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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2025 in Posts

  1. I wanted to just trip down memory lane... for the sake of those that may remember, and those that maybe haven't been around long enough to remember, when Xtreme Skyfler was added. This is all from my memory - so I'm doing the best to recall some details... Xtreme Skyflyer was actually constructed after the start of the 1995 operating season. Originally called "Drop Zone", most of its construction happened during the week while the park was in weekends-only operation. It's assembly was highly visible from the Interstate, and many rumors actually swirled among enthusiasts/guests that it was potentially early construction of a new coaster. (The arch looked like a large inversion.) You have to remember that at that time, skycoasters were a brand new idea and most people had not seen one before. Kennywood opened one the year prior (If I recall) to great success. (Kennywood's did not have a rounded "arch" - rather a squared structure - so that led to some of the confusion about the one at KI looking like coaster track/support from I-71.) After the Kennywood success, virtually every theme park in the country hopped on the bandwagon and contracted to add a Skycoaster. To increase capacity at larger parks, the attraction now used an "arch" to double the throughput by allowing two sides to operate simultaneously. There were dozens built over the next couple years at every major theme park. (Causing a back-log of orders and mid-season construction/openings for many.) KI's "Drop Zone" opened as a larger version in late June (If I recall properly) as a part of the recently coined "Adventure Village." That area of the park - prior to the addition of the Skycoaster - had been in a complete state of theming flux. 1993 saw the addition of the first "new ride" added under the Paramount Ownership - Top Gun. It was also the first new coaster added to that area of the park since 1984 (King Cobra.) In reality, the coaster was planned prior to the Paramount takeover and has always been rumored to have been intended to carry a "bird" theme (I believe other names related to "Thunder" were also being tossed around.) Top Gun was odd name choice mix considering it was placed in an animal/congo themed area. The first season of Top Gun's operation, to get to the ride's entrance, you actually walked along a path that wound around and behind the Safari Monorail Station. The entrance was completely obscured and hidden and confused guests. (Then once you got to the main entrance, you still had to navigate the massively long meandering queue through the woods.) There were originally elaborate props along the path... Air-Craft Carrier artifacts, a revolving radar/scope movie props and posters. Not to mention the song "Danger Zone" on repeat over the speakers hidden in the trees. During Top Gun's original season, I think the area was still called "Wild Animal Habitat." (From 1974-76, it was called "Lion Country Safari".) But Paramount's intent was to re-theme a multitude of rides to capitalize on movie branding. I could be wrong. By 1994, the name of the area had definitely changed from "Wild Animal Safari" to "Adventure Village" to better suit the onslaught of movie tie-ins planned for the park. Also, the park knew in '93 it would be the last year of the Safari Monorail. They explored options of turning it into a movie-theme ride called "Movierail" that took guests past sets/artifacts from Paramount licensed movies & properties. Ultimately, the idea got scrapped - as did the monorail system. Also, if memory serves me, 1993 was the season when they also radically reworked the entrance to that area of the park. Prior, as you entered Wild Animal Habitat, you crossed a fairly narrow wooden footbridge over a stream that flowed from under King Cobra's helix over to a pond adjacent to Cafe Kilimanjaro (now Chicken Shack.) There were originally, cages/netting on the cafe side that housed exotic birds during the warmer months. On the other side, the stream culminated in a small pond under the King Cobra helix. There was a jet spray in the pond that was set off each time a King Cobra train passed through. This bridge area became a terrible bottleneck when Top Gun opened - so they remodeled it all to expand the midway and alleviate congestion. By the start of 1994, the old Monorail Station and track was removed. The western portion of the land on which the station sat is where the Skycoaster would be built for the following season. (It also necessitated the removal of a small wooded area between the old station and the "Congo Coolers" frozen drink stand. ) In 1999, the park gutted "Adventure Village" and gave the area it's current "Action Zone" re-theme. It was at this time that the park re-named the Skycoaster from "Drop Zone", demolished the "Congo Coolers" drink stand, and built the Intamin Giant Drop in its place - giving it the name "Drop Zone." Finally, here's a rare look at the gutting of Adventure Village during the Action Zone re-theme. Pics (taken by yours truly) start with the final weekend of operation as "Adventure Village including "Drop Zone" and Congo Coolers drink stand, and then show the gut-job they did over winter 1999.
    12 points
  2. I feel Carnivale is here to stay just because it's an International themed festival and KI and KD have International Street. I think Carnivale will return to KD in 26 as just like KI in 22 they're taking a year off to celebrate their 50th. I'd be okay with it as long as they expand on it and keep adding to the event and not cutting back like they've done the last few years. One way to do that is to bring back a Carnivale themed bandstand show (ie Royal Rhythms) and not just have Retrospect as the show. It just didn't have that "International Festival" feel to it. I'm glad they chose to keep Food and Wine as it has a lot of potential to be a staple at the park. It also really works well in that Tower Gardens/Eiffel Tower base area. However, I really wish instead of late May through June, they did it in late April through May. Have it be that springtime early season event instead of Summer. Now my main wish (obviously like we saw with Food and Wine last year where they added it last minute) is we see some type of Soak City event. That's literally where your new capital for 2025 is. Take advantage of it! Do some late ERT on the new attractions as part of like a "glow nite" event like you used to do. It felt like a major missed opportunity to not do some sort of "kids event" in Camp Snoopy last year to help promote Camp Snoopy and no the showing a new "camp snoopy" movie in Beagle Scout Acres doesn't count. I also would keep our eyes on Timberwolf this year. With Skyflyer being removed and Spirit Song mysteriously going silent last year after coming back one year post Covid (2023) with no signs of it coming back as well as no signs of KI hosting anymore concerts after the 2022 concert series flop, I feel like the time to pull the plug on it would be now especially if Congo, Invertigo, Drop Tower, and The Bat are all potentially on the chopping block. That would open up a large plot of land at the front of the park for something massive! Now that's the conversation of another thread lol. As for live shows this year, I'm willing to place a bet that Trailblazers Xtreme and Country Crossroads are returning. I'm about 50/50 on the gazillion bubble show as it looks like KD is potentially getting it, but they show at multiple parks so KI could still get it, but honestly I could also see KI getting Brad Ross as he did a 2 year stint at Carowinds and he was very popular there. The main question is about the bandstand show. Usually KI runs their shows for 2 years. Retrospect has ran for 2 years. However, Off the Charts ran there for several years. However, I really hope they do a live band show there again or at least change up the songs. Finally, not really live entertainment/special event related, but please please please PLEASE NO MORE JAZZ ON I-STREET!!! I know I sound like a broken record here, but the jazz has been playing for 3 seasons now and imo just does not fit International Street. Now, I could get behind the jazz during food/wine fest and Carnivale as it fits those events well, but outside of when those events are going on, I want to see orchestral music playing again! International Street is meant to be grand and revealing not laid back jazzy!
    8 points
  3. Hopefully this year's return of Grand Carnivale will also bring back the tasting cards. My favorite part of Carnivale 2023 was the tasting card for 10 items, especially since I could use it over multiple visits! I miss Hot Summer Nights/Royal Rhythms from 2019 and 2021, or just having a live band on Bandstand for that matter. Few moments beat getting to join the conga line as they played "Hot Hot Hot"! I agree that I-Street needs the orchestral music back (NOT the covers that played 2020-21). The jazz was cool but my KD visit last April revealed just how much I miss hearing those beautiful orchestral pieces on our I-Street. This is a long shot at this point, but I still have a tiny shred of hope for Eiffel Tower and WindSeeker to be able to stay open for the fireworks again, sometime in the future. I understand the lasers and drones prohibit their operation during recent shows and that would require a significant change, but I dearly miss being able to watch the fireworks from nearly 300 feet up. Not to mention that unique opportunity had set KI's fireworks experience apart from the others. From my personal experience, WindSeeker fireworks rides are a core memory from when Vortex was still here, and I loved still getting to experience them after Vortex left...at least through 2021. Chalk it up to nostalgia, but I really want those fireworks rides back...
    6 points
  4. I see a perfect pad for an S&S Screaming Swing if this is true.
    6 points
  5. Swapping billboards out on Backlot Stunt Coaster (grainy, but a worker is carrying one back to trucks):
    6 points
  6. We have such a beautiful park and are so lucky to have people that are passionated about the park in high ranking positions.
    6 points
  7. Oh - Here's some other fun things I recall from that time period.. Shortly after "Drop Zone" (Xtreme Skyflyer) opened, KI started work on Outer Limits: Flight of Fear. It became the typical game of going to the top of Eiffel Tower to try and see/figure out what they were doing (once I figured out something was going on behind Racer.) KI obviously caught on and teased enthusiasts by cutting crop circles in the grass - I remember the grass had been cut to look like an alien. As the season passed, the ground was being dug up and moved. I think they finally announced it late season, and there was a large billboard showing the layout of the ride placed right where the entrance to Area '72 is now. They started building the "drum" by the end of the season. And throughout the winter of 95/96, you could see FOF being built from I-71. Well, the building that is. They completely closed in the front side of the building (side facing the interstate) with its metal walls, to obscure pics/sneak peaks of the track being assembled. They then assembled the track inside the frame of the building, out of view of curious people like me driving past the park during off-season. Once they finished track assembly... they closed in the walls on the back half of the building. Obviously, there was no Winterfest. So enthusiasts had to wait what seemed an eternity to see it (well, the outside of it) in person. It had a delayed opening, so for the entire spring and a good part of June - the anticipation was crazy. When it finally did open - the line stretched all the way down Coney Mall past Vortex - single train... 5 hour wait.
    5 points
  8. Posting in old thread to post an updated Action Zone refresh idea amid the closure of Skyflyer. I basically chose a haunted forest/general horror theme like many people have shared ideas about (mostly because of my current hyperfixation on the dark universe land at epic universe). 1. Specter- A launched spinning coaster (basically like the Time Traveller from SDC because that’s very fun). In general, it could just be any intense coaster, I’m not picky. Would replace Invertigo & Timberwolf area. 2. Phantom Theater- Very unrealistic (and if they ever brought this IP back it would be at Boo Blasters), but I gotta include it in horror themed idea. Would replace Congo Falls & Drop Tower area. 3 & 4. Same coasters as before, no notes. 5. Swing and Steam- A creepy steampunk Screamin’ Swing (with fog effects in the center). Replaces Xtreme Skyflyer 6. Chicken Shack but scary 7. Kings Island Legacy store- Basically a gift shop selling vintage merch that has artifacts next to them (think like the PT encore lobby or search the similar store they had at Universal Studios Orlando Citywalk). Basically would be a way to save the SOB station. 8. Faustian Bargains- Coaster Connections but scary. Also Delirium can stay and just be its own thing
    5 points
  9. My vote for that spot is a Screaming Swing. Every trip I take to Cedar Point, Skyhawk is a must ride.
    5 points
  10. I'm a member of ACE and GOCC. I will be joining Coaster Crew and the Western NY Coaster Club soon. While not an official coaster club, being a part of KIC is similar to being in one of the clubs because of the people involved and the camaraderie amongst members.
    5 points
  11. Demolish the box in Rivertown and put this in its place on the open land between The Beast and Diamondback
    5 points
  12. Here is a picture of my daughter and I after just getting of The Beast during CoasterStock 2021. It started to downpour and continued thru our entire ride! It was an amazing ride!
    5 points
  13. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/events Grand Carnivale and Food & Wine Festival are both returning for 2025.
    4 points
  14. Yes. A quick Google search yields dozens of articles about Six Flags and other chains implementing systems like this. It takes a fair amount of planning to utilize this program. The program requires getting the pass and having a doctor’s note. You can’t just register at Guest Services. Not putting this out there as early as possible is a huge disservice to guests who are affected by different abilities. Many will be disappointed who do not have this new policy properly communicated to them and get turned away from the needed accommodations.
    4 points
  15. I honestly always thought about how cool it would be to enclose the base of Drop Tower with an enclosed queue kinda like the base of Dr. Doom's Fearfall at IOA!
    4 points
  16. I’m just happy Winterfest is back! 2025 will be the year to come out and participate in events to make sure they keep coming back. The numbers, at the end of the day, will probably influence the likely hood of future productions.
    4 points
  17. Glad to see both Grand Carnivale and the Food & Wine Festival returning, hopefully they get the word out more about it this year. Also, we can see WinterFest is on the table so that's great to see!
    4 points
  18. Mystic Timbers has become my favorite night ride, particularly during the Haunt when fog is covering that area as well. Just completely insane and out of control.
    4 points
  19. As much as I'd love a Scream n Swing in Skyflyer's plot, I don't see that being the 2026 family thrill attraction. I feel that has Crypt building written all over it. Or it could be a Boo Blasters upgrade (wasn't there a survey about a Peanuts dark ride back in August?) I think Skyflyer is part of a long term plan to redo Action Zone. Here's my prediction for how things could go this season if these rides are removed (take with grain of salt as it is just my speculation and I really hope this isn't the case). * Skyflyer is gone by opening day and the area is fenced off * Sometime in June/July after Music in the Parks is over, we see Timberwolf start to come down. Those who attend music in the parks would notice markings in Timberwolf * Mid August, the park announces the 2026 family thrill attraction with no mention of the activity going on in Action Zone * Also in mid August, rumors start to fly about Congo Falls closure after Labor Day * Labor Day weekend, Congo Falls closes for the season with tons of rumors/speculation about the ride being done, but no announcement comes * Haunt season, rumors about Invertigo, Drop Tower, and The Bat potentially closing start spreading like wildfire (like GAdv this past year) * Final weekend of Haunt, enthusiasts flock to Kings Island to ride Invertigo, Drop Tower, and The Bat one last time with all the rumors surrounding their potential demise while the park remains silent on the whole situation * Early-mid November, the park announces the retirement of The Bat, Invertigo, Drop Tower, and Congo Falls and teases a new major coaster for 2027 while hyping up the 2026 attraction to offset the loss (like GAdv is doing with Flash) * Sometime in December, demolition begins on The Bat. (with it being far out from the rest of the park, demolition of The Bat doesn't disrupt Winterfest operation 2025-26 off-season * Sometime in January, while demoltion continues on The Bat, demolition of Congo Falls begins and is completed a few days later * Late January, the final piece of The Bat comes down and Invertigo demolition begins * Early February, the final piece of Invertigo comes down * Late February/early March, Drop Tower gets imploded
    4 points
  20. The event was sold out by late this afternoon. KI did a much better job of simplifying ticket purchases this year than they have in past as well. I do think it doesn’t make any difference how long it takes to reach maximum capacity for a sell out as long as the event sells out (and in this case sold out three month ahead of time)! There have been years where other parks such as CP Coastermania took over a week to sell out (but likely not this year at CP with two major coasters opening/re-opening). It will be exciting to see old friends and meet new coaster friends this May.
    4 points
  21. It costs way more to maintain a large structure and keep staffing when you could be losing money vs having a plot of land ready to go for a new expansion opportunity. I'll say this now, I know there will be something being removed at KI without a doubt; as it's happening chainwide. Xtreme Skyflier's removal doesn't hurt any integral attractions, nor does it really affect the overall guest experience like an Invertigo removal or Congo Falls. I've been around the block enough to know people on the inside but also know how the park works. I don't see Koontz wanting to have a ride like Monster or Shake Rattle & Roll removed, this is a safe and effective move to cut costs and give the opportunity to have a sizeable expansion pad.
    4 points
  22. Was at the KFEC today and snapped a few KK construction pics. Can’t see much from the perimeter road, but it’s definitely a construction area. BTW - the kids coaster (former Roller Skater) has been painted (except for one bit on the lift hill - as far as I could tell.) Also, the Giant Wheel’s legs are still standing. I know there’s been some enthusiasts questioning its removal, but it appeared to me it’s just disassembled for a refurbishment.
    4 points
  23. After branching out and visiting other parks over the past few years, I'm very grateful for even KI's normal operating hours. The amount of parks that don't even stay open far past dinner time, let alone dusk is often disappointing
    4 points
  24. I remember back in the day when the early ride time was an hour! Thirty minutes isn`t much time, especially if a ride is having trouble waking up in the morning. But I am thankful that KI still offers that perk to passholders.
    4 points
  25. When you go to the KIC homepage to see the countdown every few days to see how much time we have left. https://kicentral.com/
    4 points
  26. You know it's the offseason when... We have a thread talking about which restroom is best
    4 points
  27. this must be a satire question... Personally a restroom is a restroom.
    4 points
  28. I would also add Rick Astley in the shed. Could you imagine arriving in the shed and getting Rick rolled? Lol
    4 points
  29. It's definitely possible. I could see the Skyflyer plot being used for whatever that 2026 family thrill attraction is. I think something like a S&S Screamin' Swing would fit there well there as a fitting replacement for a Skyflyer attraction. That's just mainly an idea though, so we'll have to see what happens with that plot of land come this season.
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. It will be essential they get news media outlets throughout the region to do a standalone story on this now, and they follow up talking about it as part of the opening day stories. Otherwise, as you mention, guest services is going to have a very hard time.
    3 points
  32. Some early history. I started as a model maker at Kings Island in 73, then designed with Kings Productions (Kings Island, Kings Dominion, Canada's Wonderland), then on to Disney then Silver Dollar City then back to Imagineering. I just wrote my career bio book. Me and Mickey and Scooby and Dolly. Lots of stories (like being a test dummy on The Beast) behind the scenes history, photos and drawings. Check it out on my website. https://www.insidedalesbrain.com/ Thanks. Dale
    3 points
  33. It looked all but ready during Winterfest. I'd assume it'd be open on opening day...pending staffing.
    3 points
  34. This was moved to rumors since we don't have any official news.
    3 points
  35. I'mThis will be the first Coasterstock I've missed. I am stepping away from Six Flags for a season to refresh and renew my perspective. There's been so much negativity since 2022's season end. The only caveat is I am trying to decide if I want to go to the ACE Spring Conference. I love Kings Dominion and BGW.
    3 points
  36. Whenever I visit with friends from out of town, they almost always mention that KI has a sort of park pride not found in many other places. Whether it's management, employees or enthusiats, we all seem to have passion for what we do/enjoy and are proud of what Kings Island has to offer. While certain other Six Flags parks may have some cool flagship coasters, the experience from the employees as well as the park as a whole often feels lackluster in comparison
    3 points
  37. I find this funny that we made a thread about which bathroom is the best at Kings Island. While I'm here, I'm going to say that the restroom by The Bat/Banshee is the best one in the park. It just seems like one of the least used restrooms in the park. I also enjoy a bathroom where some punk before me didn't decide to vandalize the stall. That's so annoying because most of the time, you can't latch the door for privacy and people coming in might try to walk in on you.
    3 points
  38. ^That is why Six Flags is the leader in the industry
    3 points
  39. When you keep having dreams that it's opening day and then you wake up and realize it's still February.
    3 points
  40. The one used the most often for me is the one next to the VIP lounge. The one I like the most is the one by Invertigo. The worst one is the one across from DB, but the back side that faces Planet Snoopy. I can't speak for the woman's side, but there are always multiple screaming kids in the mens. I have 3 kids and I understand the screaming kids part, but now that I don't have any that little, I try to avoid that restroom at all costs.
    3 points
  41. I agree with this; I also enjoy it mainly because it was featured in the Partridge Family episode. The worst bathroom in the park is the one inside of the Festhaus. Walking into that bathroom is like walking through the Portal to Hell.
    3 points
  42. So just as a brief update here’s a few photos from the Mardi Gras Tribute Store! I loved the theme, and it honestly felt like an honest jab at Disney with the Animal Kingdom decisions as of late. With a heavy focus on dinosaurs, retro tacky dinosaur toys it felt like another jab at the many for them removing Dinoland. The Disco Yeti of course speaks for itself but it feels like this was a clever way of saying that universal isn’t as tone deaf as what Disney has been. Honestly I feel like this tribute store played heavily on a solid theme but I WISH we got some merchandise that references this tribute store. After the summer tribute store event with the shirt and the socks I thought we would get something but unfortunately it doesn’t look like they are doing that program nor the photo program where you can be in the tribute store.
    3 points
  43. The park should put a log flume in The Vortex plot.
    3 points
  44. You missed one of the most notable ride sponsors: Top Gun, presented by Gillette Mach 3. In 1986, before the country show, one of the performers backstage would say after a "Delta Gets You There" jingle before the cast ran out on the stage, "Kings Island, Kings Productions and Delta Airlines are proud to present Deep in the Heart of Country."
    3 points
  45. I'm kind of numb to the sponsor thing. Its been around so long I look past it. Lest we forget KI was, essentially one big Sponsorship... built to capitalize and propagate Taft and Hanna-Barbera Productions. Attraction "Sponsors" are hardly unique to SF.... Heck KI opened several attractions with commercial names plastered all over them. Sherwin Williams, Bank America, Kahn's, Rainbo Bakers, Coke, Marathon Oil, Fotomat etc. KI has had hundreds of them over the years. Remember Kodak Photospots? Or Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal sponsored by Kayak Pools? How about Landscaping by John Deere? Shows at the American Heritage Music Hall sponsored by Chevrolet? One could go one and on. Granted the ride cars didn't necessarily have the sponsor's names on them - but the signage and park paraphernalia sure did. Finally, let's not discount the Paramount Years... where most every new attraction's theme was essentially a commercial for a dated movie title.
    3 points
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