have been reported—the forest is alive, with vines and trees moving of their own accord, while the skies above the mountain swirl with celestial energy. Adventurers brave enough to enter the mountain will embark on a journey through the cursed forest and into the heart of the mountain itself. The Beast is furious, and Orion’s curse still lingers, drawing riders into a terrifying experience where the line between reality and myth blurs. --- ### Ride Experience: **Queue Line:** The adventure begins as guests enter a dense, fog-covered forest filled with twisted trees and eerie, glowing flora, reminiscent of Mystic Timbers. The queue winds through the forest, with sounds of The Beast’s growls echoing in the distance. As guests approach the mountain, they pass through a decrepit logging cabin filled with cryptic maps and journals detailing past expeditions that never returned. **Station:** The station is set deep within the mountain, illuminated by flickering torches and celestial runes that glow with a strange energy. The ride vehicles are designed to resemble rustic, wooden mine carts, but with a modern twist—glowing blue markings hint at the cosmic influence of Orion. **Ride Layout:** - **Dark Ride Segment (Indoor):** - **The Descent:** The ride begins with a slow climb deeper into the mountain. The air grows colder as guests hear the roars of The Beast. Suddenly, the ride plummets into darkness, twisting and turning through narrow tunnels, avoiding falling rocks and collapsing structures as the mountain itself seems to be alive. - **Orion’s Lair:** The mine carts enter a vast chamber where the ceiling reveals a swirling Vortex of stars—the heart of Orion’s curse. Here, guests encounter spectral images of Orion as he battles The Beast, with cosmic energy crackling around them. The tension builds until The Beast breaks free from the cosmic chains, triggering an intense launch sequence. - **Outdoor Coaster Segment:** - **The Escape:** Blasting out of the mountain, the ride transitions to a high-speed outdoor section. Riders speed through dense forest trails, dodging massive, moving tree limbs and branches feeling the wrath of Mystic Timbers. The track features airtime hills and sharp turns, evoking the wild, untamed nature of The Beast. - **The Cosmic Duel:** As riders ascend a tall lift hill, they are momentarily suspended under a the sky just like Orion. The ride then dives down a steep drop, weaving through terrain that mimics Orion’s constellation, with near-miss elements against rocky outcrops. **Finale:** The ride ends with one final encounter with The Beast as the carts plunge back into the mountain. In a thrilling finale, the ride navigates a spiraling drop into the mountain’s core, where The Beast’s eyes glow in the darkness, and Orion’s curse attempts one last time to capture the creature. The mine carts narrowly escape, launching up and out of the mountain one last time before returning to the station. **Post-Ride Experience:** Guests exit through a themed gift shop that resembles an old Rivertown trading post, filled with artifacts from the mountain and memorabilia of The Beast, Orion, and Mystic Timbers. The story of their journey is immortalized in rustic carvings and celestial-themed merchandise. --- "The Cove" offers a thrilling blend of dark ride storytelling and intense coaster action, encapsulating the mystique and legends of Kings Island’s Rivertown.
    7 points
  11. You, sir, clearly have never been to the circus.
    7 points
  12. All I'm thinking is "yay more fall rides!!!". I am grateful for every season at the park. Spring is exciting because of the long hiatus off during winter, summer is action packed and full of opportunity to visit both the dry and wet side of the park. Fall is just magical. Crisp, cool air, the feel and the smell of crunchy leaves, the earlier darkness leaving room for lots of night rides, spooky vibes. All of that. I am all for it!!! Not to mention I feel fall rides just hit different. They feel wilder, faster and more out of control which I dig. Winterfest was awesome last year IMHO. I felt for what was lacking during Haunt they made up for during Winterfest. I am hoping for a good Winterfest this year too as it has helped me personally with coping with the holiday season.
    7 points
  13. I was finally able to ride SSBR this past Saturday, and it is hilariously fun in both Snoopy car and Charlie Brown car. So much so that, being an overgrown child myself at times, I rode it 5 times in the 7 hours I was in the park, lol.
    6 points
  14. Kings Island announced that it will debut Ohio's first-ever and only dual-racing water coaster, the "RiverRacers." Officials also announced the riverside-themed kids' play area "Splash River Junction" will be expanded, with the addition of seven new kids' water slides, as well as hundreds of new loungers and chairs that will offer guests seating options in both the sun and shade. Looks like Local 12 got the news out before the park did. A dual-racing water coaster named RiverRacers! Also Bluegill Lagoon is now Splash River Junction with seven new kids slides and more seating! https://local12.com/news/local/kings-island-riverracers-splash-river-junction-soak-city-unveils-all-new-racing-water-coaster-2025-season-greater-cincinnati-six-flags-cedar-fair-newest-rides-consumer-mason-amusement-parks-slide-loungers-chairs-seating-expanded-area-summer-summertime?-fbpost&fbclid=IwY2xjawEheJNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHYMGfh1HAEMl3fOK0Sc8y1X_5Wuk66ntnSRXAAwDW3UQw1tScN0ak3ojOA_aem_2k6Fe50lFtYdQeGt1Flhog
    6 points
  15. Seeing that sort of behavior astonishes with "who could be so clueless" wonderment, but then I remember that there are also people who think it's OK to leave their trash behind in a movie theater, and that reminds that more people than I'd like to admit are just self-centered morons who weren't raised right.
    6 points
  16. If they're not trying to attract visitors from outside of Cincinnati and Dayton (local market), then why are they advertising in Columbus, Indianapolis, Lexington, Louisville which is where the regional guests reside?
    6 points
  17. Some signage from the waterpark, ironically slapped smack dab in the middle of the main causeway to the other side of the waterpark.
    6 points
  18. I miss that it was a unique ride but Orion is definitely better, has higher capacity, and not as much downtime. I actually miss it more when I ride nighthawk or batwing because both of those ones are super janky and rough that it makes me miss how Firehawk was decently smooth for an old Vekoma and it's unfortunate that the best of the Vekoma flying Dutchman coasters reached the end of its service life somehow before then others which are much worse in my opinion. I think reach the end of its service life is relative to the park because if Firehawk had been relocated to let's say, valleyfair or Michigan's Adventure, it would have to have had pieces of the track falling off of it to be removed because those park never remove anything because of their smaller budgets and the fact they NEVER get new coasters. Maybe it did have some huge issue at KI that I don't know about but I assume that KI knew it was down alot and problematic, expensive to maintain, and when an opportunity came along to replace it with "the Orion project" inherited from CGA they jumped on it... I will say at least they replaced it unlike a much more beloved coaster they claimed had "reached the end of its service life" and was removed in favor of a grassy field and a drone launch pad...
    5 points
  19. @BeeastFarmer is the furthest thing from racist and for someone to even insulate that is just reaching and trying to stir the pot.
    5 points
  20. Sorry that the poster has turned this thread into such subject matter everyone. I have hidden them because I don't want to feed into their drivel. I appreciate the kind sentiment and understanding that, even though this is a virtual format, some know me well enough either in real life or here virtually to know that I abhor the fact that racism/sexism/homophobia/etc exists in this world. Critical thinking and situational analysis are rapidly disappearing in our society. Sometimes an ace is an ace (drunk woman in the parking lot who could have been over served in the park or who could have not been) and a diamond is a diamond (chaperone policy allows chaperones 10 minors and the common perception and often reality that the demographic of under 16 can be the line jumpers, cussers, etc and the chaperone was stressed out with them so she got drunk). These things have been discussed and nauseum on this site and humor can be lost on some who see a demon behind every bush.
    5 points
  21. @rexpostal I think the only way you could come to that conclusion about BeastFarmer's comment is that you yourself are viewing it with a "colorful" slant. Or maybe I'm just naive, probably the latter to be honest. Please don't burn me at the stake.
    5 points
  22. 5 points
  23. My non enthusiast friends look to me for advice. With the way things have gone the last two years, I could not recommend the park in good conscience. I have not gone much myself this year. Several did go to KK and or HW instead and three have become passholders at KK instead of KI. Enthusiasts can be bratty and entitled. But you take the good with the bad. Will my paltry example make any noticeable difference? Not really, unless they track lost potential revenue. Kings Island can bring in the crowds consistently because it's a regional tradition/right of passage. Until people stop buying, they will continue to cut the budget. I some ways, I wish the budget cutters could get a federal job and tackle that budget. They have demonstrated they can slash!
    5 points
  24. Hayo! I am here to present a large list of attendance figures for every season since opening for Kings Island. Some of these are estimates as the park doesn't like to official say, but I feel confident these numbers are close to the real ones based on normal attendance. I will mark each year with their individual sources as proof of the total. The list starts at the latest known year (2023) and descends to the first season in 1972. If any of my numbers are wrong, or you know the real number in place of an estimate, please let me know! I had to do a lot of digging for this, even going through old Amusement Business magazines from the 80s. The reason I am making this is I wasn't able to find a single place that showed all attendance figures for each operating year since 1972. So I thought it would be neat to compile one, so here we are! ("KT RTT" references the Kings Island: A Ride Through Time book by Evan Ponstingle) The Numbers 2023 - 3,488,000 (Latest report is sourced from https://aecom.com/theme-index/) 2022 - 3,340,000 (Here to 2006 are sourced from AECOM, see https://aecom.com/theme-index/theme-index-reports-archive/ for 2022 to 2006) 2021 - 3,181,000 2020 - 1,626,000 2019 - 3,521,000 2018 - 3,486,000 2017 - 3,469,000 2016 - 3,384,000 2015 - 3,335,000 2014 - 3,238,000 2013 - 3,206,000 2012 - 3,206,000 2011 - 3,143,000 2010 - 3,112,000 2009 - 3,000,000 2008 - 3,126,000 2007 - 3,050,000 2006 - 3,050,000 (2006 to 2023 are sourced from AECOM, see https://aecom.com/theme-index/theme-index-reports-archive/ for all above years) 2005 - 3,330,000 (2005 to 1990 are sourced from an archived AECOM report that I was unable to find directly, but found a site that reported them; see https://www.theparkdb.com/results/in/name/14/view_details) 2004 - 3,510,000 2003 - 3,277,975 2002 - 3,182,500 2001 - 3,350,000 2000 - 3,200,000 1999 - 3,325,000 1998 - 3,400,000 1997 - 3,300,000 1996 - 3,600,000 1995 - 3,470,000 1994 - 3,300,000 1993 - 3,250,000 1992 - 3,260,000 (Legacy KIC Historical Facts page & https://www.theparkdb.com/results/in/name/14/view_details) 1991 - 2,850,000 (Legacy KIC Historical Facts page & https://www.theparkdb.com/results/in/name/14/view_details) 1990 - 3,200,000 (1990 to 2005 are sourced from an archived AECOM report that I was unable to find directly, but found a site that reported them; see https://www.theparkdb.com/results/in/name/14/view_details) 1989 - 3,170,000 (KI RTT pg 159, excludes WinterFest) 1988 - 2,968,294 (Amusement Business 1988 - 12/24/88 Vol 100 Iss 52) 1987 - 3,463,586 (KI RTT pg 150, note pg 144 says 3.1 million but pg 150 includes WinterFest attendance) 1986 - 2,869,669 (Amusement Business 1986 - 12/27/86 Vol 98 Iss 51) 1985 - 2,961,861 (Amusement Business 1985 - 12/28/85 Vol 97 Iss 51) 1984 - 3,200,000 (KI RTT pg 138) 1983 - 2,700,000 (estimate, Amusement Business 1983 - 12/31/83 Vol 95 Iss 52) 1982 - 2,700,000 (Amusement Business 1982 - 12/25/82 Vol 94 Iss 52) 1981 - 2,760,000 (KI RTT pg 104) 1980 - 2,475,000 (estimate, KI RTT pg 98 references a 10% drop in attendance from prev year) 1979 - 2,750,000 (KI RTT pg 96) 1978 - 2,600,000 (KI RTT pg 82) 1977 - 2,500,000 (KI RTT pg 81) 1976 - 2,525,000 (estimate, 1% increase from 1977, KI RTT pg 81) 1975 - 2,364,400 (estimate, 8% decrease from 1974 - KI RTT pg 66) 1974 - 2,570,000 (KI RTT pg 63) 1973 - 2,400,000 (KI RTT pg 58) 1972 - 2,012,000 (KI RTT pg 54) I hope to update this yearly when AECOM, or another party, releases their yearly report. The hope is they keep including Kings Island! Until next time, cheers!
    5 points
  25. It's things like drink stands being closed, out of ice, short show runs and theaters dark for good portions of the year, watered down events that put the park on the path of mediocrity. The loyalists may disagree, but those that look at things objectively know it's not what it could be.
    5 points
  26. Canada's Wonderland is getting a giant Premier multi-launch coaster that will cram one more ride that utilizes the iconic center mountain of the park. Alpen Fury stats- (I converted everything from metric off the park's website) Height- 164 ft (154 ft drop) Speed- 71 mph with 2 launches, one just out of the station and the main one being below the mountain 9 inversions- most for a launch coaster in North America Length- 3280 ft
    5 points
  27. Same can be said when Maverick and Mystic Timbers was announced....and many people will now say those are incredible coasters in their respective park...
    5 points
  28. @Captain Nemo Can we do a TRTR fans-only discord? lol
    5 points
  29. The people who will be enjoying RiverRacers won't know or care who the OEM is. They'll simply have a ton of fun on it, because they're not jaded enthusiasts who can't let a new ride announcement happen without finding something to complain about.
    5 points
  30. Water coasters in their simplest forms are slides, in which a tube or some form of vehicle like a mat, is propelled up a hill with some form of propulsion in contrast to traditional water slides that rely strictly on gravity and do not have propulsion up hill. To nit pick what constitute a water coaster as bringing tubes to the station is simply put is flawed. I've been to several waterparks, I have been on several water coasters, I'm probably one of the few people who actually counts their water side credits. You can have Infinity Master Blasters, Master Blasters that end and you have to pick up your tube and you could also go the ProSlide route which has a station and lift like what you get at Holiday World's attractions. I didn't hear anyone pipe up about the fact that MASSIV, which was touted as the world's TALLEST water coaster, you had to carry your tubes up to the station, thus disqualifying it from being a water coaster. Extreme Water Slide | MASSIV Monster Blaster | Schlitterbahn Galveston . But wait, there's more! Even White Water West, the producer of this new water coaster and MASSIV, has MASSIV on their website as a water coaster, the Master Blaster Model. Master Blaster Water Slide - The World's First Uphill Water Coaster (whitewaterwest.com) . The langua franca of the water park scape is different than what you have in the parks. Just like how you have B&M's and Intamin, you have White Water West and ProSlide Technologies. If you're looking at this as "hey this is a new coaster credit" don't, it's not a roller coaster, which necessitates different parameters to be considered as an actual roller coaster. It's a slide, called a water coaster, it doesn't mean Aqua Trax, which is entirely different.
    5 points
  31. ^First, the water coasters you see in water parks (not the ones made by Mack and Intamin that are actually roller coasters) are more akin to slides that just happen to have uphill sections. They're called coasters for advertising purposes. 2nd, if you're really getting pedantic about it being a coaster based on having to carry the vehicle up, most early coasters before chain lifts were common had to have the cars pushed up by hand or used pulleys.
    5 points
  32. For someone who came to the park often as a kid, without a chaperone because I respected the park rules, I’m sad to see that kids who are responsible are being punished for what other unruly kids do. With that being said, now being an adult I’m glad the park is cracking down on this. I’ve seen several unattended groups of youth just this year. I’ve had a few run ins in the past with kids bumping into my group or just kids running in the midway with no respect to the people around them. This is a minor change but it has some pretty big implications now.
    5 points
  33. It's amazing they got everyone excited this morning. People go to check their social social channels, and they see yesterday's post. Amazing job.
    5 points
  34. A while back, I made this fan concept for a Gerstlauer Infinity coaster that was themed to the Shooting Star at the old Coney Island. The general idea was to include 10 inversions and have the ride split into two parts, with the second lift hill taking place after the fifth inversion as a middle section. (Similar to what Smiler does with its two lift hills) I also included a Coney Mall retheme to Coney Fair, which also included a Gerstlauer Sky Roller and a Jukebox Diner retheme. I hadn't shared this concept before as I wasn't really sure how feasible a Gerstlauer was going to be in terms of capacity, but I'd figure it would be a good time to share it since this type of ride was included in the recent survey.
    5 points
  35. I really don’t want this to happen. It would basically give The Beast 10,000 ft of track by basically building a new coaster and attaching it to the current ride. I’d prefer a whole new ride entirely.
    5 points
  36. Carowinds finally has a water ride outside the water park!
    4 points
  37. They need to bring back the classical orchestral pieces to I street! I don't understand why we're still stuck with the jazz. The 50th anniversary has been over for 2 years now. This isn't New Orleans Square, it's International Street. Orchestral Classical music makes I street feel more grand and adds to the feeling of walking into the park and seeing the Eiffel Tower and fountains in front of you!
    4 points
  38. I feel very conflicted about these surveys. On one hand, the idea of an extended Beast really makes me excited but also a little worried because I think it's perfect the way it is. Personally, I don't think that that area of the park needs another wooden roller coaster. Maybe I'm a little basic in my dreaming-- but I'd love to see an RMC in the park. On the other hand, Boo Blasters needs to be rethemed desperately but I am a diehard for Phantom Theatre. I understand that Peanuts would fit the theming of Camp Snoopy but it seems so boring. Either way, this survey has brought me back to the forums after a few years because I HAD to know your thoughts!
    4 points
  39. Whatever we get we need an extreme thrill ride that will appeal to the teen and extreme thrill seeker. I want to get off of it and go (in the words of @silver2005) "good googly moogly" what did I just ride. I think an RMC, MACK spinner, or GCI titan track coaster would do the trick.
    4 points
  40. I think a Titan Track GCI or ground up RMC Ibox would work great in The Vortex plot, and a sprawling, inversion based steel coaster as a front gate coaster would be incredible
    4 points
  41. Apparently there was another option in the survey for a Gerstlauer Infinity coaster with 10 inversions. In my opinion, something like that or a Mack Stryker would be a far better fit for that plot of land compared to The Beast 2.0 concept.
    4 points
  42. Terrible idea. At least with Boo Blasters, you aren’t shooting at things on a screen.
    4 points
  43. One of the concepts in the passholder survey was to use The Vortex land to extend The Beast and create The Beast 2.0. https://old.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/comments/1eiqazj/passholder_survey_at_kings_island_shows_a_concept/
    4 points
  44. Yes, Snake River Falls is an Arrow shoot the chute. By comparison, Congo Falls is an Intamin shoot the chute.
    4 points
  45. But your comment about no comment speaks volumes. Respectfully, when do you think you are going to recover from your prestige pass experience? I get it, your trust is gone with anything having to do with KI management and communications, but is it emotionally healthy to carry that burden around for almost a year and a half? Why not let it go and realize that you can't control it and just enjoy the things at the park that you can enjoy?
    4 points
  46. It's great to see CF starting to focus on some of its more minor parks now (I realize KD isn't a minor park compared to something like Dorney or Michigan's Adventure, but it still isn't one of the company's biggest parks in terms of fame, especially with Busch Gardens Williamsburg being just an hour away). A major coaster addition just in time for the park's 50th anniversary season is an excellent choice in my opinion, especially one that they can say is "record breaking" to appeal to the general public. It'll be interesting to see what else the park has in store for their 50th anniversary as well.
    4 points
  47. This is so cringy for me.
    4 points
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